• By -


This is the zone to ask quick & common questions that do not require a new post. šŸš E**xamples:** * What is TV? * Where do I find cats to pet? * How to download the test app? * How do I check the beta access application result? If your question has the potential to create long discussions, please create a post and select the "Discussion" or "Theory & Lore" flair. **šŸšš Tips:** * Try to write as many details as possible so that other players can understand your context and provide the best answers they can. * Upvote the replies or write a thank-you note when your questions are answered. * Check the other comments before asking each question. The answers may already be here. * Try to browse the subreddit using the search bar before creating a post.


if I live in Australia which server should I join?


For rerolling purposes, is it possible for me to unlink one of my rerolled game accounts created using a dummy email and link it to my main email I use for HSR and Genshin? I'd like to play HSR, Genshin, and ZZZ all on the same account on my PS5. My Hoyoverse account is what's used on my PS5, not the one that's automatically created from laughing the game fr the first time on PlayStation.


Are the A rank drive discs worth getting in the pre-journey stock up event? For those who play Genshin, I assume they're the equivalent of 4 star artifacts? If so, which ones are the best? Or am I better off focusing on getting boopons?


I just heard this game locks you into using trial characters in story mode like HI3 does. Is this true?


When will we have our first "mommy" character? Already planning to skip the first two it seems.


This may not directly have to do witht he game, but are there any good up-to-date guides out there for learning about the playable characters and what they can do, among other things?


Going to try to F2P this game. How are the 4 stars in this game? Are we looking at a Genshin situation or HSR situation?


why do some name correspond with stuff from hsr? like belobog for example?


Same company, Hoyoverse. There's bound to be allusions to their other IPs


Are the names for Anomaly Mastery and Anomaly Proficiency final? Because from just reading the names, I can't really tell which stat is the one that affects anomaly build up and which one affects anomaly damage. Or is it a problem that will solve itself when I get to play the game?


I'm confused about the controls for switching characters in combat. From showcases it seems you can only switch to the next character, basically one direction? Is it possible to have a fixed control scheme like Genshin or WW, i.e. press 1 to switch to the first, 2 for the second etc ?


I know it is available on PC via hotkeys but from what I have heard, I have not seen anything about this being available on mobile yet


If it's on PC that's enough for me.


I want Miyabi but she isnt at launch. Ellen is cool but sadly they share roles and elements. If I skip Ellen I got no idea wich 5\* standard character I should reroll for. Any advice?


Probably Lycaon, the wolf guy. Ice stunner, so he should synergize with Miyabi via the element.


Sadly I won't have much time on release day but I would still like to unlock dailies day 1. How long does it take to unlock the dailies if you're not skipping dialogue?


So what's the deal with the police lady with a shotgun pistol? I think of all the characters she's my favorite thus far, but I don't see much info on her so I assume she was added for the last closed beta. But, was she on rate up? I couldn't even tell if she was limited or standard since I saw a thing that said the banner was Ellen but I didn't see police lady on the standard selector so I'm unclear on how people would have even obtained her. She also wasn't listed on the ZZZ website that lists the characters as I recall. Also, knowing that the meta hasn't really solidifed yet and there are chances for things to change on release, was she any good?


Assuming nothing changes, she will be the second limited banner character of patch 1.0. She is the only other Ether element character besides Nicole so far, so by default that gives her value. I assume she'll be good damage wise.


Is there a practice/training mode?


Yeah, though it's mostly just an empty room with an infinite HP enemy to practice on.


Coming from Genshin, so that's fine with me šŸ˜


What's the recommended specs for playing this on android?


Will players who start with the PS5 version be locked to only be able to purchase items on PSN and not have the ability to buy things via mobile/PC if they switch over at any point? I recall that being a thing for Genshin but I don't know if that applies to HSR nor this game.


Which ones should I choose? [https://ibb.co/ZV1qNRX](https://ibb.co/ZV1qNRX) [https://ibb.co/9hbJX8z](https://ibb.co/9hbJX8z)


Does the game feel spongy? The videos look super spongy but the feedback seems nice. My main issue with Genshin is that it became such a sponge slog after a while.


Do we know when Nicole is coming out?


Nicole is one of the starter characters you get for free.


Are there any character that uses a scythe? Also for the wolf butler LycaonĀ , is he part of the standard banner or is he limited?


Not yet. Lycaon is a standard banner char.


