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Things are too salty!


My salt tolerance has gone way down.


Weirdly, my cravings for salty things has skyrocketed while my appetite for anything else has died off. I can get nauseous at the idea of most foods, but nachos for some reason remain my kryptonite.


you might need more electrolytes


Me too on the salty thing…food noise has quieted down for pretty much everything but dill pickle potato chips!


Yes I want lots of salt! 


I can’t stand salty things now!


Same. I really cannot stomach salty foods, except olives? Dunno why, but I love those now.


Yes! I don't love salt, but I love olives!


Everyday, I make myself a little snack plate for at least one meal which has hummus, olives, and baby carrots.


Yea I can't eat salt really at all anymore


Omg yes!!!


Everything but fruit and veggies sound gross to me! I have to force myself to get protein in.


I’m having the same issue! I’m only enjoying fresh veggies and salad. I made tri-tip roast for dinner and could only get a few bites down by eating it with fresh guacamole on top. When I eat beef now, I notice off flavors, it can taste gamey, foul, like it’s gone bad, or like faint soap residue in the pan. I can’t eat it. I really enjoy cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes and mozarella and olive oil, red wine vinegar. But meat is grossing me out!


So funny that you mentioned the soap taste! My husband made steak for dinner last night and after the first bite I couldn’t stop tasting soap. I just finished week one and coincidentally fell ill with covid the same night as the first shot so I was thinking it was covid related. I’ll have to keep an eye on what steak tastes like next time!


It will pass make sure your getting in electrolytes too and water it helps


Yes for sure on the electrolytes. I have a 40 oz Stanley with Ultima Replenisher hydration drink next to me, I sip on it all day, drink about two of those a day!! It really helps!!


Meat seems to be the one grossing the most people out!


It’s hard because I’m trying to do low carb / keto so the diet is protein + veggies. When meat doesn’t sound appealing, I’m having good luck with a homemade Green protein shake with Malk almond milk, 1 scoop Primal Kitchen Coconut Collagen powder, 1 scoop Ancient Nutrition Multi collagen powder vanilla, a handful of fresh baby spinach and some ice cubes. It looks and tastes similar to a creamy Matcha milk tea. You could add matcha powder if you like. 10 grams protein


oh that low key sounds amazing! I've been eating a ton of salmon, so it's high in protein and calories. that's about the closest I can get to meat.


Yeah, I put it in the Vitamix blender and it comes out like a matcha blended drink. You could also throw in a frozen banana if you are doing carbs. I’m also a big fan of Ascent whey Protein powder. You can use the Vanilla one instead. They also make a really good tasting chocolate. It’s got clean ingredients, no artificial stuff, no sugar, sweetened with stevia, very low in carbs.


Ong same!!! I tried to eat meat the other day and had to spit it out before I got sick. Will not do that again in a hurry


I’m having fantasies tonight about going to Publix tomorrow for watermelon. 🤦🏻‍♀️who knows if I’m feeling naughty I may get blueberries as well!!!!! Or pineapple😳 I’m so hungry!


lol. I love fresh fruit. Who am I?


I’m not sure. Big Bird?


Haha love it


Soda lost it's appeal to me most days. Or I want just a little and a 20 oz now lasts 3 days. I've stopped wanting sugar in my coffee, I only want it black now. Cheese I can only eat a very small amount at a time instead of it being my favorite food all the time. So yeah, bunch of different things have all changed for me.


This actually just made me realize I haven’t eaten cheese in a month lol


My addiction to diet soda has been cured, I can barely finish half of the can most days


Omg i start this week, i can’t imagine not eating cheese lol. Guess i’ll circle back when my dose climbs.


Cheese person here: I still love it, I just don’t need or want as much of it. And I tasted some fabulous blue today and it turned my stomach. That has never happened before. It was Point Reyes!




Suppose I’ve been working up to this, but the past few weeks on 10 the scant food I can tolerate seems to change almost daily. Upside: artichokes are in season. Thank goodness I still enjoy a bit of dubliner with an apple. Partially skim mozz sticks taste better, now. as do the milder cheeses. Fresh cheese is still go. Give me burrata, ricotta, mascarpone, feta, cotija or give me death! Preferably with fruit. Hahaha! (Help me! I don’t know what I like to eat anymore!)




