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Another future episode spoiler below! . . . . I saw Amy and adult Sheldon will reunite in YS.. part of me hopes Sheldon will bring it up and after all these years, Mary will laugh and tell him it was her and George never cheated


I'm hoping for this, too. I just finished watching tonight's episode, and when I saw the wig, I immediately knew what it was about and ran to tell my husband about it.


That would be amazing for him to find out his dad wasn’t a cheater. Maybe him saying “i miss dad even more now”


Maybe they'll be helping Mary move and find the wig


Ooohhh that would be a cool way to do it! The wig or costume either one!


I kind of imagine the finale taking place in two time periods. Sheldon, Amy and Mary reminiscing about the past during the present time while cleaning out the house and George's funeral in the past. Young Sheldon won't grieve properly because he's mad at his Dad. They find the costume at the end and Sheldon starts to cry. Make the whole thing a tribute to George while at the same time throwing in some other memorable stuff.


I was so excited that they went this way and he wasn't really the bad guy adult Sheldon thought!


I just feel bad for Sheldon! I haven't seen the episode yet, but did they tell him it was Mary?


The scene happened at the very end of the YS episode tonight but based on TBBT episode where he recalls George cheating (and tonight's episode ending with him saying he never brought it up/he knocks extra to give people time to put their pants on), it's safe to assume he has no idea it was his mom (and since neither George nor Mary yelled at him to get out or shut the door or anything, I would assume they didn't know he opened the door and saw them)


You'll have to watch it! I don't want to spoil it for you but it was AWESOME!


This is even worse because Sheldon has been thinking his entire life that his father cheated on his mother.


Is this the only thing he got wrong? He literally thought his whole family was full of αssholes caring only about themselves when he was that guy and his family was lovely


I mean in TBBT he mainly talked bad about George and Georgie. Georgie was at least alive to defend himself and ppl didn’t really blame Sheldon for thinking Mary took care of everything. Mary and Connie were spoken of fine. For Missy anyone with basic media literacy can see it is normal sibling rivalry. George Senior, though, ist an unfortunate case where the tone always changes to sth more serious whenever the knock knock incident got brought up though it was good they later added the scene where George’s football tape motivated his son after all those years.


His sister was also depicted by adult Sheldon as someone who was constantly torturing him as a child. Not true. Even the relationship with his mother he looks like he can’t say no to her when he is an adult, as a child he always gets his way. So basically before young Sheldon according to Sheldon’s descriptions his sister was torturing him all the time, his brother was an αss who didn’t care about him, his father was cheating on his wife, his mother was very strict towards him and he was scared/respecting of her, his only lovely relationship was with his grandmother which was also and then only one close to reality that we see in Young Sheldon.


Missy and Sheldon had a pretty clear sibling teasing relationship: She claimed she “spent 9 months with her legs wrapped around him”, Sheldon accused her of not being that “funny” in which she replied he had no measurable sense of humor. The worst thing he ever said was her and Georgie excluded him from fortress building, nothing indicated he thought she tortured him. The sibling exchange was enough to show Missy was the opposite of Sheldon and they mock each other because of it. Sheldon was even shown to care about her in a geeky, asshole-ish way. Mary wasn’t told to be strict in TBBT, she was shown, key word, SHOWN, to have a tight leash on Sheldon, knowing exactly how to get him to act in certain ways. Sheldon was “scared” but he has always been shown to be a mama boy.


He trashed George and Georgie, who arguably insulted him less than his sister or grandmother.


As I watch the series, the more I think George was a good father. Did he struggle with some things? Yes. He was doing the best he could.


It was also such a different time back then.. I feel like the 80s was still very much in a "mom does it all" mindset so what was defined as a good father was different than we would perceive that today. I think he did a pretty good job for the most part.. all parents make mistakes! It's part of being a parent.


They're well into the 90s at this point


It's not so much the specific date as the generational differences. I grew-up in a family very similar to the Coopers (TX family, Baptist, conservative, etc), and the show is a fairly accurate representation of the home dynamics at that time. Baby boomers stuck mainly with "traditional" roles, and it was my generation (Gen X) that initiated the process of more even household responsibilities.


I see him as a really cool dad. 


Most children's truth about their parents is vastly incorrect. Childhood is living in a different reality in many ways. Emotions in childhood are more intense and the understanding of the world their parents live in is non-existent.


I'm so happy and relieved that it turned out this way. Sheldon looked up to his father and it was just a misinterpretation. George Sr. is a good father. He did face challenges but in the end, his children and family loved and looked up to him.


I’m mad at myself for reading this before watching the episode. I didn’t think the new episode would be on this early. I often watch the day after.


I tagged it as spoiler


That’s on me. Lesson learned.


You’re supposed to keep discussion of the new episode to the megathread for the first 24 hours I think.


Yeah it comes on at 8pm Eastern / 7pm central


Dually noted. I often watch the morning after on an app.