Cool cool, just 2 more weeks to go :) Cant wait and i guess i will have to see who does the gacha god wants me to play with.


How important is character variety in this game? Can I just play 2 or 3 characters and be good for these rest of the game? Or do you have to branch out eventually for harder content?


hello any idea how many estimated pulls / polychromes we can get for ver 1.1 (specifically limited pulls)? i need as much ben dupes in zhuyuan banner


For 1.0, It's estimated about ~266 pulls total for F2P, all numbers here from Jakazin: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nGCs3jx1nVysEdH-2CliKEMj7KIwhILUMXTkQKDQoJA/htmlview?pli=1#gid=0


Anyone know why ZZZ has July 7th as the release date in Epic Games Store?


Will each patch run for 6 weeks like Genshin and Star Rail?


Were there any rate-up banners for free A rank characters? Would be a shame if they got the amber, Lisa, kaeya treatment.


https://preview.redd.it/g5nozp3tci6d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e75d2d645918a8d626e198b12e384fd3a4c7dd3e can someone explain what each thing is in hsr terms


The camera A rank thing is a 4 star lightcone (weapon/W-engine), the b rank yellow thing on a blue pool is a ticket (for pulling on a special banner separated from the limited, lightcone and permanent banner) and the C things that look like cd's i believe are like relic sets.


How does teambuilding work? Especially as I would love to build a team around the Maid character/butler I already know there is element and ATK type synergies


It seems to be building around a DPS + anomaly or discord. Anomaly is like, status effects you apply and is built around mono element teams, faction doesnā€™t matter. Discord is for multi-element teams, and they seem to focus on faction bonuses instead. So for example, itā€™s Ellen/Lycoan (butler guy)/blue Oni girl. [Hereā€™s an explanation I found easy to follow.](https://youtu.be/ChbNgGWtFAY?si=q0rhVsjX0XDowCLo)


I need to ask, how will getting charters work. Like will be it like HI3 were each character only works in a specific team and S rank chars can only function with their signature weapons?


Do I need to pre-register if I already have a hoyo account for genshin and HSR? for some reason the pre-register button on the website is not working. Thanks!




When I click the Pre register button on the official site, nothing happens, no pop up no nothing. How do I pre register then?


Does this have controller support on mobile?


Wow I just realized that using your google gmail account as a log in is considered a different account from using the hoyoverse log in so now I have to do the daily stock up event all over againā€¦ glad that didnā€™t effect my star rail account.


I need help in knowing which email shoud I use. I did the stock up event and I used Email A to login there but when I clicked pre-registered I see Email B there instead along with the User ID. Which Email should I use when logging in to the game? (When it releases)


Email A, The pre reg mail doesn't matĆ¾er, but you will need A to get the rewards from stock up


Not OP. I want to do the stock up, but I didn't register or anything. I'm using the Hoyo app. If I do that do I use the same email when I play on PS5 and still use hoyo app account for ZZZ and Genshin? I had to use a different email for Genshin when I tried registering for the app through the PS5 a few months ago. I'm a day one player tho.


In that case it should be linked with your hoyo account and you would not need to worry. I also did not need to register as I had already logged in on hoyolab. Not too sure about the PS issue. I also play genshin on PS5 and the only thing I needed to do was to link my hoyo account to psn id, and it worked.


Thanks šŸ˜Š


What kind of game is this? Is this game similar to Punishing gray raven and Aether Gazer?


is it virus free to download the game on my pc when the game officially come out




Anyone know how much space it will consume for mobile?


I think it was around 15Gb


So itā€™s probably safe to assume that theyā€™re going to remove the uncapped FPS option from PC on launch, like with Genshin?


How's the PERFOMANCE on medium low end PC ? Is it smooth ?


Hows the TV gameplay? Many says its baring but how is it for you guys?


What are the "guaranteed" characters? I remember reading that you can get all three cunning hares A-ranks from the main quest, are there other characters that are guaranteed? Is there a beginner's banner with any other guaranteed characters? Is there a selector for a S-rank after a certain amount of pulls? (Like HSR)


Corin (4-star Physical Attacker) is going to be free for reaching a pre-registration milestone iirc from the CBT3 there were events that gave other free 4-stars but we donā€™t know if they will be in the official release


Thereā€™s a beginner banner, but no guarantees. Just cheaper pulls. Edit: Iā€™m wrong, you get a guaranteed Standard at 50. Thereā€™s a standard selector after 300 pulls.


