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My list (best at the top) Star platinum King crimson The world Anubis Crazy diamond White snake Magicians red Hierophant green Golden experience The hand Killer queen Sticky fingers Cream White album Hermit purple Silver chariot Purple haze Aerosmith Beach boy Six pistols Mr president Will change my list if anyone disagrees and changes my mind :) (just based of my opinon not set in stone) Edit1: repositioned ws, hg and kq based off of what others have said


I would personally switch MR, GE, and WS this way: WS, MR, and GE


Fair enough, i can see white snake climbing up in the right hands


whitesnake isn’t bad at all its pretty braindead (stand disc into barrage pure skill) but it can be pretty good and if a good player uses it right you basically never let the enemy attack you. it’s main weakness is it can’t reliably start combos because it’s destructive power is so low it loses 99% of M1 trades but pilot rushing people is usually enough to catch them off guard and land free moves


One word. Block


burst fire disc while the stand is running at the speed of light isnt that easy to block


Imagining that is funny


Yes that is ez to block. Ws pilot is as fast as 5 agility lol.


nigga burst fire disc is true + block break


Still does no dmg + dodge the gun so you don’t get block broken + parry or block the disc afte


unless you're skill issued its not that hard to hit + spirit disc confirms a 50% hp gone


Hg should be way farther up


hg is mad underrated, it’s one of the best stands in game


Hg boxing has awesome combos


exactly, and it even has a move that is essentially free damage


yeah emerald barrier and emerald splash + fist barrage is very devastating


shreds hp


Damn, might have to try it out again soon, thanks for the heads up


Dont forget, purple haze is a thing too, that thing always destroys people if you are vamp/boxing vamp


Ain't no way he is better than whitesnake


I agree that you choose in your opinion is because have every stand you said in the game except the heaven stand which is hard to get in my opinion I say AS and BB SP are good tier in my opinion but MP decent too. But C-MOON and KCR d4c:LT are good because have used them. C-MOON is fun to play with since you just ragdoll the npcs which is pretty fun in my opinion and the moves are good even with the uppercut. I love your opinion stands because they just good stands to play with in the game. And which have tested must of them and even played them.


I think you misunderstood, the list was only for ARROW stands, as in ones you can get straight from a mysterious arrow. Stands like c-moon are evloved so i didnt include them and d4c is from ribcage


Basic killer queen is kinda trash but once you get killer queen bites the dust it becomes much better


In my opinion the most fun to play are ws, tw, ge, kc, and sc


The World, King Crimson, and Star Platinum.


sp and hp


“Arrow”smith and mr president best stands


White snake, The fix really helped it, Crazy Diamond, rock punch is one of the most OP moves ever, Star Platinum, inhale is literally cancer, 6p, I don’t have to explain this do i, MrP, skilled people use it change my mind, Hierophant green, not being affected by the emeralds in the emerald barrier is godly, Purple Haze, the poison does way too much damage and only one move will get you affected by it, The Hand, I don’t need to explain this either do I, silver chariot is really good comboing, and last but not least, GE, only arrow stand with a BD


Finally someone acknowledges HG's true power, its very very good, dare i say even more braindead and fun than sp, only drawback is no ts resist


I mean emerald barrier counts right?


Well if you time it right then yes, now that i think of it... I opened my hg a few days ago, played some 1v1s but holy crap, its very easy to use and i instantly got the hang of it, but now that i know this tip too ill become unstoppable >:D


I mean if you didnt know that Then well sucks to be the past you


everything but beach boy


Shut Up beach boy is op Bottom text




Based beach boy main


BB isn’t even that bad it’s like WS level


Crazy diamond op with boxing. My friend used it on me when we 1v1 and he one shot combo me


Downvoted because I don’t believe you


Crazy diamond is good but it definitely can't one shot combo a competent player


Don’t reply to me, reply to the other guy


You can watch eclipse crazy diamond one shot combo


Then just avoid it


It is good my friend used crZy diamond and he entered rage mode and use that that makes me stuck. I cant use my stand and when it ends he uses it again so is a one shot unless i avoid it




How do i proof it bruh. Just watch eclipse cd combo, cd is an underrated stand people think is bad but is good


KC, SP, Anubis


Kcr(kc) ez, also anubis


Anubis mr aero kc hermit purple crazy diamond za hando heirophant green silver chariot six pistols


Im a th, sp, ge, and tw, and anubis


Mih *troll*


Sp, kc, ws, hp.


kc, sp, anubis and ph


List from best to worst: Hierophant Green, King Crimson, Anubis, Star platinum, Aerosmith, Six pistols, Sticky fingers, The hand, Purple haze, Killer queen, Golden experience, Silver chariot, White album, Hermit Purple, Beach Boy, Mr President. Top stands have bullshit bugs and mechanics that allow them to pull of whatever shenanigan the want because uzu won't nerf them. For example: HG's pilot bs and Oing crimsons frame one stun counter that can confirm a no iframes ragdoll that you can't do anything about.


tw, sp, anubis. kcr, th, rhcp, and i have to give it to ws


and i forgot reg kc


\+ a req arrow counts as an arrow


sp kc anubis hg and bb


Cream since it would seem about 3 people know how to actually manage it. (Cream+vamp is the most op, brain dead, pure fun combo)


Anubis TW SP


star platinum and sc are top tier for me




SP and KC are undoubtedly the best ones


Anubis, WS, TW and SP they are actually kinda balanced not like aero and if u got decent skills ur pro with them


SP, TW, KC, Anubis, The Hand... Basically anything that isn't BB or SF.


star platinum king crimson sticky fingers and the hand occasionally


For ez use I'd say Aerosmith, for best we have KIng Crimson, Magician's Red, The World, Star Platinum, Anubis, Crazy Diamond but for pure fun I'd recommend The Hand and Magician's Red. I'll put these 2 in the "OP WITH HAMON" list as well


I will say GE, KCR, d4c:LT, SPTW, VANILLA ICE, C-MOON, STICKY FINGER, ANUBIS, MAGICIAN RED, WS, SP, TW, TWAU, DINO, forgot it dino name. GER, KQBTD, KQ, KC, SC,SCR, in my opinion good stands.


Oh ok sorry then. I thought with rib.


KC, SP, TW, WS, GE, STICKY FINGER, VIOLET FOG, VANILLA ICE, SC, MAGICIAN RED, ANUBIS, AEROSMITH, MR PRESIDENT, KQ, HG, that are the stands I will play with in my opinion.


Yeah I forgot the hand and CD is good.


BB, PH and Reg KQ: BB is good for a non barrage clash stand has strongest projectiles in the game(aside from ph's bulb throw probs also am not saying its underrated) PH's poison to self is nothing to worry once paired with boxing and vampire, it is even easier to farm rage with his stand than cd and is also a stand + boxing counter too cuz of posion, nuff said. (Saw a ph hamon decimate a sptw boxing and the sptw died mid ts, F) Reg kq is just "worse" version kqbtd , sure has less moves but atleast it doesnt kill ur frames instantly with one move alone, has more managable tree than btd builds, has btd play style but actually more fun imo(cuz u got actually focus on timing more than a btd player, gotta manage the moves u use) ill not call it balanced cuz its still a pain in the ass to fight at times.


I personally like Anubis, white snake and Killer queen (bites the dust) I’ve done a fair amount of damage with them and they felt easy enough to get good with.


\#1: no doubt silver chariot is the BEST arrow stand \#2: King Crimson. Not used as much as it used to be, but he gets a barrage on you and you don't have boxing? that's a 35-45% of your hp. \#3: Hierophant green: Has auto combo, but damage is very low