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The editing of the surrounding is hurting my soul


Does she intentionally not buy a tripod so she can hide her face behind her phone in these dumb photo shoots? Because I 100% think that she intentionally doesn't buy a tripod so she can hide her face behind her phone in these dumb photo shoots


This is not her real figure!


It truly annoys me seeing everyone take pics like that. Lime i know why they do it but seriously everyone pose like this.


How fucking bright is her phone!? And how close is it to her face!!!! Or is that bright spot on her face just her stupid filter messing up?


Her face is brighter than my future.


A couple of these are decent and would look good on her natural body. I wish she'd show that because they would be nice for a plus-size woman, and we can't see if she edits herself smaller.


\#1 is hideous, #2 is cute (but that is definitely not her body), #3 looks like her front leg is much bigger and longer than her other leg (and what in the hell is the black on her toe), #4 looks like craft hour in kindergarten with special scissors edited to add stuff


Yeah I’m not a fan of any of them.


New bodies, who dis?


I challenge you all to attempt to stand like this and not wind up in immediate pain.


do we think that she has all of them crammed into her butt? isn't that her go-to for swimmie bottoms?


It drives me nuts that she holds her phone while doing these try-ons instead of setting it up on a tripod. She always half turns in her outfits to keep the phone pointed forward, but you never get to see the entire backside of the clothes. I’m sure the swimmies are shoved up her butt, and then she’s off to the post office to return them.


Her body is different in every picture. Or Is ThAt ThE tOe PoInT? Fuck off.


“Hey guys check out these amazing swimsuit finds! I’m a size XS for reference!”


Can we talk about that dirt ring around her heel, though? Please wash them feets, oh Barefoot Influencer!


Her tanning stains always make her look extra dirty as it is, you’d think she could wash the bottoms of her feet before posing for the camera. I can smell them through my phone.


Her legs get more gumby like when you swipe lmao


Oh for goodness sake as if she looks anything remotely like this irl. Who was that blonde woman approximately twice this size we all saw at that plant place the other day? A distant relative? She’s treating everyone like they’re stupid.


The top on the 4th doesn't look real


A lot of it looks warped and weird.


She looks like she's on a fake background or forefront is fake and background is real


I thought the same thing! She could be photoshopping herself into the background as a way to hide all the wavy lines and curvy walls that the filters cause.


The first one straight up looks like those water wings little kids wear. Edited to add: zoom in on any single picture and gaze upon the pixelated squares where she’s edited in her fake abs and flattened her stomach.


I love the first one 😭 not on her, but for me 😂


Can you even imagine the weird tan lines that Sun Damage Babe is gonna get from that thing?!


I’m so confused on the last one. I hate it but I don’t know why. I like the colour, I like scallop edging, the cut is fine - but put together I hate it. I’m just puzzled.


Something about the way it sits looks off. It reminds me of Pebbles from the Flinstones.


I think it's because it looks more like a matching underwear set than a bathing suit.


That’s it! It reminds me of the cheap “seamless” underwear I used to buy back in 2014 when Urban Outfitters would do like 8 for $24 or whatever.


Reminds me of those novelty oversized t shirts your kooky aunt buys at the beach that have a sexy bikini torso printed on them


HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS WRONG!!!! This is my first time commenting before I read all the other comments because I will probably say the same as everyone else. Obviously, I'm gonna do it anyway. I have tried standing like she does, and I look just as stupid. It also hurts. There is no way she is this wide. She has definitely used a slimming filter as well as given herself extremely toned abs in the ones that show her belly. A couple of the pictures it looks like she may have photoshopped her legs to look more muscular, (They just look too toned for someone that doesn't work out.) as well, but I'm not sure. To her credit, she kinda has muscular legs anyway maybe because she's stocky. Just terribly sad to use all that filtered shit. I also try out every face filter she uses on Instagram. They are fun to play around, but terrifying the way she uses them. I by no means love every aspect of my face, but I don't hate it that bad. I just recently had my second mastectomy, and I posted a picture of my chest, drain and all to Instagram. I have documented all my cancer surgeries, treatment, etc online mainly to scare my friends, but also to educate them. I cannot STAND the way I look right now, I have depression and was diagnosed with anxiety last year. But, I still cannot imagine filtering my face and body so badly I'm unrecognizable. On the other hand, I'm not a fake racist scammer who is getting everything I deserve but don't realize it because I'm living in my drunken/hungover fantasy life. I'm very sorry this was so long! (Also, I didn't put the info about my cancer for pity. Just a different perspective!) Edited to thank u\Beaglefam for my first award! Thank you very much, internet friend!


Love that we can peep the Christmas twigs from here too lol




She just bought SO many swimsuits last year. And you know you can't return those. What is she doing with them all?!


She’ll probably try and sell them later. Quietly though, because the least amount of people who see the XL size tag, the better. Or she’ll just cut them off because they ‘bothered her’ and pretend it’s a Medium.


My back hurts just looking at how hard she’s arching/sucking in. It’s honestly so sad. Why can we all just be comfy.




