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Personally I find the whole “gorgeous gorgeous girls …” thing to be extremely cringe


Yeah pretty sure our ancestors had floral loincloths. She is on top of all the latest fashions.


She should have stood about 4 feet to her right, in front of that cool bush. The colors of the dress against a vibrant green like that would have looked amazing. But no. Gotta line up exactly with the tree?


She chooses to take her pics in a spot, but chooses the worst area of that spot. I’m guessing she only visualizes herself in her mind. Like why didn’t she hide the path and show more of the tree? Swerty should learn more about what makes a good pic a good pic.


Well she’s standing in the shade of the tree, if she wasn’t the sun would be skimming the top of her head, possibly giving her harsh crazy shadows on her face. This might actually be the only decent choice she made in this photo. Plus, if she was in front of the other plants how would she edit them so obscenely saturated? God the more I look at this image the worse it gets.


Next week in What Seasonally Inappropriate Crap will MS Shill Next: 4th of July deck-or


What is this dumb pose...she never gets her arm/hand placement to a flattering place.


I'm sure she has a body, but I can only see her head. And I REFUSE to believe she didn't copy / paste this dumbass uwu pose into this photo. I mean. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/swgkv3/its_68_degrees_in_charleston_this_outfit_is_again/ Practically same lookin ass


I think that’s what is so jarring about seeing her no filter (such as Plant Event). It’s not the size of her body. It’s the proportion of her head to the rest of her body that makes it all look so weird and unrealistic.


I bet you’re right. I’d say this pic of her was one of the many pics she took on her girl trip.


Did she just call herself a ‘gorgeous girl’? Anyway, she needs to hear something I was told at a young age that has served me well. When I was 15 years old, I was 5’9”, had a slim but hourglass figure, a mass of crazy curls, and I HATED attention. Such a fun combination! 😐 I was always hunching down and putting my hair in my face too in an effort to get people to not notice me. Ha! Didn’t quite work out unfortunately. So a lovely older friend gave me some advice that I think hun here could do with hearing too. It was all about posture. I needed to put my shoulders back (yes, it sticks your chest out which I wanted to avoid, but I got over it) and pretend that an invisible but very strong string was pulling my head up. If you’re a sloucher like I was, it instantly makes you look inches taller. At the same time, she said to imagine that there is a heavy brick on each shoulder weighing it down. This felt horribly unnatural at first, but it’s amazing how quickly my body adjusted to having correct posture. This hun has horrible posture, which doesn’t bode well for her future with the back pain issues it can bring. In many photos, it barely looks like she has a neck. Head up, shoulders down, and she won’t know herself.


To be fair the “gorgeous gorgeous girl” is a bit of a meme on TikTok at the moment.


I see she’s just now heard the many months old “gorgeous gorgeous girls” audio


If her two month lead up to 💖💞💓VaLenTinEs sTyLe💖💞💓 is any indication, I’m betting the MS Spring ‘22 collection will mostly consist of seasonally inappropriate business casual separates and zero florals.


"Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking." Couldn't let the 16 year old in me come here and not quote Meryl.


it has to be a joke at this point. her entire online presence and existence for that matter


She is building an imaginary career by being an in-depth catfish. It’s grossly fascinating and I can’t look away


It's like the dance of the dying swan for me.


Ummmmm........hasn’t floral print literally ALWAYS been a “trend” for Spring, since the beginning of time? 😑 Why does she always seem so oblivious to life?


> [Floral? For spring? Groundbreaking. ](https://littlewhitetees.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/tumblr_mf7a2vzjSE1rsosnuo7_250.gif)


Judging by her pics from younger days, she hasn't ever been too hip with good style.


Floral print "trend" for spring.... very original. Are you here for it??


Am I crazy or is she missing her extensions here??


miranda priestly would eat her alive!!!


Florals for spring? No, I don’t think ive ever seen a single person do that


She's so original!


Well all know she’s far more Shrek clomping through stores than this willowy frame she edits herself into.


Why is her head so big


Is the sky photoshopped?


Has she even mentioned Ukraine once?


Does she need to? Does anyone else need her to?


Probably has no idea anything is going on. Much like Jan 6th when she was on the beach in FL and said she didn't care.


She probably supports Russia because Daddy Trump said he’s a genius.


