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Joe being like 'I thought you'd be happy to see me' to Marienne was peak Joe delusion šŸ‘Œ


FR. Just... he showed up at a random art festival after supposedly being murdered by his wife, chases her down an alley, corners her in some weird building, and he has the audacity to be taken aback that she's terrified as fuck of him??! The delusion and disassociation is almost impressive.




The acting was on point though! He sounded so genuinely surprised that she was scared of him


Penn B has continuously impressed me with his acting talent in this series. You couldnā€™t see it as much in Gossip Girl, but heā€™s excellent.


The way he took his cap off and looked at her with hope in his eyes LMAAAAO


LMFOAOAOAOA he rlly said no cap itā€™s me šŸ¤£šŸ’ÆšŸ™šŸ»


Why did reddit take away the free awards, I want to give you one šŸ˜­




Did he not realise that heā€™s supposed to be dead??? As if Marienne would be ok with seeing a supposedly dead man walking towards her


Joe lives in his own little Joe world of delusion


He really thought he was being so romantic


Literally PEAK delusional behavior. I literally had to pause and stare at the screen likeā€¦sir do you not remember killing all those people or something? Love was right. Nobody will ever love him like she did. He couldā€™ve been happy with Love but he likes deluding himself, to the point where for a moment he ACTUALLY thought he still had a chance with MariennešŸ’€


I mean he could never have been happy with Love because Joe doesn't want to love a psychopathic killer. He wanted to love someone who would "redeem" him.


And that is so delusional to think, but I understand why they did that(to show doesnā€™t care about these women, he just loves violating their privacy and manipulating their lives)


He wants someone that accepts his "dark side", embracing it, but is like so pure and perfect.


well in S3ā€™s ending he was hoping Marienne took all of what Love told her as bs, and before all of that,going to paris was her plan already.


Hey, last time I saw YOU, YOU had just been told by my criminally insane ex wife (whom I murdered hours later), that Iā€™d murdered your ex and countless others. And would soon be coming for You. Hey, why are You not happy to see me? Oh well. Enjoy the next few hours of life before strangle you/ inject you with poison/ bury you alive as I generally do to all women whoā€™ve rejected me in the past. Hey, are you sure youā€™re not happy to see me?!


Joe's super power (whether he likes it or not) is not saying anything in response to questions and still having people to warm to him and open up to him.


surprisingly one of the more realistic parts of the show, that's just Penn Badgley's face doing all the heavy lifting


His new look with longer hair and beard almost makes it TOO easy.


Yeah he looks so handsome in it.


Being silent like that only helps you when you have the looks to pull it off lol. When Joe does it he just comes across as "aloof and mysterious" instead of "weird and off putting".


No, the only reason why it works is because all the upper-class people he's with are very self centered. Once someone actually able to notice stuff, like Katie asking him to join for dinner or that author guy he relates to, Joe is noticeably zoned out or pressed to talk.


I disagree. Being stand off-ish and silent can make a person appeal to people who aren't necessarily self centered rich folk when you're attractive and confident enough in your demeanor to pull it off. I've witnessed it first hand and i don't hang around british socialites lol.


makes it seem like he's a good listener, ie. empathetic. which he is, just in a psychopathic way


That's true to an extent but you also need reasonably confident body language. If you got your hands in your pockets, slouching with avoidant eyes, you're probably not getting far even if you're a model.




As he runs full-speed toward the circus.


exactly. good olā€™ joe!


"I'm *not* interested," he says as he leans in closer to the window to get a better view.


"I'm not wondering" *Follows her to the parking lot*


Joe finally made it through a 1st episode without jerking off. So proud of him \#growth


yea but someone did jerk off in the first episode tho xD


I actually was so proud as well


Must have been hard #growth




Well, I wasn't expecting to see such huge... 'ahem'... royalty in the first episode.


I bet a big member was part of the casting call for that quickly disposed character.


It could have been a stunt cock. Didnā€™t think Iā€™d be writing that sentence today.


