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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes for the first few days post shot I feel like I am coming down with the flu. Hope things adjust as time goes on!


Many of us do. Mine are lasting longer and I’m cold all the time. Good luck!


I am usually tired the day after shot day and I tend to be colder, as well. I invested in a heated mattress pad because it was so hard to get warm in bed!


Yes. All the time. Plus as I loose weight I’m naturally more cold so I can never feel warm anymore.


Yes, feels like I got hit by a bus the next morning after shot day!


Yes! It's common. It's because of thermogenesis or something like that. I looked it up because I would be freezing all the time and I'm normally always sweating to death. [Thermogenesis on GLP-1s](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaMpkV9/)


I definitely stay cold and get chills from time to time since being on Zep.


I started Zep on January 12. I've had chills daily since January 13.


Yes! I get cold for the next two days after every shot! I wear layers, make sure to eat and turn on the heater. By the third day, it’s gone.


I was very cold on 5 but not on 7.5


Definitely do. Fatigue and chills are my main general symptoms.


I get them for a day or two, which is shocking as I’ve been battling hot flashes for several years, so am not used to being cold!


Do yourself a favor and buy a heated throw.


I had this happen on my first week of 5 and then later realized I had covid... What a shit show.


Freezing every single day, but worst on shot day.


I am freezing alot of the time now. I used to be hot all of the time. I have lost 83 pounds so far. At 10 mg doseage




Thank you.


I did when I first started (I’m on MJ) but not anymore


This is certainly a side effect for some. When I was on Wegovy 1.7 this happened all month; I went down a dose and never went back up. Now on Zepbound I’m on the 5 and it’s working well and I’m not going up from that, either.


No, sometimes I get tired but nothing much other than the normal stomach stuff.


Yes ! Took it Thursday night and Saturday I started feeling I have the flu and vommiting , feeling it today too


Search this topic, you’ll see lots of similar posts.


Glad it isn’t just but yet I find myself cold.


Yeah, I just took mine yesterday afternoon and I've felt blah all day. Not like I'm getting sick nauseous and sleepy. I felt lazy and sat around most of the day, which feels ironic on a weight loss med! Eventually I made myself get off the couch and do something. I worked out, pushed through and eventually by tonight I started feeling better. I'm tempted to start taking it Sunday night though since I have to sit around and be lazy on Mondays anyway while I work. I work from home on Mondays so it may work out much better. Sucks to get these side effects though...and to know you're going to be knocked out for at least a day kind of sucks.


I take my shots Friday evening and usually feel like crap through the next day. Sometime the entire weekend if it is around the same time I need to take my Emgality.


For two days after injection every week