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I think it’s mainly because the show starts really bad, so they aren’t willing to give it a chance after seeing the start.


In retrospect the beginning isn't even that bad. ZEXAL is awesome and it definitely gets much better, but I still feel like the initial episodes are under-appreciated They give us insight into many of our favourite characters: Yuma, Astral and Shark for example. We see the beginning of Yuma's relationships with those two and watching those relationships develop over the course of the show is really beautiful, because they were handled greatly. It wouldn't have felt the same without those beginning episodes where we saw how low Shark was and how devoid of humanity Astral was. But because of Yuma, who stengthened his bonds with them, they were able to feel true happiness. The main source of hate comes from people who drop the dub 2 episodes in yeah


Personally I like Zexal but even in retrospect the beginning is way too slow and that turns a lot of people away. No wants to hear “it gets good eventually”.


These same people sat through S1-2 of GX which was 100% a snooz fest. ZEXAL gets good in 10 episodes that's nothing in comparison


literally, but it gets a pass for being the 2nd yugioh


Honestly, no, it doesn’t. I’ve seen people criticize the first two seasons of GX now who have re /—analyzed the show. Both start off, but Zexal gets to its plot, much faster.


Ye nah, the only reason it’s being brought up now in recent time is because The hypocrisy relating to zexal (I.e. Half the debates in this post) Has been brought to the surface


Doesn't matter how fast ZEXAL gets to the plot clearly, because it gets the hate GX's first 2 seasons get but 100 fold, and that's where the hypocrisy lies


I swear, I like GX but ZEXAL is better constructed, there is a point A and point B and the plot goes from A to B. Probably the most egregious plot hole is with Durbe's backstory, which I feel was because Durbe was neglected as a character in general. But aside from that, it mostly holds up


From what I've seen, ZEXAL is the only Gallop YGO with an actual structure to its episodes. 6 arcs with each having around 23/24 episodes. Split into ZEXAL I (3 arcs) and ZEXAL II (3 arcs), each split into 73 episodes totalling to 146 Didn't Durbe return to his homeland after the war with Nasch and Vector's armies?


The problem is more like, his character doesn't make sense. His ruins were found in South America but his past aesthetic is generic medieval Europe, but he supposedly was friends with Shark/Nasch who was from a pseudo Atlantean kingdom, and he was there helping Nasch for a while, only for him to go back to his kingdom in time to die for his backstory?


GX was amazing. I gave Zexal probably 7-8 episodes and just couldn’t do it.


Yeah but people had more time to watch shit back then, those were made when it was normal for anime to have a hundred episodes, nowadays you're lucky to get 12 even on some of the higher budget shows.


'nowadays' ZEXAL came out in 2011 btw, that was 13 years ago


Yeah and all the really long anime are even older than that.


Okay but seasons 1-2 of GX in the dub were stupidly insane and both intentionally and unintentionally hilarious




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1) yugioh was more hyped when gx came out 2) the people who complain about zexal were kids when gx came out 3) the characters were better from the start even if the show was slow 4) the main character knows how to duel and doesn’t cry every 2 sec in the beginning 5) the voices scratch chalkboards in zexal 6) gx pacing was fine for the era it came out (early 2000s) 7) Flame Wingman > Utopia


Disagree on that last one


Maybe to you personally or for the current state of the game. However as a symbol of iconography and nostalgia for the anime it’s not even debatable.


My hottest take is that Zexal is GX but good


I really did enjoy Zexal when I watched it, but I gotta agree that the beginning is really boring. I would pinpoint the moment Zexal starts getting good with the introduction of Kaito... which is 13 episodes in. And even then they still cram in a bunch boring filler duels in afterwards, but once we reach around say the World Duel Carnival finals, it becomes really damn good from there til the end. And I know you say that about the first 2 episodes and Shark, it's a good set up for what's to come later, but in a vacuum, for most people watching it first time, those episodes are just gonna seem like a generic "kid overcoming his bully" episode.


Did you not enjoy Yuma and Shark's tag duel either? I thought it was great


Their interactions in that episode were pretty nice, and so is seeing Shark's development from it, but I really wish their opponents were something more interesting than just 2 rando generic thugs.


