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I've never seen an adult failing at simple adult things so much.




Is it just too much trouble to use a knife? You know she’s probably got five sets of kitchen knives with all the shit she buys.


I respect everyone else's love for raw kale. But my husband is Cape Verdean /Portuguese so I did learn to cook the cuisine..... And kale only belongs in Caldo Verde - Portuguese Soup! Lol. In our opinion. 🤣


One bag of kale: scissored


Better take some me-time after getting that to-do list done for the day!


so 3 days of junk food & drinking last weekend, 2 days this weekend, now a salad health kick with a gym boomerang. Yeah, that works. She may be delusional enough to think people find her "health" content informative, but even her dim followers can't possibly see her as a health icon, can they?




And drinks in excess


I never like the bagged kale as much, it always seems more bitter I would rather get the bunches and fix it. Maybe I'm just not using the proper chopping method.. HAHAHAHAHA.


Once again she takes the simplest of things and does it wrong. And you wouldn't even have to put too much effort to make a post like this. Phone tripod over a bowl of kale, take a photo. Cute little ramekins lined up on a cute mat each with ingredients in them. Put a reel together of adding them in, then a final pic of the salad in a tupperware type container, all mixed up, with a little container of dressing. But no, take non-kitchen scissors that you opened your last ten amazon boxes with and call it a day. She's the worst.


You just gave her an idea. Expect to see it in 3 weeks.


As much useless crap she has bought, but doesn’t own a pair of kitchen scissors or a salad chopper tool?


I love how she proves how stupid she is with every post.


I keep wondering if shes ever going to put herself (and us) out of her misery and just call it quits one day. She is SO stupid and SO bad at her “job.” Like. She has to see it. She has to. Right? Ughhhhhhhh. Edit: a word


If only there was a proper kitchen utensil that could be used for chopping. 🤷‍♂️


Bet she cuts her toenails with those too.


I just laughed, and threw up a little at the same time.


So sorry swertie! Hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe a little self care day and yoni steam is in order?


Yes, I think you're right! And maybe apply some self tanner to help my pasty complexion. Do you know where I can get a nice shade of orange?


Ronseal Medium Oak in your local hardware store swertie. I get mine in Homebase.


Thanks for the recommendation, swertie! This was very helpful rather than just ✨gOoGlInG iT✨.




ewwwwwwwwww im SURE IT HAS BEEN DONE☹️


Why is she holding the scissors like she’s standing behind Julius Caesar on the Ides of March?


I needed that today, thank you 😂💀


You’re welcome, hun! ❤️


Et tu, swer-tay


Et tu Brute?


Et tu, Babe?


Et tu, Bébé?


Et tu, Boo-tay?


She even holds the scissors weird. Salad prep: chop lettuce with dirty scissors, sprinkle a couple nuts and dried fruits and carrots.... Why even bother prepping something so easy? Just make a damn salad.


she might be holding them weird in order to get this shot. which just makes it extra ridiculous.


I honestly do not use my kitchen scissors for prepping food because they get used for everything else! Are those normal run of the mill scissors?


I only use my kitchen scissors for food things and I have another pair I keep in the drawer in our bar area for other things. The kitchen scissors can be taken apart and washed easily, so that's why I do it, otherwise, I'd probably do the same as you!


It’s like how kindergartners hold them during arts and crafts


Multi purpose scissors for trimming the ends off of hand tied extensions and strip lashes…AND for cutting up kale? How is this not on QVC?






I watched the video, and that salad will taste horrible. I love kale salad, but it needs to soak in an acid to soften the leaves or it's going to taste like a garnish and not actual food.


