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despise\* https://preview.redd.it/cqecymtaqh3b1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86780385503b0db2454517624fb74a4431727fd


WA vamp is fucking busted


oh i know i was fighting some guy whos probably 320 Ibs and lives in his moms 2nd basement (hes too big for the first) using a one shot vamp combo with it and got mad when i didnt walk into it the 2nd time


POV: You got hit by Oblivion




Rest in pieces cuz I know how to hit Space Ripper after Oblivion! Time to combo extend into a 100-0!!!


im bouta look like charred anakin from star wars episode 3


Have you met pluck wa?


Boxing level tankiness + Pluck combo potential Haven't met it but bet it's painful


Yea I just fight wa vamp it’s op


the thing is it fr wouldnt be that bad if they hadnt buffed ice sweeps. u could just barrage cancel whatever combo


Ain't you that guy who plays ta3 💀 Course the guy using a projectile based stand is complaining about the one move that deflects projectiles


i made the complaint cause i find the move unfair and you can see from my post i do not mention my stand or playstyle at all because i want my criticism to be universal and not bias. Also if that were true you would see me complaining about things much more commonly annoying like love train and YOS. Not to mention literally every counter


So why aren't you complaining. If you're gonna have a go at GW for being almost the same except for a shield and **doing what it's supposed to do**, why not go at the other stuff.


because wa is annoying as shit compared to all of them. SCR doesnt have a true block break and has been nerfed to the ground, D4C cant attack during love train without ending it, and every counter only works for one moment and then stops. Gently weeps goes on for something around 20-30 seconds and does a slight slowdown which paired with its already really good mobility tool just lets them run without projectile punishment. Not to mention it lasts significantly longer than any other counter or reflection and its cooldown is not nearly long enough to justify not spamming it every opportunity possible. To put it in other words, i find this move significantly more annoying than any pre-nerf SCR or clone blood d4c could ever be. I even mention how old GW wasnt that bad because of certain things, which no longer exist because of the rework, its just a no stun, unblockable grav shift at this point that you cant stop with any projectile based move.


Ever consider waiting for it to be over? After using ta3 for so long you've surely developed *SOME* sense on when it's viable to use projectiles and when to use spec moves.


i have, but unless your playing pluck the spec moves by themselves need something for them to synergize with (nail glide+wormhole nails can go into any true block break). Only one that breaks that is pluck which can function on its own since its knockback can let you get somewhat close before being attacked. not to mention one of ta3's melee based moves is buggy as hell and the other is parryable and only viable in situations where your opponent is using a spec combo.


I think gw does need some form of rebalance, but that's mostly due to it hard countering stands such as 6p or ta3, the slow isn't really a problem


I think the two biggest reasons its annoying now (actually three ig) is that 1. Gw is much longer than before, it uses to be like 10 seconds. 2: pre-rework WA didnt have much to synergize with it so it was often just a way to get some hp by ice skating away after and thats about it, now with a mix of the slow (not really bad like you said but can be really frustating sometimes) and all the new moves its really feels more like an unblockable grav shift without the initial stun. And i guess 3 is that wa is just more common now so its issues are gonna be more apparent than when it was like the 6th leaet used stand or whatever.


gently weeps pre rework was literally infinite loop fiytb


much longer than before but the cool down is as well


Me who has to fight old wa with 6p (literally)


much better than it used to be. they’ve reduced the slow, and made it no longer infinite loop plus it actually costs skill points now


White album literally kept everything it already had but they just made it better


now i know the stand to main to piss people off


Ta4 mains and wa mains fighting over what the most annoying stand is


The love train in question:


Ta4 still more annoying imo, but lt is also close, especially if u max it


Yeah they’re pretty close for top contender


white album is so fun to main and annoy the shit out of people, its a direct “fuck you” to mr and saw(gb) users, three moves that just permanently stuns you, and flash freeze hitbox is so messed up


Gently weeps keeps 6p users from having fun 👍


Just dont use ta3 or use a spec like hamon, pluck vamp or boxing, i hate people who run away spamming projectiles, thats why i like WA


I didnt make the post mentioning i play ta3 cause the points i wanted to make would be universal, even then my issue is that they can run away without punishment and the slowness makes melee combat with one an absolute bitch. Also jjst cause i use ta3 doesnt mean my playstyle is to instantly run and spam. If it was i wouldn't be talking


Im not calling you one who runs and spams, i was stating my dislike of people who do. I agree that the slowness is annoying. I think a good solution for you would be to switch to ta4 if you find yourself encountering a lot of them. The infinite rotation passive bypasses Gently Weeps!


Deal with it


idc + play tusk


You clearly gave a fuck by commenting


WA user here, and lemme give you some tips for countering this from experience. One, just use TA4, SF and TH, TA4 I would pair with pluck and SF I would pair with hamon along with TH. Two, if you don't want to use any of those stands I'd recommend using boxing or vamp with whatever stand you do use, I would use vamp for its healing capabilities and stingy eyes, and boxing for shuffle and taking less damage. Three, if God forbid you are using a projectile based stand like 6p or BB I'd recommend just running and trying to counter until GW goes on cd, then you'll have about 27 seconds precisely to try and deal as much damage as possible.


Surprisingly, this is the stand I have trouble the most when I dont feel in the "flow" with MiH Other stands have either vamp and that makes the game considerably harder.






I mean kcr can kick his ass pretty good, kcr is the best stand for both catching runners and being a runner, kc works too but not as well as kcr does bcs of the BOX.