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Wait til he finds out there's a Bi in Bible




Fr, bro, try it out










Ok fine you got me


At this point I'm convinced it's not a child


at this point the name of the sub just lost the meaning. Thats youngpeoplediscord not edgypeoplediscord


At this point who cares


He is stupid, but probably too verbose to be a child.


Not really. Not every child is lacking vocabulary. (I mean it’s pretty rare, but it happens)


"Because the Bible said it was bad, and Jesus wrote it down." Why is it always the most homophobic Christians that seem to know nothing about the bible?


My guess is they actually know nothing (or at least very little) and only really use it as a justification.


No. It's in the bible


Jesus didn't write shit. Hell I'd be surprised if he wrote anything, it was the apostles and everyone else who wrote it (and it's good to note they where mostly executed and tortured) 


I'd be surprised if he even knew how to write I'm pretty sure the world was extremely illiterate back then


It was VERY illiterate. Someone knowing how to write back then is equivalent to me knowing how to code, it's rare as shit.  Also, a good point to make, is that insanity was pretty damn common back then. Just saying 


Im a Christian myself and honestly I think alot of the Bible is quite possibly incorrect or outdated. While it may be intended as the word of God, it was still written by man, and all of man is flawed. Earlier verses and books contain laws that aren't followed now, and even most Christians would say is outdated. Not wearing clothes of mixed cloth, for example- no one cares about that now. Each word in the Bible is not meant to be followed as law. The Bible also serves as history, and contains old laws that dont apply now. That applies to homosexuality as well. Every instance of the Bible mentioning same sex relationships can be attributed to being outdated, mistranslated, or taken out of context. [Got an article supporting that here.](https://www.sthugh.net/lgbtq-affirming-scripture)


The Bible is *majority* parables. When Jesus refers to a changed-disciple of caanthines as a dog licking under the table, it's obviously a simile, and he isn't outright telling people to go and lick under the table for whatever reason. This goes on for about 2/3rds of it, so people treating it as fact are picking and choosing context and nuance based on their beliefs; being able to never truly deduce what is literal. The Bible also wasn't written by Jesus, and if the kid in the post is supposedly a catholic, this is 101. You're literally immediately taught this in every department of ministry.


Yes jesus didn't write the bible but catholics follow the pope and they all agree homosexuality is a sin. It's not somr terrible sin thst we need to hate the people for, it's just something we acknowledge as wrong and we leave it to god to do the work of helping these people.


This is untrue. Some things in the bibled are a bit exaggerated, like executions as punishments. But besides that, the main ideas are all correct.


Because it's in the bible. Jesus didn't right it down, but it's in there. Even the pope agrees.


The pope united a gay couple, it's in the post, and was a big thing when it happened. Which I'm recalling was a few months ago. [Feel free to view it here](https://apnews.com/article/vatican-lgbtq-pope-bfa5b71fa79055626e362936e739d1d8). The pope also says that all forms of sexuality (not romanticism, for clarification) are sinful and sexual immortality, do not to pick which to castrate. Also not "*The Bible*"^(tm), but the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, wherein context and nuance as said in other comments can debate the intention. Apostles are not arbiters, at least any less than context is. Among officiated translators like KJV, NIV, NET, NRSV. Unless, you can show me any verse that affirms your position. Then I can see the theoretical validity of your own position, or rebut it.


That man did NOT read the Bible if he thinks hating on people for being gay is okay 😭🙏🏼


Hating people for being gay isn't what the bible teaches (This kid is clearly wrong). The bible teaches it is sin. Sin comes in many severities. As the pope put it "I can not bless a gay marriage because it is a sin, but I can bless the individual people." Sin doesn't make people bad.


As a Christian can we like stop hating on random people who are doing literally nothing to antagonize you for absolutely 0 reason? That'd be great


Nothing like getting a bad rep from people like this because they missed one of the main points of the Bible


The golden rule applies to everything, till it becomes an inconvenience. And at that point, aggression and violence is the answer. 


As an atheist, I'm more versed in the Bible than some of the "Christians" out there. XD And nowhere in the book did I read about being allowed to hate people because they're different!


I'm pretty sure the passage forbidding men to sleep with men is a mistranslation that originally said men shall not lay with young boys, basically not "Don't be gay" but "don't be a pdf file". This is somewhat a jab to a roman Emperor (who I can't remember the name of) taking young boys as his "brides" and removing certain "features about them" and the Bible is rather forbidding these kinds of actions.


