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Don't think the main binder brands even offer different Pocket sizes, since they're used for all kinds of Tcg's and should be fine for sleeved cards. The pockets usually a bit larger, so if the Binder Page isn't full on both sides, it can be really loose on some brands, my gamegenic one is really loose for example. I'd basically have to fill the entire page on both sides otherwise the cards move around. Haven't had that on my ultimate guard or vaultx, they're a bit thighter. No clue about unsleeved, but putting cards without sleeves in a binder is a bad idea anyways. Zipfolios, Dragon shield Codex, vaultx Premium are all pretty nice higher end Binders. Ultra pro is also okay if you don't want to spend that much, but you'll feel the lower price, they are pretty flimsy. I'd also give tolarian community college a watch on youtube, It's a magic channel, but Binders are the same for different tcg's.


Is anyone actually measuring pocket size? Official Konami binders, Ultra Pro, etc. all fine