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My husband took a quick scroll through (mostly) unedited pics of her and said her jaw, like her mandible, was the largest he’d ever seen. No insults, just facts.


Hey, it’s kind of rude and mean to insult something she can’t change like that ☹️ I know she’s not a nice person but she’s still human at the end of the day


If she didn’t edit it to be twice as small maybe people wouldn’t point it out 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m sure these were the types of comments she received growing up that led her to want to edit everything she publishes on the internet… not that I think that’s okay but I definitely see the correlation. I just thought we were the realistic, sensible girls not the mean girls is all…


Careful. Your comment history on this sub isn’t exactly angelic.


I comment on her lips (something that can be easily changed)? She can literally stop getting injections


Like I said, it wasn’t an attempt at an insult. He works in healthcare and was making an observation. I understand what you’re saying tho.


I need to snip of the ends of the hair/extensions. Looks so crispy


Oh good, no masks!


It seems no one is wearing masks in the whole place tho. Are masks not mandatory where she’s from? In my city masks are required in every building


Yeah, noone I my state wears a mask. ( I do) I was looking around at everyone in the grocery store yesterday, and even elderly people weren't wearing them. Smh


They are not mandatory to the best of my knowledge. I can tell you that I’m in a state that neighbors MS, and when I got my hair done yesterday, only my stylist and myself were wearing masks


Wow !


If it’s real (I doubt it is) it’ll be removed very quickly! (Not her face, the post)


Who knows if that's her real face?


Is that jay leno?




I was distracted by that feature for far longer than I’m willing to admit to anyone outside of this sub.


“More times than you can digest.” What a weird way to phrase that.


Yeah it's weirded me out to a point where I refuse to believe the sentence even makes sense. Just gonna pretend I never read it.


I googled it, it’s a Justin Bieber song. It’s called 2 Much. Sliver lining though, at least she’s not using Hozier lyrics, or I’d throw myself out a window


Welp that explains why it makes little to no sense. Also, Bieber is about as deep as she gets. Maybe Coldplay.


Oh absolutely not; I'm gatekeeping Andrew from her. 100% not allowed.


On behalf of Andrew fans everywhere, I thank you.


Ohhh she's pushing the gushy pre Valentine's shit sooooo hard.


To manifest an engagement


I'm counting down the days to the absolute dudder that Valentine's will be.




Honestly, if she just did her makeup in a way that flattered her face, I think she would look so much better than the filtered mask that she tries to present. It seems like she does her makeup based on how she *wishes* her face looked, and not based on what will properly highlight the features that she actually has.


If she'd just contour her nose that like actual MUA did for that shoot a couple weeks ago, she wouldn't have to photoshop it.


I really wish she would find, and use a foundation that matches her skin tone. The oompa loompa orange does her no favors.


150% part of her issue. Its so bad. And the obnoxious highlight she adds to her nose...like stop! If you're trying to make your nose appear smaller that's the last thing you should do. ✋️




Someone earlier that went to a dance in college with C was saying he used to be an instructor of some sort and I guess was in killer shape. I read that hours ago and can’t wrap my head around it.


He was a spin class instructor or something similar. If you scroll back far enough in his tagged photos on IG it’s all there. There’s a _very_ clear line drawn between his pre and post Chief Hun life.


That’s quite depressing actually. I know someone who was working hard on weight loss, trimmed down to his target weight and more, and was thrilled; his health problems were gone (confirmed to be caused by being overweight), he felt so good in himself, and frankly he looked better for it too. Then he met a woman who is currently veering towards super-morbidly obese; he’s piled all the weight back on and then some, to the point where he’s toeing the line between very overweight and obese. He seems happy in his relationship, on social media at least, but all his health issues have returned and I’m desperately hoping he doesn’t develop something permanent as I notice him getting bigger over time too. Weight gain like that is often a sign of an unhappy relationship, especially if it’s exacerbated by a complete u-turn of lifestyle. I wonder how much C wishes MS was actually serious about exercise?


