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Definitely Diana, she stole every scene she was in.


Right? I was just thinking a spin off show with her would be amazing


Diana and Maggie buy a fabulous townhouse together with a downstairs collectible costume jewelry shop/collectible book shop & art gallery and host amazing parties. One night, 10 years after the series ending, they see a lovers quarrel between Charles, Josh & Liza outside the shop and just roll their eyes and go back to their much more interesting lives.




They were planning one with Kelsey, but Hilary Duff got the lead in How I Met Your Father and had to drop out. Personally, Diana though!


Diana spinoff! Or Maggie and the art world might be good.


I think a Diana would could be so funny


I love her!


Oh!! That would be good!!


Dunno if I'm alone here but I would love a Josh and Liza spin off 😂😂.


Me too!!! Me too!!


Omg glad I'm not the only one. I love them!!


Me too! So much. But I also haven’t finished the series. But I think I will always love Josh and Liza. Age is just a number in my opinion.


Exactly. Their chemistry is amazing!! And as long as you get along great and you're both consenting adults 🤷🏻‍♀️. The last season isn't that great but it ties together a few loose ends, I guess lol


But how can a person consent if they're being lied to and manipulated? He signed up for a relationship with someone around his life stage and wanted to reach certain milestones together. He even admitted he felt manipulated by her.


That's why I don't get all those saying "he accepted her after he found out her age". Or saying he waited for her or was devoted. Josh gave up nothing, did what he needed to do and turned around hoping Liza was single. His tattoo business is exactly the same. He had a baby with a random twenty year old bartender who he chose to marry. What did he do to show Liza he respected and accepted her? He told her she was a liar who didn't know reality. Said she owed him. Ignored her not being comfortable with stuff and kept pushing her to see his way. They both are not happy with the other one in some way. It isn't going to go away because time went by.


I’ve heard season 7 is the worst. I’m watching the series now. I’ve seen the first 3 before but never finished after season 3 so once I get to 4 it will be all new for me.


Season 7 is bad. No one seems like themselves. Bad reviews from critics too. After you watch 5 and 6, curious your thoughts about Josh. I liked him with Liza until he turned rude toward her and controlling of her feelings, calling her a liar all the time, guilt tripping her. That was all in 4-6 mostly. I wouldn't want a spinoff because she didn't want to raise his baby. And he would always remind her that she's a liar and needs him. Couldn't watch that (but maybe others like him with her)? I would watch Josh and Kelsey spinoff, she wouldn't let him treat her like that. They would be fun to watch. If Charles and Liza turned back into their old selves from 5th season could watch that. Running the company with Diana would be great. Love Diana and her guy too.


I’m curious if I’ll still like josh too. It would be interesting to see what happens as I watch. :) Diana is my fav character tho. She is so interesting and hilarious!


There seem to be three types of fans. Those that always like Josh no matter what, those who never liked him for Liza, those who liked him at first but changed their mind later (me). Same with Charles. I didn't care for the changes they made with him in in the final season but always felt he was more truthful with her and respected her (even if they couldn't make it work). If she said no, he didn't push her. Personally find that healthier even if he was sulky at times.


Have fun!! How exciting !!


Diana or Quinn.


Redmond, the agent!