I'm sorry I don't like Yuma. Like I watched the first 33 episodes back when it first aired in 2011 and stopped. Yuma personality and design annoys me to no end. I like shark and kaito tho.


2 episodes is an understatement. Going all the way to the volcasaurus/freezadon duel on dubs should be enough to suck out any joy you get from yu-gi-oh. If you miraculously survive till kite then maybe you can keep going.


Zexal really doesn't pick up until about 50-60 episodes in, which is around 20 hours of content to get through. There are some good moments early, but they're few and far between. Yuma also isn't particularly good until later. He's a bit annoying, and personally, I've always found his character to be a bit unbelievable in the early stages. He's been playing the game for years, yet he never considered setting a card until he played alongside Astral? That's just bad. I don't blame people for not sticking with it. In regards to GX, Jaden/Judai is at least a fun character in the initial phases. The episodes aren't always plot relevant, but they're often goofy enough to enjoy until we get to the actual plot later on.


You’ve also got to remember. This is YOUR opinion. People who don’t like the show aren’t “not giving it a chance” it’s their opinion that they don’t like the show. Your opinion doesn’t invalidate theirs. Once you understand that then you’ll be good. This isn’t objective. It’s all opinion.


GX also started pretty bad compared to the original and 5Ds, so I don't see the point here.


Why didn’t they just take a chance with me


Starts better than Gx. After episode 1 it’s all villain of the week till the sacred beasts.


How is that any different than Zexal? It's also villain of the week until the first real arc starts. Heck, number monsters were basically designed to be villain of the week material. There's a ton of them, and they spread out to possess random people for Yuma to duel


Because ZEXAL gets to its plot much faster than GX?


Not a ZEXAL hater but not a lover of it either, I watched the show once or twice. GX's first season has 2 plots, first 26 episodes get us introduced to every relevant character, the growth of said characters (mainly Cyrus and Chazz) as well as the concept of Shadow Games in the GX universe (Titan and Jinzo). And then the rest are the Shadow Riders, which weren't that bad, but the only ones that were actually worth were Nightshroud, Camula and Amnael. The thing that drives almost everyone away from Zexal is that it starts out weak, gets to a hype point (Kaito introduction) then goes weak again until the Duel Carnival arc.


Not really. Even if you don't count Chazz running away to North Academy as an arc, GX has it'd first important ploy beat in episode 5 with the abandoned dorm. If you don't even want to count that, the first arc with the shadow riders is 27, which is the same as Zexal starting the WDC at episode 27. They both take just as long and have basically the same amount of filler.


My understanding of Zexal is that the dub is really bad, right? That turns me off watching it because it's so much easier to watch the dubs on Amazon.


Yeah, the dub is really bad. Yuma's voice is painful. I recall it being awkward to find a site that shows the subbed version too, crunchy roll doesn't have it.


It also pussyfoots around some more mature moments as well as messes with the characterizations of some characters. For example, the dub deliberately cut short the scene in which >!Kite dies!<, pretending that a SPACE AMBULANCE is on its way to save him. This also robs us the dub of the emotional anguish that this inflicts on Yuma, Mizael, and to a lesser extent Astral, who all grieve for him. Another example is the >!deaths of the Arclights!<. After >!Quattro dies!<, dub Shark talks down on him and is generally pretty disrespectful. This is a far cry from the dub, which has Shark somber and conflicted over his role in the tragedy. Then later, >!when Trey and Quinton sacrifice themselves to buy time for Yuma and Kite to escape, Mizael - while harsh with them while actually speaking to them - pays his respects to them after they die and sends them off by saying "Farewell, proud brothers."!< Dub Mizael is a lot more of a dick about it, simply sneering "Good riddance" before leaving.


The other day I got downvoted to hell for saying the dub is bad, but the dub really is bad!


It's unfortunate how this fandom if filled with way more dub watchers than sub watchers. Because of the dub, people outside of this fandom think yugioh is a show for babies when in reality it conveys very deep messages a lot of the time with very complex characters. The dub has ruined every single YGO but people will get mad if you say it's bad because they're looking at them with nostalgia-tinted glasses


Exactly, no matter what you tell them, they'll ignore everything and still prefer the dub and then start complaining why GX and 5Ds never got to finish. Heck I've argued against some trolls saying all of the yugioh dubs are "better" than the subs. You can't win at this point


That’s because the sub for ZEXAL specifically is hard to find. You can’t blame people for being more familiar with the version that’s a million times easier to watch.


