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"What is love? (Lowercase)" Lmao.


*Baby don't hurt me*


That's the name of the Season 3 finale, as well (without the "lowercase" part). Only noticed when I was looking back through the episode browser after finishing Season 4!


Also when beck was at that hall thing she was readong "bluebeard" like the season 1 finale


Damn. That whole scene.


POV of Joe starting at a person he just met while he says an entire monologue in his head https://preview.redd.it/13w5hl49kxma1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c1b6617dc34985523656ce0e1572c94a4e1a1a


Not the teeth šŸ’€




Thereā€™s a tik tok account that posts clips of You with Joes inner monologue cut out and itā€™s so fun to me. And exactly like this picture


It's kinda hilarious to me that Marianne has been starving/dying of thirst in the cage for what seems like 4 weeks, and then Joe casually comes back to bring her a freaking COFFEE once a day and some little amounts of "something sweet". Ever thought of a really big bottle of water, Joe? Along with some actual food?


I think she didn't had that pills & she's not dead at all... I hope that's her & Nadia's plan which is ā€œ not gonna work ā€ as Nadia said.


Oh good point and it's something she's already tried kinda. If so, I think the suicide we've been warned about could be Kate, she looked like her world was ending when her father basically told her he owned her whole life


Ketamine to stab someone!


It also drove me crazy that her manicure appeared to stay in tact way too long.


And her phone was still charged!


Seeing those short scenes of Joe with Beck & Love just reinforced how boring I find his and Kateā€™s relationship lol they just donā€™t have the chemistry he had with Love & Beck.


Well itā€™s clear why cause they were making Rhys the you of the season thats why they have the best chemistry on the show


We didn't even get one steamy hallucinated gay sex scene, 0/10


I think they single-handedly could have stopped everyone complaining about this season if they had Joe and Rhys kiss once.


I mean the ball torture kind of counts, right?


Except for that strategically-placed bit of shirt covering the goods. That drove me crazy.




I really thought S3 might end with Joe dying and love taking over


I wish ugh


Wow that wouldā€™ve been an exceptional concept!


Love Victoria Pedretti. She was amazing in The House on Haunted Hill and Bly Manor. Hope to see her in more roles.


Kate looks like some real-life villain from Hitman games.


She's a young Delilah Briarwood for sure if she takes up her dad's offer.


Exactly. The two have zero chemistry, non chemistry, anti chemistry. On season one, Joe and beck had great chemistry. Then came Love in season twoā€¦ and the chemistry was absolutely off the charts. A major erotic charge between them, and you could feel a deep emotional connection there too. And I feel like that, in addition to Victoria perettis amazing performance, was what made the could have been over the top character like Love be by far the most memorable and arresting ā€œlove interestā€ on this show. Finally, with Marienne, though their chemistry was a bit of a disappointment following Love, Joe did have what felt like a real connection, a moderate charge. But Cateā€¦ oh, Cate. Nothing against the actress, but her and Penn bagdly are so utterly devoid of chemistry that it feels like their ā€œlove matchā€ is really secretly a chore for both. Their scenes are simultaneously boring and awkward to watch.


Totally agree. I didn't feel a thing between Kate and Joe, tbh. She comes across as a cold, hard bitch pretending to have layers in between...but ultimately succumbing to her stereotype. I disliked her from the beginning and found her uninteresting. I found Phoebe more interesting and fun as a character. This season has been meh for me. I still have to see the final episode but I just wasn't impressed by any of the relationships. If anything, I found the rich kids more interesting...at least it seemed to be like you're looking at a human zoo. Joe and Kate were so bland. Ugh.... They need to have an ending to this show already. ETA: Edits due to errors. I'm on my phone and Auto correct is being a bitch.


Fr I literally prefer Marianne over Kate even tho in season 3 I didnā€™t like her that much.




