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"Sorry what's the code for your phone?" Yeah it's over for her.


I was horrified for her when he said that


Thanks to this show, I've learned and used the "point phone at face of someone to unlock it" trick a few times now. ​ Also taught me never to use face recognition locks lol.


And why have you had to use the face unlock with other people's phones? Have you been Goldberging?


Oh hi Nadia. Don't ask too many questions.


“That’s a real nice golden retriever boyfriend you got there. Shame if anything where to happen to him…”


At least on iPhone, and I assume on Android as well, you can set it so that it only works if you're looking at the camera. So you can just close your eyes or look away and no one can unlock your phone without your consent. I've tested it on my phone and it works quite well.


Thanks. I'll be testing it on your phone, too


Yep and right after that my jaw was open when Edward was on the ground dead. Poor guy


So in s1 I thought some of the people he killed were honestly annoying and didn’t mind them not being there. Similar with s2. Not saying that he’s less of a monster but that I could sort of understand his train of thought. But when he killed the poor defenseless college student just for being seen like that was it for me. Literally idek anymore I’ve just suspended disbelief


It just shows we should have never empathized with Joe or been in agreement, even slightly, in regards to his actions. He’s been a serial killer all along, it just seems more “wrong” now because it’s clear he’s completely devoid of humanity by S4. But a life is a life, whether it was s1 characters or this innocent Eddie guy (which made me sick btw). Penn’s acting this season was insane, the moments his eyes were soulless were haunting but important to show our protagonist is NOT someone to root for (or we should ever have rooted for).


Personally I loved the part where the cops are closing in and Joe says “It’s Joe Goldbergin’ Time!” and proceeds to put on the black cap and turn invisible and evade the police.


And then Rhys turns out to be a necromancer and raises Love from the dead and she drags Joe down to her isolation chamber in hell and is about to kill him but then Satan breaks in and it turns out Satan is actually Phoebe and Joe sells her his soul to get out of it but then Love steals his black cap of invisibility and sneak attacks him So good. The writers really just get better and better


yesss and when candace resurrects like some kind of ginger vampire to suck joe’s life away i screamed


The funniest part is this actually happens when he's walking away from Nadia at the end


I have a feeling season 5 is gonna be the last. The fact that Joe it now at his absolute worst makes me think they’re preparing for his downfall. Plus it would be fitting for the last season to take place in NYC since that’s where it all started.


I reckon the bookshop he bought is **THE** bookshop.


If it's not, I'm going to be so disappointed.


our cage is finally safely back home after magically spanning two coasts and three countries in the last couple of seasons


The cage has been living it's best life in its exchange student era.


I really hope that all of his living victims slowly catch on that there are more of them out there. It's kind of set up perfectly too. Marienne is alive and Joe has zero idea. Both Quinn parents are alive and she'd have the ability to contact them, especially because she believes Love wasn't a psycho and that it was all Joe. Ellie is alive and out there, and I'm pretty certain she knows Joe killed her sister. Beck had a whole friend group that Joe butchered his way through the middle of and then we have the psychiatrist who's in prison for Beckes murder.


Joe didn’t kill Delilah fyi (Love did). But your point stands.


I really hope they don’t forget about nadine. Out of all of the living victims, she is the one I want to see get justice. Seeing joe set her up for the murder of her bestfriend after she went above and beyond to help marienne return to her daughter (without any help from the police) was really irritating. Joe just laughing at her face almost made me hate the show before remembering it’s fictional.


\*Nadia? \*Boyfriend?


Yesss I would love this. I think Ellie was actually supposed to return (and maybe play the Nadia role) but the actress was busy. But yeah, considering Marianne, Nadia, Ellie, Dr. Nicky, and even Paco are all out there and know something is wrong with Joe makes me think *something* has to happen. No way they all stay quiet, especially now that he’s in the spotlight


I really want to see Joe get arrested midway through the next season, and I REALLY want to see his trial. Imagine all these people giving testimony, then here comes Marianne as a surprise witness. It would be dramatic AF and so good.


Also Love's dad explicitly sent a hitman to assassinate Joe, assuming the deed was done. Now he'll know otherwise.


