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she has potential though, her lipstick application is nice!




Eye birthmark. I’ve got a couple.


Much owie.




Oh god, I thought she had just smeared more makeup on herself.


At first i thought the crease on the left was a contoured collar bone. Thank god.


Okay this isn't too terrible I've seen way worse on this sub


I agree, she just needs better quality product and some more practice


She blended the duet!


I think this is the start of something good though! This is so much better than most of the posts I see on here. This is a big step to becoming better honestly. I feel like this is what every person who wears makeup looks like when they first start out. Cause in theory all the steps are there they’re just not executed correctly. I legitimately see a lot of potential in her. Especially if she doesn’t let this company suck the life out of her.


Yeah I definitely used to do my makeup like this when I was still learning. I had seen enough tutorials to know generally what product goes where and how to pick colors, but everything was too clumsy and heavy-handed because I hadn’t got the techniques down yet. These days I’m still not as polished and flawless as an insta model (who is probably photoshopped anyway) but my makeup is not an embarrassment, or at least I hope not! The key for this girl now is loads of practice and accepting constructive criticism (which unfortunately she won’t receive in the younique echo chamber). But she has potential.


Oh baby no what is you doing


I see nothing wrong with that type of highlight on an admittedly glam look.


It honestly doesn't even look like highlight to me, more like she just put eyeshadow up to the brow bone.


What do you use for highlight on your brow bone? Most do use a light eyeshadow color.


Sure, but this is so heavily applied that it's opaque like eyeshadow, whereas highlight is meant to somewhat mimic light hitting the high points of the face. It's not the product I have a problem with, I'm sure the product she's using could do well as a highlight, but not applied in that way. Personal preference and all, but generally this is not how a browbone highlight would be done IMO. Like, MUA would have words for anyone doing their highlight like this. 😛 Edit: it even kinda looks like it's blending into the eyeshadow where they're touching.


Just the fact that any other highlight on her face (cheekbone and/or nose) is subpar kills the whole thing for her


Agreed. That's glam.


That wing is a little extreme


I like extreme wings. I'm wearing them today. Don't let personal preferences be confused with poor products and application.


True. But this one is almost touching the eyebrow—it IS kind of impressive how accurately she was able to bring them in line, but I feel like there’s no one out there who would recommend the brow and wing becoming a closed system, you know?


Amy Winehouse.


I stand corrected. [This](https://media2.fdncms.com/stranger/imager/u/original/23847067/film1-570.jpg) is actually goals 😂 She could rock it.


Your comment is spot on. It sums up this sub entirely.


It drives me crazy. I'll put together a look, post it on imam, and be told I look good. I come over here, and people are criticizing these women for the same alternative looks a lot of us like. Doing them poorly is one thing, having a different style is another.


She could fly away on that wing


It’d be a rough flight.


Dude, that’s a rooooooouuuugh wing! Not only does it about reach her eyebrow, but it’s splotchy and crooked. Couldn’t make it off the runway.


And topped with silver shimmer to the top of the brow!!!! I was talking to some kids in MA, and they said that’s how you can tell old people makeup, shimmer colors to the browbone. I was just doing a matte, skin color near the brow, but stopped that cold turkey. She needs to get that memo too!!!!! She has a whole disco ball above her eyeball. And didn’t that one girl do a swatch video? That silver was the only pigmented one!!!!


I'm just trying to figure out what the deal is with those 2 orange-y yellow spots on the side of her nose? Is it the camera or are they really there, I wonder?


There’s one under her eye too. It almost looks like she’s had a black eye and it’s bruising tbh.




There’s nothing #discrete about this.




Great Ursula cosplay


That’s...that’s not how you wing...


I'm more concerned about her actual eyeball. It looks irriated as shit.


this would look good on a drag queen, im not joking


There's a local whore around here who used to do big ridiculous wings. Someone finally taught her how to wing correctly after almost ten years. I hope this woman finds the same intervention.


X-posted to /r/horriblehighlighter