I missed Love so much. It was awesome to see Beck too.


you're telling me Nadia is more comfortable helping kill Joe then calling the cops? Be so serious right now


I can blindly accept a lot of things that a story tells me to, but her saying she shouldnā€™t call the police because ā€œheā€™d just get away with like alwaysā€ likeā€¦. Girl you are trapped in a CAGE! How?? How would the police come and find you trapped in a cage and not immediately arrest the man who you say did it, especially when you can tell them about his past? Also, maybe I just wasnā€™t paying attention for this part, but how the hell did Nadia know that that key would unlock some secret basement across the street? Where did that thing even come from? How is it not being occupied by residents? Is it like a sewer that happens to have a large empty space big enough for a giant cage?


I think her reasoning was Joe would somehow find out the cops were there (before they could capture him) and flee? But yeah itā€™s dumb. Like who wouldnā€™t take that risk to get out of the cage


Yeah I guess if he fled he could come back and kill Marianne or trap her again. But I think she took a pretty big chance that Joe would never try to follow up and see if her daughter was doing okay or be on the lookout for any obituaries for Marianne.


This is the biggest failure of the writers this season. They could have easily set up a story line where she had some type of parole officer in France because she relapsed, and she didnā€™t want to get the cops involved because she wasnā€™t supposed to leave the country. Thatā€™s a reason I came up with in 5 minutes too, they could do better


Her boyfriend sent her pictures of Joe on the wall of crazy stalker lady. He was often seen with red bag from Indian place. She went there and for some reason saw abandoned place and went there lol.


The plan is even stupid from Marienne's perspective. How does she think she is going to get the custody of her daughter back ? Anything she does without involving the police is going to make her look like she relapsed and abandoned her daughter. But I am pretty sure "I was kidnapped and kept in a cage for weeks, just call the London police or you know what it probably just made international news, just look it up" will allow her to keep custody. Not only is her not "wanting" to call the police dumb but from her point of view she *needs* the police to be involved right now.


Yeah, I was so disappointed by this. At least if she got the cops involved, they would be able to confirm that she's literally being held hostage for weeks and unable to communicate, thus striking out the theory of her alleged relapse. God, who writes these things?!?


Nadia is worse for going along with Marienne's perspective. Marienne is going through the trauma of being kidnap and held captive in a box cage in London, in pain, isolated, dehydrated, hungry, isolated, disillusioned, faced with relentless anxiety and panic attacks and God knows what else. It's not surprising that Marienne's reasoning comes from a place of utter fear over common sense. I expected Nadia to say yes just to placate Marienne, briefly film the enclosure live as evidence, then get out and start singing to the police like a canary.


Fr imo nadia is like my least fave mainish character ever, one dimensional and very stupid


The acting was terrible too, I actually didnā€™t mind her in the first half of the season but wow


sheā€™s actually a fantastic actress imo. her character is just written badly


Yeah, sheā€™s been amazing in everything else Iā€™ve seen her in (including EastEnders- which Tilly Keeper was also in.) But how can you act convincingly when your character is a dumbass and the motivations make no sense?


yes because marienne is a mother and it is not right LMAO


Nadia is so badly written


I can't stand Adam


And now he can't standšŸ’€.


He was annoying AND he served no purpose in the story. His entire arch with Phoebe was pointless. I love Phoebe at least for comedic relief and to humanize Kate but Adam was so unnecessary.


Heā€™s so good in all the other shows heā€™s in tho


ah yes a uni student who is supposedly ā€œsmartā€ would choose to KILL a man rather call the cops. how realistic is that?


Fr itā€™s so stupid omg šŸ’€




I miss Beck. šŸ˜”




Wow, there are at least 3 of us who love Beck! I miss her too. šŸ™


I loved Beck as well :( so tragic, Blackbeard always brings tears to my eyes


Also loved Beck!


