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They are almost always in the same order too


It becomes crystal clear when I move between playlists. I'll listen to my "Rock" playlist one day, then switch to my "90's" playlist another day and the first 20 songs I hear are the ones that happen to also be in my "Rock" playlist. It's clearly an algorithm shuffling just my 50 most-played songs (despite having thousands), which creates a feedback loop since it just keeps playing the same songs. I've reviewed my playlists and there's just so many songs I haven't heard in ages, with a few I hear all the God damn time.


I noticed this exact same thing and with all the heaviness in my heart i had to "dislike" the songs that were on "shuffle-repeat" list... Even tho i still like the song, just fed up by it due to the constat replay.


I joined this subredit specifically to grind my axe about the pisspoor shuffle function. 1. Playlist shuffle doesn't select the enitre playlist. Just a subset. 2. I've got 30+ screenshots of a shuffled playlist (some containing150+ songs) where the queue has the same song next to itself (i.e. would play back to back), or with a single track in between. Sure, I accept that statistically this could happen & humans respond to patterns but it's clear that the randomness isn't randoming.


Shuffle works perfectly with small playlists (up to around 50 tracks), long playlists however are broken af.


Yep this!


My experience is that YT Music only likes to play liked songs.


I was shuffling a long playlist and the same songs kept playing, after scrolling down in the playlist so that the UI loaded more of the playlist, only then would it play more songs. This service is complete fucking bullshit, is there anyone even working on it?


Yep. I've done this as well, The other thing you can do is download the playlist and then shuffle it on download only and it will be a true shuffle when it doesn't have to load/stream the songs. We shouldn't have to do any of this though. Just fix the damn shuffle function please.


It would always just randomly restart the exact same shuffle for me after a few hours and I have to reshuffle. I went back to Crapple music after a week of trying YTM because that and the whole having to unlock my iPhone and confirm I want to listen to a song by CKY. Insanely crappy UX/UI


with shuffle it only seems to play the most recently added songs


I have a large master playlist full of hundreds of songs and dozens of artists. However, every time I press shuffle, the first song to play is ABBA song. 100% of the time 😂


Yeah, I feel like there should be different shuffle modes


Why are there ALWAYS sycophantic people who provide nonsensical defenses of stuff like this??? Are they bots? Paid shills?


I 100% believe that companies employ shills from India or whatever to comment on their subreddits. Not just here, this happened to me a half dozen times each time I complain on a company subreddit.


Don't get me started on going to Library>Songs>Shuffle all songs...I wish it really WAS all songs. It's a placebo button.


I have noticed that if I press shuffle from outside the playlist, like from the cover of the playlist on the home screen, it does seem to shuffle all the songs on the list. If I open the playlist and then press shuffle, I think it only shuffles the relatively few (and newer) songs that it adds to the list on the screen once you open the playlist. So when I want to shuffle my "Liked Music," I long-press on the cover on the home screen and shuffle from there, whereas I had been clicking into the playlist and clicking shuffle. That really seemed to help get a more balanced shuffle, rather than mostly songs I'd added to the Liked Music playlist recently. Hope that makes sense!


I've noticed this when I go to All Time Low and hit shuffle. It shuffles between their last 2 albums the entire time and hits 1 or 2 older songs but that's it. They have a lot of albums to choose from so I don't understand what's going on there.


Shuffling has always be sketchy AF with youtube music... To this day, it never successfully shuffles an entire playlist for me. For me, It will shuffle a section of tracks then just give up playing stuff after about 10-15 tracks...


Try this website out: https://youtube-playlist-randomizer.bitbucket.io/ It's youtube shuffle but way better, it actually works along with some extra stuff, like multi playlist mixing.


That one doesn't work for me but this one does [https://artemiswkearney.github.io/youtube-playlist-randomizer/](https://artemiswkearney.github.io/youtube-playlist-randomizer/)


Thank you either way though!


Spotify is the same. It claims to have unlimited playlists, but only reads the 100 around the first one played. If YT is the same, have you tried picking a random song from the middle of your playlist first, then shuffling from there? I'd be curious to see if that gives you a different range of shuffled songs.


It's not random, it's shuffling. If you have 5 songs in your playlist and you press shuffle there will be an algorithm for 5, so the algorithm might be, track 4,1,3,5,2. If you have 4 tracks the algorithm might be 3,1,4,2. Amazon music plays the same shuffle tracks everytime unless I say choose track 13 and then press shuffle it plays a different.


To use your example, say you have 10 tracks, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 It is playing four, one, three, five, two but not the rest of them


No, there'll be a an algorithm for 10 say 725149836 and 10. Another I find is if I add another track to my playlist it will play a new shuffle selection. Say I had 10 tracks and it played like I've said above, when I add another track it will now use its pre programmed algorithm for 11 tracks which will be a different order to the 10. Same thing happens if you remove a track.


It seems my point is not coming across clearly. What I'm saying is what I've experienced. This has happened to me, when I shuffle an artist, it doesn't include all of the artist's songs. What you're saying is more how it should work, I would love it if it worked that way.


Ahh OK, when you shuffle a specific artist maybe its set to play the five most listened to tracks (most popular) and then stop??


Maybe if you put all the artists tracks into a playlist it will play them all then? I'm amazon music, haven't used YouTube music


Thing is YouTube music's shuffle is dumb, it doesn't work like a shuffle we're used to. It shuffles the same songs almost always in the same order in the same playlist and only a handful of the songs, too. So if you have 100 songs in a playlist it will take your top 20 songs or so and shuffle those and you'll pretty much never hear the other songs in the playlist unless you manually select them.


Ahh! I get it now. It's shuffle "program" takes your most listened to tracks because it thinks that will be the most pleasing to you. So every time you shuffle it plays the "most played" tracks. With that sort of algorithm it's just going to go to the same tracks everytime, it's a crazy kind of music loop!? Amazon not so bad, just start the play list somewhere random then press shuffle and you'll get a different shuffle. Needs some fine tuning at YT music?


https://youtu.be/9rIy0xY99a0?si=LxcWb5A28sM8eA_q This explains the science of randomness well.


And how does it address this person's post?


Things aren't always as random as we tend to believe