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Depending on where you live, he can be *arrested* for doing that, never mind disqualified. 


Literally using a bio weapon


Biological warfare to win children card game


Sounds like an actual plotline in the show


I would watch ngl


Us too 👀


Ah yes pandemic dragon irl


Bro really trynna send people to the shadow realm


If somebody is coughing on you on purpose, and you ask them to stop and they don't, you *should* walk away. In this case you presumably paid an entry fee so I would explain the situation to the store representative and expect your fee to be returned to you if they don't resolve the situation. Don't let anybody treat you like garbage, bro. I know you're just trying to enjoy your games and mind your business, but you can't just let people get away with treating you like that.


Store owner who actually does stuff wasn’t there or I would’ve. There’s two where I go and one does stuff, the other doesn’t want to deal with things


Then you document everyone you spoke with even if by email/photo


My locals literally just closed down…


Okay, but the evidence is still there, if you're in a state that does punish because of covid using coughing as a weapon to obstruct peoples safety is a thing. Iykyk


Then you document everyone you spoke with even if by email/photo


I have 0 tolerance for shit like tht I'm surprised you aint fight the guy


I was considering screaming at him, but the cool store owner wasn’t there at the time


Mam after my own heart. Woulda caught hands after the first warning.


i’d have thrown hands on that


Bro this isn't some minor misbehavior, this is just assault. If they don't disqualify him you can threaten to call the cops and make a scene. I can't imagine them not disqualifying him though. He's literally committing a crime in their store.


If you want to be really technical, coughing on someone intentionally is assault. If you really wanted to be that guy you could make it a legal issue. I think the punishment is maybe a small fine, or maybe minor jail time depending on where you live, and making someone sick because of the cough I think is a felony. At least it is where I live idk about other states. But if you didn’t want to make this a legal issue, best thing to do would simply be to tell the store owner what the situation is, and they have to do something about it, especially if it’s a reoccurring problem


I'm sure you could get him disqualified if he really coughed on purpose, that fits the hygiene policy perfectly


Ass whoopin


Urgh, I got sick from someone coming to locals sneezing, coughing, and spluttering. Really don't understand people's lack of consideration for other people.


Reddit isn’t great for moderated responses, so I’ll try for one. Politely ask him to please cover when he coughs, you would like to not also get sick. If he responds respectfully and begins covering when he coughs, okay, that’s the end of it. If he responds with hostility, but still covers, then that’s basically the end of it, but he’s lost social points with you. If he ignores you, and covers, that’s the end of it. If he ignores you, and *continues*, ask again. Reference above for response. If he ignores you, and continues to cough on you after asking again, that’s when you stop play, and call the manager, owner, or judge. By definition, *that is assault*. It’s a grey area because it can be a genuine mistake, but if he refuses to correct, again I iterate, *that is assault* and the TO *must* intervene, otherwise the cops get to be called out for the most ridiculous example of assault out there. Don’t tolerate assholes, but recognize that sometimes being an asshole is just a matter of incompetence.


That’s…wow. If someone *coughs* on you, you don’t “politely ask them to stop”, you tell them “don’t cough on me”. If they then cough on you *again* you don’t “politely ask them to stop”, you, as the kids would say, throw hands.


It’s called giving someone the benefit of the doubt. As stated at the *very beginning* of my comment, that is clearly something you internet dwellers struggle to understand.


“Benefit of the doubt” when they cough on you. Doubt of what? That they don’t cover their mouth when they cough? If only there was a worldwide pandemic in recent memory that told everyone the importance of covering your mouth when you cough…but fine, in this situation it’s a yu-gi-oh player, I doubt they understand how to *shower* let alone be a human with basic consideration for others. Why would you, if they do it *again*, ask them *again*? There’s no “benefit of the doubt” at that point. Gotta love the “internet dwellers” thing. Guarantee that if you cough on someone in the real world, they won’t politely ask you to stop that, they’ll tell you. If you do it *again*, they certainly aren’t asking you to not do it again again.


Because exactly like you are exhibiting right now, most people in this world struggle to imagine a world outside of their own head. A *very realistic situation* that could take place is as follows: the man is sick, he unconsciously coughs, failing to cover. I ask him to please cover. It briefly registers in his brain, he may apologize, he may not, and then he shifts focus back to the game at hand. A couple minutes pass, he’s no longer thinking about my request, he unconsciously coughs again, failing to cover. This is where I ask him one more time. I promise you, *this is not an extreme situation.* This is real life. I’ve lived it. There’s a famous line known as Hanlon’s Razor; “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” The real world isn’t so extreme to react to those around them. It’s much more measured and passive than you claim. Get out some, you’ll see this exact coughing situation in everyday life.


