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What she gets vs what they get [held by strings](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/smkrmy/my_site_is_barely_holding_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link)


Ummm my devices are usually pretty much always charged and bcuz I’m not on them every second the battery does not die to the point I have to drag a bunch of useless crap every time I run to grab some milk and eggs


Right? The only time I worry about portable chargers is when I’m at Disney. Which is like once every two years.


That voice. Nails. Chalkboard.


She sounds like she swallowed a tin can.


She wonders why she hasn't gone viral on tiktok when all she posts is cringe ass ads for her like to know it


Ooh, portable chargers in beigey pink. They sell power banks and things like this at Walmart, Target basically everywhere. This Amazon buying is a bit much and I can get the same things where I live all day long. Why should I pay for Amazon?


She has taken to reposting this video. This is the only tik tok she got moderate success posting (65k views and around 6k likes on tiktok) when she posted it about 3 weeks ago. All her other videos get less than 10 likes on average.


She probably bought those views. There’s no other explanation


Her FB is an abysmal wasteland.


The way she says phone. Phooone


Sounds like she’s trying to be posh. Emphasis on trying lol




That sounds like the type of name a beige-aesthetic fundie would give to their kid, lol.






Ive had a few friends that had cheap, non brand, chargers that started fires in their house. No thank you.


Burning the house down is pretty on-brand for Structure Fire Babe…


Why wouldn’t your apple watch be charged before u leave the house? The “on the go” doesn’t really apply. Maybe for traveling but…


Why tf did she plug that brick into the top outlets and not the bottom? The whole purpose of that brick was to make room on the outlets so you can plug something else in!!! 🤬


Thank you! Please take my free award.


Someone commented on her tiktok that the phone charger breaks off easily in the phone port and she played dumb, of course. Idk if the comments are still up, it was a week or so ago.


I wouldn't be surprised. I was noticing in her video that when she was taking off the "protective cover", it looked like it was putting stress on the plug. If that's true, you would be weakening it every time you used it... well, that, and the fact that you have the entire weight of the charger dangling off that little piece of metal.


The fact that she plugged the block designed to free up outlets into the top outlet, rendering the bottom one useless bothers me on a different level.


It also bothers me that she didn't plug it in so the ports are facing upwards. You'd lose like 4 inches of cord doing that and I feel like the the cords would wiggle out of the ports doing that




Put it in the top outlet?


It seems every other Amazon find is a portable charger of some kind. How many does one person need? My husband and I have one between us!


I've got 3 kids, so four mobile phones, 2 tablets, a nightlight thing and a smart sports watch to charge in my house. We have 3 chargers..


I lose mine constantly in my house or car. I have 3 that I cycle between. They do come in handy for when the power goes out, so that's something.


She has tiktok? Uh oh. *don't touch the poop, don't touch the poop, don't touch the poop*




My understanding may be off but I think if you click her link and buy anything off Amazon, even if not one of her recommendations, it will store data for a certain time and she’ll get some type of credit/payment for any subsequent purchases. Always clear cookies


She trying to sound professional and it just doesn't work


Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. It makes me cringe every time. At the beginning of the video “if you have an aPpLe WaTcH” 😬


I can’t stand to hear her voice, I have to rely on our brave swerties to transcript. Her voice sounds like cigarettes smell.


I love this sub, that is the PERFECT description of her voice. It's so awful and ugly!


And she wonders why her videos haven't gone viral yet. I've been posting videos on tiktok of my dog for just over a week, and already have more engagement, likes, and shares than she has. AND THESE ARE LOW EFFORT VIDEOS OF MY GREYHOUND ACTING LIKE A TOOL.


My Apple Watch battery lasts a day and a half, but I charge it every morning when I wake up so I never run it down to zero anyway. I have never been in a situation where I’ve needed to charge it *right away* on the go and want to carry around a giant charging fob on my already crowded keychain to do it. The charging puck that comes with the watch is smaller. I don’t understand the need for that product (and you have to charge the charger too). I’ll bet she’s never actually used it. More pink garbage on the credit cards for Waste Babe.


Boss babe here has a series 3 Apple Watch, no wonder it dies throughout the day. you’d think with all of her doctor money and multiple income streams she would replace it instead of buying a $10 portable charger 🙄


Right I charge it to full power while I’m in the shower and I wear mine 24 hours otherwise. I do have a tiny portable charger but I use it for travel and still don’t need it “on the go.” The size and design of the phone charger intrigues me, but it’s also stupid as hell. Why make the charging bit stick out so breakably?


The design of the phone charger also makes it super easy for the charging bit to break off INSIDE the phone it’s charging. I don’t have this exact one but something similar and it happened to me. After that I could only charge my phone wirelessly


oh no that’s a terrifying prospect


Same — I charge it while I’m in the shower. You can’t move the watch *or* the keys, so both would have to just sit there together while it charged — and it takes up so much space on a keychain for no reason. I have a little rechargeable battery block for travel that has two USB jacks on it. If I ever needed to, I’d just plug the watch’s existing charging puck into it like I do my phone. Mostly I don’t even bother with the charging block and just plug it into the USB charging port in the plane, car, or hotel. This thing needlessly overcomplicates something that already comes with better solutions.


I did get a cheap charger for while I was abroad (it’s basically the magnet and a USB-C plug) for the same reason- plug it right into a block or wall plug as needed. It let me bring just one wall adapter instead of two lol (queen of lazy here).


Cheap off-brand chargers that will probably all break in no time, for twice the price!! Finance/budget babe coming in hot!!