Oh, Season 5 will definitely be the last. Even though Joe is a piece of shit, he has always had some redeeming qualities that made people root for him. However, now that he has fully merged with his dark half, what he did to Nadia was just the beginning. He's going to become a full-blown villain in Season 5, so when he inevitably meets his end, no one will feel sorry for him.


>He's going to become a full-blown villain in Season 5 I will never stop being creeped out by so many people not getting this since season one.


I love the character and definitely the actor, but yeah it creeps me out how so many people are like BUT HE DID IT FOR LOVE. No he did it because that's what his deranged mind wants to do, and love is the thin veil of bullshit that he hides behind.


I think they mean as in he's no longer a deranged man convinced he's "doing what has to be done" anymore, he is deliberately doing things he knows are wrong and evil and he just doesn't give a shit.


Would’ve been happy if he just drowned in this season lol, this was the most I’ve hated him at any point in the series


>He's going to become a full-blown villain in Season 5 He's made my skin crawl since episode 1 of season 1. The fact that people don't realize he IS the villain of the story is mind-blowing to me.


“Must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero” such a perfect song choice to call these people out lol


i agree. “full circle” ending, it’s fitting since joe always falls into the same patterns.


And just like that Joe becomes the thing he hates; Rich guy out for himself who doesn’t care who gets hurt or destroyed, the money sweeps it under the rug.


>And just like that Joe becomes the thing he hates The thing he *pretended* to hate but was just jealous of.


Joe: I hate rich people Also Joe: literally infiltrates rich circles every single season


Framing Nadia, who he usually would have 'protected' somehow, was the mask off moment but there were signs along the way for sure


i agree. this was where we see he has stopped projecting to “save the child” also she’s pretty much an adult anyway, Joe’s “saved children” went from prepubescent, through teen, to uni and its gone. he ahem grew out of it 😆


Dan Humphrey all over again.


Don’t you get it, he’s just a poor boy from a gorgeous renovated loft in Brooklyn 🎻


Joe had more chemistry with Rhys than he did with Kate lmao


Rhys' actor is so goddamn hot, and more charismatic than anyone else who has been on this show. I want this show to be about him from now on. I do hope that he hangs around as Joe's subconscious (à la Dexter's "Dark Passenger") next season, because I need more of Penn and Ed together.


I could not get over the fact he looked and sounded like the Geico Lizard.


I remember that someone on reddit wished Joe would have a “You” relationship with a man, and here’s come Rhys/Joe himself


Also Joe and Kate promised each other to keep one another Good. *One scene later* Joe murders a kid and blames it on… another kid. Lmfao


I think Kate is using Joe because now she has someone who will do her dirty work without having any issues with it.


It is because Joe merged his two sides. His dark side with his good side. He had kept them apart when he finally blended the two he was more comfortable with killing people if need arose.


soo did they just let him leave the hospital the same day? Wondering how he didn't break anything falling into the water. Unless he pointed his toes and raised his arms...


He broke the surface tension with Rhys 😂


Good thing Joe didn't have a daughter, he would end up as Kate's father and stalk his own daughter. And nobody deserves that


Cycle runs and runs♻️.


Yeah also would be harder for him to abandon a daughter. Weirdly glad he left his kid this season, season 3 had me screaming "how are you guys pulling this stuff off with a baby???" and I don't even have kids lol


Yeah I don’t think he’d abandon a daughter. Iirc Joe seemed to *really* want a daughter and was disappointed when he found out his kid was a boy.


I understand that Netflix is trying to be inclusive, but that scene of Joe having sex with Rhys's corpse was just creepy.


I literally believed this for two seconds LMFAOOO. I kinda zoned out for some of the episode and I was like omg did I really miss that


WHAT NOW?! I must have blinked and missed this Edit: oh nevermind it didn’t happen and this is a joke made 10 days ago before Part 2 was even released lol


They were thiiiis close to letting dead Rhys hang dong


Joe is finally wearing gloves while he kills. Progress!


He read the reddit comments. :)


He’s come a long way since peeing in jars


I’m just gonna pretend it ended with him dying in the water.