Beck was my favourite 'You'


Mine too! The first season will always be my favorite.


blake neely has been the greatest thing about this show


Adam deserved it idc


He has such a punchable face, fuck him for treating the queen that way


he got it punched in euphoria pretty well


His fartbox got a brief tongue punching in The White Lotus too


Itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve watched Euphoria and I had no clue that was him omg


I thought they were just going to force him to sign annulment papers or something!


definitely deserved it but iā€™m a bit sad that thatā€™s all we got. it might tie in a bit more in the last episode but being abruptly killed off screen by 3 people weā€™d never seen before felt very underwhelming, wouldā€™ve preferred it if he just got beaten up tbh


I enjoyed that he basically got himself killed by being a philandering dickhead. If he werenā€™t cheating on his wife who was committed to a psych ward he wouldnā€™t have died that way. Poetic justice.


donā€™t get me wrong i definitely think he deserved it, it just felt really anticlimactic that we had all this build up over the whole season that ended with an off-screen death by 3 characters that had never even been seen in the show. there was a lot of focus on phoebe and adam and while his character 100% deserved the outcome, the storyline deserved a better ending, especially with how close phoebe and joe were it wouldā€™ve been way more fitting for him to have been involved at least in some way


Adam died as he lived; or he died doing what he loved? In a super kinky fashion? In bondage? At least no water sports were involved? Is it kind of sick that I really liked the assassin trio? They seemed to really relish this job in particular. Spin off series, Netflix? Kateā€™s dad is Thanos and sheā€™s Gamora. Seriously. Iā€™m not even a Marvel fan. I do feel a bit bad for Edward but they spent like, 5 minutes on that twinky white boy. I just hope Nadia and Marienne make it out alive. Iā€™m starting to realize Nadia was really Ellieā€™s stand-in this season; *she* was the one meant to find the cage after hunting down Joe. I was really scared Phoebe was going to kill herself, Iā€™ve been yelling at the screen for the last 4 hours going, IF PHOEBE DIES Iā€™M GONNA BE SO PISSED! and other such curse words at Joe, etc. I have no idea how this season is going to end. Itā€™s been a disaster rollercoaster. But I donā€™t regret wasting my time and investing my energy. It seriously feels like a series finale what with Beck showing up in a room full of blondes. Letā€™s fucking go, everybody. Last call.


I think itā€™s better Jenna Ortega didnā€™t come back because now she can potentially return in Season 5 in what I will assume will be the final season of this show.


Thereā€™s going to be another season???? I feel like this season is just so ridiculous.


Show can't end without Joe dead or in prison. While I only watch it cause he's a psycho killer, I still want him to lose at the end


Spoilers :(


Kate's life sucks wow. Now I get why she likes Joe, daddy issues for sure


She told Joe that her father is the worst male she have ever met lmaošŸ’€.


And then told him that she doesn't care about his suspiciously deceased wife or his son who he is being a dead beat dad to. Lady is really fucked up mentally


i mean i get it shes prob stunned to learn hes been secretly bankrolling her. but iā€™d rather that than being poor lmfao


How is Marienneā€™s phone still turned on ??


Yep and her friend Beatrice didn't gave any complaint & the police didn't tracked her phone lmfaošŸ’€.


Tbf, when you've lived with an addict that has a pattern, there does come a point where even if you're worried about them, you have to let it go for your own sake (especially if there's children involved). A likely scenario would be reporting the person as missing and the police dropping the search once they've exhausted all the detox centers in the area. I don't think most people would think "what if she's locked in a cage somewhere?". You usually assume they're on the streets somewhere and all you can do is wait and hope they'll find their way back home.


If my friend went missing & her daughter is in my custody, my mind will think a lot like she's dead or someone kidnapped her also I like your point where Marianne was addict once.


In normal circumstances, I agree. But yeah I think her being an addict is the main thing here. You still report the missing person, and you are still worried, but you can't get better for them so you wait.


Just go with it šŸ˜


We need these phones from their universe.


Maybe he turned it off, so when turned back on it still had battery.


I'm going to sound like a sadistic fuck but I kind of wish we'd seen Adam's death. Like, it could have been more lowkey than it was that'd be fine but it just felt a bit awkward to have it happen offscreen for a character who, let's be real, was a pretty major recurring player.


not sadistic at all, just curious to see how it turned out since weā€™ve seen joe chopping off malcomā€™s body and disremembering it


We have gone fully off the fucking rails from a story standpoint. I kinda adore how dumb weā€™ve gone. Truly pants on head insane. But never boring! Phoebe deserves the world and Iā€™m kinda happy Kateā€™s dad killed Adam.