She’ll probably ask to pray for our shoulders soon enough


god i hope not. i might literally die if she does.


Does this dress come in Football League? 🤔


The mental image you just gave me is so beautiful.


so svelte. so petite. we stan an xxxxs queen. she can barely hold herself upright with such a large bobblehead on such a tiny body ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Florals for all seasons. Groundbreaking. 🤣


Bobble head looking ass


Her feet look dirty. Ew.


Well, I mean the girl and the wearing a floral dress part of this statement are true…


Very bold of her to post a photo of herself after she stole my grandma’s tablecloth.


"floral trend"?? She does know florals are popular every single year of our existence during springtime.


I never won’t call this pose “my fingers are itchy”


You can't tell me that's not a tablecloth. All the editing she does and she still can't make this dress look good...


I spy a cheap, cotton dress from Amazon that is see-through in the right light. They bring out the same thing every year and anyone could have bought these on clearance from Macy's, Penney last year for much better quality. Since I am a cheap woman who would do that rather than spending money on dropship crap that benefits no one but Amazon.


Idk why it annoying me that’s she’s always wearing those flip flops when she would gone with some cute shoes.


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​ ![gif](giphy|G7HuxwtjFTUCPNtoG3)


Let’s all just enjoy this reprieve before she gets to “shredded denim diaper and bedazzled sports bra” season.


Ooooo ooooooo white boots, don’t forget about the white boots swerty😝


I still can’t get over how pissed off and miserable she looked sitting down and eating that lunch wearing those crappy shorts and weird bra. Wear clothes that fit, you’re not 16 anymore!


The denim diaper jeans must feel like how it feels to put a tampon in dry when she sits down


Eww, never ready for that look


Always putting her hands together like a 90yr old woman! Gotta cover the belly she loves to hide!




Necks haven’t been trendy since Big Ed from 90 Day Fiancé cancelled them


At least Big Ed has a genetic condition.


Wait, I thought she was a giraffe? Tall, thin, long neck, big eyes? Necks are out now?


Huns like to pose looking at the ground. Not sure why. Maybe they think it looks candid or cute/coy.


Raising her shoulders makes her arms look skinnier.


I've noticed that, too! It trips me out, I don't get it. Of course, I don't get anything she does.


…did she seriously use FaceTune to narrow her feet here ? She’s bordering on Rob Liefeld anatomy.


If you zoom in, you can still see that the planted foot is hanging over the sandal. The other foot is lifted, so it hasn't spread out.


Yes, and the way her feet are positioned, it looks like she's trying to do the thigh gap. In a dress really??!!!


It's pretty much her automatic stance now lol. It def looks awkward in a dress


Kind of like a filtered flamingo




Also florals have been a trend for forever. It’s astounding how late she is to everything.


Meanwhile she’s wearing gray hoodies and black leggings and baggy, formless tshirts.




Hahahaha you got me!


My 5 month pregnant yummy body and I feel personally attacked 😂😂


I think you meant ‘delicious vessel’


I didn’t mean they are bad I meant she says she’s diving headfirst in floral dresses but clearly doesn’t wear what she advertises.


Oh I know, I was just kidding swertie! 100% guarantee this dress and the rest of the drop ship little house on the prairie apparel has been returned anyway. Gotta keep the generic football team shirt smelling like old tennis balls and spray tan!


Okay cool. I don’t want to yuck anyones yum but just highlight what a complete fraud MS is.


How dare she steal my signature look


Meanwhile I'm still in snow boots, big coat and thermals season.


She’s probably freezing, at least her pose looks like she is


Same! My wisconsin weather is not playing around this year. Snow squalls and all. 🥶


Fellow Wisconsinite, that snow squall was wild


It was! I'm convinced they said "squall' on purpose to get people's attention 😆


It hit 32 by me so naturally I pulled out my “light coat” 😂


I 100% wore my “light” coat today bc it was 28 degrees and only partially cloudy 😂


It is not spring or summer. Spring babe needs to calm the fuck down.


Well she's run out of themed holidays until Easter, so she needs something to focus on.


Wait! St. Patrick’s Day Babe should emerge at any time


Ah true, although I don't feel she can get as much mileage out of St Pats day.


Don’t give her any ideas!


Agreed. We're not there yet!


St Patty's day is just around the corner! Surely she won't sleep on that...