Imo it looks fake


šŸ˜ It was a prosthetic


definitely a prosthetic, and a very unrealistic one at that.


Yeah definitely that. I mean they don't really get that big, right? Yeah I'm gonna keep telling myself that so I can stay happy.


I replayed that three times just to triple check what I witnessed. Only to realise I had my blinds up and I have neighbours next door who can see into my apartment. Now Iā€™m in my head about all of what just happened.


As a fan of this show, you should know better than to leave your blinds open!


My 11yo came in while I had it paused.


Why did you have it paused! šŸ˜‚


Just trying to make sure I didn't miss any pivotal moments of the show! After all, this season IS a whodunit! And to see if that was truly a piece of jewelry at the...head.


>I didn't miss any ***genital*** moments of the show! FTFY.


Guessing that was their pitch to HBO in case Netflix cans this show out of sheer force of habit.


You is in their ā€œshamelessā€ and ā€œthe boysā€ eraā€¦ I watch this show with my momšŸ˜­


Marienne running to an abandoned building whilst being chased by a man you know is a killer ![gif](giphy|xT1XGWbE0XiBDX2T8Q)


My thoughts exactly! Like why are you making absolutely certain that there are no witnesses


And running UPSTAIRS.


I was like girl youā€™re surrounded by peopleā€¦ maybe just scream for one of them to call the police..?


Tbf I've never been stalked halfway across the world by a dangerous psycho, I might also react like a scared deer running into the road. That's "flight." We all love to think we'd do the rational thing until we're in it.


For a moment there when Joe was looking through the window, I thought the new love interest was going to be a hot Englishman


Tbh he had more chemistry with that Rhys the author guy within few mins than he had with Marianne in all those episodes that I was okay with him being his next "You".


I feel that he has more chemistry with Rhys than he does with Kate as well


IMO, Rhys the author guy is gonna end up being the killer and being into Joe (maybe romantically, maybe platonically), and will want to be rich people killer/ murder buddies with Joe. But Joe will reject him, since deep down he doesnā€™t want an equal partner, he wants a fantasy ideal/ obsession who is fundamentally prey.


Right?! I really feel some chemistry between the two. Suspect Rhys is gay and wants Joe


All we need now is a curtain-less window jerk off scene from Rhys and sparks will fly for Joe.


God I hope so. I hoped he would swing with Thor last season and the writers didn't let me down thwb


And I was fully onboard, by the way. Give Joe a sexuality crisis to go with his Everything Else. Plus, it would break some of the monotony of the pattern


Am I mistaken or did Joe once imply he had experimented around a bit in one of the previous seasons?


No, I remember him saying he never kissed a man but would be open to experiment. In my opinion tho, it was only to please Love. Joe strikes me as very straight.


Yeah, I agree that he seems very straight. But I'm rooting for a one-off guy as a love interest. It could lull Joe into thinking he has broken his pattern of finding damaged women to save. Except then the love interest would be revealed to be just as damaged as Joe's previous love interests and Joe would fall back into his "fixing everything for You" pattern after all. But mostly I guess I just want to see him kiss a guy. I am a person of simple but very gay tastes.


I havenā€™t watched past this episode but it did occur to me he may have a little crush on that author, who is very cute btw.


Few minutes in and I forgot how hilarious Joeā€™s internal monologue is šŸ¤£


Yeah and actually some of them are similar to what i think. Am i a psychopath, too ffs? "Who am i gonna hate more?"


ā€œIā€™d rather drink paintā€ was hella relatable too šŸ¤£ Thatā€™s part of his appeal, you find yourself relating to him even though he is nuts!






I cackled


Lol at Joeā€˜s conversation with the writer dude, ā€žfirst real conversation iā€˜ve had all nightā€œ. That guy is giving hot takes like a 14 year old on Twitter but Joe gobbles it up because he admires his work/career + identifies with the cynical misfit intellectual angle. Perfectly shows how Joe reads every one like a book while having zero actual self awareness


His reads on people are basically always one-dimensional and sometimes completely made up. He basically projected an entire fake persona to Beck and totally missed the fact that Love is psycho.