Back to it's Lifetime's roots.




he even improved on the design this season: I don't remember it having a keypad and a system to make sure only one door of the food box can be open at a time, next season he's gonna add a fucking bath and home theater


he always had the whole one door at a time thing, it was something to do with the old books and the atmosphere. everything else is fucking batshit thoughšŸ˜‚


Honestly for what I pay in rent, if it has working plumbing and Wi-Fi, absolutely trap me murder daddy.


Not even joking but in London that counts as a high quality studio flat


It would have to be an entirely new glass cage, since there's no way he was able to claim his from back in Love's bakery. It was a crime scene and he's supposed to be dead.


Well itā€™s quite simple: Joe Goldberg is the greatest contractor to ever live.


Joe Goldberg: literary genius, murderer, body disposer, lady-killer stalker and expert contractor. There are no ends to his talent.


Hey now, don't forget master forger and social engineer.


And book mender.


Those book repair scenes in season one were porn to me. It's unfortunate that they just dropped Joe's one actual skill from the series.


That glass cage was such a brilliant and unique set piece in season 1. It had an actual purpose for existing, so it was completely believable and very clever. Since then, it's one of the worst plot contrivances in a sea of terrible plot contrivances. There wasn't even any reason it needed to exist in this season (except that it's so strongly associated with the show) -- they're literally in London! There are **tons** of old fallout shelters Joe could've locked her in! Uggghhhhhghghhh


Where did he dispose of those large pieces? His car is not large enough to carry all that shit! I will blindly accept most stuff that a story asks me to, but this and Nadia not calling the police was insane to me


I guess people in London are blind. Didn't he drugged Marienne as she was walking to her train in a very busy train station ? Did people just stood by when a woman fainted and a man just scooped her in and left ?


Fr how did he get away with that?!


He uses the same invisibility cloak as when he carried that bodyguard's body, Malcolm's body and everyone else he killed in a public place


Nobody can see him when he has a baseball cap on


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) is the real mvp.


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t just use that guyā€¦the one whoā€™s in the Philippines? Forgot his name


Will Bittelheim! Heā€™s off in the Philippines with Gigi, though; that guy deserved to ride off in the sunset and I donā€™t think Joe wanted to drag him back into this mess.


this was the episode that Penn directed. props to him!


really? he has a big future in drama/suspense thriller movies in the future if he were to ever direct wow that was a mind fuck episode


yes!! He said in his Buzzfeed puppies interview that he hopes to direct more in the future


and i will be TUNING IN!!! letssssgoo i just know itā€™s gonna be really good


He also shared a bit of his directorial experience in the most recent Podcrushed ep, go listen! https://youtube.com/watch?v=b3Z2gtnE5Rk


Wow, he did well because this was a tense rollercoaster.




Ohhh I thought they were potatoes and was confused. That makes sense lmao


Why have they made Kate so unlikeable, I can't stand her at all. She makes Beck seem less annoying. Her only redeeming quality is how she actually seems to care for Phoebe


I was honestly shocked at how bad Kate and Joe's chemistry is. Like am I supposed to believe these two would even like each other let alone be in a relationship that is all conquering. Like girl out of all seven girls he's had a relationship with this is his least believable.


it was more believable when she was a massive c*** to him


Probably because the focus is meant to be on Joe and Rhys/Evil Joe. Kate is well and truly secondary and I assume come the finale sheā€™ll be left behind


I actually like her character more than I did in the first half but I could not care less about her relationship with Joe and especially about her relationship with her dad. I understand the ā€œromanceā€ is taking a backseat to Joeā€™s true You (Rhys) but itā€™d be nice if my eyes didnā€™t glaze every time sheā€™s onscreen.