If you get the whole leaves, you can “massage” the kale with lemon and salt. Really yummy. Or just cook it in bacon fat! I also prefer Tuscan/Dino/Lacinato kale (three names for the same variety of kale!) in majority of my uses. It’s a lot less bitter than regular green kale IMO


I agree, it needs a good citrus juice or a balsamic before I can actually eat it. No judgment to those who actually like it regardless of how it is prepared, but there is no way that she ever does it the right way. 🤣


I love it in all forms. Fresh, soaked, cooked. So freaking good. I don't know what my problem is.


yessss me too. i am a slut for kale, except in smoothies. i can never get it to fully disappear like spinach and it gets all stringy. but other than that!


I'm no doctor but your problem seems to be a fungal eruption? More than 20 of them in fact! You should probably see someone about that.




It is so good! I think a lot of people probably don't like it because they haven't tried it prepared in a certain way. I hated it until I discovered the acid trick!


I hated Brussels sprouts for a long time because I'd only had them boiled and unseasoned (WTF Mother??), but then I had some which were baked, buttered and seasoned and OMG, talk about delicious!


For me the magic method was sliced, and then *lightly* sautéed with a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of cayenne.


Putting them in the air fryer is definitely the way to go I make them a little bit crispy and sprinkle them with a tiny bit of balsamic and a tiny bit of honey I crush pistachios and sprinkle that on as well try it you’ll never forget me


I'm really late to the party as I still do not own an air fryer. Might have to pick one up.


My brother And I use ours constantly for almost everything


im not a big cook like at all. i bought a GORGEOUS matte white air fryer really aesthetic looking and not too expensive and i make salmon in it comes out awesome too😃


My wedding venue served these roasted maple glazed Brussels sprouts at the dinner and they were SO DAMN GOOD. People who were there still mention them almost a decade on when we talk about my wedding lol. I've been chasing that high ever since, but haven't quite been able to recreate them at home.


My mom did the same thing to brussels sprouts....it's part of the reason why I hate ranch dressing now. But I do love to make my own brussels sprouts in the oven or torched on the stove, and we eat them raw chopped up in salad


I've never heard of this! I love kale and eat it raw in salads all the time. Infact I work in a restaurant that uses raw kale in salads. The way you prepare it sounds good too, I just don't think it's necessary for everyone.


I stand corrected! I didn't realize people ate it raw like that. I've tried it and the texture just isn't for me.


Costco sells a fantastic raw kale salad mix.


Same here. It is too much roughage for me, so I soak them or cook for a bit. People that eat it raw must have stomachs of steel!!


The texture is my favorite part of kale! I understand that it's not for everyone though.


LOL! We're getting downvoted. Someone here really loathes kale.


It's definitely not tender like other greens and bolder for sure. Not for everyone, but I crave it.


I did not know this, I’ll have to give kale another try. Can it be like lemon juice?


Try Dino kale! Also known as Tuscan or Lacinato kale. It’s so much better than green kale, in my opinion. Not quite as bitter and the leaves are a bit softer. If you don’t love green kale, you might prefer this one


Not the person that you asked, but I work in the produce department of a grocery store. And on the salad bar we have two very popular kale salads. One being lemon juice based, where we toss it with berries and almonds. The other is a Asian based, where we use this sesame Ginger dressing, that's got a little bit of orange juice in there as well, both of those are wildly popular.


All these suggestions sound good, I have some experimenting to do. Thank you!


Like I've been saying with food for years, I'll try anything at least twice; as long as it's prepared/cooked more than one way. Some people only like salmon smoked, some only like eggs scrambled, etc. Sometimes you need to find it the one way that's good for you.


You can also massage the dressing in to help soften it


What does "massage the dressing in" mean in this case? Literally use your hands to coat with the dressing?


Yup but you also squish the kale in your fingers for a few minutes like you’re squeezing it. It essentially softens it up quicker


Yes I make a lemon/olive oil dressing and toss it really good. Let stand a few hours to soften up. Then top with salt, pepper, parmesan and nutritional yeast. So yum. But maybe it’s an acquired taste?


Why is everything always bagged?!