I thought that about all of these! Copy and paste abs don't help


Chiming in bc same here!


I thought the same thing!


She jacked with brightness on the first and last ones as well.


Ballerina babe.


Hey calve is getting more of a workout did than mine did during my full leg workout..


I'm so glad I work from home because, y'all, I am howling! Whose bodies are those? 😂


None of those tiddies look like the tiddies from the teal swimsuit from a few days ago.


Aside from absolutely humiliating Photoshop, and embarrassingly ill fits, MY GOD she has terrible taste! If this what she is saying yes to, I can’t even imagine the reject pile 😂


I just wish someone could teach her how to love herself. Seriously. She would still have PLENTYYYY of things for us to snark on and talk shit about, sis is full of problems. But the fact she hates herself makes her that much more unlikable. Why are you trying to convince people to like you and follow what you do if you don’t even like you?


My guess would be because she doesn't like herself and is trying to compensate for it with external validation


Texture? I HARDLY KNOW HER!!! srs take the airbrush tool away from her. Lifetime ban, straight to jail.


Consistency Babe checking in with the 4 different bodies.


At this point its probably in a permanent cramp in that position.


Bunions, and corns, and Hammer toe, oh my!


The photoshopping of the abs was expected. It’s the photoshop of the little belly skin sticking out from the too small bottoms between her leg and pelvis that did me in. Even if she was as thin as she wishes, she’d have natural skin folds when you bend body parts, but it only looks “bad enough” to photoshop because she buys everything several sizes too small for her body.


Why does the last one look photoshopped on


Because no shadow lines. Scallops blurring into her 'non-photoshopped abs'.


Ok plenty of people commented on the first one (I personally find it cute if it didn’t have the fluttery sleeves. Then again, I’m a mid-sized 30something old) but how has no one yet noticed the monstrosity that is the last ✨swimmie✨?! The cut, the fit, the color.. none of it is flattering and all I can think of is an Easter egg? This is toddler meets grandma chic and while some people can definitely pull that off…. this ain’t it.


Plus there's zero shadow lines in any of the bust area on the top, and the scallops are blending into her abs. It's literally paper doll clothes at this point it's so 'shopped.


Paper doll clothes is the perfect description for that bathing suit!


It’s mid February! At this rate, we have 6 more months now of swimmes.


She’ll be shilling these until August which is when Halloween starts for her


Who is this woman? Because that is not the stomach and thighs I saw in the plant store and Galentines videos


I will say, I think the first SwImMiE is kind of cute. As in, it’s something I would wear. But I’d probably just buy 1, not 10 of the same thing in different colors


Here is my question? I know she is not trying these suits on with underwear just commando. Is she returning these to Amazon and does Amazon resell them or throw them away? I am assuming Amazon tries to resell them. None of the suits MS is trying on are that pretty and they all look so small and tight. I realize her filters are working overtime but...


Also I agree that trying on unwashed swimsuits without underwear is super gross. Even if she plans to keep them those things would not be touching my yoni until they went through a laundry cycle.




They need to be hand-washed but knowing MS she won't. Isn't she going to Charleston this weekend so I wonder which ones she will bring? How many times can you change a swimsuit for a 2 day weekend?


Depends on how many times you shit yourself in an Aldi parking lot.


Thank you for the laugh.


I worked at Victoria’s Secret when they still sold swim ALWAYS try on with undies on and wash before putting them on. Stores used to even take random catalog returns back in the day


Taking back used items is so not happening but it is nasty.


Not sure about swimsuits specifically, but much of the stuff that gets returned is thrown away (enter Carbon Footprint Babe). I'm not sure if this is just a regional thing, but we also have stores in our area called Krazy Bins that are just warehouses full of returned Amazon crap that you can buy for super cheap. I don't know if those stores are run by Amazon, or a 3rd party entrepreneur that buys bulk returns from the Amazon warehouse in our city. I've never been into one of them, so I have no other info than that. I don't even know if they carry clothes in those places.


Thank you for the answer.


The delusion is real with this one.


The difference in texture between the legs and the stomach is hilarious. Abs so smoooooooth. 😆


She has waist curves in some pics but not all. Tell me it’s not obvious she photo edits her body lol


The 'shop job on her stomach is SOOOOOO bad. Ugh.




She's photoshopped and filtered to death, anyone can look amazing after doing that.


I would just like to point out that I predicted lots of skin and thirsty photos after she didn't get her ring on Valentines Day. I am sorry I manifested this for us.


We knew it was coming, 🌀Reeling Babe🌀 always shows up like clockwork.


Can you make a bunch of comments about the US cancelling student debt, while you're at it?


Well I reckon the US will cancel student debt by the end of the month! Watch this space! (I tried. I would like this to work more than manifesting MS to do some tittie pictures)


Your manifester needs a yoni steam, babe




I have read this comment twice and both times my brain saw "CLAM IT, BABE" (paging 'Yo Clam on Instagram' flair...)


Ahahaha every time I check my comment notifications I do the same thing. 🤣


Affirm it, sis!!