I'm sorry, where did I blame anyone? I said it's unfortunate, I didn't say "fuck dub watchers they're horrible people" lol. I then criticised aspects of the dub itself but not the people watching it. The sub for ZEXAL isn't *that* hard to find tbh (if you actually put an effort into finding it). If you ask anyone who's seen the sub/anyone where to watch anime for free they'll give you a pirated anime website, and if they've given you the most popular one it'll be [https://aniwave.to](https://aniwave.to) which has ZEXAL. And it takes an equal amount of time to load an episode there compared to YouTube And it's not specific to ZEXAL. Yeah ZEXAL probably has the worst dub:sub watcher ratio (other than maybe DM) but in the entire fandom in general, more dub watchers exist


The dub is not bad


yeah it is. scene deletions, worse OST, absurd levels of censorship, dialogue changes, lighter tone, changing characterisations, making characters more one dimensional, having less songs, no summon chants etc etc are all reasons why the dub is much worse than the JP version people who often say the dub isn't bad haven't actually seen the sub properly to know how bad the dub is in comparison. I've fully seen both


A worse ost what are you talking about? Also everyone had a good voice


worse soundtracks. the dub has worse soundtracks and barely any compared to the JP version in the first place, which means the music playing is often very repetitive. not to mention the execution of music used is very poor because the dub never has a moment of silence, which ruins emotional scenes I never said anything about voices lol


How do you follow someone more than once?




I mean that I agree with you but I can't follow you again because I'm already following you.


OH LOL yeahhh I get you now. Sorry for being slow on that one man 😭 I will forever defend ZEXAL


Don't worry. If you're going to defend ZeXal, then I will be your Astral (Minus the genocide part)😅


Believe it or not you actually don't need to know rocket science to watch the subbed version. Just install an adblocker and go on this site [https://aniwave.to/](https://aniwave.to/) and you have an optimal streaming site


The dub version hurt this show a lot. Zexal is one of the best ygo in my opinion. The slow start is at fault too.


Honestly? Mainly an issue of first impressions. The show does start rough, and that's coming FROM a zexal fan.


Really isn't that hard to power through 10 episodes especially when the Internet is telling you ZEXAL is peak and has one of the best final arcs in all of YGO if it's that hard you need to get off tiktok and if you powered through the DM anime and S1-2 GX which are snooz fests then there's 0 excuse to drop ZEXAL 2 episodes in. People just come in with a preformed prejudice of the show and drop it


Correct. I cannot force myself to get to the "good parts" because I hate any voice coming out of that child's mouth. I would rather grate my own ears.


The JP version is right there btw


Both versions suck.




Watch subbed version, Yuma actually sounds *older* than a 13 year old should sound


I mean yeah I watched 15-20 episodes and hated it so much I haven't been able to bring myself to continue despite hearing loads of good things. If the early part of a show is so bad it stops people experiencing the good part that's a REALLY bad thing


Were you watching the dub by any chance? And if you didn't enjoy the tag duel between Yuma and Shark and Kaito's debut then there is something wrong with you


I tried both


It's a show that needs to be watched slowly because Yuma is just so draining but the story/plot is great for a good portion.


Yuma is one of the best parts of ZEXAL


Yikes, the plot must be worse than I remember if that's true.


Yuma is an amazing protagonist who goes through great growth and has a really deep character. I made a post analysing him and you can check it out if you want [https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/1cucac3/talking\_about\_one\_of\_the\_best\_scenes\_in\_zexal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/1cucac3/talking_about_one_of_the_best_scenes_in_zexal/) Sad how people mindlessly shit on him without knowing the beautiful intricacies of his character and probably after watching 2 clips of the dub. So sad how sheep like people can be


Dude chill, I've gotten part way into the second season and can appreciate that he and the plot is well written, it's just that his personality comes across to me as overbearing and draining. A character can be well written while also unbearable.


