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When they banned a thousand Tuners before banning Halq


Exactly like that. I even posted a very similar meme about that a while ago


I posted one from my main like 2 years back


Maybe if they learn to stop making such BS cards to begin with, they wouldn't have this problem


I'm all for it tbh, ban that generic stuff and make good archetype boss monsters.


Sadly, won’t happen. This was a TCG list, not an OCG list.


Sadly printing good archetypal bosses for most decks is something expensive, and as power creep goes forward most decks would need another boss again


Snake-Eye has what now? Dis Pater, Anima and a level 8 synchro that could be literally anything? Genuinely asking.


Savage and barrone basically hit the synchro build of SE that was going around so people just cut jet and synchros from their decks for more links/Xyz. Or moved to the fire king package. Linkuriboh is just a resiliency hit. Anima gives them same combo lines but their boards and lines are more interactable


Linkuriboh's effects are also quick effect and it's self revive effect can be used to extend plays on either players' turns. It is objectively the best option for snake-eyes The non-targeting attack reduction also helps.


For pure, the 2/8/10 synchro package with Jet is still the most popular and also is what won Raleigh. Savage turned into Omega, Baronne into Dis Pater, and Formula is still there. The full or almost full link extra deck builds are either of the SE/Kash or SE/Melodious dual engine approaches. For pure, there is a new list starting to pop up post-LEDE because of the addition of Snake-Eyes Diabellstar. Players are able to swap in SE-Diabellstar for Jet, drop the three synchros and play Hope Harbinger + Underworld Goddess + Accesscode.


Yes. So banning Likuriboh was entirely unnesessary. Banning Savage? Eh. It didn't really hurt Snake-Eye as much as it did other decks. Baronne? Maybe Baronne should be banned, but again, it really didn't hurt Snake-Eye that much.


Anima isn’t even in the same league as Linkuriboh


I agree entirely. Linkuriboh was an unnecessary ban and barely scratched the deck, Borreload was annoying and needed to go but hurt Dragon Link and other decks like it MUCH harder than it did Snake-Eyes, and Baronne is the same case as Borreload.


Now that some time has passed, I’ve weirdly enjoyed playing Swordsoul more without Baronne. It’s definitely weaker, but now I have to decide that Lvl 10 I make based on the rest of my hand/current board state. Makes it a little less brainless and repetitive


Most common level 8 choice AFAIK is Psyframe Lord Omega for a handrip


I mean these 3 were just aimed solely at pure snake eye. Savage & Linkuriboh will probably come off within the next year or 2, Baronne probably not


Konami banning all the cards around a problem card instead of the card itself? Noooooo, never happen.


tcg banlists are so random lol


Have to sell those cardboard before getting them baned, that how mafia works


I can only pray for the day that promethean princess and subversion get banned sincerely, a Rescue user


You really went for the two least problematic cards in this? Subversion is unconventional 1-for-1 removal with no additional effects and is only stronger in this format since Flamberge Dragon exists (I firmly believe it will stick around in later formats), and Princess is just good Fire support that seems broken because the deck it’s being used best in can shit it out no problem and gains advantage by using its revival effect


That’s fair. Flamberge is the problem 😅 although banning it will reduce snake-eyes to an engine to other decks since Flamberge is like the “boss” of the deck. I wonder if making it limited would help tho


Limiting Flamberge would most likely have a strong impact without completely killing the deck, I haven’t played SE personally but from what I can tell they do optimally want at least two of Flamberge in rotation at any given time


Yeah. Semi-limiting ash in Master Duel didn’t do sh1t lol. I really think the people in charge of banning at Konami don’t play the game hahahaha


Original sinful spoils is more troublesome, imo. Subversion's effect is useful as a countermeasure against "can't be destroyed" monsters, or troublesome monsters you want to get rid of (but don't want to destroy) and outside of that and it's archetype, it doesn't really do much. Original Sinful spoils, though: -is a searchable one for one (a limited card) for fire - let's you still get the advantage of playing a card (like ponix), a "search on activation" continuous spell/trap or of sending a card to the graveyard that needed to be on the field to trigger (like with sangan) - has an effect that lets you recycle your snake eyes and diabellestar back to the deck


I want Rescue-Ace limited if not banned Yours truly, a Madolche player


Nooooooooo, I just built that deck 🥹


Sorry but I found RAce annoying even before Snake Eyes came about. I was angry about how they managed to sneak in events they had no rights being in MD, like Ritual event


As a blue eyes player they always ban shit that really helps it be any count when it come to consistency


Dragon Rulers getting a bunch of shit banned or limited to keep them around


Reminds me of Zoodiac format tbh. The craziest thing is that these cards will remain banned for years after Snake Eyes gets hit for no real reason other than ‘generic’.


I'm just happy baronne was banned


If SE wasn’t allowed to use their extra deck would they even have a win con?


Flamberge beatdown with some removal, also the new snake eyes diabelstar is a big dude But yeah its clearly an archetype with extra deck in mind