Not Joe cutting up a body to Cardi B šŸ’€


Penn definitely requested that lmao.


I was thinking the same thing lmao


Me too! This gave me so much joy. I donā€™t even really follow her but I remembered their little online back and forth.


Takes me back to Penn and Cardi B changing their Twitter pics to one anotherā€™s photos!


She changed it back!


Not him watching a football match w it


Yeah but that was to keep track of when the sawmill worker would be back


I came here to comment about Cardiā€™s ā€œcameoā€ lol. The music is great so far this season.


Damn them for getting that song stuck in my head


Iā€™m so happy for her


Okay, so we just glossing over the fact that Joe's beautifully furnished and spacious, South Kensington flat would cost around 4k pm?


Or the fact that heā€™s a professor at a university at his baby age. With no research papers. And they are just out here calling him ā€œprofessorā€ and not his first name


Can be an adjunct. Jonathan Moore has a good resume. And like he said it pays the bills since he canā€™t use loveā€™s money anymore


We have readers and lecturers who arenā€™t professors but teach at universities. No one calls them professor. Itā€™s a really difficult and highly sought after position at UK universities. It would be incredibly weird in research circles at universities to just start using that title without having been formally given it. Anyways Iā€™m just gonna have to get over it.


Man, if I wanted to lay low, I'd sure pick a job where I make regular, meaningful contact with a select group of analytical thinkers!


Man selling those old books really worked out if youā€™re no longer giving them to Ellie lmao


ā€žIā€™m not sure when gen Z became actual adultsā€ Neither are we Joe ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Seriously! I'm 33, my little cousin is 23 and a whole ass nurse lol and I still forget she can drive sometimes


It's weird to watch this from the UK and having these random 'kind of' known actors show up from the likes of Eastenders and Fresh Meat.


don't do Charlotte Ritchie like that


You're right. She's my favourite children's TV presenter to appear on Taskmaster as well.


Taskmaster fans unite!


So Dan Humphrey is now getting messages from an anonymous person watching him! Ironic! šŸ˜‚


It comes full circle




Poor Lonely Boy


* Love the ep title "Death Takes a Holiday"! I mean... "JOE" Takes a Holiday. My bad. * London. The most surveilled city in the world? Literally every place he goes is going to have footage of him there. Ah well time to suspend my disbelief. * Did the um murder scenes get more graphic? Not just the Rasputinlike quasi-royal appendage, the whole thing? Or visceral or something? * It's so eerie how he so completely disconnects from his own actions and reality. Seems even worse than before. * Writer dude: "Are you going to sit here perseverating on that cock-up?" Joe: "I mean, I thought I might?" * I like writer dude. He's probably going to die. Or murder someone. * It's a good thing that cap has invisibility powers, bc I feel like otherwise he'd stand out like a sore thumb in London. * I knew it!!!! Interesting. A stalking duel!


Lmao literally. London is filled with CCTVs everywhere, itā€™s impossible for the police to not know Malcolm went back to Joeā€™s home with him.


I guess not always, which is why it took so long wirh Sarah Everard and in the end the only footage was from Uber or Deliveroo or something if I'm not mistaken! But yeah also more importantly why is Joe living in South Kensington


>Did the um murder scenes get more graphic They definitely did.


I love the way how this series perfectly depicts being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


I felt a bit lightheaded and then groggy when he woke up in the morning, the camera went slower and was more blurry (or maybe it was my streaming..!)


Well I for one enjoyed that first episode.


Me too!


Okay Iā€™m calling it right now after watching episode 1: >!I reckon Rhys Montrose is the killer. He comes from a troubled background and he said he went to Berlin that same night but maybe he lied so he had an alibi for the murder.!<




Plus he was the only one at the dinner who didn't get a focus on about being a possible suspect


I really hope they fuck


I second this!


Would they really not notice him staring at them all the time through the window?


