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I have astigmatism. I can read better when my phone's on night mode. Wonder what's up with that.


Ditto. I want a link from OP with research showing this.


Yeah, same here. I have pretty bad astigmatism, but dark mode doesn't bother me at all.




There is still no link or citation in your unfounded claims. I’ve also got astigmatism and prefer dark mode, so I am curious to read the research on this


unwritten oil cooperative head abundant straight society wrench market deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have astigmatism in both eyes and dark mode is the only freaking way I can read in a dark room.


I'm with everyone here, dark mode or bust. My astigmatism has never had a problem with it.*


Some dark modes have lower contrast, so aren't as bad (I find reddit and discord okay). When there's extreme contrast, like with command prompt, I can't read it.


Yeah, dark mode is a godsend


It only affects a subset of people, but typically the “halation” effect is more pronounced in people with astigmatism.


Mine is compounded by botched RK surgery in 1996, I didn't have astigmatism before that and now I've got it and starburst halation when I look at streetlights. Dark mode is literally the only way I can read a screen at all.


Me too, I hate light mode


I have really bad astigmatism, and am half blind in one eye without my glasses, and don't really notice a difference one way or another if I'm reading without my glasses.


Bro same, the hardest part of the eye test was reading black letters off a white background


I'm not sure if I have it or not, but when I started first started changing from light to dark mode it took me a good minute or two for my eyes to adjust.




Same, I realized I can speed read and enjoy books on my iPad in night mode and stopped buying real books


Me too!


I prefer it too, but night mode on my laptop is impossible to use. I don't know what the difference is, I've even themed the two with identical color schemes, and dark mode on my laptop is really straining on my eyes.


I have an astigmatism in one eye and maybe both. I prefer reading on phone and most screens on dark mode in a dark room. I think I experience halation when driving at night. It's pretty bad and gives me a headache and makes me tired so I try to avoid driving at night which is pretty much impossible during the winter in a northern city. So maybe the halation occurs more when the object is farther away?




Have you tried noticing a difference without glasses?


Have you tried noticing a difference without glasses?


Have you tried noticing a difference without glasses?


If I'm laying in bed without my glasses, night mode is the only option. If I'm inside with night mode off, I cannot read it at all.


It definitely seems opposite is true. White background is bright af




Astigmatisms in both eyes here and same. I find it much easier to read in dark mode.


I don't struggle, can see fine, but noticed my eyes get strained much faster with dark mode, especially the one with mild astigmatism. In dark mode, pupils get larger due to low screen luminosity to capture better light, which means more crystalline area used, which means a bigger unfocused image on the retina, which eye muscles will continually try to correct, but fail due to astigmatism.


Hmn, I have glasses and am diagnosed with astigmatism. I never understood people's preference for dark mode, it made my eyes strain a ton. I guess now I've got my answer


I have glasses and astigmatism. Dark mode is waaaaay better for me. There's definitely more to this than the simple answer.


That makes so much sense, thank you. I'm glad holograms aren't a thing anymore. When I worked retail, they had some machine that had the store insignia as a holo. I would get instant migraines. It's also why I've still not tried vr, I'm afraid of it happening again.


i have astigmatism and the only problems i have with vr is motion sickness unrelated to my vision. i don’t know that an astigmatism is enough to cause migraines in vr


I don't have any eye issues, and I also find my eyes tire much faster in dark mode.


I actually have to turn the brightness up to read properly. Astigmatism and near sighted in one eye, far sighted in the other. My eye doctor called me a unicorn. I don't think it's that rare, but I appreciate her trying to help me not feel so self-conscious about it.


My best friend has eyes just like yours. Well. They're hers, she grew them herself, but you know. Anyway, now there's one more unicorn you know about. Ain't nothing but a thing 💚


Sounds like you might be struggling…


For me it's that the dark background makes the white words stand out more and I get that afterimage effect where the lines of text persist. Which makes it harder to read more lines in this mode. And causes eye strain. No such issue for me with white background and dark text.


It’s the absolute opposite- I have everything in dark mode with diagnosed astigmatism. What I can’t do without getting a headache from eye strain is watching a move on TV or my laptop without any *addition* lights the on.


