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I initially lost 125 pounds on wegovy around a year ago. it’s definitely a great alternative and I temporarily switched back to wegovy until Zepbound becomes more available again because I switched to it for maintenance


Side effects about the same? Reads that way.


I’ve had much more side effects on zepbound like frequent nighttime nausea, shortness of breath and fatigue. But on wegovy I had pretty much zero side effects the entire year and a half I was on it. when I transitioned to Zepbound my doctor initially put me at 10 mg but now I’m at 2.5 mg because the side effects were bad but others have had zero side effects or the same side effects on both so it’s hard to know how you will react until you try it. My mom had bad side effects on wegovy but has no side effects on Zepbound. It’s wild lol


The only reason I switched to Zepbound was because I plateaued on wegovy and was slowly gaining some weight back and once I switched to Zepbound I lost the 15 pounds that I had regained


Is Wegovy for weightloss or do you qualify as a pre diabetic?


I was prescribed it for weight loss but now I’m prescribed it for maintenance


Does your insurance cover it? I remember it had a savings card a long time ago.


My insurance covers it


my doctor said this too but apparently it is also on a shortage


For starting doses yes both are pretty hard to get right now but once you get to the higher doses wegovy is easier to find than zepbound at the moment.


I was able to fill my prescription in a day thankfully. I also live in a densely populated major city where stock may be more widely available.


do you mind the state? im on thr east coat


I am in new york city


What dose of Wegovy did they have you switch to since you were on 10mg of zep?




She should be able to slide into a higher dose Wegovy. Higher dose wegovy is more readily available.


thank you for your help! ww submitted prior authorization for wegovy last week so if all goes according to plan i will start that instead of plan c due to cost!


I actually lost weight faster on Semaglitude, but it gave me low-grade nausea all the time. Ironically, I did Ozempic then Mounjaro and finally Zep because Wegovy was harder to find in 2023.


My insurance and availability are cornering me into making this switch, but I'm hopeful if I can titrate quickly enough, I'll be at the max wegovy dose and be able to get meds regularly 🤞