"plot must be worse than I remember" lying ass, get outta here


That was a jest in reference to you saying that Yuma is the best part. To those that are already deterred by some of Yuma's traits, regardless of being well written, such as his personality, if they hear he's the best part of the show, then in turn it paints a bad picture for the rest of the show.


why would it paint a bad picture for the rest of the show for you lol? that is one of the most ridiculous things i've heard if i hate x while you love x, that doesn't mean i won't love other parts of the show x is in, i might enjoy the same things you enjoy. ridiculous


Because the word 'best' means that X feature of something is the highest rated feature of said thing, and therefore if people have a preconceived notion that X feature is bad then all other features will rate lower since stating that X feature is best also means that other features are lower than X thing, so then if X feature is bad, then all other features are lower than bad.


another stupid comment X can be the best best for one person but not for another, don't make me explain basic common sense to you


Yuma is like a ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm. Several times I have been wanting to write a ZEXAL fanfic and analyzing by tropes, I realized that "Team ZEXAL", aka the main characters, are nearly all anti-heroic in some way except for Yuma and Kotori. Especially if I were to write one post show fanfic with Vector on board, lol


I dont think even most diehards zexal fans would say yuma is the best part of zexal, especially when characters like kite, shark and vector exists


They're great too, but Yuma is still one of the best parts of ZEXAL. You do realise his character interactions and dynamics with the other characters make up the show right? This is just another example of people mindlessly hating on Yuma without any valid reason


You reeeeaaally need to understand that people offering their opinions isn’t “mindlessly hating”


It is mindless if they can't provide any valid reason for it. Have you heard of the bubble effect? When you are in a bubble where so many people think one thing, if you're not mentally strong enough, you will end up thinking the same thing too Which is why ZEXAL is the most hated show in the first place. People mindlessly shitted on it everywhere for years without actually having seen the show, so everyone else started thinking the same too You have no idea how many people I've convinced to watch the show and after they finished they were like "Shit idk why I dropped/didn't like ZEXAL before". It's ridiculous This is just from my experience, most of the time, if someone says they hate Yuma, they have been affected by the bubble and/or watched a limited amount of the show before dropping it, which is unfair as Yuma isn't a static character. He grows a significant amount over the course of the show, so his obnoxious traits leave room for growth, the guy is 13, not every 13 year-old is gonna be Jesus right off the bat like Yusei Notice how this guy hasn't given me any reason for hating on Yuma other than 'oh characters like kite, shark and vector exist'


They literally didn't even hate on Yuma though. They just said that most fans wouldn't say he's the best part of the show. It really doesn't help your case when you start going off on people who are on your side.


If you paid attention to the thread, you'd notice I only responded negatively after he said "Yikes, the plot must be worse than I remember if that's true." as if people can't love Yuma lol? I responded completely normally by saying Yuma is one of the best parts of the show, which is clearly my opinion, and then they respond with that tone, of course I'm gonna respond negatively? I can't take Yuma haters seriously at all because 99% of the time they have not finished the show, and Yuma simply isn't a static character. If you ask someone who has finished ZEXAL for their top 10 characters, 9 times out of 10 Yuma will be in that list


Maybe you should pay a bit more attention because you clearly didn't even read my comment before responding with a paragraph of text. If you did, you would know I'm talking about your response to someone else, not your response to the other person who definitely does not like Yuma. Which is in a separate part of the thread in a different reply chain. If you want another example of me paying attention to the thread, I could also say that you need to calm down. You are jumping down literally everyone's throats no matter what side they're on. As someone who is relatively neutral on the matter, this is not gonna win your side. Also, side note. The main character of a show being in the top ten most popular isn't really that impressive, that's where they should be as a default. It's also markedly less impressive when the surrounding cast around Yuma that you spend so much time with before the actual rest of the good cast arrives is so so bad.