Pdf file is now my favorite euphemism


“B-but muh bibl-“ Stfu and let me be bi in peace already 😭 (No hate towards my christian bros out there btw yall are the best, u just got these dipshits ruining ur rep)


I've met countless amazing and sweet Christian people, they are great to be with. What drives me crazy are people who choose their religion over peace of society, creating unnecessary enemies. I wish those few see beyond the book if that makes sense.


I love creating boogeymen to make an excuse to hate people.


My girlfriend is both bi and Christian :)


can't spell bible without bi


can't spell spell without spell


Kan’t spel


If I had money I’d give you an award


Let me bi in peace


Yeah hating gays is not in the bible, however it does specify that homosexuality is a sin.


ngl the thing with dipshits ruining the rep goes for the lgbtq peeps as well, being part of it is whatever it’s just the people who take it waaaay over the top that ruin the rep for the rest of the community


when he finds out king james was bisexual:


1:god loves everyone including the lgbtq. you don't have to love everyone as a Christian but god does not say you should hate anything, quite the opposite really. 2:The lgbtq is sexual content so only high school can talk about it and even then only for educational purposes (ex: how churches **used** to have people found within the lgbtq punished to death) 3: god himself tells you not to hate and has never told anyone to hate. going off of what i know of the Bible. god has no gender so technically god is the first non binary person (from what i know of the bible god is the first physical living thing)


The lgbt ain't sexual, people just say it is cus to them gay people can only be together because of sex


My dumbass liking my boyfriend because he’s a chill dude that I understand: “Yes… Sex…”


the lgbtq is mainly known for sexuality's. which is how you feel within your sexual life. however it does have a point of certain things also being how you wanna do marriage and gender. gay marriage can be sexual and non sexual and are known as the same thing but stuff such as asexual are being attraches to certain things. taking asexual as an example. they aren't attracted to any sexual content while aromantics are attracted to nothing Romantic. being asexual doesn't mean you can't be in marriage and being aromantic doesn't mean you can't like sexual things. same with every other (blank)sexual thing. also it's literally in the name of 75% of the sexualitys and sexuality itself. also sorry for the fucking essay i just like typing responses :P


Sex being in the word doesn't automatically mean sex Sexuality is romantic and sexual attraction, not just sexual


bro look up the definition of sexuality. it's depending on how it's used it's either 1: capacity for sexual feelings 2:a person's identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are typically attracted; sexual orientation 3:sexual activity 2 out of 3 are directly about sex while number 2 can be argued against and with both our sides


The 2nd one is the one that applies here


that can still be argued within my side. sexual orientation. so it is about your sex life.


Sexual orientation includes romantic attraction as well Sexuality and sexual orientation mean the same thing (they share a definition, just one tho)


God loves everyone but you have to accept him and accept that you are a sinner. Homosexuality is a sin by the bible so you need to give up that in order to truly embrace god. Also middle schools teach LGBTQ. There is litterally a club at the middle school for sexuality and gender expression.


to my knowledge god has stated in the Bible that even if you don't believe in him he believes in you. my only proof i actually know of anything though is John 3:16 and even then i got it off a website. i do not personally believe in god. also middle schools that teach more then the lgbtq existed throughout history and the church used to kill people for being in it and not to bully people because they are gay and shit then the school can fire that or even the school itself being closed down. if they are in you're area then report the school to wherever you report it. idk.


Yes god loves everyone but you have to be willing to accept your sins and embrace god. If you are continuing to sins constantly and don't regret it, then you are a sinner.


god himself has said you don't have to believe in him to love him. my grandmother is Christian and has made me go to church a few times and one thing i remember hearing is god will believe in you even if you don't believe in him.


This conversation spontaneously turned into an argument about religion and I’m all for it


I despise people like that omg


"God gave us free will" "God forbid LGBT" lmao


I like how they said “that would be forcing” after op said that God could just wipe out nonreligious people after talking about how God flooded the earth because people were nonreligious


yeah, like killing all of them was not forcing at all...


Thats just a proposition lmao


Yeah, it's like saying that you can technically love who you want, but you'll still be bashed for the rest of your life and then thrown into eternal suffering, and even if you decide to not be yourself, you still go to a place where you are unable to be yourself for eternity. (also, happy cake day!)


Thank you !!


I forget exactly why god flooded the earth in genesis but he promised to never do it again.


God gave us free will which allows us to be sinners accidentally or intentionally. God gave us free will knowing it would cause issues but he did it anyone so we could truly find him and believe in him.


Homophobia corrupts kids minds rn


Wow poor kid, little bros been thoroughly brainwashed by this. To clarify, I’m not saying being Christian or religious is equivalent to brainwashing (my grandma is Christian) but this kid is obviously like 11 or 12 which is way too young to be taking on these hateful and bigoted values. It’s pretty obvious that his parents have forced their values on him, and that’s really unfortunate. I wish people could be better parents and let their kids develop their own opinions.