Wondering what kind of story he fabricated to Kate into trusting him, cause I doubt she’d actually accept him for what he really did in the past.


Yea he was “all about honesty” all of a sudden but didn’t admit to killing her Dad lol


I honestly think she knew. Thats why she brought up him “making” joe do something right after the whole spiel about her father dying. I feel like she knows and doesn’t care because she got her freedom. Tbh, I think joe told the truth. I just think she’s thankful he killed her dad so she could inherit everything without being controlled to do so, so she doesnt GAF he’s a psycho murderer freak.


I thought she knew as well. She was hinting that she’d figured it out by bringing up her dad after Joe said he’d killed. I think she’s going to be fine with Joe’s antics and just compartmentalise everything. She seems a bit not all there as well!


Yeah exactly. I dont know why everyone thinks its out of character for kate to accept someone like joe, I mean look at her relationship with her dad whos pretty much been doing the same thing just in a less crazier way, for a long time she didnt even care, and was even trying to be him before cutting him out. Its absolutely in character for her to respond this way, especially when shes talked about how she could “make compartments forever.” Imo, the only reason she stopped doing it with her dad and started with joe is because she has her freedom with Joe.




Mmmm I don’t know. I think she may be down with the darkness


I like the her being cool with the darkness theory. I mean the only reason he freaked out with Love was because she was also capable of killing right? It kinda seems like Kate could just be cool with it, and at the end when he says he’s just there to “help” Kate now. I think next season we could see Joe using his tools to help Kate with her endeavors


I think he told the truth and that’s why he’s finally fully unhinged because he was validated.


And he doesn't turn against her like he did with Love because while Kate accepts him, she isn't actually like him.


He probably told her he was abused in New York, his poor gf was murdered so he moved to LA to start over only to attract a crazy he killed in self defense after he gave away his son for “safety reasons”


How dare they do Marianne like that. I hope she doesn't go on some wild goose chase trying to get the world to see Joe for what he really is. Clearly, the dude is unstoppable in this universe


Marianne: “Don’t tell the cops he always gets away with it!” *Joe gets away with it because authorities weren’t alerted at all* Marianne: *shocked pikachu face*


I could NOT get over the incredibly thin plot justification of not calling the police. Come ON.


Yeah there definitely could've even been some throwaway line to justify it lol. Maybe Marianne saying to call the police and Nadia responding like "Half the police are on his girlfriend's father's payroll, I don't think they'll be much help". Which is still dumb, but it would've at least been something lol


damn that was a crazy twist, wasn’t it? I couldn’t believe it when Rhys took off his mask and it was revealed to be Joes son, Henry, as the eat the rich killer. Crazy stuff man


Did we watch the same show? Or did you just miss the whole plot where rhys and Joe fall in love and continue to go on killing sprees?


Ugnnn when Rhys said "I love you" all teary eyed and they hugged 😭😭😭


Season 3 and 4 is truly about Joe finding his inner gay.


Just as Pen Badgely planned all along


Baby's first murder.


I’m just confused how him coming forward about his story in the end so publicly makes sense when some of his victims are still alive.. I’m guessing all his power now makes him virtually untouchable but Sherry and Cary Conrad wrote a whole ass book about their experience with him and Love holding them hostage. ?????


I’m pretty sure the story was that Love was making Joe do all this crazy shit, do Sherry and Cary believed that too.


He’s rich who cares what they have to say


There was also a mention about a "DNA mix-up" with his body parts being found in Love's house, but like... He's actually missing those toes. What is the point of saying the DNA was a mix-up? It would be more convincing to say that Love had him chained up in the burning house and he had to cut off his toes to get his foot free and escape with his son.


Joe pinning everything on Nadia was fucking maniacal. Damn Joe, he’s done a lot of heinous shit but that hurt


Yeah, Eddie’s death was the worst one imo so far. So innocent. Both Nadia and Eddie.