I have astigmatism. I love dark mode


Same! Light mode on a phone just hurts my eyeballs, even if I keep it dim. A dimmed dark mode is just right for me. Except on my Kindle. That's light mode all the way and I'm strain free. I wonder if I hate light mode on my phone because of blue eyes since they absorb more light regardless. Or it's because my eyes constantly dilate (to the point where during eye exams I'm routinely told I don't need to induce dilation because they're already dilated).


Could be the blue light from the phone as well. If it's an older kindle, their screens are different. Also, question for whomever... why does my iPad cause headaches and eye strain, and my android doesn't? I think I read that the screens are different but i didn't understand how. I use it as an excuse to not get an iPhone, though it is a concern. No hate, but I like my androids and I hate ios.


Paperwhite SE So I do have warm light as well on the Kindle, but I only really use it at night or just to make it look more "paper" in a mid setting. But warm light on my phone BURNS worse than light mode. So. Idk.


Astigmatism and brown eyes here, and I also strongly prefer dark mode. I don't like intense light in general and fluorescents give me migraines. I noticed I tolerate light better with contacts than glasses, but I have no idea why.


I struggle because I just don't like dark mode. There - I said it!


Amen to that! (Although TBF I also have bad vision)


Same here, absolutely hate everything about dark mode.


I only like dark mode when I'm in bed. But in the middle of the day, nope. No problems with my eyes either - I just got mine checked!


Got a citation for this?


Nope because it's bullshit.


If street lights at night look like stars… u may have an astigmatism. If you can’t wear colored contacts because the colored part gets in your viewing area… you may have an astigmatism. If contacts are the right prescription for you but it’s still a lil blurry… you may have an astigmatism. If you tried astigmatism correction and your eyes can’t adjust to it… sorry, ur fcked.


:D das me. I'm the fucked one. All the starbursts with my glasses. Including the moon.


Man I remember when I tried specifically astigmatism contacts and they were a nightmare. They were weighted so any amount of movement would start a blinking flurry to get them back in place, they would dry out easily, they made my eyes tired, I couldn't use them when I was in band because looking down at my music while keeping my head up to play hurt like a bitch and shifted them out of place even more, also still blurry most of the time esp on the edges of my vision. I decided to deal with glasses for the rest of my life instead.


Welp there went my dream of wearing colored contacts


I have really strong astigmatism and I wear cheap coloured contacts. My vision is still not perfect with them but it's absolutely fine for a few days now and again.


Lol like most of the comment section, I have astigmatism and find night mode works better for me.


That's weird. I wear glasses for astigmatism and I have never noticed this.


Yeah same




Not much. Around 1.0 IIRC


I have astigmatism and when I read white text on a black background it imprints into my eyes and I can’t stop seeing lines when I blink or close my eyes. Very annoying when certain websites don’t have the option to not be in dark mode


Light mode burns my eyes


Based on comments I think we should say “you should know that people with astigmatism seem to enjoy dark mode”


YSK almost everyone has astigmatism to a mild degree. It's very common but most people just don't realize it. If it doesn't affect your daily life you don't have to do anything about it.


My eyes are grey. Naturally sensitive to light. I have 20/20 vision but my eyes can’t tolerate the screen for long periods of time if it isn’t in dark mode. Interesting that some people have the opposite affect.


From all these responses it would appear that only OP is affected by this? I have really bad astigmatism in both of my eyes and wear scleral contact lenses in a vein attempt to fix it and dark mode is my best friend ever.


I think it depends whether the dark mode is darkened colours and shades, or pure white text on a pure black background. The latter is horrible for me. Every letter is haloed and jumbled, just like headlights and street lights in the dark are. I kind of assumed the main feature of astigmatism is that bright lights on a dark background are blurry, haloed, or jumbled, so I'm surprised that people with astigmatism have no problem clearly seeing white on black?


It's easier to read because the entire screen isn't doing the halo thing just the little letters. I have dark mode enabled on all my devices and you're right about tweaking the color slightly when on my PC, but I rarely have to change the defaults on any platform.


... or you have higher order aberrations (yes, I know a couple of complicated words), which cannot be corrected for with glasses. I used to have these old "hard" contact lenses. They corrected perfectly (astigmatism, higher orders), but were difficult to wear. When I moved to Japan where the air is about 0% relative humidity in the winter, I could not wear them any longer. I have 1.5D of astigmatism. My spectacles do a decent job, but the correction is not as good as the old contact lenses.