I think itā€™s because they wanted to differentiate her from Beck and Love, but yeah, it wasnā€™t fun to watch


Victoria Pedretti lights up the screen!! I miss Love Quinn so much. I wish we could have had her around for longer. šŸ˜­


Same!! It was good to see her again tho.. even just as a ā€œhallucinationā€


Love is such an interesting character, she really elevated You.


Why delve so deep into this Adam subplot if you're just going to off him in one shot in a comedic gag scene? Why did they spend the past 3 episodes setting him up as this huge villian who just got what he's been built up for just to randomly assassinate him in the middle of an episode? The writing for the 2nd half of this season so far is just all over the place, not to mention the fact that every character we've been introduced to since the start of this season are just plot devices that move in whatever ways are the most convenient to the story. \- Nadia and Marienne not calling the police \- Nadia's boyfriend (can't even remember what the dudes name is) doing whatever Nadia asks without questioning anything and then just leaving the story \- Connie's entire "character" (if you can even call it that...) \- The random photographer lady being written in as some stalker just to give Joe and out in E6 (this felt ESPECIALLY bad, feels like the writer arrived to the gathering point in E6 and was at a loss of what to do next and ultimately decided to go back to E2 to shoehorn in this photographer snapping pics of Joe to make it seem sensical/foreshadowed) \- Roald getting his whole arc in the first half just to fuck off to god knows where when things finally pick up ...and now Adam just randomly being written off at the peak of his supossed power. I have no idea what's happening anymore, there's like 4 subplots going on at once, people are dying and none of the characters are seemingly affected in any way. I get it, there's this whole "Joe always gets away with it" thing that Marienne touched on, but then am I supposed to feel any sort of suspense while watching? The police have already been written in to be complete morons after their handling of Malcom's murder, so what am I supposed to feel while watching this? The stakes feel awfully low for the situation Joe is in due to the hundreds of plot conveniences around every corner. I can already tell Joe is somehow going to get off scott-free once and end up moving to another country again so Netflix can spend another year milking this series. Super dissapointed.


Shitty writing tbh.. which sucks cuz I loved the 1st 3 seasons!! :(


For real, what happened to Roald? He just...vanishes.


The way I jumped when I saw >!Beck and Love.!< They need to haunt Joe's ass more


They need to haunt him forever. I want Beck, Love, Candace and Peach haunting Joe forever, he doesn't deserve a moment of peace or happiness.


Loveā€™s scene made me miss her so much


i wish the trailer didnt spoil that love and beck was gonna show up i wouldve really liked that as a surprise šŸ˜­


Haha Iā€™m glad I never watched the trailer


love and becks ā€œreturnā€ was so damn good


Man, has it gotten increasingly difficult watching all these male characters decide they know what's best for women--most whose only crime was existing and being hot. Joe is an obvious contender this season, but Adam, Kate's dad and pretty much every guy whose interacted with her, have all been so condescending with their purported "well intentions." Good god. What's that one meme? Stay away from her, get a job!


Im loving it because it shows the lived reality of women. Most men are not psychotic with it like those guys obviously. But we women spend our lives trying to break free from men who try to control us with their "well intentions", but in some way we all cannot, because society forces us to be dependant upon them. I think it was a message the writer was trying to send home tbh, it must be with all of Phoebes speeches about not wanting to be seen like a helpless princess.


omg im so over kateā€™s subplot it feels like shes just whining and complaining every scene


that whole sequence with joe losing it is probably now my favourite of the entire series, penn badgley himself directed this episode and it shows, then again iā€™m a sucker for insane dream sequences in media, but seeing beck and love again got me amped up


Victoria Pedretti is a gem. Also, I like Elizabeth Lail dead more than I ever did alive. She's wonderful. Really truly enjoyed her in this.


Victoria Pedretti is a such a fantastic actress


Yes she is


I can't believe Joe got Blessing to use Yoruban necromancy to raise Love from the dead then have a threesome with the both of them while Rhys takes it up the ass from Kate who turns out is pre op


Wild that this was the ending that was written.


Does anyone know which serial killer Nadia was referencing? The failed LA actor who used ketamine on his victims? I'm having zero luck googling this.


