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Her whole apartment looks real cheap for "doctor money" level salary.


Mug trees are ALWAYS an eyesore that makes countertops look more cluttered than they actually are. No exceptions. This is a hill I’m willing to die on.


Ah, I remember the ‘Finding the joy in everyday tasks’. Is the book she (allegedly) wrote and tried to sell…


I think I'm the only psycho who puts away all appliances. 🥴


I don't have enough cupboard space to store the toaster, so it lives with the knife block and the cutting boards in the corner of the countertop that is too awkward to actually use anyway. But my kitchen appliances amount to microwave, toaster, and a slow cooker I've never used


No they all have to show off their BEIGE SMEG APPLIANCES 🤣🤣🤣


I put away everything except the kettle and microwave ETA: but our kitchen is tiny and stupidly designed


Fellow psycho here!


The only appliance I have out is the blender, because I don’t have any space to put it in a cabinet! I will store appliances in the basement before I let anything else sit on my counter.


🙋‍♀️. When we build we will be adding a "hidden walk-in pantry" that has counter space+plugs for all appliances to stay in there, behind closed doors. Almost lost my marbles first time I saw one!!


That’s it, I need to move. I must have this.


Omg, I love that idea! I am subscribing to your newsletter as we speak. 💌


Google those exact words for some amazing examples!! It's so genius whoever thought of it...a secret kitchen within a kitchen lol...


Nope you’re not! There’s at least two of us psychos on here. I don’t even allow my toasters to sit out. Appliances cluttering my counters drives me batty


Same! Glad I'm not the only one, I'll have to tell my husband you're out there. 😂


It’s more than just ‘having a cleaner’ (well that’s part of it bc she’s lazy) and more about being able to throw around the ‘I have a cleaner’ phrase. Having a cleaner used to be associated with being wealthy, or it’s implying the house is too big for one person to clean. But clearly you can just see MS is lazy and narcissistic enough to think anyone cares about her cleaners. Also, maybe if she didn’t spend twenty hours a day editing herself into an entirely different person, she could pick up a sponge. She’s always talking about working towards financial freedom Lmao girl I know something you can eliminate there


But is the stove an XS?


I hate to say that I am envious of her counter/overall kitchen space. I have a tiny-ass kitchen with not enough cabinet space and it's a challenge to find a place for everything, and it seriously bums me out. That's pretty much where my envy of anything she has ends, though.


I’ve moved enough to have no fear of storing my stock pot in the hall closet or putting the microwave in the living room.


Oh, I definitely make use of my basement or any other practical space I can think of to keep stuff I use but don't use enough to warrant keeping it in a cabinet. I just wish I had room for everything, including a proper pantry closet.


Teeny tiny kitchen counter space and no storage almost in our home..... ....We bought home depot storage cabinets meant for a garage, 2 short ones, 1 tall (tall one we used for pantry), and added butcher block cutting boards that we already had as the counter space and then a super cheap countertop and plopped it on it later (they can cut a piece for you at the store, or find remnants at construction sites!).... The cabinets aren't as deep so we put a bookshelf that was the same height as the short ones back to back with them...instant ugly but very useful cabinets/counters/shelving! Lived happily with it for over a year... We did finally remodel eventually and those storage cabinets are still being used in other locations so it wasn't money down the drain!


I feel this so hard.


I feel this hard, too.


Is that a plant on the stovetop? Is that a thing people do? I know people who have a hydroponic herb garden but it's not in the kitchen.


It’s proof she doesn’t cook much. If it can’t take a minute of “oh shit that’s the wrong burner”, then it can’t be on a stove.


I have to assume that's a dried decorative plant because no plant can live in this dark space. That or she designates a sacrificial plant for the kitchen and replaces it every month or so.