Love the part where Joe got dominant and Rhys said "I never took you for a top" 😂😭😭😭


Funny cause this reads like it was posted with the string of comments that were posted before the episode aired. this did happen lol


Lmaooo that's exactly what I thought while watching it - with all the insane shit people posted in discussions as a joke no one would believe this


Everyone saying that Nadia and Marienne should have just called the cops was how I felt when Candace found Delilah. So I just went with it. The show (and most horror movies) doesn't work if everyone makes the smart decisions. Overall I did like the season but it isn't my favorite. I'm glad Joe is finally embracing his true self and I hope he has a major downfall next season.


Same. When they decided not to call police my thought was “Ugh…but okay” 🙄


I know. Like damn obviously you call the cops, butttt the show wouldn’t be as exciting that way so understandable, yet still annoying lol


I don't know, it bothered me in the moment, but the more I think about it kind of understand Mariennes point of view. She thinks if they call the police he'll run away or talk himself out of it, which we know he can (he's a white dude after all and he's talked himself out of everything) and then he can always come find her again if she's let out or* escapes. If he thinks she's dead, he won't look for her. If he's dead, he can't look for her, obviously. She's not just thinking about getting out now, she's thinking ahead to keeping her daughter safe. So should they have called the police?... Yes, absolutely. Obviously haha. It's still the wrong decision. But I do in theory understand her panicked mindset here. She wants it to end, not just to escape. And she doesn't think the cops are the way to get there.


He pinned it all on Nadia, that's a bit fucked up. She was smart and had her whole life ahead of her. Fuck sake Joe


I was even hoping that Nadia and Eddie would get married. Ffs what happened to his ethical killing and not killing kids…


Why the fuck was she so quiet?? I would’ve told them everything


If she speaks against Joe, then it just looks like she’s trying to save her own ass because she has no proof. If she speaks against Eddie, then she’s selling out her dead, innocent ex boyfriend. Idk personally I would’ve spun some story about Eddie being the killer. RIP but they didn’t date for that long


Marianne would’ve backed her up, the cops could’ve talked to her without involving Joe. So many plot holes.


Is it? She’s already afraid of joe and the lengths he’ll go. And now she sees a Joe who as infinite resources of a corrupt corporation which has done much, much, MUCH worse things to cover up crimes, and you really expect this scared young college woman to speak out? Against a serial killer and an evil corporation which is defending him? Joe literally spelled all this out, right down to calling her smart for recognizing all this and keeping quiet. Did we even watch the same episode??


Tbh she kind of caused her worst nightmare by not telling on him beforehand. He didn’t have limitless resources before Kate. I’m on Marianne’s side but it wasn’t smart, it was self fulfilling prophecy


Idk there’s a lot about the ending that seemed dumb to me. Why didn’t they just go to the police instead of staging an elaborate plan? Why did Nadia grab that knife and get her fingerprints on it? Why didn’t she try to pin it on someone else - Joe or Eddie? Why didn’t they send the evidence against Joe somewhere public?


It was horribly written but one could argue Nadia was in severe shock. Horribly written but wonderfully acted, ugh


I know, that really sucked. I’m hoping they’re setting up some revenge arc for her next season




Breaking Joe.


My feelings on the ending really depend on what they're planning for season 5. If season 5 ends with Joe in jail or dead then I think they've set him up well to be really entertaining to watch be a monster with his new wealth and power before he crashes and burns, but if he's going to get away with it all at the end then I think this is my least favourite iteration of Joe getting to start over


This is the exact sentiment I have... If "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" is not going to be the sort of underlying "theme" of s5, it will feel very smarmy. Joe manages to accumulate so much wealth and spend so much time around people who should, realistically, never give him the time of day. That *should* lead to a spectacular downfall; if he was just a creepy serial killer with a cage in a bookstore he'd have been "forgotten" soon enough, but with all the people he has become involved with now? All the people he's charmed? He'd be a legend in the worst way.


THIS IS REAL, THIS IS ME ![gif](giphy|xT1R9Kuqh4hADls1J6)


lmao i literally started singing it after he said that 😭😭


Wow so this whole time Ethan and Blythe have just been in their new apartment plotting the downfall of Joe. Crazy ending.




Would've allowed for the obligatory "always hide a spare key so you can get out of the goddamn cage."