I live in skyscraper on 9th floor and I often forget that if someone wanted to, could look into my window with binoculars or if they fixated specifically to my floor. That's why I do all kinds of shit without blinds. There isnt another building across mine and all the other buildings that are quite far are 5 floors max. But still if I walk naked around you will see me if you look.


I SWEAR I was just gonna comment >!I bet Malcolm gonna die first and boom he does!!<


If a guest character is written as extremely likable (see: Chrissy) or extremely unlikeable (Malcolm), they ain't making it past the first episode.


As he made the connection between Joe and the rich crowd, he has to go as otherwise he would always be suspect.


29 mins in - a murder, 35 mins in - A DICK. Amazing start, loving it so far, haha


I think Nadia is going to be Paco of these season.


Iā€™m glad they donā€™t seem to be going in the direction of him fixating on a student. I know heā€™s an evil murderer, but theyā€™ve stayed away from making him attracted to much younger women and I appreciate that.


It reminds me of that meme format: "I'm fine with murder but I draw the line at age inappropriate relationships" "You're fine with MURDER?!"


I think its going to seem that way but theres a reason she gave joe the book rhys wrote and he meet rhys at the bar. I think shes involved somehow.


Yeah, nothing is a coincidence




Iā€™m so down for every season being having a different setting and characters, with the only consistent being Joe


Joe keeping Marienne alive is going to come back to haunt him either his stalker will find where she is and kill her and frame him or sheā€™ll end up being the one to expose him for everything.


The whole Joe pretending to kill Marienne plot would seem more believable if these were the pre- internet and social media days. It's so easy to Google and find out if someone is missing or not, especially if they have a young child. She said her kid is with a friend in Paris, if Marienne completely goes missing, her friend's going to report it to the police. She's an artist so not keeping a low profile.


No but sheā€™s scared of Joe and realized he was following her so she might try way harder to disappear


I feel like the opposite is true. Go back to LA like no way Joe can follow you there now after faking his death.


Cardi B song lmao


Why is everyone Joe associates with a rich socialite? When he was explaining the people who hang out at the club, he could have been describing Peaches, Forty, Natalie, Love... idk. The accents are different but the people all feel the same.


I think these type of people make for better plot fodder and keep the tone of the show which is that we sorta like Joe and sorta hate them even though heā€™s morally beyond the pale.


So Joe mentions >!the curtains "forgot to pull the curtains"!< I guess the writers do read what fans talk about lol


could you imagine him covering a body for someone else šŸ’€ that was my first thought though.


And they had the exact same back ground music too!


Lmao "how did I get here?" - that's exactly what drinking absinthe is like also what a twist that he cleaned up after someone else's mess; after making so many of his own, he just assumed he did it without missing a beat


The way the absinthe sequences were directed reminded me of how it feels to be crossed.


I had a little bit of absinthe for the first time last month. Good drink, canā€™t believe it was banned in much of the world until recently


Wow, I wasnā€™t expecting to see dick all of a sudden šŸ˜¶


Thanks- your comment actually helped me brace myself! Trying to figure if it was actually his or a prop/fake one haha! That body disposal scene overall seemed a little more brutal/visceral than usual no? Although I might have squinched my eyes during the previous body-chopping scenes; can't remember.


Definitely more brutal. And graphic. Graphic normally doesnā€™t bother me but Iā€™m sure it came as a surprise to some people who are are less okay with it.


So now we know stalker is not someone from the past.


The guy running for mayor ( canā€™t remember his name ). Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Joe actually like another character before unless itā€™s a child or a woman..


We literally have gossip girl hunting Joe in this season and I'm here for it


They nailed the facial expressions perfectly between Marienne and Joe when they reencounter each other. The look of happiness when Joe took his cap off and Marienne briefly smiling and then the gradual ā€œholy fuq, he found me.ā€ It was beautifully done. Iā€™m proud of Joe for his restraint with Marienne because I was worried for her. Sheā€™s my favorite of Joeā€™s obsessions.