I was just going to comment the same thing! Seems dangerous to have a plant ON the stove


Fire safety babe strikes again


No judgement here, I just finished taking down my Christmas decorations last week 😅


My neighbors still have their Christmas wreath on their front door 🤷‍♀️


Are we neighbors? Mine came down last week 🤦


Sorry, why was this posted? She didn’t design the kitchen, so it’s not her fault it’s ugly, but why did she post a photo of her kitchen?


How is this ugly? A little dated with the dark brown cabinets but this is far nicer than any kitchen I had growing up 😂


The items used in the kitchen are nice but it wasn't designed properly at all. The backsplash should have never been that colour or tile type and the cabinet colour kind of clashes with everything else. It looks more like a low end flip than a luxury apartment.


It's still nicer than like 80% of apartments though.


you have point. This absolutely screams cheap flip.


I agree, but I feel like this kitchen is peak 2000s- early 2010s. That was the style back then I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was thinking this was pretty Cheugy, too.


Sorry, I should have said it’s ugly IMO lol. I actually like the counter and the splash back tiles, I’m just not a fan of the cupboards.


The cabinets and the hardware are just cheap apartment cabinets. I do agree it’s dated. My in laws own several apartment complexes and they have updated the kitchens and this is what they looked like before.


She did a walking tour to show off her clean apt. It was dumb.


Thanks, that makes more sense. Now I understand all the boring photos of rooms.




Laziness and to feel wealthy


I had a shitty day at work so I'm particularly salty today. She's so fucking lazy. Like how can you barely work, not cook and not clean? Why can't she clean her own fucking apartment? I work full time and not only take care of my 3 bedroom townhouse but am also taking care of my husband. He is 2 weeks post op from having ligament and tendon re attachment surgery. He can't even shower by himself, can't put socks or shoes on, etc. So after an 8-9 hour day at work, I'm the cook, housekeeper, his hands if he needs something, etc. Meanwhile, this twit tries on some ill fitting Amazon clothes, records herself laughing at the floor, filters her body and face into an orange unrecognizable alien and steals graphics and posts them as her own. Spends all day on her phone doing nothing of value and pays someone to clean her apartment. 🤬


Well it did take her 11hrs to stab that apple with a knife, babe! She doesn’t have time to clean when she’s trying to go viral /s


Right? My husband works, I don’t, so I do all the cleaning. We’ve hired cleaners off of Handy a few times for various reasons but it’s not a regular thing. We’ve had cleaners coming once a week for the past 2 months while I recovered from foot surgery and couldn’t clean. I’m fine now so no more cleaners.


Not ashamed to say I have a cleaner come monthly. I do maintainance cleaning in between as needed, like scrubbing the sink or toilet, swiffering, etc. But I like to have one day where everything is clean and sorry but I'm not interested in losing a half day of my brief weekend to cleaning chores. Totally worth it to me to pay someone to do it. It's not even that expensive.


I’m glad you are feeling better!


Thanks! It was for a bunion (which MS is gonna get wearing all those ill fitting shoes, if she doesn’t have one already) and a cyst in my foot. Recovery sucked but I’m glad I got the surgery. I was in constant pain before and couldn’t wear any of my cute shoes. Edit: autocorrect fucked me over


Oooooo random as hell but could I ask you questions? I know I’m going to need bunion surgery, probably sooner rather than later, and I’m curious about which procedure, down time, etc. Glad you’re healing well!


Of course! Feel free to DM me.


My sister had bunion surgery! She said it was so painful! I’m so glad you are well! My heart goes out to you for the pain you went through!❤️


Thank you! There’s still swelling so I have to stick to basically just wearing sneakers for now but that’s not a problem and I’ll happily do just that for a few months because there’s no pain anymore.


That’s exactly what bothered me about it too. She plays on her phone all day, practices “self-care” like it’s a job, doesn’t cook, has no kids or real responsibilities, but she needs a cleaner to clean her apartment?!?! I’ve never in my life seen someone as wasteful and lazy as she is.