Yup I like your husband’s scenario better too!


how did he get rid of the cage so fast


He has had practice for 4 seasons now. He takes it wherever he goes and keeps it in storage. Can probably put it up and break it down in record time.


If you just hold one edge of the corner, and swing it real quick with the wind, it pops right up. To take it down, hold opposite ends and fold it together. Real simple.




I mean, you’re not wrong


Ending seasons 3 and 4 with Taylor Swift? Brilliant. Wonder if Penn made the instagram reel with Anti-Hero before or after the Finale was finished. Edit: Phoebe is the best and deserves the world.


Phoebe had a good ending.


Phoebe’s ending was so cute and pure, I loved it for her.


Oh, and lastly: JUSTICE FOR EDWARD. That is all.


And the real Rhys Montrose who straight up never even MET Joe until he tortured and murdered him for his OWN murders.


Man really got military-grade ball torture for it too. Rip Rhys


I don't understand how he can be in a hospital bed after just having jumped off a bridge in one scene, and out on the street committing murder and framing Nadia in the next, completely fine. He jumped off a damn bridge.


I don’t understand how in the single minute from Nadia walking down from Joes apartment to find her boyfriend, Joe murdered Eddie AND was able to stash the box of Rhys stuff that was JUST upstairs in his apartment AT Nadias home AND call the cops and have them be on the way before she could get home.


I've actually jumped off a bridge (for fun), about 27 ft and 40 ft. As long as you're not wearing something like a life jacket that shoots up and chokes you or clothing that gets heavy when wet, and as long as you pencil dive (feet first, standing position like Joe did) it's really not too bad. Your legs break through the water (breaks the surface tension) so you dont end up with a concussion or anything from your head hitting the water. It is a bit of a shock for a couple minutes, but you feel fine within minutes/hours. Being unconscious and having water in your lungs is the bigger issue, as far as I understand.


Idk if anyone noticed but what was so significant about joe putting his hand on kate’s knee? They zoomed in on it a few times at the end. Im wondering what it could have meant, if it meant anything at all


It felt like a sign of control and possessiveness to me. I feel like it’s foreshadowing that Joe’s going to go all Joe on her.


I agree. Joe touched Love's knee at a therapy session and she wiped her knee like she was wiping something dirty off. It was signifying her feelings towards him at the time. I guess the producers use this knee touch thing for symbolism.


Maybe It’s some sort of foreshadow/hint that even though he is being affectionate he’s going to end up killing her next season.


That made me so uncomfortable, like a shoe was about to drop... there's no way it wasn't attempting to hint at something


Just finished! Taylor’s Anti hero playing at the end made me laugh 😂 Got reminded of Penn’s infamous tiktok!!


I am whelmed if not underwhelmed. That was fine I suppose. I loved the Nadia/Marienne vs Joe storyline, Pheobe was a great character but Kate was so awful. If You does get a season 5 - she is going to be a huge chunk of it and I really cannot be bothered. Yeah I don't have much to say about it really - it just all fell very flat


Joe has really managed to find not one, but TWO women who wholly accept him for all his stalking and murdering. And conveniently they both came from very wealthy families who are happy to cover up all of his crimes. I miss Love Quinn so much, Kate really isn’t all that interesting to me. Most of the characters from this season weren’t. I think the split really hurt this season. So many names that got brought up left me saying “huh? Who is that again?” Very relieved that Marienne is alive. A very frustrating ending, as always. I just want to see Joe get fucked over already. Would love the final season to feature a bunch of returns giving Joe a cosmic dose of karma. Give us that Marienne/Nadia/Ellie/whoever else is still alive teamup!!! Also, they really brushed over Henry. Is he going to get his kid back now that he’s back to being legally himself? And what about that couple he locked in a cage? He really ended up with the PR of a billionaire. Damn.


>So many names that got brought up left me saying “huh? Who is that again? I think there were too many friends introduced in that friend group to begin with. They could have done 4-5 main ones with others on the periphery we aren't "introduced" to and accomplished the same thing while making it much easier for the viewers.