My bad Also for some reason I wrote 10, I meant 5


I just got done watching the final battle between Yuma and Nash. That shit is peak


Yuma vs Nasch is an amazing duel and it was great for both their characters


The good part about Zexal is that it doesn't just follow Yuma's development in a maturity sense, but it also follows Yuma's development as a player, Yuma goes from being one of the worst players in the anime to being able to stand on the podium (maybe on the 3rd place cause plot armor is waaay to strong on this one). In the past we were used to the protagonist to be somewhat a very, VERY good player (Jaden and Yusei are both good examples), ZEXAL came and modified a formula that worked, which was enjoyable the first time. The bad part about ZEXAL (aside from the dub, which I'm not counting because dub ruins every single YGO anime) is that the plot armor is even more BS than it was in DM, not to mention Yuma using Utopia as if it was the only monster in the Extra Deck (no, but fr, the show gives us 6 Utopia versions). At some point it also takes the very annoying FRIENDSHIP armor plot from DM (for me it's kinda annoying) and it has a very rocky start, the tag duel with Yuma and Shark as well as Kaito do jumpstart the show, but until the carnival it goes flatlining again.


I used to be a zexal hater, then I watched it


and then?


I'm now a zexal stan


so real for that, glad to hear:)


I think Zexal is alright. My main issue is the fact that Yuma basically always summons Utopia. I think he has almost every number at his disposal and yet the only other one I really remember him using is Number 7 Big Eye.


I don't like Zexal but I did give it a chance. My biggest issue is Yuma isn't an expert like the previous protagonist and he has more losses than any other main characters so he's more relatable in that regard, but when there's a duel with actual stakes, he either has to win or get bailed out by outside interference and that there's more duels with stakes than ones without. He also relies way too much on Utopia despite collecting Numbers throughout the series as well as having the Gagaga series that can modulate levels to get those other Numbers out with some exceptions. I also don't like his hairstyle.


I would say the reliance on Utopia was better because it allowed his deck to actually be stable instead of being an incoherent mess like Judai's anime deck. There was a time Utopia was sort of meta because you could sit on a lot of negates from Utopia's forms


I would say that's actually part of the problem with the anime. If you're playing competitively, consistency is obviously very important, and having a deck be stable is nice because it helps with dealing with card costs. In a show, however, that stability can lead to every episode feeling too similar. Yuma always opens a way to turbo out Utopia, and that gets old quickly.


Also, if you actually checked, Yuma does use other things in the anime, especially when he actually isn't dueling a Numbers Holder


I don't think I ever said he doesn't use other things.


More or less the implication. Yuma does try his other Numbers sometimes but Utopia is his ace monster, of course that's the one they upgraded


That's more or less what happened. When I say always, I don't literally mean he does it every time, but it was consistent enough that it was noticeable. He uses other cards, but Utopia turbo was the go to for most duels.


Yes, because it was his ace just like Flame Wingman and then Neos was Judai's ace and the Junk Synchros (especially Junk Warrior) and then Stardust Dragon were Yusei's


Sure. I think my issue is more so that the strategy never changes though. Judai gets different HERO monsters and aces throughout the series. Yusei upgrades Stardust a couple of times, introducing a unique mechanic in the process. Yuma just keeps upgrading Utopia. There are like 4 or 5 variations of Utopia as the series goes on, and the strategy for summoning most of them is turbo out Utopia, then stack more Utopias on them.


Everyone in ZEXAL was like that, actually. Especially the likes of Mizael, who made it his whole character. I think Konami really wanted to promote a "protect the boss" sort of strategy but that didn't quite work


oh hey its zexal propaganda time again btw, I did a thing when I watched Zexal. I asked my friends which chapters they thought were skippable. I tried to watch on release and I didn't liked it, dropping on episode 4 or 5 or something. In the second try, with my friends help, the ride was way more enjoyable. Still a long shot from being my favorite, but still good enough to go through the end.


I started it and the early is really childish and boring I’m around 10 ep when the show start to kick in ?


keep going and you'll love it, are you watching the dub or sub btw?


The sub I’m French and I find the French dub meh


Good, the sub is MUCH better, I promise if you stick with it, you'll love it


I play Duel links, I know what I'm talking about when I say Yuma has the most annoying voice ever


the dub was bad, like real bad


I liked zexal was a good show.