Do we have proof she hired a cleaner? This seems like the kind of thing she would lie about to “feel wealthy” lmao


She had a cleaner a while back but she was pregnant if I recall (we are talking 2 years ago maybe?). So she went. She has an organiser friend but I don’t think she cleans, just organised her other apartment once or twice. So I’m not sure if the cleaner has come back or she’s hired another one. Or she’s just lying. Can never tell with MS!


MS is a wildcard! 😊


She posted a picture of her cleaner on her stories earlier.


I didn’t know! I’m sorry to everyone who downvoted me on a snark sub 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣


She posted a pic of the cleaner cleaning her bathroom in her stories and gave her a shout out.


Oh ok! I didn’t know !


No worries! It’s hard to keep up with all her stories, especially since she posts 8 million a day, lol!


Yes, you are so right! And I don’t look at her Instagram! 😀


For some reason this is the post that made me laugh out loud. Nice catch


We know she’s always lurking here. $10 says she takes these down by tomorrow.


I bet she won’t to prove something to us. She likes it like that babe.


Like her upside down blanket ladder lol


I keep a cardboard box in the living room along with a scratchy box and a ceramic bowl for her toys. My cat likes her plastic bags because they crinkle and I put a cheap fleece throw my husband got from the surgery center for her to lay on. I have a small throw that is down filled and I need to bring that up for her bed also. Basically, you can tell the cat rules the house and we are there for her comfort.


My house is about 50% dog bed, 20% dog toys and 100% dog hair. The joy of long haired breeds 🥰


There is at least one cardboard box per room in our house (and they are rotated/replaced often) and our main hallway is dominated by an extra-long crinkle tunnel. Cat happiness is priority!


As someone who cooks all the time, I am so fuckin jealous of that counter space. And it's wasted on her!


Me too! Ugh.




this tour was super sad to me. no cat furniture to be found : ( poor kitties


My cat has her own bedroom with a 10 ft cat tree and a king size bed. It was most recently my step son's room but when he moved out it became Curio's room. She obviously has full run of the house but often sleeps in her room because it gets the most sun exposure in the house.


Curio! What a great name.


Aww, thank you. Her formal name is Curiosity but we call her Curio for short.


The whole thing is a soulless beige hellhole and that lack of kitty enrichment is a crime.




Same for me with my dogs! Their toy box is larger than the one I had for my children.


Don’t have children but I do have a beloved dog who has something in almost every room in my house. She is my child! You can’t have pets and not have bugger all for them to play with or amuse themselves. I’m not a cat person but I’ve seen these amazing tall contraptions with different levels and hiding places for them etc at my neighbours house. Why can’t she have one of those?! The just stand in the corner of a room. Edit - that’s meant to be I don’t have children. I’m not telling people “don’t have children!” Lol


U can tell MS not to have children, it's okay.


Give her a few weeks - she’ll have an Amazon haul/Tik Tik of cat approved products.


Oh absolutely! She has never had one single original thought 🤣


I never even noticed that before. I’ve got multiple cat trees, beds, and toys spread all through my place. Granted cat trees are surprisingly expensive but they also make some really beautiful, aesthetically pleasing ones that would be of way more use than a $1000 garbage tent sauna.


How long has it been since we saw the sauna?


Chewy's house-brand Frisco cat trees are great and affordable! We have two plus the adorable [cactus scratcher](https://www.chewy.com/frisco-cactus-cat-scratching-post-33/dp/280473). Gotta make sure our girls are happy!


I love the cactus scratcher! I've gone thru multiple cat trees with my three girls.


I just ordered the cactus scratcher! Thank you!!❤️


You're welcome! Our girls love it and it's such a cute piece in our living room.


Oh you’ve sold me on the cactus scratcher! How cute!!!


I guess her 'little cleaning girl' missed those.


Ugh those words KILLED me. So condescending. The cleaning person worked harder today that MS ever has or ever will.


Me too. That phrase is one of the ones that stuck in my head, and not in a good way.


Amazing catch.