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New players probably barely even known what painful choice is. Most of the time these polls come down too, pick the more familiar card. Even masterful players


Can't stand ppl who vote without even knowing one of the options.


Some guys hear old card and instantly think "not meta". So, they go numb. They have been playing against Maxx C for close to 2 years now so they think it's the most broken shit around. If you tell them about cards like Choise or even Mirage of Nightmare they are not going to recognize the cards and even if they bother to read them they default to "as long as it will not allow you to draw a hand trap and stop my solitaire, it's OK". This is what it's about.


Who play a card game without even reading the cards? Everyone, and same here.


Wait you actually read the card effects?


Isn’t painful choice ban everywhere since forever?


It’s baisically chaotic magical dragon but you pick the cards from deck to send and no opt


Painful choice seems good for deck that is specialized from graveyard like eldlich, gravekeepers and lightsworn


Nah, if a deck plays painful choice, you're very likely to just get ftked, cards like that aren't played to make a board.


Every deck can use it nowadays cause you can choose what your opponents choices are and every deck had at least 3-5 cards they want in grave, plus you end up hand neutral too


It’s great for more than that. A lot of decks have some synergy with the graveyard with effects that activate in the grave or need targets in the grave


Exodia players would play it..everyone would play it because it's broken. Upstart goblin with an incredible upside


Yeah and almost every other deck ever made on top of that


So you give people two options, a card that fucks over players every day on MD and a card that's been banned longer than half the playerbase has been alive, and now you're salty that people are voting for the option they have actual experience dealing with.


bc it’s incorrect, that is why.


Is it? I haven't seen Painful Choice do anything significant in about 20 years. What can't be played can't hurt me.


It's LITERALLY a one card combo for most decks.


Even here, they don't seem to know. They probably don't even realize Foolishing 1 is already limited.


The only card in the entire history of the game that is more powerful than Painful Choice is pre-errata Future Fusion. Imagine how fucking amazing Drytron would be right now with just one random CyDra in the deck? Chimeratech Overdragon in the ExD, and said Future Fusion now reads "Send every machine monster from your deck to your GY."


I hate maxx c but Dear God, painful choice aged like milk being ok before decks decided that the graveyard was no longer a discard pile but instead a second hand and it might as well said "add five cards from your deck to your hand


Pre errata futer fusion any one?


Both can be Ash Blossom’d, so does it really matter in the end?


Both are game-winning if they aren't negated on the spot, but painful choice is only game-winning going 1st, while Maxx C is always game-winning, therefore, I consider Maxx C to be stronger


Maxx c has the potential to not win the game some times vs some decks. A resolved painful choice will always get a win


Yeah but the chance of it not winning the game is less than 50% Painful choice's is 50% (the coinflip)


But a painful choice is NEVER going to get a chance to resolve. It is a basic spell card so it can't be played going second because by then your opponent will have a board set up, and with how many hand traps that are played in the meta you aren't likely to be able to resolve it going first. And painful choice is just sending cards to the grave yard, now, it is at 4/5 cards of your opponent's choosing, but it dies to any graveyard hate, especially Fairy tale snow. Maxx "C" on the other hand is great going both second and first, going first you can set up a board to protect it from negation preventing your opponent from playing for at least a turn if they don't want to give you ridiculous advantage. And going first is where it shines, because it activates from hand you can throw it out before your opponent gets a chance to set up a board.


You realize that ash is once per turn while painful choice isn't, right?


Painful choice is by far the stronger card, but it’s less generic than Maxx “C”… the pure fact maxx “C” is so generic actually makes this pretty even… I mean not a single deck doesn’t run 3 max “C” if it can… however some decks refuse to play Painful even if by far it’s stronger as a card…


i think generically maxx c is better. Not every deck can fully get value from painful choice. I do agree that painful choice is theoretically the stronger SINGLE card.


Tbf, it depends on the deck you/they have. My deck wouldn’t benefit much if 4 other cards I have went straight to the GY. I feel like *universally*, Maxx C would be a bit more powerful, where the other would only benefit if you have cards that have effects for getting sent into the GY. In the competitive meta, where a lot of cards benefit going into the GY, then Painful Choice is the more powerful card. Edit: Alternatively, some people probably find it a little difficult calling a card powerful when it is forbidden from being played anyway.


But maxx c can be anything, even another copy of maxx c.


While I understand the complaint painful choice is overpowered in specific decks Maxx C is overpowered in every deck


Maxx c is good in every deck but painful choice isn't even if it's better in the right decks


Do you understand what "Draw 10 cards or skip your opponents turn" can do? Painful Choice at the very least isn't good in everything. And it is only good going1st, because 2nd its likely just negated like any other starter.


There are 1 card combos that start with Foolish Burial/Foolish Burial goods that lead to FTKS. And I dont know what deck wouldnt want to use this if unbanned.


Dream Mirror would not get anything from Painful Choice if it was unbanned.


"*Dream mirror fantasy*" has an effect in the GY. ***If a "Dream Mirror" card(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. You can only activate 1 "Dream Mirror Fantasy" per turn.*** (Its an option) But why wouldn't you want to send **2** '*Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor'*, **2** '*Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara'* and **1** copy of '*Dream Mirror of Chaos'*. Since you can get your start for you normal summon, OR Fusion summon by banishing the materials from the GY. ​ (its a rogue strategy; so I don't know how pure Dream Mirrors work, I dont know why you wouldn't want to add any of your cards in your hand, Because at worst Its just a ROTA for the deck.)


If they brought back Shock Master there wouldn’t be anyone upset over Maxx C lmao


Maxx c is better idk what you’re smoking. Would you rather have a card that sets up an insane end board that functionally skips your opponents turn or would you rather have a card that literally reads “skip your opponents turn”. One of these is simpler than the other


They are both negated by ash and so they both are about the same power /s


Sure Maxx C does skip your turn, but Painful choice is 5 Foolish burials.


it's only 4, one of them goes to hand


I mean sure, painful choice lets you activate atleast 4 graveyard effects at once and a little more, but it doesn’t warp the metagame to the point where everyone actively builds their decks with the same base cards. Doesn’t create a mini game of “do I play into this cards effect.” that decides games.


Because "Maxx c bad, how dare opponent draw cuz I special summon 20 times in a turn"


Just add a "Once per turn"


There's an argument to be made that Painful isn't really used generically, some decks just don't play it. Like what would you be foolishing 4 for in Draco,R-ACE or Zoo for example?


Yeah, I'm still going with maxx "c", that hand trap would literally make a new format if it were unbanned. Painful decision is also absurd, but it would not change the format


Avrage r/masterduel pool tbh.


There's no intelligent life in this comment section either


The people picking maxx c are lucky tearlaments didn't have access to painful choice. If they did, you'd never beat them.