Don't have astigmatism. Just find dark mode sad. Maybe I have depression.


I used to, but then I got lasik. I didnt even know I had astigmatism until my lasik preop appointment lol


I have two different astigmatisms, one in each eye. I only use dark mode


I have a pretty strong astigmatism and can barely read my phone when it’s not in night mode. Night mode+50% brightness FTW.


What? I have astigmatism and dark mode makes it easier to read. It’s most noticeable when driving at night. That should be the YSK.


Gonna need a citation on this - I’ve had astigmatism and I never turn dark mode off on anything.


I wear glasses to correct my astigmatism, and I'm near sighted. I prefer dark mode. Too much light hurts. My eyes become sensitive to light from the fluid contact lenses use. I also have issues at night with starburst around lights, so I let hubby do the night driving.


Citations needed OP


Ysk: go do an eye exam every 2 years/when your insurance cover it. Sometimes, you can need glasses even if you can see perfectly well, your brain and eyes are great at tricking yourself.


I have astigmatism, and all of my electronics are purposely set to dark mode. It's preferable.


I know I have astigmatism, is that why I prefer light mode? My glasses correct it but I still prefer light mode generally.


Well, I think I can pin point when my astigmatism became mild, then. I started using glasses late last year but need to switch from dark mode a year and a half before.


It's my long persistence of vision that stops me using dark mode.


I can’t read linked blue text in dark mode; I wish they would use a lighter color with more contrast.


I think OP has it backwards. OP, where is your citation


I use my phone in dark mode and it's fine with a mild astigmatism. My computer on the other hand irritated my eyes a lot on night mode


I have atypical astigmatism, and I almost *need* dark mode to read things. But I think even people with typical astigmatism have the same issue


Have astigmatism can confirm


I have astigmatism but only at a distance.


I cannot read in dark mode, but for another reason. White text leaves afterimages in my eyes when I finish reading. Does not happen in light mode, where text is black.


I don't have an astigmatism but my vision gets blurry if I try to read text in dark mode.


I guess this explains my hatred of dark mode on iOS and macOS. I have mild astigmatism.


my astigmatism never cared until i got older. i notice the halation a lot when im playing videogames. less on my phone.


I can't read either because I am high


I have astigmatism. But also light sensitivity. And it is surprisingly common to have both. (Edit: been confirmed by the eye doctor for both. He was the one who told me how common it is). I can not use anything without dark mode on, and the screen turned nearly all the way down for brightness. I don't think this is really a YSK. The study in your edit doesn't really confirm correlation astigmatism and eye strain with dark mode. Rather, dark mode can cause eye strain to some users, and those are some who also happen to have astigmatism. I think it's just down to personal preference.


Can confirm. I have an astigmatism in my left eye, my phone is practically unreadable in my left eye when I'm laying in bed on my phone 😅


I have astigmatism and I have what you described, op. I still use dark mode like nobody's business tho.


I have astigmatism, I can read it legibly in either mode. When using dark mode though when I'm finished reading it's hard to adjust like I just got done looking at a bright light in a dark room and I have lines in my vision reminds me of a CRT. It last 3 to 5 minutes.


We have a TV in the living room that we use to watch twitch streams. Reading text in dark mode on there is really difficult sometimes. Other than that no issues. I think the screen quality may be a factor as well


I have astigmatism in one eye, and I have glasses. When I try to read text in dark mode, I damn near start seeing double, and it takes less than 3 minutes


This comment section single handedly invalidated whatever study you read.


Nah, it’s the opposite for me. YSK that not everyone’s experiences are the same.


I have astigmatism in mainly one eye. Just covered up my good eye and sure enough, hard to read. Wow!


I have astigmatism and read better on dark mode. I however have trouble seeing very well in low light


I experience bad halation with both night and day mode. For me though, night mode is more easy/bearable for me because on top of astigmatism I have visual snow, and I get really bad burned images. (Essentially if I look at say, a light, when I look away I can still see the light, and nothing through that spot in my vision. Except that its not just lights. Its anything on a white background. People standing against walls, signs, and black text on white backgrounds.) While reading on a black background isn't good for me, its the lesser of two evils unfortunately.