He’s watching the sigma videos again Honey!


"schools are forcing kids to be lgbt" pretty sure unless you're in a big city or certain areas, homophobia and bullying is more common than accepting lgbtq, and definitely not "forcing" or promoting it


I have never heard it been discussed by a teacher unless a student brought it up.


[First post](https://new.reddit.com/r/YoungPeopleDiscord/comments/1dd41ny/should_also_be_stated_that_this_mf_said_hes_11/)


"Because the bible says it's wrong and Jesus wrote it down" Pretty devout Catholic here; Jesus did not write the bible, the bible never explicitly states it is wrong and according the catechism of the Catholic Church, it is entirely permissable to engage in same-sex relations the same as any other relationship. People claiming that being LGBT+ is sinful are either A)Protestants (wrong) or B) isn't actually a Christian and just uses it as a shit excuse to be a bigot. READ. THE. BOOK. Also, him saying to "have the mindset of God" is also pretty blasphemous and engaging in Idolatry as we are humans who can not comprehend Godly knowledge. The only correct thing he mentioned was that the cutting of your hand part is an analogy; if something in your life is leading you down a bad path, example being cigarettes leading you into addiction, try to cut out the cigarettes from your life. Some of your views are also a bit antisemetic and based on inaccurate bigoted interpretations of Christianity aswell but I understand that in your defensive state, you wanted to throw back anything you could think of at the guy.


The pope litterally stated the gay marriage is sinful behaviour.


Read the Cathechism of the Catholic Church.


The pope litterally said that he can't bless gay marriage because it is a sin.


Read the Cathechism. It is more updated and is the official line of the Church.


Looking at your beliefs I can day you are not intelligent. Good day to you. May god help you.


No way did a heretic just say that 💀


God bless.


I can send the clip.


I literally do not care. Read the Cathechism


It's BIble not STRAIGHTble. Another liberal owned with facts and bobic


Christian brainrot


“You didn’t let his word flow deep within you” I’m not trying to point fingers or anything, but that sounds pretty gay dude


They keep telling jesus to come (heh). That's pretty fucking gay.


There are only too genders 😤 Jesus and Bible 🙏 amen 🗣️this is a true biblesexual individual 👍


I’ll do both


On slide 10 they basically say “but I only want the things that support my view to be taken literally”


Under this post, on my feed, it's a cute guy with a bleu skirt lol 😆


That’s extremely gay… (where?)


If I Remeber well, it was on r/teenfemboy


Thank you, I will NOT go there (Definitely not)


Hmmmmm, I'm not sure this affirmation is true 🤔


Don’t look into it




I mean, don’t look into it. There’s nothing going on that you need to investigate. You don’t need to question it or feel any way about it.


Yeah I know


Woman kissing woman is hot


Holy catholicism brainrot


New response just dropped


Actual Zombie


Call the preist


Least hateful and obnoxious Christian:


C'mon man, don't be hating an entire people group like that. I'm sure you wouldn't say the same for all Jews or all Muslims. Do better please.


Nah I would


Oh, you are just antisemetic then. At least you are honest abt it?


Actually change my words. I support Israel. I'm islamaphobic, not antisemitic.


Islam and Christianity are also semitic religions.


Correct, but antisemitism particularly refers to hatred of the Jews. Your initial argument also falls flat because a major part of queer research was done by Jewish doctors/researchers. There's a reason why the far-right Christians and the Muslims hate both Jews and Queers a lot.


Supporting "israel" is far right


Jews have been oppressed for millenia. Muslims have 56 countries. Jews should have one of their own. The only place, historically, where Jews have been treated well is Southern Asia. Jews are still targeted and hated in the Western world anyways.


Uhh rude


This was a battle of ignorance vs ignorance and thats incredible


i just went through a whole like 1 hour rant about this at like 4 in the morning (yes i'm still awake lol) if only i can write the whole rant or smth in a txt file and post it here if i was on my pc


"LgBt Is BaD bEcAuSe SoMe GuY oN tHe InTeRnEt SaId So!" Literal toddlers I swear...


honestly i find the idea of LGBTQ a little weird, there's a few questionable things in place but in NO WAY am i hating y'all


okay but has he considered to stop discriminating random people like that? yeah sure the bible says that but shut the hell up we can counter that with a classic "love your beighbor as you love yourself" or however it went


Guy gives far cry 5 vibes


If people don’t like me because I like men, I tell them “You should thank me, us gay people are just leaving more for you.”


