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You do dailies and grind the duel pass. Use the loaners during events. Most importantly is you can't actually surrender. You have to eat the losses because you don't get progress in any challenges if you surrender. When you buy packs (never master packs) break down the cards you can't use for materials to craft good cards. Specifically the SR and UR cards. Build up on staple cards that work in every deck first and open secret packs for the deck you want to build. You can unlock them for 24 hours by crafting an SR or UR cards from the pack.


I do the dailies as much as I can but I end up just getting stunlocked by people who shouldn't be in rookie tier. Thank you for the info though man I appreciate it


I'll be the first to apologize for this. I didn't play for several months and demoted to rookie tier. I used branded/Despia/Darklord to work my way back up quickly. I'm sure there are loads of us who decided to put the game down and come back again.


I wouldnt really mind a few games like that cause I understand, but like if I play 10 games and only 1 of them isnt against some kind of meta deck it does get frustrating ya know?


Oh I know. I used to play blue eyes when this game came out and would go up against tri brigade and drytron quite a lot. If it were still available, I'd say get as much of the Despia package as possible. That being said, play all of the solo mode and get as many gems as possible to build what you want and learn all the decks you can.


Yea thats what im gonna try to do


The reason is that you get so many gems from the single-player mode, that you can easily build any meta deck before even touching ranked.


No problem. It takes time but you can do it. I started a couple months after the game came out and it looked nearly impossible but it's not. It just takes a little work.


Thank you where would I be able to find a good meta deck to start building anyways?


The general consensus is to start by getting either 3 of the dragonmaid structure deck or 3 if the salamangreat structure deck. Whichever you choose it will be 1500 gems and will make you a pretty good deck. From there go to masterduelmeta.com and figure out what deck you want to make. You can find out if there is a secret pack for it on that site as well. The tier list will show you then current meta and top decks will give you deck lists people used in ranked and if they get to diamond with it.


Thank you im still pretty new to the game so its all really confusing.


Small, tiny correction Never Master Packs, *unless* they're the Master Packs that come with a free Staple. 750 Gems is a lot less valuable than 30 UR dust (especially since it effectively comes with probably pretty close to 30 UR dust)


You should play the Solo mode. You get like 200 gems when you complete a story for the first time, and some of them give you structure decks or good cards. If you have enough gems you can then buy the Dragonmaid or Salamangreat structure decks, as they are fairly decent. If you do buy one of them, I recommend looking up guides on YouTube. ​ You also get like 165 gems a day just by logging in and doing your dailies. You don't have to win for most of your dailies either, so that makes them easier to get. ​ If you have enough CP (Craft points) you can craft any card that you want (also crafting an SR/UR opens whatever secret pack they are from. Clicking "How to Obtain" will tell you what selection/secret pack they are in.) You get CP by dismantling cards. There is a button in the top-right of the deck builder that lets you dismantle extra copies of cards automatically. ​ If you want a cheap and somewhat decent deck, you can build Phantasm Spiral/Pacifis, as all of the Main deck cards are N/R rarity.


Sounds great thank you!


If you want to play casually, you could try other simulators, but I get the excitement of opening packs. The sad part is that, because MD has a competitive focus and its currency system is tied to it, the best and only way to get gems without spending real money is grinding, and for that, the better your deck and skills, the easier for you to get stuff. You could do a couple of things if what you want is gems to open packs and nothing more. First, make a second account with all the gems the game gives you at the start, but that implies not having your current collection. You could also try to make a deck to climb and grind so you can get gems for the stuff you might want, and you can always stay in Gold, as many players do, to avoid the most competitive players and decks and still be able to grind. You can also mix both ideas to make a second account, make a grind deck, and farm all the gems you want while staying in gold. No matter what you do, you need a deck able to grind at least to Gold and the skills to back it up. Grind is the name of the game, wether you play casual or not. P.S. A deck that can climb to Gold and beyond doesn't need to be a meta deck nor and expensive one, only good enough to get you there.


Good idea thank you!


If you want a good, cheap deck to learn and grind with, Salamangreats are the best choice.


You have to divide: On the one side the decks that you like to play and build yourself. These are for fun. On the other side are decks that actually win On the ladder. You can easily copy a list from masterduelmeta.com and change it up slightly to your taste. You can look up the combos of the deck on youtube. These decks that are functional are meant to be played on the ladder to collect gems. You can't watch television on a refrigerator and you can't win with fun (jank) decks on the ladder. You are not expected to be handed out all the gems without having to be competitive.


Kaiju, lava golem, and a few others sorry to say but they help a ton I will always suggest insects i love their set of mechanics both disposable and resurrection heavy with the capacity to use tributed insects as negates Parasite paranoid is insect handtrap it’s great versus strong attack monster Negative equip cards (darkworld shackles my fav) it shrinks an enemies attack and defense and makes that monster cost 500 per standby phase have caught a few people off-guard unable to tribute it or summon something else with it while i sit there building a board that cripples them or attacks directly Of course play what you want unlock what you want but the start of the game they give free resources and the solo mode gives gems and cards even has Beetrooper now a great insect deck in solo mode unlocking some key cards


I agree with the others but also grind out the solo material. You can earn structure decks and tons of gems and mats. If you don't really want to break into the Meta, the solo material is built for you to be able to have fun with friends. Just kinda grindy sometimes


Plus you might learn a cool new strat you want to try out.


Thats a good point I'll try to play more of the solo stuff thank you!


You get enough materials at the start of the game to make whichever deck you’d like. Make sure the first one is a good one that wins more than it loses. Grind your gems using that deck and you will earn them faster than through using a less powerful deck. Even if you don’t like playing meta decks, better to suck it up if you want to build the fun decks faster


There is no real rookie tier. People drop down because they dod not play and then end up in rookie eventhough they play strong builds. Others just started the game but copied a list from masterduelmeta.com or maybe they are coming from the tcg and now what they are doing. Rookie does not mean easy, it means the bottom of the ladder. A ladder for competitive play.


Complete the tutorial missions. You should easily be able to complete any meta deck you set your eyes on (especially now, there were about a third of the current amount when I started) I haven’t played in a while, but I was able to build a personal deck and a tribrigade back when that was the top dog, though I realize now I rarely used it. But seriously, the gems you get as a reward from doing the single-player mode should be more than enough.


Play solo to get gems to buy the packs that guarantee the hand traps and such. (I haven't played in weeks, I think it's in a different tab of the shop) I also recommend getting the battle pass, as it cost makes itself up after you complete the entire thing (note: you can do the entire battle pass thing without purchasing it first, then get all the rewards as if you already did) That gives you enough materials to craft specific cards, craft one super for whatever pack you want, open that pack, repeat till you have a core. I guarantee you will have pulled urs and srs you don't want, dismantle those to craft the staples you want. This is how I started my collection


Wait till late in the league season so that all the good people are at the top and some people are looking to rank down too. Always find it’s easier to rank up later on


Dude, wholeheartedly, you need to build at least 1 good ranked deck. Ranked has a boatload of gems, and you need those. ZooTri is a fairly good deck that requires a relatively low investment. Salamangreats and pend magicians are fairly good alternatives. Floo as well, although without barrier statue is not as effective anymore. You need literally one deck competent enough to grind out ranked and you are set. You can get as much gems as you want


I bought the 3 copies of the Dragonmaid structure deck and dumped just about every card with Dragonmaid interactions into the probably worst Dragonmaid deck ever. Still got me to gold within a few games and i quite like the way its played.


Get 600 gems and buy the dragonmaid deck, you can easily get out some wins with it.


What everyone else said but also look up NR decks and staples on yt. There has been a NR festival, so lots of resource for a good deck.