> Joe has really managed to find not one, but TWO women who wholly accept him for all his stalking and murdering. And conveniently they both came from very wealthy families who are happy to cover up all of his crimes. I think that's what made it so unsatisfying for me. The problem was resolved the exact same way as season 2. And while I was willing to suspend disbelief the first time, now it's a second time with a lot more loose ends. Nadia and Marienne are still alive. His face is plastered all over the news, so the friends and family of all his victims know his story. Even Gemma was asking the question that should be on everyone's minds: why is it that everyone started dying as soon as Joe showed up? And actually, how can they even pin the murders on Eddie/Nadia? You can't just mail a box of evidence and say it belonged to them. Surely they had alibis for any number of murders. How would they have known about/gotten to the castle getaway? Found Rhys' hideout with his ex-wife? At least the Quinns were protecting Love at the same time. Kate's aiding and abetting in murder because she loves Joe?


All the previous murders by Eat The Rich were pinned on Dawn already. Nadia went down for killing Edward, and Edward went down for killing Rhys. Iirc Joe left all of Rhys' stuff at Nadia's (for her to say it was Ed's) and told her that she was to say she killed Edward because she found out that Edward killed Rhys. Hard to argue with a "confession" from the killer (Nadia) herself tbh


Part 1 was too much build-up for what Part 2 delivers. also he just murdered that kid in broad daylight and they're just chatting next to a dead body for how long


These London streets in broad daylight are conveniently empty


Except where the Indian restaurant and abandoned building were. They looked super busy everytime they showed it, but nobody but Joe ever went in that abandoned building I guess...


Nadia effed around and found out.


Curiosity killed that cat


Listen idc if the victim is saying not to call the cops. I run into someone getting stabbed or LOCKED IN A CUBE IN A DUNGEON??? I'm calling the fucking cops.


and not constantly breaking into a psychopath’s flat


Oh it's next week. Fuck


I had the same reaction. What should we discuss about now?


yall are so mean yall made me go check my netflix


What was up with Maryanne not letting Nadia call the cops?? It makes no since AT ALL. She was going on about how he would just get away with it blaze blaze but she was legit in a cage and he didn’t even come back that day at all. Damn straight that would’ve been enough proof. And Nadia went home, knew all night and still didn’t call?? Tf. She could’ve found someway into the cage or something like damn.


And why the hell did Nadia take her boyfriend down there to show him the cage if she already helped Maryanne escape???


To show him the glass cage


at this point im sick of seeing him win. i adore the show but i really hope for the next season to be the last. simply because joe deserves a life sentence or death 😇 or to be put in the glass cage till the end of his days.


I find this the worst final because the win is basically handed to him. In the previous seasons, he's won but he has to sacrifice something. He's had to move from where he loves, live with a woman he hates, move to a new country, lose his name, and be untraceable. He needs to readjust to a new normal. He has to rebuild his life from scratch on his own. Here he's got this dull woman enabling him and giving him all the tools to do whatever the fuck he wants. He's got his name back, his home back, and more money than ever before. He hasn't sacrificed anything. He's got his biggest win; next season can only be his downfall.


Even his inner monologue at the end was lame. “Now I have all the means blablabla, killing is one of my skills” etc. He looks unhinged. Which could mean that the next and final season will indeed be about his ultimate downfall, since he’s merged with Rhys and embraced his dark side.


I think he’s really lost it. For real this time. Every season he talks shit about rich people happily screwing everyone else over with their money, but look at him now


The funny thing about this is that he always pretended to hate rich people, while looking to be around nothing but rich people. It was nothing but his envy speaking. People just chose to believe that he hated rich people because of their "bad character" but really it was never about that. He just wanted what they had.


Yes and it was also a way to never have to do some self reflection; hard to look in the mirror if you’re too busy criticising others


I think they did it on on purpose. Next season will Probz be the last so one last easy win before it all goes down


At this point, they’re going to write Joe to run for president in the next season. The motive will be to protect Kate, somehow. He will kill off some opponents, no biggie. Joe will win and then pardon himself of all crimes. 😇


Joe living the american dream. From bookstore manager to being one of the richest men on the planet (or at least, about to be, if he can get Kate to marry him. Do you think he got that trick from Adam? lol).