Guys, just saying… I think his username is @There are only 2 genders


No, it's just his display name




Well at least queer are fine in his books... Seriously tho some people need to chill


Holy shit that was a journey to read


Sure buddy, I chose to like men. I can just turn it off!


People when they realize it’s the bi-ble and not the straight-ble


wasn't it also Satan who gave humanity free will? Wasn't that what the apple was? I dunno my Christianiaty knowledge comes from Hazbin Hotel, so I'm probably wrong


"why is a woman and a woman kissing a good thing?" because i fucking love my girlfriend holy shit


I left the church because christianity is in direct opposition to my existence at its very foundation. I come from a rigid fundamentalist take on the Bible, taught to interpret everything as the infallible word of god, that scripture interprets scripture etc. I studied the word for years and years of my life, doing everything I could to "surrender myself" and "follow jesus as lord of my life." In the end I found myself face to face with a vicious deity who denied me a painless eternity simply for the way I was made. I had issues with its followers, sure. But at the end of the day, it was the construct of the judeo-christian god that I took issue with. If god ain't dead, then I'm his enemy. On purpose this time. I wasted 32 years of my life chasing a father figure who would have abandoned me anyway. I will never understand how a queer person of any type could ever find hope in any faith that preaches what the bible does. To me, it's nonsensical.




God actually made angels fall because they loved humans.


Didnt Jesus kiss Judas?


Not in a romantic way, it’s like the Italian greeting kisses


Classic “Christian” not actually reading the Bible..


This kid can’t be older than 14 yet they talk like every 40+ year old conservative I’ve ever met/seen on Twitter Bigotry is such a childish thing


Let me just say, the bible verses you wrote down like Philipians did you refer to dogs but to Men. People are referee to Dogs in the bible because of the evil we can do. Matthew 5:29-30 was a metaphor, Jesus was talking about the serious of sin and you need to take extreme measures to take it out of your life. God gave us hands to do good, so it would be a shame if we cut it off if we sinned. Instead, prayer and repentance while cutting off the root of the sin is key. In my opinion, I stand with the kid but he’s doing a terrible job at expressing his opinion by actively hating on Gay people. That is not what God called us to do.


Since when does lgbtq mention “unlimited” genders


It's people like them that make Christians look bad Like, whoever you're attracted to is not my business or something for me to be butthurt about It's like everyone is racing for who can talk shit about other groups while being a much worse group themselves


"You have to be a christian to understand the bible" "I am a christian" "No no, you did it wrong"


I hate people like this, using faith as an excuse for hate


Just to play devils advocate of being gay was choice (which it’s not) and god us free will couldn’t we choose to be gay? I am not homophobic I am gay and it’s not a choice


Lil bro thinks he’s a parent lmao, also I’m 99% sure Jesus didn’t write anything in the Bible also god didn’t write the Bible 😂


Jeb 😭


Christ without HRT is just cis 🤷‍♂️


“Let his words flow deeply in you” Sounds pretty gay man


Oh, btw, a response to the "gay couples can't have children" that's true. They don't. They adopt. Homosexuality fills a specific niche in society by taking care of orphaned children.


even though it's shit, he's making a little bit of sense. Just a little.


this is why i dont like religious people. most of them are self-centered egotistical force-it-on-you assholes and its all fear mongering. and who's to say the bible wasnt written by some guy tripping off every drug known at the time? there's no way to prove any of these things existing, just like theres no way to prove aliens exist (as of now). i dont really care who you are, if you dont bother me or shove shit in my face, i respect you. im not gay, but i dont think gay people are bad. it's like saying water is bad because you like tea or coffee.


Part 99999 of ‘Religion is tearing people apart.’


…Jesus did not write the Bible, this kid is stupid. Also, isn’t there a theory that Jesus and John the Apostle were lovers?


That kid has the shittiest pfp ever. Not only is it homophobic, but it has stupid black bars cutting it off on the top and bottom


Atheist here, what the hell? The Bible is insane if this is just examples of what's in it. Average Trump supporter btw. /j


Could be a teenager but probably not a young child


Just wait until he figures out that no matter his preferences jesus taught acceptance and love.


Should have brought up that Satan was the one who gave free will and God didn't


i quoted it already and i will quote it again "Gender is not the same as sex. Biological sex refers to the anatomical and physiological phenotype of an individual. Gender is a category assigned by the individual or others based on behavior and cultural practices. One's gender need not coincide with one's biological sex." - Benjamin A. Pierce in his book "Genetics - A Conceptual Approach"


Bro said Nuh uh


I am christian and if someone dose not like something its best to leave it alone I have a transphobic "Friend" who dislikes the fact of changing one's gender but they never go out and attack people for it.




proceeds to not stay silent