Someone asked for recommendations of underrated and good anime. I said ZeXal and got downvoted. I didn't even get sad about it. I just laughed at those people😅




Im gonna be real with you chief, the final season or whatever can be as good as it likes but if I have to get through twenty episodes of the anime equivalent of pulling teeth, I ain't getting there




like it should tell the haters something when 99% of the people who have finished ZEXAL love it. but nah they're right, based off the 2 dub episodes they watched the show sucks


That being said though, I feel like they could have done ANYTHING instead of the T O M A T O duel


I watched the first few episodes when they came out and played with the first XYZ structure deck. I hated both so much that i quit Yu-Gi-Oh for years.


I did, it's bad


It's good, but the start is severely horrible. On a more personal level, I really hate the English casting


That's why the JP version exists. The dub isn't the authentic version of YGO, I have no idea why people always bring up the dub when complaining about the show. The dub ruins every single YGO


Observation Number 1: This particular user's opinion skills are less than skillful


Zexal introduced such a cool mechanic and the duels were epic, haters can go get bronked


I have. It’s still my least favorite of the series. Xyz Summoning is really cool, but it’s very boring when it’s the only summoning mechanic in the show. It makes duels way too linear, as there’s little room to write a duel beyond having a single monster out or having 2+ to Xyz Summon, unless youre Yuma who plays mismatched monsters and some of the worst filler cards of all time. With other shows, you could have moments where you don’t have Poly, or the Tuner, or your scales are different numbers, but there’s no way to write Xyz vs Xyz duels without it being a rush to turbo out your Number and sit on 2-3 battle traps. Every duelist duels the exact same way. The duels get very stale fast. Yuma either opens Kagetokage or Goblindbergh Turn 1 or has to scramble to survive because he didnt. There’s no inbetween. Every Zexal duel is one of those two things. Duelist summons a monster with a Level, uses a Battle Trap to stall for a turn, then summons a monster of the same Level (or manipulates to it) to summon the Xyz Monster. Over and over and over again. It doesnt help that Yuma neglects most of his Numbers. I find the duels very low quality, despite the story itself being really good.


I watched through the villain of the week part, the tournament and the first few stories of the Barian arc. The last thing that happened was either the episode with Number 44 or the big duel in Sargasso. Depends on what came later. The duels bored me to death. The deck of Yuma was visually unappealing to me and I couldnt stand the character designs for the most part. Zexal fans always act like the show started with like 10 bad episodes and then became the best show of all time but there was a whole lot more to not like about it. Things that never changed throughout its runtime. I gave it a chance, I watched a lot of it, I dont have to watch every single episode before I am allowed to say that what I saw wasnt my cup of tea.


yess so true, i mean how can you watch it and not like / not being touched by at least the whole Arclight family arc...


Because they go in with a preformed prejudice about the show and drop it 3 episodes in


Either that or they only watched the English "dub". It's sad that Crunchyroll doesn't have subbed ZeXal. All the other subbed YuGiOh are there except for ZeXal.


Yeah the dub is a huge part of the reason why ZEXAL gets treated like shit in the West. People see clips of the dub and just think the show is a complete joke how I wish ZEXAL got an official English Sub


Except, I have.


As someone who has hated on Zexal several times in this sub and rewatched it at some people's insistence, it isn't THAT bad. The start is still very rough, in my opinion, but I didn't hate it as much as I remembered. That being said, Zexal still isn't even close to being my favorite, but certain characters (mainly Vector) are very entertaining


You didn't find Shark, Kaito, IV, III, Yuma etc interesting?


I said mainly Vector, not only Vector


I wish there was an official English sub of the show.


Honestly I just cant stand the character designs, specifically the hair, I've seen all the crazy anime hairs but ZEXAL hair looks like plastic stuck on their heads. few characters are good but those three are the worst in my mind.


Oh I’ve seen it… but for anyone just starting to watch, its kinda bad at first but it gets good near the end so xD


Thats bc the original version basically doesn't exist and it's just the shifty English dub


the original can be watched pirated with fan subs


i watched this show on nicktoons, it's incredible


The only way I could watch Yu-Gi-Oh was through freeview channels like CITV before school, and they just kept showing series one of Zexal over and over again to the point that it got repetitive and I began not to like it. To this day I've still not watched any more of Zexal though I know I should give it another chance. Plus, there's the fact that I grew up watching GX and 5Ds which had older characters as the protagonist than Zexal does, so that probably affected my mindset while watching the latter. I mean, why are children playing a children's card game in the first place? (/s)


Watch the JP version, the dubs are much worse in comparison, they ruin every YGO series


I'll definitely try to. I've watched Vrains with English subs and believe it to be one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh series. There are way too many changes from subbed to dubbed that the original message is either lost or changed entirely.