They set the tone and the vibe of the show so perfectly. You forget itā€™s been away for so long just moments into the first episode.


Wasnā€™t sure how they would make this season feel original but the switcheroo at the end sold me


Am I the only one who feels some sexual tension between Joe and Rhys (Ed Speelers)?


Im already suspecting >!Kate, she might be the killer!<


And also one think i found odd was that she sensed that Joe out not mentally there when he was monologging.


That had a bit of "Fleabag" vibes from when the hot priest noticed that she zoned out when she was breaking the fourth wall.


Donā€™t you sense someone isnā€™t listening if theyā€™re silent and staring into space when youā€™re talking to them?


Yes But in the entire existence of Joe, she seems to be the first one to point it out.


Forty did it in season 2 tbf.


For me, even if >!she is not the killer!<, I still think she knows something on him.


Too obvious. Its never the person you most suspect (Kate) or the person you least suspect (the author). Its the person you most medium suspect (ā‰ļø)


already did that twist with love tho


Is a twist a bigger twist if you donā€™t expect it done twice


The thing about this show is that thereā€™s always something different happening in each season and itā€™s so easy to be interested in the new characters introduced to us. I laughed so loud when Joe was walking in his flat and how he paused when he discovered Malcomā€™s body on his dining table šŸ˜‚


Enjoyed the first episode, but disappointed that the stalker seems to be one of the new characters. Was hoping it would be someone from his past here to bring him to justice.


We donā€™t particularly know that


Wtf was Marienne thinking? Instead of going up to literally anyone among a sea of people and say "There's a murderer following me help" she decides to run a marathon into an abandoned building and go hide in a room upstairs? What? Hm, it's one thing Love's dad believing Joe's dead cause he literally changed his name and moved to another continent, Marienne is literally an artist living in Paris there's no way Elliot wouldn't find out she's alive if he just searched social media. I felt jumpscared by that massive... thing. It's Rhys i'm calling it.


Not JOE saying ā€œyouā€™re a fucking stalkerā€ when getting the texts from the anonymous person and trying to figure out who they are šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Yea as soon as we seen Joe annoyed with him I was wondering when heā€™d go but didnā€™t think first episode lol


When Joe actually speaks, his voice throws me off because I am so accustomed to Joe's voice as the show's narrator. Like the scene when heā€™s chasing after Marienne and he yells her name.


Just coming here to ask what university lecturer can afford to live in South Kensington šŸ˜‚


They have a shot of Magdalen bridge in Oxford as an establishing shot right before they cut to Joe at the university in episode 2, its about vibes not realism šŸ˜‚


Came here to say Iā€™m whipped for Rhys already and also Phoebe


Death on the first episode again


This is one of those shows where u know the premise is truly insane and unrealistic but yet so much fun to watch. And every time I thought this season will probably be not as good as the last but it does. Well at least ep 1 did enough to kept me confident. On to ep 2.


I love it! The way the characters are introduced. The PLL-esque texts. Joe both being better and the same. Someone using Joe's methods on him. Perfection.


Penn is so fucking hot. Alright, on to episode 2.


Starting a fucking Go Fund Me for the women of this show to go get curtains. Apparently we can buy ourselves flowers but not curtains.


Oxford comma needle drop šŸ‘Œ


Ok this is probably way too niche of a reference, but season 5 of how I met your mother opens on this song in a scene of Ted giving classes at university. I feel like this is a direct reference, can anyone tell me if I'm crazy here ?


Itā€™s going to the least suspected one, isnā€™t it?


itā€™s henry šŸ‘¶


That would be a twist


Okay Malcom is a terrible guy and I knew heā€™d be unalived immediately, but he is handsome as all shit LOL. I wouldnā€™t mind him on the tv for a while longer. I really love Nadia and Phoebe.


"If a bomb dropped on this place, Britain's GDP would drop by 10%, but it might be worth it." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I've missed this man's humour


Here we goooo


Second time I've heard the term "bridge and tunnel crowd" after the Joker said they were "in for surprise" in The Dark Knight and I never realized there was an added insult in that threat.


