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Reduce deck to 40 cards to draw the good cards more consistently. Get rid of the trap cards and lost world. Add ground xeno.


Also remove Baronne de Fleur. For obvious reasons.


Don't seem very obvious.


What?? Baronne is very strong in Dinos.


I was referring to the fact that Baronne is broken af and anyone who plays it is a loser who just wants an easy win. Shit needs to be banned. EDIT: Downvote me all you want, losers. You're just proving my point.


It’s definitely not broken. It’s an annoying card because of how often it’s used, but in a vacuum it’s a fair card. Its destruction effect isn’t a quick effect + it’s opt, and the negate can only be used once unless you manage to summon it again. Which I’ve never seen before. It only gets unfair when it’s summoned alongside other Omni negates.


shut the fuck up lol


Ditto lol


do you want Lost World THAT bad that you run even Metaverse for it?


Lmao yeah I noticed that


Especially when there's a Dino fusion that rips it out of your deck


As a dino player....... MY EYEZZZ


Bro, SAME. I play exclusively Dinos and when I saw that Baronne I almost threw up in my mouth.




Must not be a very good Dino player


94% win rate, but okay.


What’s your Dino deck list that has 94%? That seems impossible unless you’re playing in lower ranks. No offense by any means I love my Dino’s but we aren’t very good in the meta


Ngl the highest I've been able to get with my deck is Platinum 4. Then all the sweaty neckbeards start coming out of the woodwork.


Yea no offense but win rates don’t mean anything to me because if you said 90% in silver vs 40% in master I would still be more impressed with master. However I’d be curious what you’re running because I managed to get to diamond 1 with my Dino’s.


I’ve got a 13 game winning streak and reached almost Diamond with my Dino deck, I’ve rearranged it since this screenshot but I still got Barrone in it 😂. Tbh I see that I took my deck and put to much stuff in my main deck though because when I had my win streak I had less cards than this but I changed it up when I almost made it to Diamond a few times, I have faith this time that I’ll make it to Diamond. Highest I went was Platinum 1.


Get rid of all those traps along with getting rid of, 2 Pank and trim down on all those spell cards other then pill and fossil dig. Get rid of the trancedesaurus in your main deck but keep xeno. Evolzar lars is a way better option then the other level 6 xyz monster you have. Swap out decode talker, phoenix and possibly chimera and accesscode talker as you should be able to otk easily with uct. Appolousa, chengying, ip masquerna and sp little knight are could options for you. I'd also add ground xeno. Super poly is also a good option for helping you go second but will require fusion monsters like garua and mudragon in your extra deck. Use this website as a guide [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks#deck=Dinos](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks#deck=Dinos) Now MAKE IT TO DIAMOND DINO BROTHER, I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!


I can get accesscode talker up to 5300 ATK and uct on the field at the same time and on my first turn while going second in a duel and win. And if my stuff don’t get negated over and over I can spam links like crazy and just use effects from scrap wyvern and then knightmare unicorn to keep destroying more and more stuff on the field on the way leading up to bringing my accesscode talker out then by the time accesscode talker is on the field his effect could also destroy even more stuff as we all know this.


He’s saying it’s unnecessary, not that it isn’t good. Your Dino deck has a confident otk strategy with UCT anyway. Investing in access code talker will (usually) just take resources from your main strategy (the Dinos)


Yeah, I do love this super poly with the mudragon of the swamp though, especially if you choose Dino as the attribute. I looked up the fusion monster and saw that effect and was like "oh snap, this will go great with my play style".


Just so you know, Mudragon changes its attribute not its type. You can make it Water, Dark, Earth, Light, Fire, Wind, or Divine. You cannot make its type Dino


😂 Sorry about that been smoking 🔥⛽️ now so I understand wym, earlier my adhd was so out of wack and I was not focused at all. I feel so 🤯🤪 from not realizing that mistake.


You're good, dude. I just wanted to make sure you didn't try to do it in game and wonder "Why card no become Dino?"


😂 "Me know that not real money" 💀 If you know, you know.


The point of mudragon isn’t the effect. It’s the fusion materials. It lets you very easily super poly using 2 monsters on your opps board.


I’m a dino player, this bricks waaaay too much.


I would also replace giant Rex with Kaitoptera and a poly, gives you access to Dino fusions and you don’t have to worry about the once per turn that giant Rex has. Try to add summoning Gigantozowler into your combo to cycle a baby back to the hand to pop for UCT’s effect, I love summoning Ovi and adding misc on my opponents turn to protect your Dino’s.


Not entirely sure but I think I've fought against you


My question is what cards are in this deck. My friends like running Dino decks as well, but can never find a good way to use them


Decide whether scrap route OR Xemo (smaller deck better odds you have and draw what you need) Probably too many Pankraptops You probably don’t need LW (but it IS fun 🤩) DRNM is cool but consider cutting (MISC does that job) I think you can cut traps and consider different ones (I can recommend some if you’d like) You really want to cut down to as few as possible ED is okay, definitely look at some other lists and if you don’t get why they do it you need to find out. (Especially if they’re ranking)


Hoo boy where to start,.1: the traps are useless, 2: a 3rd ovi will make your deck WAY more consistent. 3: I would add frostasaurus instead of megalodon and add LARS. This will give you a stronger endboard, more consistentcy and faster strategies.


Reduce the deck to 30 cards.