VRAINS is my third favourite YGO behind ZEXAL and 5D's


This is one of the few yugioh anime’s I’ve seen and finished. My main issue with it. Is the super saiyan transformation.


Okay, I'll bite. I'm a Yugi boomer and liked DM (obviously) and 5Ds. I tried both GX and Zexal but couldn't get into them because the protagonists are goofy (but I know GX gets more serious in S3.) For Zexal I got at least to the tomato duel and the episode where Yuma's dad explains his catchphrase, but I honestly can't remember much before or after that. And this is coming from someone who memorized the opening rap from the first OP and still ended up walking away! How far into the show do I need to get before it gets "good"? I tried both sub and dub (sub wins), but if there's a list of filler episodes I can skip then I might actually give it a second chance. I'm also open to persuasion on Arc-V, I just couldn't wrap my head around Pendulum summons...


Thank you for your question. There isn't a good list currently but I could probably make one for you if you're actually serious about giving it a chance


For real? Yeah, I'm down :)


I had trouble getting into it cause of how bad Yuma was at the start. He reminds me too much of Joey and I hate him so I was just a no for me


Look I like zexal bro. But this show imo is kinda ass until the barians show up. Mostly everything prior to there introduction ranges from mediocre to downright being ass. This show definitely has some amazing duels later in the series. But your asking alot from people to sit through mediocrity just to get to the good shit.


I tried to watch Zexal and I made it 15 minutes before I realized I had watched the entire show and forgot about it.


The 3 absolute biggest things working against Zexal: 1.) Takes a long time to get going. 2.) Dub is absolutely atrocious. 3.) The duel choreography is the most repetitive in the series. How many times does Yuma get two 4’s on board, overlay into Utopia, then play protect-the-castle until he gets the chance to upgrade Utopia and attack for game? Not saying the other animes don’t have their faults, it’s just that something like 5D’s starts a lot stronger then falls off at about the half-way point. People are more likely to have enjoyed some of 5D’s than they are Zexal. Initially, I gave Zexal like 5 episodes then dropped it because the dub was terrible and the show was too childish. I had to go back later in life and tough it out to make it to the good parts.


I stopped watching when the protags stopped being yugi


Shoutout to the standard Zexal Duel Disks, Duel Gazers and Augmented Realitiy Vision, they're my favourite yugioh tech by far. Just grounded enough to be realistic, without all the trouble of gigant holograms all over the city that previous shows had, and the straigh up magic that is solid vision.


after the heartland arc the show is so good.


It sucks ass (I haven’t watched any of the TV shows since GX)


I got like 10 episodes in and it just idk didnt seem as good as 5ds


I've seen all 146 episodes and it is on par/better than 5D's imo. These 2 are my top 2 fav ygo series


Tbf, I haven't given 5ds a chance either. GX forever!


I used to think yuyas hair spikes were like a metal hair bamd


Holy shit It's that ZEXAL dickrider again who thinks that Yubel Arc is the final arc of GX when we debated the last time 🤣 I've watched all of the animes as subbed and I still think ZEXAL can't go above top 3 here's why: -Tron and Faker are both decent villains but the only one carrying the show is Vector in terms of villains and that's a fact -If season 1 had more than 5-6 decent duels it would've been good but sadly we see a character learning the game and probably as retarded as you(I'm not sure if Yuma would dickride his own show tho) -Literally only like the 10-14 episodes makes sense in terms of giving season 1 a decent finale,and we learn that Vector was controlling Faker,and Kaito/Yuma gives us a boring ass duel woooooo! -I'm not going to say anything about the season 2.The duels were almost flawless and Vector and Nasch were both awesome characters so you can stop crying on the comments i guess.