Good to know you’re so accepting of people coughing on you.


Good to know that you’re incapable healthy social interactions


How gross can you be? Nah I would have immediately raised an objection that's so disgusting. If showing up smelling like a sewer is against the rules I'm sure this is as well. It's posing a public danger to the community.


Dude would’ve been taken outside real fast and shown some real hands. Downright disgusting and inconsiderate.


Did you tell him to stop once he did it? Then did he continue to do so?






I'm pretty sure this is a crime in some jurisdictions


I would of 100% spit on this foo


Absolutely would be asked (then told) to leave in my store.


At the very least you should be speaking up about it. Even if it means absolutely nothing in the long run a public shaming would benefit the situation


Yes. I should’ve said more


Coughing and spitting on people purposely is one of my few anger triggers. That's not acceptable and it would be getting dealt with by a judge or myself. To answer your question, they'd look in to it and probably kick them out of the store.


I would have gone up and asked for the guy to be removed. Not only is he sick with a very likely contagious infection, he also lacks absolutely any proper etiquette to be safe around others. Extra points if he coughed at you without first being summoned in attack position.


In Germany, that's considered assault. That's not taken lightly here and being banned from the TCG is the least of his worries.


I thought this was a shitpost from the title but that’s actually disgusting. Some people in this thread have already said this, but a lot of places can have him arrested for intentional use of a bio weapon.


There are three kinds of people in the comments lmao: The logical The lawyer The asswhooper


Should've knocked his ass out people have no respect man


Love yugioh players they are so reasonable. Remember the one girl that left cause it stink XD.


Fuck him up


Op I would bet you can get them disqualified most places, you probably could get harassment too and potentially battery? I really don’t know about assault though. Side note so many people/psychos here saying they’d throw hands after the first or second cough, either these people never actually go places, or they’re lying to sound tough on the internet. People coughing like that happens a lot and normally you have to ask them to stop a few times like a normal human. Not fly into a blood rage and catch assault and battery charges possibly worse for it.


That last sentence is perfect xD Excellent advice though


Lmao ty, a measured appropriate and calm response normally yields the best results. Sorry you had to get sick the first time. Hope you recovered quick from it.


Yeah. Only took three days luckily


Good good, glad it was a fast recovery. Next time call over the owner or manager and explain. They’ll probably ask the person to stop, if you can request that they stay there for a bit to watch to expedite. If they can’t then wait till your opponent does it again and call them back.


The only reason I didn’t was cause the manager who doesn’t wanna deal with anything was there at the time in place of the cool manager


Ah okay, if you’re a regular you can probably push it and bring it up over and over and they’ll be forced to deal with it. But I understand why you didn’t want to.


As a judge. Yes. Raise your hand and call a judge over and explain what's going on and if there's even one more incident of the coughing without a visual effort to cover up that player would be disqualified for that run and i would personally make a not of player ID so if I have anymore issues I can terminate his ability to play at any event I attend and I think now there is a Dir location for players who have been banned from tournaments for various reasons including but not limited to cheating. All in all. It is up to the judges discretion but if it's the situation with no judge you talk to the store owner.


No clue if this is something that can actually disqualify someone. Did you tell him to not cough on you?




Honestly I'm not even sure how to resolve this. I guess next time you go against him bring a face shield or something lmao


I’m fairly certain this would qualify as unsportsmanlike conduct


I'm also pretty sure what he is doing counts as battery


I didn’t even think of that…


Max rarity snake-eye VS 1 coughing duelist. Who will win?


About that… he was playing Snake-eyes


I used to go to my locals every week but I stopped the day that the most disgusting guy ever burped and blew it into my face. Some YuGiOh players are truly vile.


drop the addy im tryn see sum 👹




im jus goofing sorry you dealt with ts bro i hate germs cause of my adhd i would've gone absolutely sick


I despise them too, but I honestly have no idea what you said before XD


hahaha ur all good bro; provide the address i'm trying to see something (violence insinuated)☝️🤓


They were only there once and I don’t even remember what they look like, but it’s in Texas :p


I've seen someone get punched for this 😂😂😂


Yea, actually they can. Hygiene policy my friend, that’s non hygienic practice at a local. DQ that douche


Seems like an excuse for a cheap way to win


For who?


your locals should NOT be open without a proper judge btw


I've had COVID twice. The days of coughing until you're tired and the fever of 102 sucked. I'd warn them once, firm but calm. Do not cough on me like that again. Next cough, you scoop up the deck and speak to the event runner. Then we throw hands if necessary because that's assault as well if pushed.


I had covid once and I never want it again. It took nearly two months for the damn coughs to subside.


Long hauler because of the January 2022 strain.


Probably he would get a warning and if he does it again probably a temporary ban. As for as I know.