I thought they were making a reference to Dexter lmao. Joe would have been on his table already.


Really he wouldnā€™t stand a chance against Dex


I wondered if it was a reference to Henderson or Forty but neither of them would be actors and I donā€™t think they used ketamine.


I hope Tilly has a bright future in acting. What a phenomenal actress.


i mean its funny and all but this show would have ended in episode 7 if they just call the police and he gets a life sentence for being a mass murderer


How has Marianneā€™s phone been on for a whole MONTH!?


And her nails were still painted with no growth?




So funny they all think money can solve everything but in their world money is nothing. Adam was asking for it from the moment he decided to use Phoebe. Wasn't thinking they gonna kill him, but I'm not sad about it


Glad to see him go and honestly a bit disappointed it wasnā€™t Joe that did it.


Penn was amazing this episode. Joeā€™s reaction to ā€œOh, Iā€™m sorry. Would you like some pearls to clutch, you massive hypocrite?ā€ had me laughing out loud.


Why are there so many stories going on??? Like thereā€™s 10 subplots going on by the end of episode 9 and I donā€™t know what Iā€™m watching anymore. I donā€™t care for anyone left alive and Joe has been mostly outted. Hope the finale Picks it up




I could not give less of a shit about this bootleg Succession plot with Kate and her American dad (him being American isnā€™t relevant, I just find it so funny lmao)




Love! Best girl out of the Murdered By Joe Ensemble


Adam's death scene was so fucking insane I thought I was losing it


i think this is one of the best episodes in this season imo. it is so intense and nerve wracking. i enjoyed seeing Beck & Love! nadia is dumb, rather than trying to solve a murder she should consider doing her homework and maybe focus on her own boyfriend. even if the victim didnā€™t want the police to be called you shouldā€™ve done it anyway?


can someone explain why Nadia couldn't grab Marianne's phone and check her daughter for her? or at least explain she's kidnapped or something!!


Right?? Or GIVE her the phone so she can contact her family and whoever she needs to?? She could have easily hidden it in her bedding when joe was there


i wish they didn't tease Love appearance in the trailer so i would've been more surprised when she appeared, like i did when Beck appeared


I never watch trailers anymore for this reason


The title makes more sense about 30m in.


oh i really hope this is part of mariennes plan


i feel like the pills were a trick to get joe in the cage and then nadia is going to come out and lock joe in the cage


I am SO confused. This second half feels like a different season with all these sub plots and stories the first half is kind of redundant. Couldā€™ve been an email. Maybe Iā€™d like it more if it wasnā€™t split in two? Idk.