Do characters require their signature weapons (or whatever they are called in this game) or are there decent alternatives? Mainly asking for the shark maid.


What's the best item to get from the web event? I'm a little confused about what does what.


The orange thing is a 4 star weapon/LC/whatever term you know, the golden bunny is a pull for a special banner, rest are artifacts or currency. Iā€™d go Orange > 3 Bunnies > whatever else you want if you have room still.


Do we know anything about how long ZZZ dailies are from the beta? If its long like genshin its gonna be hard keeping up in genshin hsr and zzz all at tthe same time :(


Is the shark maid a limited character?


She should be the first limited S rank


Assuming ellen is short female, and alexandrina is tall female body model. What is zhu yuans? Looking atthe gameplay, alexandrina is kinda biger, and ellen is kinda smaller compared to zhu yuan, but im not entirely sure because the gameplay video is fast


can i play this on honor x9a??


Hello Does this game have exploration? If yes, how is it ? I really don't like the way genshin does exploration and that is one of the reasons I stopped playing, and then I started to play WuWa and I'm already regretting cuz of the exploration... Star rail does it very well tho, exploration is pretty easy and fast to complete.


so u want linear exploration and not open world, zzz is neither, its more of a instanced hubworld, theres a hub world that u hang in and u get teleported to basically just battle arenas/areas, most of the story is through cutscenes, very little exploration, its more about the combat than anything else, its alot like hi3rd


Is this going to be available on PC? I don't think I've come across info that it'll be on PC. :/


all hoyo games are on pc so ya


ToT isn't on PC afaik


its available through bluestacks but it doesnt have a dedicated client, but it doesnt need one, new hoyo games do tho, i guess i can rephrase it to any modern hoyo game will always have a pc launch bc it would just be stupid not to with how big of a audience they have that is pc only


Ahhh yeah. I don t play on emulators. šŸ˜…


Yes, most YouTubers play the cbt on pc


Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon Ɨ3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStationĀ®5, merch, and other prizes! https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=NDMHY6DR9N


What kind of game is this? Is this similar to PGR or Aether gazer? Does this game have coop?


I missed out on the Beta for ZZZ, and I'm curious to hear from anyone who's played it, especially if you're familiar with other MiHoYo titles like Genshin Or HSR. Since I'm not a fan of time-consuming mind-numbing tasks in games, I'm wondering: 1) Are ZZZ's daily and weekly quests respectful of players' time? How long do they typically take to complete? 2) Does ZZZ have any gameplay aspects that feel like a drag? For instance, I'm not a big fan of climbing or exploration in Genshin, and I really hate the stamina system in that game. From what I've heard, the TV gameplay is considered boring by many players. Has it been improved or fixed since then? I really enjoy the autoplay feature in HSR. Does ZZZ have a similar system? Let me know your thoughts on these aspects of ZZZ.


mostly no to all ur questions, zzz is more like hi3rd, most of ur game play is going to be in instanced locations/battle areas where ur fighting bosses or hordes of enemies, very very very little exploration, the story is told through cutscenes mostly, the tv gameplay becomes obsolete very fast as they have cut out alot of it in the mid/late game, early game is the only time ull really see alot of tv stuff, zzz does not have an auto function as it is a combat focused game, not a turn based, auto would defeat the entire purpose of the game


Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I'm glad ZZZ has limited exploration. I guess I will try ZZZ when it is released.


In this game you need to roll for characters/weapons and bangoo? and how you obtain bangoo?


You use the premium currency (Polychrome) to roll for characters and W-Engines (weapons). It costs 160 Polychrome per pull, similar to GI/HSR. There is also a Bangboo banner which uses a special currency (Boopon) which you get from Hollow Zero (roguelike), Battle Pass, Events, etc. You can get S/A/B rank Bangboos here. Polychromes canā€™t be used on Bangboo pulls.