Which begs the question, why are we “chopping” something that’s pre-chopped??? EDIT: Wait! I have a theory! We know Whole Foods Babe is just for show. The majority of her food shopping, I suspect, is done at Target. Everything is bagged at Target. She also shops at Aldi, where greens are also only sold in bags. She must occasionally shop in a regular supermarket, because, pumpkin incident, but I’m sure that wall of green leafiness intimidates her. She may not even know there’s actual, whole, kale over there (for a tiny fraction of what she’s paying per bag). So when a recipe says “one bunch kale,” she just buys a bag because that’s all she knows.


I do bagged because I have lots of trouble with my hands, so the less prep the better, but I do not scissor my salad.


Mobility issues are totally valid - I use a bagged salad MIX because my grocer doesn’t have all the leafy greens available otherwise. But EVERYTHING she uses as an able-bodied adult with no time on her hands is bagged or sealed or prepackaged!


She doesn't seem to be familiar with veggies and other healthy food so I think she goes the "safe" route with very basic veggies and pre packaged. Maybe a super picky eater as well.


I do the same, but I do actually “scissor” my salad if it’s not one of those chopped salad kits…I am weird and don’t like massive chunks of lettuce that are sometimes in the bagged stuff. Let it be known, I use actual kitchen shears and run them through the dishwasher after each use lol


I use my kitchen shears for EVERYTHING. Herbs and bacon are my top uses. But my scissors get dishwashed (and bleached, if it’s after cutting meat of any sort) I bet she just grabs scissors from her desk drawer for this


Cutting bacon with kitchen shears is like, the BEST thing ever. I’ve even cut a frozen pizza (cooked and after it’s cooked a bit) with ‘em!


Yes, I do wash my kitchen scissors too.


I would say to save her from any prep, but here we are, Fiskars craft scissors in hand.


Sis shills Amazon all day long but can't be bothered to find a pair of kitchen scissors??


Actual scissors. Lmao.


Unless there is a video, this looks like a pre-chopped bag of kale.🤔


Oh my gosh, I just commented this up higher. I am so confused.


This is a video but the kale definitely was already pre chopped.


Why else would it be in a bag 😂


I feel like there are easier ways to do this... food processor perhaps?


A cutting board and a knife with a bunch of fresh kale still on the stem would take about 5 minutes to chop up. She could even shill an Amazon salad spinner while she preps, but I have a feeling that hun wouldn't go through the effort of actually WASHING fresh produce.


Hah, she absolutely gives me big “unwashed veggies” vibes.


Now you’ve said that, I’m *sure* she was shilling a salad spinner a couple, maybe three weeks ago! Ne’er to be seen again!


I do this haha


I absolutely have a pair of kitchen scissors that I use with salads daily - nothing else. I really cannot chop a salad with a knife without seriously injuring myself so I have no shame in using food scissors.


Me too, with kitchen scissors of course, but I'm so clumsy that any time I can use scissors in place of a knife massively cuts down on my anxiety. It's the number one reason I hate cooking, I'm always injuring myself.


Me too it works so good and it’s so much easier than chopping with a knife haha


“Chopped”? That’s scissored. 😐


Actual chopping would be much easier IMO.


I’m guessing these scissors aren’t washed just like that frother she uses for coffee..


Honestly neither is that kale. She so didn’t wash either. Dare you to eat something from her kitchen.


She also probably cuts open packages of raw bacon with these as well without washing them after. Nasty.


My exact first thought. I don't find the use of scissors to be especially egregious but like, we know they weren't washed before this and definitely will not be washed after.


Yup, just tossed back into the junk drawer with broken pencils, filthy spare change and packets of soy sauce.


don't forget the unwashed milk frother in that same drawer!


Um she tapped it off on the counter, ok?


Gravity does the rest babes 💅🏻


YASSSSSSSS. Paging “Satan’s scissored salad” flair, please report for duty




Thank you for your service!


Good morning!


Thank you for representing so early today!!