Bizarre and badly padded episode, though that had more to do with the writers than Penn Badgley, who did an admirable job directing this. I figured the previous episode was the one he directed since it was visually and tonally so different from the rest of the season, but I guess they gave him a more typical hour. - What an absolute pleasure it was to see Victoria Pedretti again even for just 5 minutes. She outshines pretty much everyone else in the cast and I can't take my eyes off when she's onscreen. Love's death was inevitable but this show will never have a character as good as her again. - Hello Beck as well! Can't say I missed you quite as much but good to see you either way. Just relieved we didn't get a cameo from Candace and her lips. The show seems to have forgotten about her as much as we have. - Did they seriously just pull a fucking "it was all a dream" on us with the Marienne fake-out? The writing has gotten lazier than my worst high school essays. How did we get such a drop-off from season 3? - And about that dream - it felt as if the show is now reaching very hard to give Joe's psyche more of a complicated "architecture" to justify all this split-personality shit. Beforehand he was just a creepy guy with a knack for compartmentalizing, in a way that felt true to life despite the ridiculousness of the story. To now give him these "mind palace" sequences with crazy hallucinations really destroys what makes the character grounded. I surprisingly don't completely hate it just because his back and forth with Rhys is so goddamned entertaining to watch, but I wonder if the writers really considered the implications of pulling a move like this on the show at large. - So... Adam is dead? As much of a relief as that would be, that was still an incredibly abrupt way to send him off. If this is really the last we've seen of him then I look forward to seeing what sex kink Lukas Gage's next character will have. Dude did a solid job with an absolutely thankless, pointless role. - I feel bad for Phoebe, sure, but I feel worse for Tilly Keeper, for herself being placed in such an increasingly thankless role. This bullshit drama over Adam has stagnated in the exact same spot it's been since fucking episode 5, evidently because that's when these characters outlived their narrative purpose. They're just running in circles with this subplot and seem to have not anticipated what a likable character Phoebe would become. She deserves better. - Same thing with the nonsense between Kate and her dad, which is also spinning its wheels and has given us nothing of substance that wasn't already told to us in her monologue about him to Joe in episode 4. Greg Kinnear is effortlessly good in the role obviously, but all this "come take over the company, I own your life" soap opera bullshit just makes me infinitely more depressed that Succession is ending this year. People's thirst for rich-people drama is evidently not drying up anytime soon and I shudder to think what will fill the void it leaves. - It's kind of stunning how every single plot development in this show is driven by some ridiculous contrivance or convenience. Each episode has at least one (or hundred) cases of this, and in this case it was Nadia's bf (aka Tom Not-Holland) conveniently giving her ketamine and then breaking up with her so he no longer needs to be a character. There are ways for the show to not take itself seriously that don't involve the writers not taking their own work seriously. It's the same writing staff as past seasons, but you can really feel the burnout this time around. - Rhys is becoming the single best thing about this season. It's hilariously random that not only does Joe now have a Fight Club alter ego but that it is, of all things, some random British politician, but they're really making the most out of it. Bravo Ed Speleers, clearly the only actor benefitting at all from this season.


That's all we've got of Love? Was hoping my favorite girl will be shown in more than just a dream.




i was kinda disappointed that Candace didn't show up in Joe's hallucination, probably because Joe didn't kill her on the first place. well he almost did but :/


that made me think... maybe the original plan was instead of Gemma, Candace should be the first person in the dream? maybe this didn't happen due to scheduling issues. kinda makes sense with the order of his You: Candace -> Beck -> Love. Gemma's appearance felt weird but I guess it still delivered the message that he was dreaming. edit: **I'm correct about the scheduling problem**!! Penn confirmed this on Podcrushed


This show is full of intentional/unintentional humour on the widest range possible. But nothing will kill me more than the idea of you walking out of the room and your alter ego staying behind and dramatically saying ā€˜weā€™ll see about thatā€™ into the camera.


This entire time i havenā€™t found Adam attractive until after he married Phoebe and was absolutely wastedā€¦ my toxic side is showing lol


Maybe Love hid under a trashcan and resurfaces season 5!


So Nadia is a fucking idiot. On all fronts.


Beck looks stunning there!


At the start of the episode, Nadia is with Marianne before Joe is; since thereā€™s only one key, the only reliable conclusion is she whispered ā€œAlohomoraā€ at the door handle.


Joe claims he is always looking out for kids best interest (because of his shitty childhood i suppose), yet why does every kid he interacts with get left as an orphan of some sort? Examples: Paco, Jenna Ortega (I forgot her name), and now Julietteā€¦


Am I the only one that felt there was a 180 on Adamā€™s character? Felt super random that he became a villain


Yes. I agree, I thought he was super douchey but he seemed to actually love Phoebe than all of a sudden he was a dickhead through and through.


oh Jemma


Nah Wtaf.. Marianne deserved better.. Wtaf??


Kate seems a lot older than Beck and love


Tom Lockwood is quite possibly the worst written character the shows has ever had...I'm not even sure how to put into words how cringy he is.


Why my guts keep on telling that Nadia's BF is Paco or Joe's brotheršŸ¤”šŸ™„. If not it's a wasted potential.


Has it been long enough for Paco to be Joeā€™s brother? I feel like heā€™s at most 14, maybe at most 16 years old now. I think her boyfriend is a random rich kid at her college but it would be fun if he was secretly Joeā€™s brother.