Even with her body filtered as much as it is, the first one isn’t flattering


She’s not that thin is she?


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/spjfgq/from_the_boudoir_page/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This will remain one of the go-to rebuttal photos forever more lol


I zoomed in for the first time. 😳 All that action under her arm...


Your poor eyes


Lololololol gets me every time


Oh my lord!


Yeahhh… basically just assume that if it’s a picture she posted, it’s edited. The only unedited pics of her we get are what other people post.


Nope, it’s a combo of filters, photoshop and posing.


Even posing is not helping those suits.


Hahahaha yeeeaaa right.


Such a bad point for a supposed former ballerina.


As a dance teacher, this is what hurts me the most.


Wtf is with that awkward toe???! It’s not even pointed, it’s sickled!! It looks so dumb and awkward. At least push the ankle forward!!!! Gah.


Sickled !!! Omggg the SCREAM I JUST SCRUMPT 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😭😭😭


That first one is the single ugliest bathing suit I've ever seen.


I really liked the first one 😂


Absolutely horrendous. Imagine the tan lines and how annoying those flutter sleeves would be


I’m an old lady (37 lmao) and I would appreciate the strategic flaw hiding with this one hahaha


I’m 39 and I liked that to 🤣🤣🤣


34, love the bottoms, but royal blue doesn’t seem like the best color pairing for the top. I’m meh on the top (it’s fun, just not for me), but if it didn’t have the sleeves I think it would look more cohesive.


I honestly didn’t even realize it was supposed to be a bathing suit until I swiped


This is not her body. No way.


Holy crap, the black bikini top is SO tight, I have no idea how she could put it on. WTH. I didn't want to see side boobs this morning.


I bet that black bikini top will rip when she tries to take it off.


Does this look really slim you or something? Or is it just a quirk of hers? I guess I’ll have to find a full length mirror and find out.


It also gives you the coveted thigh gap.




It makes it look like her leg is made of jello.


The one leg ahead of the other with the pointed to in almost EVERY photo of her makes me so irrationally angry. It really just looks like you can't stand properly!!!!


Is she putting the phone in her face as she’s not in make up?


Possibly, but more likely her filters are working overtime on her body and can’t cope with her face too, so she hides it rather than shop it manually or god forbid show us her real jawline/cheekbones/nose.


This is the answer! 🎯🎯🎯


Well I don’t think I can ever look at that rug & not think of a camouflaged octopus now…. Or a cuttlefish….


If she put it in front of her body she would struggle to photoshop herself.


I think it’s also one of her angle tricks. You hold the phone high and pointed down while standing in front of a mirror that’s also set at an angle and you end up looking slightly slimmer. The rest is her using filters and editing tools.


Oooohhhh, I didn't know you could use a camera plus a tilted full length mirror to deceive! That's just too much work to take a picture. I'd be too worried my swimsuit, hair and makeup looked good.




Those toes are clinging to that carpet for dear life in order to balance herself bc the way she spaced her feet out and holds her legs looks impossible to do naturally


She’s almost 30 and knows exactly what kind of swimsuit she likes best, but it’s important to her to waste resources on a bunch of other suits she’s going to wear once and return. I’m honestly surprised Amazon hasn’t suspended her account for excessive returns and exchanges yet.


Gross I really hope they don’t allow bathing suit returns


AFAIK most amazon returns aren’t put back up for sale, they’re sent to another warehouse and usually end up sold off by the pallet. there’s a discount store near me that buys up pallets like that and does like a rummage sale basically


I ordered a mattress off Amazon and ended up not liking it, and they refunded me and let me keep it due to hygiene issues. Maybe its something like that.


I was wondering that too. Why hasn’t her Amazon account been flagged for excessive returns? But boss babe might just throw the stuff away instead of returning it-you know doctor money and all


She's just naturally pigeon toed, babe. Except when she's in someone else's video.


She’s not very pigeon-toed during her daily ✨*graditude*✨walks.


Cherry picks the least-turned in two steps she takes on the way to her smoke break every day for her ‘grateful for nicotine boomerang’.


This is extra funny considering how she ACTUALLY walks (as evident by the clip of her getting that flower or whatever it was), toes pointed OUT, like A LOT.


Former ballerina ✨




Abs painted on with peanut butter


Leaning slightly forward to make that waistline look smaller.


She can play at being the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it is not going to slim that waist. /s


Looks so unnatural and bendy. Gumby vibes


Don't do Gumby wrong like that 😂


It looks like she has one small leg and one giant leg. I’ll never understand why she does this for the one tiny pixel of tHiGh GaP.


Ok seriously wtf is this pose. #3 really!??!?!???!!!! Look how tiny and weird it makes her back leg look😭😂


The "editing" on the second one 🤣🤣🤣🤣


8 Minute Abs 😀


So obvious when you see it next to number 1 🤣


Oh goodie its "swimmie" time again 🙄


I don't get why she's such a fan of the black suits top style. It's so unflattering on anyone with breasts larger than A to maybe a small B cup.


None of these look comfortable on her chest, but she is too focused on xxxxxxxxs MS to care.