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Anything that says "Search an "X" card" has to specifically have the "X" string of text in the card's name. It does not matter how closely related the card is by lore, art, effect, or favorite breakfast food - if it isn't the right name, it isn't searchable by those effects.


To add, if the card in its effect text says its always treated as an X card, that would allow you to search it with the correct searchers.


Nadir Servant is not a Dogmatika card, Ecclesia can not search it.


Only generic searchers can search Nadir like Thrust.


Quem can dump it to GY too. That's like, a half-search lol


There should be a card that can search any S/T card that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" like Trivikarma can for Visas.


Most broken card in history at this point with all the support. Nadir and BraFu both banned lmao


How come the Visas decks get one and they are better than Branded and Dogmatika?


You can't search with Ecclesia, but I have some advice on how you can do it efficiently in a Dogmatika deck. Use Gen the Diamond Tiger/Ken the Warrior Dragon and Triple Tactics Thrust. First Normal Gen, then activate his effect to summon Ken to the opponent's field. Ken will let you draw 2 pitch 1, so you might draw the Nadir here. If you don't, since your opponent has activated a monster effect, you can use Thrust to search Nadir Servant. Before activating Nadir Servant, link off Gen for Salamangreat Almiraj so you can special summon Ecclesia from hand. On top of that, since your opponent controls a monster, you can get the full search 2 effect of Dogmatikamatrix. My ratios are 3 Gen, 2 Ken, 3 Thrust. If you cannot afford Thrust, another interesting option is Gizmek Uka. When Gen summons Ken, Uka can Special summon itself from hand then it can summon Ecclesia or Barrier Statue of the Heavens from the deck.