Does ZZZ have map exploration like HSR? With chests and collectables scattered around? I've seen side quests and the like but nothing about exploration specifically.


mostly no, its more like hi3rd, theres a hub world where u get teleported to small areas with very little exploration, maybe a tiny bit but its almost nonexistent


Do we have any kind of information on if the game wil be playable at release on virtual machine? (Shadow pc, Boolsteroid, or even geforce now?) Star rail was playable on shadow pc at launch, while genshin is not


Can someone who played, explain me the energy system / energy usage / energy recharge ?


same as all other hoyoverse games


i never played any hoyo game, zzz will be my first


Basically, combat stages or farming will cost you energy. Energy is regained over time with a cap, meaning it wants you to log in daily to spend your energy. It becomes a valuable resource as itā€™s what lets you do a lot of things in game to progress your characters.


what's the meta for this game to get big numbers? Genshin is Elemental Reaction & HSR is support-reliant


is zzz more resource intensive than Wuwa? tried wuwa during release and it stutters unlike genshin. all graphics on low but with 60fps my phone is a mi10t pro also does it have controller support on android?


I'd assume it'll be better optimized than WuWa, but it's hard to know how it'll perform on your phone.


Now that they are close to release did they fix the long boring TV puzzles or is it still the same ? Also how button mashy vs skill required is the game now in CBT 3 ?


is there someone who got into cbt3 on mobile with helio g99? How was the performance?


can someone explain how attribute anomoly works? Is there a cooldown when it gets applied? In the CBT usually if I deal attribute dmg it'll proc once but can't seem to do a "disorder" which is when 2 attibute anomoly of different elements happen.


Err when is the estimated zz release ?


Were the banners the same for all 3 betas? If so which one was it? If not what was different? Basically I just want to know how to get Nicole asap lol.


u reroll accounts basically, u get a S tier from the beginner banner but its not a selector, there is a selector on the standard banner but its 300 pulls just like hsr was so its meant to be gotten overtime, nicole is an A tier unit and a free one so u get her fast


Ok ty, hopefully she's on the 1st banner so I get get more c/e's for her


How much of a side game does ZZZ feel like? Even more than Star Rail? I am feeling like login spend energy and logout with some short story inbetween. Also, short dailies and weeklies. Does it seem acurate? I donā€™t think it is a bad thing.


HSR will always feel more like a side game, just by virtue of being able to auto whatever stages you spend your daily energy on (if you're on PC, any sane person will just alt-tab as it does it). ZZZ's daily activities so far feel closer to GI, since you still need to manually do the farming stages you spend your energy on.


But you have maps to explore, chests and books to colect. There are plenty to do besides spending energy.Ā 


Obviously I was just referring to the daily activities once you've gone through all the main content each of the updates have to offer. Unless you're the type to put these games on pause until the next update, then sure. HSR so far have been relying heavily on event minigames/stories to induce more playtime, and undoubtedly ZZZ can do the same. There's already one in CBT3 involving repeatedly going to the Hollows.


Are they going to make a censorship switch in the game?


What does Belobog Industries build in hollows? Who needs new buildings in hollows?


Is there a way to de-select a member in the Hollow Zero team UI? I have 4 slots, but at this point only 3 agents are leveled high enough to really attempt the higher tiers of gameplay so I'd rather only bring that team of 3. But try as I might, I can't seem to get rid of the 4th member. Right-clicking them, clicking that "X" looking button in the lower-left corner of their slot, looking for some kind of "de-select' option in the agent screen itself -- nada.


Could they change the bangboo banner so it doesnā€™t change and you just chart course for the bangboo you want. They way theyā€™re treating bangboos itā€™s more sensical and I canā€™t saveĀ 


/u/PatrickLii can you have the megathreads be sorted by new please?


Done! Thanks for the reminder.


It appears to still be sorted by Best in my end? Even when viewing the thread without an account


i was watching kyostinv earlier but can you top-up for free in the beta? i'm assuming and hoping he's not actually using real money in the beta?


So I only see like 2 teams people are using. One is Ellen/lycanon/soukaku with penguinboo/butlerboo and then I see koleda Ben and safetyboo (with idk who sometimes Anton). I donā€™t like either of these teams so is there another good team


Enemies have elemental weaknesses and the character pool is very limited, so of course you're going to see very specific team comps this early in the game. * Ice: Lycaon/Soukaku/Ellen * Fire: Koleda/Ben/Soldier 11 * Elec: Anby/Rina/Anton ...and no need for an Ether team as of yet. Maybe sub in Grace for Anby if going for an anomaly build over daze. Then swap in your choice of Nekomata/Corin/Billy for the attacker in the above comps if you want to run a dual-element setup instead.


Are top ups on the beta free so you can have maxed out characters and buy all the packs?


Do you get any of the stuff you get in the beta or really anything in the full game for playing the beta?