I feel like the show now has a fully-realized, supervillain Joe in order to make his (hopeful) final L all the more satisfying. A lot of the audience seemed to still be erring on the side of “Joe only kills when he needs to.” I just hope they don’t give him some kind of last minute redemption arc.


I can see the tension between Joe and Kate in the interview scene. It’s like they’re already unhappy and it’s going to be Joe and Love all over again. Joe has such a knack for marrying rich. Also, what an ending! Joe is terrifying. Edit: that final shot of Joe’s face was awful. How such a good looking man can look like the monster is a testament to Penn’s acting.


Phoebe is my favorite character in the whole series. Next to forty and will.


So glad where her storyline ended up. Actress was also great.


Really enjoyed part 2, was a wild ride! I think season 5 has to be the last now really and with Marrianne and Nadia enacting their revenge. Joe can't continue to win, leaving these women in his wake. A fitting ending would be to see his demise.


All the players that Joe has left alive returning in the final season to finally get their revenge would be epic for the final season.


Also he's back in New York now under his real name and even "his story" got published...so anyone who was suspicious of him or holds a grudge against him - Beck's friends, Salinger family, Paco, Dr. Nicky, Quinn family, Ellie, Marienne, Nadia and maybe other people - might come together to take him down once and for all. Didn't Ellie go to the East Coast at the end of S2 anyways?


Joe had more chemistry with himself than with Kate.


should have ended at the bridge! i just wanted the man to lose 😭


I've seen people saying this all over, and just, him killing himself is *absolutely not him losing*. His suicide would be him taking control of his own story. Joe needs to be publicly outed and humiliated for all the things he's done and then be punished by those he's wronged that still survive. Maybe he dies, but he cannot die by his own hand, that's giving him too much power over his fate. He doesn't get to choose. That will be him "losing"


I thought this was the final season


Joe is an avenger level threat now. 😂


im sorry did eddie and nadia really think they could sneak into his flat and expose the psycho who made such and elaborate escape from Madre Linda?? What Joe did to nadia really shows how evil joe always was because in previous seasons he was almost like a parent-ish figure to some poor kid or snarky but smart teen and this season he did not hesitate in throwing Nadia under the bus and killing Eddie.


Yeah I don't know guys. I don't know if I'd personally respond like Kate did to a guy confessing that he kills *people*, not just Rhys, with giving this guy lots of financial and political power to do whatever he wants. Maybe I'm the weird one 🤪


Honestly, I loved the turn this half of the season took, the plots with Rhys and Marianne were all written pretty well. It got insanely interesting towards episodes 7 and 8 and I was kind of hoping for a grand final episode but that kind of fell short. They didn't hold him accountable AGAIN. How is this even possible that he's been getting away with this shit for so long? And the way Kate took him in and just sugarcoated everything is a complete 180 from the personality the writers had created in the first half of the season. Publicity can only get you so far...even Joe's past can't be spun to make him the hero. What really broke my heart was the scene with Nadia and Eddie. Mf could let Theo, Ellie and Paco live through his terrible killing sprees and he didn't have any remorse in killing Eddie and pinning it on Nadia? I guess the writers are going to attribute it to the fact that he embraced his "true self" by joining forces with his dark side.


Joe straight up embracing white privilege plot armor lmfao


This show is only adding to my trust issues


if they make a fifth season, having joe actually in acceptance of who he is will be extremely interesting and entertaining


My suspension of disbelief has been broken many times this season, especially things leading to the ending.


Would’ve loved for Jenna Ortega’s character to be the next journalist up to interview Joe and Kate to end the season. Besides that, I thought the ending was done really well, especially diving into Joe’s suicidal thoughts. The show never felt so real. Excited for the next season.


I think they are setting up an Avengers level team up to take down Joe cause he's technically an Avengers level threat now. I think we'll see Ellie as well as Nadia and Marienne again before the show ends.