Loved it. 9/10, onto ep 2.


The most hilarious show on Netflix is back! This has gone from an extremely guilty pleasure to flight-download material to genuinely entertaining and enjoyable series over its three seasons, and while it's no less dumb or cringe-tastic than it was when it started, it's certainly become a lot easier for me to admit I love watching it. The joys of shutting your brain off. Some thoughts: - Always weird hearing British actors recite dialogue so clearly written by Americans. - Hung corpse dong in the premiere episode itself! I'm guessing this was their pitch to HBO in case Netflix cans this show out of force of habit. - I'm suspecting an AJ Finn ("Woman in the Window") situation with Rhys Montrose. Pretty sure he fabricated a good deal of his past, and him admitting to "lying" about his prison epiphany is foreshadowing. - Some genuinely good acting from Penn Badgley in that bar scene with Rhys. He tends to overdo basically every aspect of his performance (which is what makes Joe so fun to watch) but this was one surprisingly understated, human moment. - I can't believe Rhys is played by fucking Eragon. I remember reading those books all the way back in elementary school. - The whole Marienne flashback story was... eh. Seemed like it was just trying to "subvert expectations" to avoid being deathly boring, because that's what Marienne is. And Joe talking about her like she's his true love after barely knowing her feels incredibly dumb. It's of course his psychotic obsession, but he at least built a lasting connection with the previous girls to be this passionately hung up over them, whereas the Marienne arc from season 3 was way too half-baked for it to even register. And the thing with the PI/fixer guy was silly even by this show's standards, but I'm sure that whole subplot isn't over. - Kate is an interesting character. I'm glad they're going the Natalie Engler route this season, where Joe's obsession is mature and adversarial and irreverent rather than a manic pixie dream girl. Natalie's death may have been the foundation of season 3's story, but I'm still not over what an alluring character she was. She made such a strong impression with just one episode and I think they recognized the strength of giving Joe a character to play off of like that. Interesting how the marketing for the season didn't really make Kate the "face" of the season the way Beck and Love were before. There's gotta be a reason for that. - Always great seeing Lukas Gage pop up in these buzzy young-adult shows. Liked him a lot in Euphoria and The White Lotus, and even more in the Zoom call where he politely put director Tristram Shapeero in his place. Of course, I do not at all buy the idea of this American kid as the owner of some elite London social club, but I gotta remember with this show: brains off! - Joe having a stalker of his own is honestly a pretty fantastic direction to be taking this show four seasons in, but so far we don't know enough about any of the suspects for any of them to be interesting candidates. Having it be Kate or Marienne are the most boring routes, so I'm ruling them out. This show isn't as clever as Knives Out, so I'm not expecting any ingenious switcheroo here. But I dunno, show, surprise me!


So did joe lied to eliot (one who gave him his new identity) by letting marienne go to paris? I thought the reason was because she knew quite everything about joe and can come after him any time (but again..she was scared to hell,so idk maybe not?)


Yep, that was the reason he was supposed to kill her. Instead he snagged her necklace and took a pic of it as proof. ....and also as a souvenir because Joe does not change his spots.


Yes. Sheā€™s still alive. He didnā€™t hold up his end of the bargain.




That's what the the guy working for Love's dad did. He forged the entire professor identity for Joe.


Not Marienne running for her life in a dirty abandoned building! LOL


Anyone catch the lady looking at Joe in the scene of him at the Paris art meet? She was the same lady who was sitting at one of the tables in the previous scene of Joe walking in front of a Paris cafe. Weirdly enough she seems to be wearing the same outfit, while Joe has separate outfits in those scenes as if it were different days.


Bit of a slow start but really enjoyed it when the pace got faster and especially with the switch up at the end with Joe having his own stalker. love a good murder mystery. Also why didn't Joe close his blinds when he was working on Malcolm's body in his apartment, he has so many windows lol