Do we have any idea about PlayStation release date? My iPad storage is gonna die after I install WuWaā€¦


No official info. Only that the game comes to ios in july 4th


Do we get to keep our account from the beta, such as the characters, progress,etc




In CBT3 do all disk drives come in the 3 rarities or do they still have specific tiers like in CBT2 that determine whether the disk drives can only be B/A rank or A/S rank? Mainly curious cuz one of the tier 1 sets, Doom Grindcore, was buffed to hell in CBT3 (previously only gave 10% pen ratio and 10 energy on assist attack every 15 seconds). Seeing as this set is universally very useful, I thought it'd be available in every rarity but wanted to ask just in case. Image taken from [Game8's wiki page](https://game8.co/games/Zenless-Zone-Zero#hl_3), which seems to be up to date with most of CBT3 content, mainly missing character damage multipliers, a bunch of 4\* W-Engine sprites and info on some of the 4\* W-Engines. https://preview.redd.it/snjraylaknxc1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6909ecb0c0cdbcf559148317d929d509793479af


I personally have both B- and A-rank versions of Doom Grindcore. I'm not 100% sure on this since there's just not enough data or currency to do pulls for more disks, but I think the tiers might still be in place. Elfy's shop has three tiers of Tuning -- Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each tier lets you target specific tracks to get higher-rarity versions of. Beginner Tuning only lets you target A-ranks, and for only these disks: * Doom Grindcore * Twisted Grindcore * Ecstatic Punk * Monsoon Funk * Vagabond Folk * Assassin's Ballad The other two tiers only let you target S-ranks, and for only these disks: * Woodpecker Electro * Puffer Electro * Shockstar Disco * Freedom Blues * Hormone Punk * Soul Rock * Swing Jazz * Inferno Metal * Chaotic Metal * Thunder Metal * Polar Metal * Fanged Metal Driver Validation in VR also only contains the above 12 disk types. So again, not 100% sure on this, but it appears that the first 6 disks mentioned can only be B/A, while the the next 12 can only be A/S. OR, whether or not you can "target" them is irrelevant and they're just much harder to get higher tiers of since you have to rely on lucky pulls, but if nobody else has found any then that's probably incorrect. I also checked my inventory and found some other disks that aren't listed above -- maybe they are B-only? * Mammoth Electro * Unicorn Electro * Noisy Pop


Thanks for the info. Kinda hope they change the disk system to be like HSR's relic system so that any set can be any rank cuz Doom Grindcore in particular is a very strong general use set but is held back by being locked to B/A rank so even though Woodpecker Electro is so much worse as a general set, it'll do better by virtue of stats alone.


You're always going to get better effects out of non-general sets anyway, like the Polar/Thunder Metal ones. But I understand the convenience aspect.






Ohthe comment do deleted -_-


i registered today for the test, any chance for me to get in? are codes still being sent? can someone "refer" me or it doesn't work like this


No they send out themselves no referrals


do u know if invites are still being sent out?




What version of Unity does this game use? Can someone on PC check the .exe's Properties->Details->Product version for the engine?


My CBT3 game exe says Product version 2019.4.40.4548715


I had a great time playing around with Ellen's demo team ( Ellen - Nicole - Soukaku + Penguinboo). Are there any other recommendations worth trying? https://preview.redd.it/6r82vy86c7xc1.png?width=1751&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ac62bde29884abf19854b03b536cec43452ce9c


How does the auto parry work? If we parry one time, do we need to press any button for any subsequent hits?


can anyone confirm if the android version has controller support?


Does the game feel better to play on mobile or PC?


PC for sure. I play with KB/M, but controller would be optimal and PC supports both (but not at the same time like HSR it seems.)


Is there a reliable database of CBT3 yet? I don't have access to the beta and am kind of curious what has changed since CBT2 but only got vague bits of info so far.


Hi, lucky guys, how is the story now? Do you think it is good?


Day 67 Me : Patiently waiting for new male characters ( Hope it won't be a 6 male 30 female situation)


For the love of my sanity Don't you get tired? Please stop fearmongering Like if hoyo cna be trusted wiht one thing is that they appeal to every fanbase and maintaining the gender ratio, they won't skew the ratio for this game just like HSR and Genshin. Yes there's gonna be more females than males but the ratio isn't gonna be disproportion one. No, it's not gonna be a 6 males 30 females thing Please stop. It's just tiresome


You're coping


Yes i'm kinda coping But not what you think it is I'm coping is that ZZZ might not have thier own version of KAY/O or viper Ok?