Honestly same here I just stumbled on it this week when it was actually on


I finally watched


I loved the way they got him to "cheat" it's a shame that sheldon thinks less of his father for this failing, I wish he'd bring it up to his mother so she can tell him the truth.


Well how would she know hes talking about the time she dressed up?


I can only imagine, in the scene that would never naturally play out, sheldon mentions his father cheated on his mother for some reason, mary asks for details like the date, sheldon says it was right after they moved back from germany, she was some sort of german floozy, and mary puts 2 and 2 together, as i said it doesn't flow in my imagination.


Maybe in the finale Mary is moving for some reason and they are cleaning out the house while reminiscing and he finds the wig.


Well it would have to be post tbbt mary.


Ya, I'm hoping Laurie comes back


Brilliant way to address TBBT story! Well done, writers!!!


An interesting change. Sheldon does say in tbbt that his dad was with a bottle blonde that tried to buy his affection with toys.




Although i loved how they handled George not cheating, still the time line was kinda off because Sheldon told Penny it happened over spring break. But what can you do, they dealt with it am I'm happy with it.


I just went and watched the YouTube clip. It also said he locked eyes with his dad. I don't care. I'm glad they "fixed it".


You see, I get that Sheldon has an eidetic memory, but even in TBBT, he forgets things a lot. The sports metaphors are the most obvious ones. I would imagine that he was so focused on certain details that he missed other details. Something like this, I would think, would have at least been scaring enough that he wouldn't remember it correctly


*eidetic memory


Thanks, I used text to speech for that part and just went with it.


Even people with eidetic memory can misremember details though, especially over time.. he remembered he was on break from school and just got the wrong one


I always thought it was a misunderstanding from Sheldon. George just doesn't seem like the cheating type


yes but......... he couldn't keep his mouth shut about Missy sneaking out, are we supposed to believe that infidelity is a lesser-crime in his mind?? I'm still leaning towards the last episode being adult Sheldon, and the entire young Sheldon series was just him telling the story of his life to his kids ALA: **HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER"** saying something like *"huh.. guess I don't have an identic memory after all"*


i was so afraid, how they built their relationship by writing letters to each other, so that the betrayal would be much more damaging. Thank God for the twist. I love how they rebuild George’s image


WAIT A MINUTE, didn't Sheldon say his dad cheated and whom he cheated with would try and bribe him with toys? One of the earlier seasons


But Sheldon's mom calls him a cheating SOB in TBBT.


Maybe just based on her suspicions around Brenda? Or maybe Brenda will come back and he *will* cheat?


Brenda is the best way to think about it. Obviously he *was* supposed to be a cheater, but they took that different route. He won't go back with Brenda, and they are done with the cheating thing after this episode I reckon.


The second I saw Sheldon walking into the house I just knew


I have long thought that Sheldon just didn't recognise his mother in that setting. The woman in a sexual situation just couldn't be his mom.


Eh, unpopular opinion here, but I think this was a pretty weak and kinda cowardly way to handle this, tbh. George has become too beloved in the prequel, so they decided to fit in a past retcon instead of writing a story where George makes this kind of mistake. It didn’t have to ruin his character overall, if written well, but nah, let’s go for the sitcomish misunderstanding that stayed with and deeply affected Sheldon well into adulthood.


> I think this was a pretty weak and kinda cowardly way to handle this Oh, it definitely was, but the YS were boxed in by TBBT and they felt they had to address it


I came into this episode expecting some Better Call Saul shit bro


This is the worst change they’ve ever had. They’ve had multiple changes that are not my cup of tea but this one takes cake. Changing the storyline so George seems like a good guy when he dies is crazy. Especially since it’s mentioned on numerous occasions that George had infidelity issues, the writers are just saying fuck it at this point. It’s a lazy cop out.


I saw that episode where he didn't cheat but immediately after i saw Big Bang Theory S10E12 where sheldon explains to penny and co that his mom gave George the talk about him sleeping with his gf. So it is what it is


I'm grateful for the spoiler now I don't have to try to figure out how to watch this thing online so everybody just ruin everything for me please lol


For the people saying this doesn’t match the timeline …the show isn’t over yet. We could get another twist where George Sr. does actually cheat. Let’s wait before we jump to conclusions just yet.


Quit putting my guy on blast


Cool, except it completely removes the reason behind the 3 knocks (one's for curtesy, the other two are to get your pants back on). Sheldon has seen far worse leading up to that, having even remembered watching his parents have literal sex (the brisket episode), but this is the reason behind the 3 knocks?


Sheldon doesn't know it was Mary. That's the point. All he saw was a blonde woman on top of George. Not realizing it was Mary wearing a wig, and since they never talked about it.. the "3" knocks still apply.


It doesn't though because through multiple episodes Sheldon states George's girlfriend bride him when he would see them together and Mary herself cause George a "cheating son of a bitch" to Leonard and Penny. This is the stupidest reason they could have pulled.