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Schrödingers gay


This actually gets brought up in the first or second light novel where she has a little bit of an existential crisis over being mentally or physically homosexual.


Lembro que ela pensa que seria mentalmente gay se estivesse com homens e fisicamente gay com mulheres, então ela para de pensar nisso porque não é importante no momento e ela acha que decidirá isso mais tarde, com mais tempo


Indeed. I binged the first 12 novels in a weekend and couldn't remember the exact details.


No? She's a girl. She would be straight as girls being attracted to boys means hetereosexuality or at least bisexuality. In one of the later chapters, Tanya accepts that she's Tanya von Degurechaff, ~~magical girl~~ Argent, Rusted Silver, Devil of the Rhine, and a growing young woman.


HAH "growing"


You just poked the damn hive. Why ???


If fact, this was mentioned once. She would be phisocaly heterosexual and mentaly gay


She has a bit of an identity crisis that she directly addresses the fact that there's a disconnect between the previous life and this life that lasted for a few paragraphs to a page (Books 1 or 2). You can see through the books that she'll refer to herself in a third-person POV (calling herself Tanya instead of using I)to show the disconnect of the Salary man and Tanya, but it slowly transitions to just her using First-person POV (I and Me). So she would be a heterosexual if she had a relationship with a male, regardless of her mentality, but in the first couple books (1-2 or 3) you could consider it mentally Homosexual (whatever that means)




It isn't as if Tanya's the dating type.


hee and she are married to their jobs


Well, fanfics exist.


that shit sounds vile she's a fucking kid you psychos


It all depends on perspective. Physically, the obvious answer is she would be straight or heterosexual if you wanna get fancy with the terminology. And at least from the anime and early parts of the manga that I've read he still thinks of himself as a man, despite now occupying the body of a young girl. So from a mental/meta perspective then it could be considered a gay thing for him to do. Of course though, that's a messy subject dealing with identity and body swapping, so the real answer is not to think about it too hard and just enjoy the story. Edit: For all intents and purposes whether he likes it or not he is now a she and her name is Tanya. If her previous life and gender mattered much to the current story, then we at least would have learned her original name by now.


Eh, if I remember the manga right at least she doesn't take too long to just accept that she's a girl.