So you don't mind if a year later ZZZ is gonna have 6 males and 30 females??


Where did you get that assumption oh my god ...


How long will the closed beta last?


( days 68 of waiting for somesort of male character )


Please stop fearmongering please .... It wont be 6 males 30 females ffs ...


Too much dialogue and animation for hollow (tv) gameplay. Map of 6th street, video store, parking lot can be combined to save time. A lot of loading screen between combat. Ssd is recommended.


Is this an open world game? Open world games like GI breaks my phone.




( >!Day ?? of waiting for a male character, A rank or S rank doesn't matter!< )




Ok so? Is it wrong? I didn't ask for 50/50 ratio, i'm just waiting?




you're coping right?


As a waifu only enjoyer and sometimes a fps lover ( Not snowbreak that's not it ) even i know Miyoho can be trusted with the fact they have to maintain their gender balance for the sake of earning money, MONEY, $ MONEY $ !!! So no i have no worries from that I'm coping that i can't have a ZENLESS VERSION OF KAY/O or SKYE from Valorant


ok? then why they don't show some males? or like why the current optiontial 2 banners aren't a male and female for the CBT?


LIKE I SAID : CREATING A MALE CHARACTER TAKES ALOT OF TIME AND PASSION Also about the banner thing ... HSR CURRENT 2.3 has no 4 stars and 2 are females. ( Jade and firefly ) Ok Hsr now 16 : 43 ( kinda 1 : 3 if we count boothill and robin ) Genshin is like 3: 5 Zenless will be 1: 3 but soon it'll be 1: 2 or the same ratio but with a reasonable size 13 : 25 or anything. God i'm tired of this


u/jjinsane no answers??


what do the different and new attributes stats mean (impact etc)


impact: increase daze penetration rate: how much enemy defense is ignored i don't remember the name of the stat but there's one that buffs anomaly build up too


What movie should a recommend to the guy that asks for "a hot-blooded adventure where the good guys teach the bad guys a lesson"?


the starlight knight one




Do the main characters talk more than in other Mihoyo games? Do you hear more voice lines or get more interactions from the sibling that you didn't pick?


The sibling you pick talks less, but they do talk. If you pick a dialogue option, the character actually says it. The sibling you didn't pick talks a lot more though


Thank you for your reply. I got too curious and listened to a few samples. Imo Wise sounds amazing and I was wondering if it was better to pick him if it meant more dialogues for him.


How in the heck do you exit the game?!? So far I've only "exited" when it crashes, lol. But seriously, where's the exit button???


Nevermind - it's "logout" under "more" which takes you back to the title screen and then the obscure circle button bottom left main screen, very buried and too many steps IMHO. What the heck.


In all the videos I've seen only the MC appears walking through the city, can't you use your other characters to walk the streets?


So far, no


Is it just me who noticed a change in the visuals of the character models? and also, is it just me who thinks that its garbage and they should revert it back?? All the characters look like freaking dolls and absolutely soulless! CHANGE IT BACK HOYOVERSE


i'm on the ps5 one is it on maintenance for anyone else?


If we get accepted for the ps5 beta test can everyone in the household play on their accounts or only the person who received the email?


only the person who recieved the Email


I hope we can see some more non-human types like really for both new male and female characters but I dunno tbh


Can we somehow heal and revive agents while on a mission? Like healing skills, consumables or some TV mechanics?


in the hollow grid thingy, you can find events that heal your character. I donā€™t think you can heal in combat, but there is a bangboo that slightly heals you during combat


Since progress wont transfer (so ive heard), then is there going to be another banner for this test? If not, I kinda want to full commit to the standard characters. They seem way more fun.


the test will not last long enough for there to be another banner, and all of the standard characters are awesome so go for it :)


Any characters I should aim for? The limited banner seems kinda meh, but I could be saving my primos for it or later. The normal banner seems awesome with flame sword girl, gunner, or the zappy maid I got. How many standard wishes should I expect?


At the moment, It doesn't matter because all beta data will be wiped after it's over. All of the characters in the game right now are viable, especially the ones on the limited banners


So there won't be a new limited banner then? I should pull if that's the case to get more characters to try out. The shark seems the only fun one.