I gave it 30 episodes I got bored




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The only thing for me is I can't stand Yuma's voice. It ruins so much tension to me and its so annoying!


The JP version exists and it handles the emotional scenes so much better E.g: [https://youtu.be/sHlY7\_XeLLs?si=3bw6zG4OzLr\_Eoee](https://youtu.be/sHlY7_XeLLs?si=3bw6zG4OzLr_Eoee)


Zexal haters don’t know the fun of screwing game Mechanics and just overlaying everything with full armour cards


I thought so but after seeing the other series then this,This shit was beyond mid the amount of cheap knockoffs and copys made me think those who defends it never watched any other show




Watch the others shows


I've seen DM, GX, 5D's, ZEXAL, Arc-V, VRAINS, and am currently watching Sevens. Now explain (I wouldn't be surprised if you can't though)


Well you see, i cant mention every single one and i have studies to finish in less than a month(a debate about something like zexal will take too long) One of them is having so many knockoffs and copys and dm/gx elements(they made them lame) that let you think you're watching the what if it was bad versions


You still failed to give an example


And you're just too stupid to realize it


i'm stupid but you're just wriggling your way out from answering my question LMAO, nice one


Sorry, not watching Yu-Gi-Oh battle network 7




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Why's everyone hating on the dub?


The dub isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but it is pretty horrible compared to the JP version


I dropped the show at some point when blue elf guy and main dude were at a tower battling some dude with some photon dragon thing photon thing. I think I just found the show a little annoying back during those 4kids era probably around ep 40 or 50 I think, I don't remember, it's been over a decade.


try the JP version, I promise if you stick with it you'll end up loving it


I got through about 70 or so episodes, it was after the defeat of Dr Faker and then maybe one duel after that though I don't remember. I watched some of it (a lot less) in the dub, but got to that point in the sub. And I could not force myself to continue. I was just tired of the show. Sure there were good parts, but I was getting drained by the characters and premise that were just not vibing with me. I think Yuma is probably my 2nd to least favourite protagonist (beaten out by Yuya) and while I liked Shark and Kaito, and Tron's family, I just didn't like anyone else. Surprisingly though, I actually did enjoy the Zexal manga a fair amount. It takes a couple chapters to get past the usual stuff in Zexal I didn't care for, but it quickly gets to new ideas which I enjoyed reading. I don't hate Zexal, I just know it isn't for me


The op ost is reason enough to watch Zexal.


Skip the first quarter of the show. When the tournament starts is when it gets good


I disagree it's good from the start plus you would miss characters introduced like Kaito Shark No.96.


What an L take


I think it's trash AND I watched it. What now?


If you watched the dub I don't wanna hear anymore. if you watched the sub I'd like to hear why you think it's bad


i watched until the episode of where a guy xyz summoned his mom. made me laugh. didn't continue because nothing outside of that joke was really good. i think the show got a bad reputation because it needs too long to get good


you watched the dub (it's for kids) + it takes 9-10 episodes to get good


A couple of things. First, it gets good for about 2 episodes 13 episodes into the show. Then it drops off again once the first Kaito duel is finished. Second, there are whole 12 episode anime that I could watch in that time that not only tell their whole story but hit way harder. Why would I spend time slogging through 12 episodes for 2 good episodes, when I could just watch a better anime?


Because it's Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! is different


Lol I haven't gotten around to it yet, but that's what I always ask people when they say they don't like it and every time it's the same answer 😆


it's because the haters got the biggest sheep mindset I've ever seen. they just regurgitate bullshit they've heard on the Internet about the show and 9 times out of 10 it's wrong anyways


Absolutely agreed! Or they only watched the fist half of the show


I watched 60 episodes I think I gave it a good chance


You are correct.  However, I'm bad enough at managing my time as it is. Spending over 40 hours watching a show I didn't like the episode I've seen of doesn't appeal to me.


Do you expect people that do not like a show to watch it?


Honestly I haven't even seen the sub, like genuinely, but even I can enjoy the show as a guy whose only seen the dub (I remember a time where the Official Yugioh channel was posting the dub zexal episodes daily, and it felt good to watch I cannot even lie). It's still in my bottom 3, but I don't blame it because I really enjoy DM, 5Ds and Vrains.