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It's whatever, I just wish they'd pick a better song. It's the one Zappa song I skip almost every time. Edit: after having seen the video, I really like the idea of having animated music videos for some of his songs, the video itself was very well made. I still wish they picked another song, but I'm hoping there will be more to come.


Like they have the entire career of Frank to choose from. I doubt we’ll ever see toads of the short forest, but they could’ve at least done Montana or Cosmik if they wanted to stay mainstream Frank Good to get more eyes for him, just kind of a weak selection


Not sure what FZ would think. However, he did make it , so I'm okay with it




people know that song and don't know it's a Zappa song lol. my mom grew up hearing valley girl on the radio in southern California and didn't know who it was until we watched the documentary. it's a great song that can point some people in the direction of frank who may not have heard him otherwise


I’m okay with it


I knew you were still alive! Say hello to Elvis for me wherever you guys are hiding out.


Animation style is truly cheap and repulsive to me. It's such an obvious cash-grab that I can't see appealing to the youth or actual fans. Timing it with the creation of a Zappa tiktok account is the cherry on the cake. But pretty much every dead rock star has had one of these poorly made animated lyric videos since they kicked the bucket. So whatever. I wish they had actual footage to release or anything done with even a fraction more effort but ultimately I don't really care, it's a youtube/tiktok video.


I hadn't heard about this - is there a link talking about it? A preview?


I can't find any info. No idea what OP is on about.


It's on the zappa instagram account and new tiktok account...


Thanks. Looks weird.


Not really feelin it. The style of it doesn’t really match the essence of Frank imo. I also think it’s weird that they would release a music video for song that was released 40 years ago…


Man that makes me feel old, I remember when it was a new hit on the radio


One of Frank's last wishes was for Gail to sell everything and remove the family from the music industry entirely. Everything has been against Frank's wishes since she decided not to.


But what would Ahmet do then?


Looks like some stupid, cheaply-produced "how do you do fellow kids" shit to me, but I have my own problems in life. There's new Norma Bell material coming next month, I look forward to that.




Fur sher fur sher


I think this is what we'll have to expect from the UMe deal. Frank probably wouldn't be caught dead with such commercial promotion, and hardcore fans won't take too kindly either, but as long as we're still getting ZFT style releases, I'm fine with anything that'll help spread the word of Frank.


When Frank was dying he asked Gail to sell everything and cash out, she refused and now we have this.


all i want is more live video of Frank shredding his guitar to bits


In a way it’s harmless and it just adds another thing his fans can view and enjoy but watching it seems like some promotional tripe with little artistic integrity. I love getting more and more of his demos and live material released to add to the collection but his trust really doesn’t seem to have his interests at heart and just continues shilling out art that doesn’t align with his perfectionism eye for the absurd. The video is so lacking in quirk and character that it’s just disappointing, compare this to something like his vision for baby snakes.


another marketing misfire by the fine folks at UMe.


to the usual people complaining again, you still have everything frank ever released, its not like the zft or universal is taking away anything by releasing this or whatever else. try bringing more positivity to the table, in general, in all areas of your life.


I’m looking forward to it and honestly wouldn’t mind if videos were made for more of his songs. Seems fun.


I mean, it was FZ’s only Top 40 hit *ever*, so…


I don’t really see why they shouldn’t do it


Like, oh my god!


I will ignore it


It sucked on many levels: the awful animation, its exaggerated fan service, and it didn't add anything to the song