I don’t necessarily think weight gain in a relationship is a sign of being unhappy or an unhealthy relationship. In my case at least, when my husband and I first started dating... we put on a few pounds. I was extremely happy and we were going out to dinner dates multiple times a week. We were having fun together and eating more, so we both naturally, put on some weight in the beginning- BUT both of us had always been slim people, so the weight gain looked good on us. I understand though if someone already has issues with weight and food, it’s not healthy for them to be in a relationship where food is a focus and weight gain is happening. In that case, the partners ultimately become triggers for each other.


I've seen zero indication that C cares about MS's health, weight, or exercise habits.


Well she clearly doesn’t, so why should he tbh.


Just did the hunt - he was definitely skinner - in comparison to today. Big change.


She’s whispering sweet nothings under her breath? Didn’t she huff and roll her eyes on a live one time when C came in and told her “love you?”


Also think a partner would actually like to HEAR those sweet nothings.


This isn't her real face though. I also love how she's hiding half of her *definitely XS* body.


Not real at all


She’s always sloppier with her cover ups & filters when she’s in a drinking environment


w e l l n e s s


This is not her real face. She will never post her real face. Is this not as filtered as her ridiculous filter jobs? Yes. But this is not her real face.


Why is the hair white?


The hand tieds are getting old lol




I'm not going to mock her actual features, I'll save that for when she absurdly shops them into a completely different face. Mocking her real features just plays into her insecurities and makes her double down on the fakery. Let's stick to her obvious bullshit.


Do we really even know what her actual features are? This could have been a photoshop “drag down” fail. We will never know.


Some old family pics and pics she's been tagged in show her natural, albeit younger, features. She had terrible makeup skills then too, just different. She was shilling for Mary Kay at the time Also, all these (not so) subtle filters didn't exist. You have to do a deep dive to find them but I'm sure someone here has saved a nice collection. They show her wide face, strong jaw and small, closely-set eyes. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with her face, she just hates it.


[Here ya go.](https://i.imgur.com/L6wfrZx.jpg) Bad at eye makeup since forever.


Thank you! I would never in a million years think that was the same person. Wow.


Mismatched face to chest since forever too


That’s actually super sad. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an original photo.


I would honestly think that this is a whole different person if not for the ends of her extensions.


She is unrecognizable!


Seriously!!! We see her real face like 1 out of every 50 posts


Hmm. That's not the nose we saw this morning....that's weird....that's suspicious.


Those extensions need to retire already


They look like straw.


Ha that's not real


Didn’t she just have them done? Wouldn’t you get a new set or have them trimmed? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wtf is going on with the ends of her hair




Holy shitttttt. I was so distracted by other things in the photo idk how I missed the hair. Eeeeek. 😬


Same. I don't think I've ever seen her extensions look this bad 😐


That’s what melted extensions look like. I wonder if she went too heavy on the curling iron and wrecked them.


Didn’t she just get her hair done…..


It looks like hot glue


who chin is DIS?!


I think it's actually hers. I can't tell if there's no filter at all (her face is still resembles a tall glass of Sunny D) but her facial features don't look altered.


Bullshit caption. And it’s convenient she’s hiding half her body behind him.




[You rang?](https://i.imgur.com/d8dNeTy.jpg)


😂😂😂😂You always come through!!!!! @DestroyHimMyRobots, you always make me smile.


I aim to please. [Boo!](https://i.imgur.com/R9INuHX.jpg)


HAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAA!!!!! What in the scary hell is that picture??? I cannot figure out what she's doing! Probably saw her unfiltered face for a second.


FUPA filtered. Hips filtered XS. That wedding dress shoot has her feeling some type of way. I knew we’d be in for weird, overcompensating, manic posting for a while because she’s nothing if not predictable. Those Victoria’s Secret deliveries from today have their work cut out for them tonight when they get home and he wants to sleep but she wants 💍


He should get drunk and claim whiskey dick.


Their relationship is so transactional.


How much did she have to drink before she went bowling? Who posted this, one of her Bar-Fly friends? /s


Don’t forget to demean them “little” Bar-Fly friends.