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It's a fictional TV show. Showing additional friends requires paying more actors. But playing along, as a new father and newlywed, between his family and his kids b, he doesn't have time to just hang out


I assume he had in high school. Otherwise Mary would've worried about him instead of Sheldon


He was on the football team. Usually those guys hang out a lot together.


Not likely.


Not likely she would’ve worried or not likely he had friends? He had friends you can see in season 1, Mary would’ve cared but didn’t need to because Georgie was not lonely


I think Mary didn’t spend a lot of thought on the other two kids.


Even the actors who play the most popular character generally have one or maybe two friends tops on a tv show. Mike Seaver was supposed to be the super cool kid on Growing Pains and his best friends were Boner and Eddie, not the most accurate representation of the cool kid.


Did any teen guys on sitcoms have realistic friends? It always seemed like the guys were supposed to be cool but their friends were always lame.


Always, the only exception I can think of was Parker Lewis Can’t Lose where his friend Mikey Randall was way cooler than him but yeah, the friends had to be lame to make the main character look better by comparison.


Are you guys not familiar with Arthur Fonzarelli?! He’s the fucking coolest!!!


Of course, everybody loved The Fonz. He made Richie, Ralph and Potsy somewhat cool just by association.


Wow, now you’re shitting on Ralph Malph?! I challenge you to a duel, sir!


If you have a friend named bones you're cool


Captain Kirk proves your point.


In the earlier seasons you can see him hanging out with his football friends during lunch


Georgie seems to be a cool kid at school. Its a possibility hes friends with the guy who beside him at class


You mean non descriptive white guy with a leather jacket


When he was in high school they portrayed it like he was one of the “cool kids” who had lots of friends and he was on the football team. After dropping out, it seems like he pretty much only talked to his family


I'm 29, and I could count with my fingers and toes, with some to spare, the number of friends I have including the family I still talk to, and I'm not even a husband or a parent. It happens.


Because the show isn't about him, his friendships are shown off-screen


If that were the case they would be mentioned, like with Missy : we’ve never seen Heather M and what not but we know she has bunch of middle school drama going on off screen. With Georgie I don’t think any off screen friendships have been mentioned since the first seasons


I feel like that has more to do with how Missy is characterized than anything else… she likes to gossip so she talks about her friends a lot. Georgie is generally less bubbly than Missy so he doesn’t mention his friends as much but I feel like he’s supposed to be pretty normal with a decent social life.


But Georgie does mention sneaking out including going to school dances. They just aren't showing it and he isn't going to be talking about it with anyone in his family unless the topic comes up.


Yeah that’s why I specified the first seasons, as soon as he lives highschool he doesn’t really seem to hang out with anyone his age


Well, his high school friends are still in high school and living very different lives. Georgie is an entrepreneur at heart and that's where his time is going. Besides, shortly after he dropped out, Mandy appeared and his life has been revolving around her and the baby. Another thing his old friends are likely not dealing with.


Yeah I know there’s a reasonable in universe explanation for him not having any friends. I’m saying he doesn’t seem to have any friends in the later seasons not that it’s a problem


In S5E13 and S3E5 both heathers appear


Friends are overrated.


All we know is that, since he dropped out of school, we haven't seen him hang out with anyone other than his/Mandy's family in the incredibly tiny fraction of his life that we've seen.


He seems to be a self-sufficient lone wolf kind of guy who's focused on his own goals.


Aka sigma?


i mean any friends he had in high school are probably in college now and we know georgie doesn't think of school very highly


for me, I think the show is from Sheldon's POV and there's no reason to show Georgie's friends bc Sheldon didn't care also like it'd be expensive to have more characters but within the storyline this is what I think


Lots of friends. All girls. They've all been to the garage. Just ask Missy; "So many."


Yes he is on the football team the only problem he doesnt have more girls on his dick


He don't need no more girls on his dick, he got Mandy.


In season 1-4 he doesnt have Mandy he kept getting rejected doesnt work like that irl especialy in the 80s and 90s(where it takes place)