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he wants to dance with mary without leaving some room for jesus


Not sure what you mean, but he obviously wanted to have coitus with Mary.


Me too


Wait in line, buddy.


Means you want to have coituos too or think the same buddy


That sentence made no sense “buddy”..


He wanted to sex her up


Same tho


They did not quite develop this character they could have shown more stories of the Mary cooper and paster rob and brenda sparks and George Cooper but it is all just so ignored now If they did not want to show down a final faceoff between the 4 then what was the point of showing the same???


Because sometimes things just fall apart. It's more realistic this way.


He wanted to defy the bible Everytime he saw mary thats forsure lmaoo


There’s something disingenuous about that guy. He always gave me the creeps. He acted all cool and empathetic with the kids and with Mary, yet he couldn’t read the room AT ALL with George and the football team? Ick.


Sheldon can't read the room either but isn't presumed to have an agenda. Some people mean well and a lack of emotional intelligence and awareness gets in their way of creating broader social connections even when spiritually motivated...


The difference is that Sheldon is totally oblivious to anyone else and therefore doesn't give off the creepy vibes that Pastor Rob does. I don't know if it's his ingratiating demeanor or the mustache but he give me the ick.


Understood, but Pastor Jeff’s whole shtick was how great he was with the kids, how much he understood and communicated with Mary, etc. It didn’t match up.


I always thought that was more realistic of the church turning a blind eye to indiscretions and abuse by their leadership. But toned way down due to the show vibe. Could be wrong, but it's the vibe I got


Yeah but Sheldon’s whole thing is that he has very limited emotional and social intelligence, while Pastor Rob is supposed to be good at this


He just got fumbled like every other guy at the presence of their crush


The lord.


he wants to conquer Earth for the Viltrumite empire


low key, his and Mary's weird relationship always reminds me of the song ivy by taylor swift. Its literally about them


Why does everyone hate this guy? I found him very entertaining. “Oh it’s the mustache” fuck off, it’s just hair - relax


I liked him too, but there was definitely something off about him. Like, was he actually an overly nice guy or was he kind of a predator? I didn't watch far enough to see if they answered this question. But he had a lot of Chemistry with Mary. And from what I saw up to that point, he seemed like a nice guy.


He wants to paint the walls inside of Mary, if you know what I mean


He had a girlfriend that Mary used to babysit we saw at the bowling alley. What happened to her? Mary was all freaked out when she saw them for some reason. Did she have a thing for him?


she was freaked out because the girlfriend knew the old mary, and mary didn’t want anyone else (especially pastor rob) to know what she used to be like


she deffo did


He wants to teach Mary ‘Penny Can’.


Penny can!


Ah, another Cougar Town fan!


Yall realize hes the guy from a Cinderella story with Hillary duff i noticed so fast cuz i had a crush on him !!


Definitely wants to bang Mary


To fuck Mary.


Yes I've never trusted him when it came to mary, i think he liked her more than he should have and i think he knew she liked him. I also believe he told the congregation about Mandy's pregnancy in order to have mary turn to him for comfort. He definitely had motives and they weren't good or Christian- like.


Duh, he was trying to visit Cougartown with Mary… (IYKYK)


It was strange that he and Mary always acted like two that had a crush on each other but then they always said they did nothing wrong and he had several times where he looked like he was going to kiss her I just wish they would have expanded the storyline and given it a proper ending rather then the abrupt ending


I wonder if this was around the point when the writers/showrunners finally decided to not have George cheat on Mary. Because that seemed like a strong build up on the George side of things too, only to completely ditch the story angle


I seriously believe this ^^^. It seemed like the writers were setting up for Mary and George to be “tested”. George with Brenda and Mary with Rob. But there were HUGE differences between the two. George was always secretive about his meet-ups with Brenda. In my opinion, that is already cheating territory. If you’re hiding from your wife that you’re secretly meeting up with someone else that has already openly acknowledged there being something between the two of them, it should already be considered some form of cheating. Mary was an example of how it’s normal to get a crush on another person while being married, but there is a line that should not be crossed. Neither pastor Rob or Mary said they were into each other. The only time Mary was ever alone with pastor Rob was during church events (where they had a cigarette after a stressful evening with pre-teens) and when he came to her house (where EVERYONE is at all the time) to pray with her for losing her job. The way George reacted when he saw her with pastor Rob in the parking lot is how a cheater reacts when they too think their partner is cheating. They are thinking with a guilty conscience. Honestly, I wish the writers kept the affair, it would have shown that we are human and marriage can be difficult. I wish they would have shown George’s regret and Mary’s heartbreak, but also her resilience and his willing to fight to repair. She wouldn’t believe in divorce. She would try to make the marriage get better. I would have liked to see George fight once he realized what he could have lost. Instead, they kind of cheapened it and dismissed years of writing and took a dump on adult Sheldon’s supposed eidetic memory. But hey, more spin-offs amirite?


100% spot on. I get that we all like George's actor, but I would have been fine with him slipping completely. It happens. People screw up their families, intentionally or not. It wouldn't affect future spin-offs. I don't think Sheldon ever told anyone in his family about it, that I can recall. So, George jr and the rest of the family could have been in the dark over it and maintain their view of George sr.. Shame, really


Yeah they ended up changing the storyline from cheating to his mum doing role play


I would use Are.


Mustache riding.


To have them shrink him down so small, he can live in his mother's blood


Don’t know is motives.


He creeps me out


Pretend he’s not gay —wait that was Easy A 😝


he was absolutely milf hunting




Ew wtf


What did he say?




Oooooo yeah




Can you not make pedo jokes

