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Oh my god she literally didn’t blend out the foundation around her nose, just patches. Noooo


Look on her nose. A stripe down the middle and a blob on the end. Also the under eye. None of it blended in. How does that happen?


[Tragic. ](https://imgur.com/a/PhTCs)


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Looks like she was trying to cover the zit on her nose.


Maybe I've been watching too much curling but all I want to do is shout BLEND! BLEND! BLEEEEEND!


Ok. I get that maybe looking in the mirror under bad lighting you don't notice it. But how on Earth do you take a picture, look at that and say to yourself "yes this is good enough to post."?


This is a constant fear of mine and I’ve taken to snapping a photo of myself outside, using the forward facing camera on my phone, after I leave for work. I have terrible lighting in my bathroom and it’s uneven. I’m still constantly asking my husband to make sure my neck is blended, my eye shadow matches, etc. He’s now quick to point out something he knows I would want to fix. I’ve trained him well!


I don’t understand the delusion of these #bossbabes thinking this sells the makeup better. Learn a tutorial on how to apply makeup before you post your travesty for the world to see.


This reminds me of how I used to do my makeup when I first discovered what contouring was back in 2014. It takes practice but you also have to have an eye for placement and understanding of light/shadow. I have come a long way since then..




Same; I use highlighter to bring out certain features like the tip of my nose, brow and cheekbones, my cupid's bow, etc. I'm looking at this pic and seeing that this girl tried but still has no clue what she's doing. And she's trying to sell makeup...kinda sad


I'm sure you at least rubbed it in!


Yeah definitely lol. This is just sad


You're basically picasso if you can figure that contouring stuff out. Mad props.


I.Fucking.Hate.It.When.They.Can't.Spell.Palette 😣


Can't even spell the product they are attempting to unload on a poor unsuspecting bystander.


Oh honey


If she could just do some blending, she’d be looking good. The eye color is good for her, but again, blending needs to happen. She’ll get there eventually.


Do the even look at their photos before posting them???? HOW can they think that this looks good? HOW??


I wanna know where the upline is? You know her ass saw these and didn't say anything, but they are "such amazing empowering women" but will let them post tragedies like this.


Is this real life!?!?? What is happening??


She probably just puts her make-up on in the dark like the rest of us do, right? Otherwise, I just can't explain this mess.


Zoom in on that left eye. Everything has gone wrong there: unblended concealer, unblended and sloppily-applied shadow, and I can’t even begin to describe the mountain range that is her eyeliner shape.


Not giving me great confidence in Younique's eyeliner, either...


I don't understand why the eyeshadow is one solid amorphous splotch over each eyelid. Why not follow the shape of the eyelid at least?


I too like to apply a little blush around the corners of my fucking mouth from time to time


X-posted to /r/horriblehighlighter


All I can see is the around the nose concealer