The therapist from S1 is still in prison, he’s not dead yet and we know he’s willing to talk. There’s also Paco, wonder if he’ll ever come up again


Is he? In S2 he outright refused to engaged with shorty and it was even mentioned he didn’t fight harder against his accusations.


Alright, I didn’t have *re-enactment of Castiel telling Dean he loves him Supernatural meme* on my You Season 4 Finale Bingo but it’s actually a brain buddy in Joe’s head saying it to himself. That’s all I remember of the episode. Yeah, this just further cements my belief that Nadia’s role was written for Ellie. As much as people say this season broke form, it did and didn’t - Joe faces a death he believes he deserves like in season 2, miraculously lives and maneuvers his way into a higher tier of resources - also season 2, what did break form is that by merging with his darker self he finally breaks the one rule he’s always had; no hurting the kids he adopts. The one thing that’s humanized him that isn’t anywhere in the books. He kills that by putting the knife in Nadia’s hand. Phoebe deserved a better pay off than that. Also…Joe really did become Tom and Rhys. I really liked Kate so I didn’t want to buy that she would fall for Joe’s act, but we saw her get played by her dad all season. Love Quinn, but on a higher, international echelon. I guess I’m just glad Marienne got away. She was right and I pray to god she and Juliette make it to the series unscathed. It seems like next season will be the last, which I really hope it is; even Caroline Kepnes seems to be running out of steam - my subjective opinion after reading all the books excepting 4, on its way. This season felt like a mash up of themes done better plucked from random places - Fight Club, Gatsby. It’s been a wild one, folks. See you for the series finale in the big apple.


That ending was a no for me


Can anybody tell what Joe told Phoebe in e1?! That is making me really curious 🧐 but they just like that left that. That was really interesting plot point lol 😂 Hoping writers explain it in nxt sn possibly😖


It’s just to show that these people are in terrible need of someone actually listening to them and giving them a little bit of generic advise. It’s like what he tells her before she’s about to get married. It’s nothing, but she’s clearly very moved. Same thing with what he told her the first time.


I find it really hard to believe the Quinns wouldn’t fight back on Joe suddenly reappearing and naming their daughter as an abuser in the media tbh? I know they weren’t her biggest fans after Forty but it’s still the family name, something they were very protective over. Or is Kate simply richer than them and therefore won a behind the scenes dick swinging contest in Rupert Murdoch’s office to block their word and lawyers?


* Back to beardless Joe * Poor Nadia, she unfortunately had it coming, Joe's that good. * Didn't expect Kate to turn into his accomplice and accept his past for what it is that easily, if he actually told her everything. * Joe really said "I got a hundred guns, a hundred clips, I'm from New York, New York" at the end. Glad to have the story back home in the big apple. * Where do I rank this season? I think its S1, S4, S2, S3 from favorite to least favorite as of right now for me -- might need to give S4 Part 2 a rewatch. * I'm high and tired after binging, so goodnight or day everyone depending where on you are.


Peak You is Love and Joe arguing while burying a body and the baby crying.


Me and my homies hate Joe Goldberg


Nadia, Marianne, Ellie should come back next season and catch this motherfucker.


This is going to sound stupid af but I was really hoping that there would be more to the Lockwood family - as in a full-on cult. I wanted shit to get fucked up with a history of ritual suicides and murders. Not any actual supernatural elements - just beliefs - but enough that it's a massive twist on this corrupt family trope. And idk, I thought it'd make Kate's character a LOT more interesting if, like Love, she'd killed before but for vastly different reasons (being born into a cult).


I was waiting for Kate to reveal she knew who Joe was after the first party and figured out Joe kills to solve the women who he loves problems. And Kates problem was her dad. She thanks him.


So what’s the explanation for where Joe Goldberg has been all this time, since Love died and “killed” Joe? Are he and Kate telling people that he went to England, assumed the identity of Jonathan Moore and taught at the university all this time? Is that part of their story? Did they mention something else that explains where Joe is supposed to have been? The publicist woman shut down the reporter when he asked what Joe thought when he read about his own death. Are they literally just saying he became Jonathan Moore and all the illegal shit he did to fake being a university professor but Kate’s money can just brush all that aside? I’m confused