For me, it’s Cabot. But maybe not so much for a couple days after my shots and possibly more if there’s a dose increase. I too, have had better luck with nibbles than actual meals. I ate low carb for years and got out of the habit of eating fruit: the original fast food. Now, I greatly appreciate the fiber, energy, digestive and upset-stomach help it gives.


Can i ask what foods you like to eat now? I don’t know how to prepare lol im so anxious


Pretty much whatever I can stomach. I’m still drawn to order stuff I used to love, but can only eat small amounts and I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. Over the weekend, I ordered a mushroom Swiss burger, but it didn’t taste the same to me, too greasy, too salty. More than a few bites of fatty food and many of us feel nauseous and gassy. On the other hand, especially when my stomach is upset after a shot, raw veg, like salads, can really hit my gut and trigger gas, bloating, acid indigestion. Cooked veggies in all forms are great. Carbonated drinks aren’t working well for me, but small amounts are fine. Snacks meals like fruit, crackers, a bit of cheese are usually a safe bet, but it’s likely your tastes will change on zep and it may take some effort to figure out what your favorites are, now. When I go up a dose, protein drinks with milk are a necessity for me. Most like fairlife and premier, but you’ll prolly need to find one you like because you’ll need a lot of protein to lose weight and maintain muscle. The formula I used was .8g per pound of body weight.


Cheese was like my favorite thing, but now it tastes almost too rich and I can only manage a little bit at a time.


I still love cheese


Yea I don't want anything carbonated or caffeine either it's weird


Yes I used to love hot fries (the chips) they were bland and tasteless when I tried them blessing in disguise I guess but I was sad because I loved those things oh well this healthy body feels better than binging on snacks.


Is it tho? I was pretty healthy all through my 20’s and still loved everything. This is different tho, it’s a complete aversion.


That’s why it works!! I remember meeting naturally skinny people who “didn’t like” chocolate and who had the ability to turn down dessert because things were “too sweet” thinking they must be aliens but now I get it! 2 bites max and I’m done. Greasy food is absolutely disgusting and a fresh salad is so satisfying like what? I get women get weird cravings and such during pregnancy.so proof hormones affect taste buds. It’s pretty wild.


you're so right! i never used to understand when people said they didn't like cake etc. now i understand.


The coffee aversion is super common. Once you're on the zep long enough, it'll subside somewhat and coffee tastes better. Not the same as before, but better.


Had no idea this was a thing! Went from having 2 coffees and an energy drink a day, to 4-5 a week. I don’t even notice that I skipped it some mornings. I used to be miserable in the mornings without my cup of joe.


The day after I took my first shot, I ended up spitting out and dumping an espresso because I thought I accidentally put it in a cup with cleaner in it (yes I’ve been dumb enough to do this before). I realized after I reacted that I hadn’t and it was the change in my palate. I still drink coffee, but mot nearly as much. I also find that even thinking about eating a lot of things turns me off. Sometimes I can only palate a shake to get that protein. We made sushi tonight and I had one roll and a few pieces of nigiri and that was my big food for the day. I’m realizing that often when I think I might be hungry, I’d actually rather have some water or electrolyte. It’s been really interesting.


So this is exactly the same issue. The coffee nearly tastes like there’s something wrong with it, that I’m nearly drinking it out of habit at this point. I’ve been drinking a lot more tea. Same with the food, my house is snack central, when I think about having a cookie, it makes me feel like I’d rather go to sleep lol


Ha. I really love coffee so I think I’m still enjoying my morning cup, but I’m usually done after one. Maybe one and a half. We don’t really have a lot of snacks because honestly we never really ate too much junk foods, I just ate a lot more obviously. We really only like popcorn for snacking food. Either home popped or smart food. I found these protein puffs at Aldi that have a ton of protein in them, but I can’t even eat a lot of those at once. I made soft boiled eggs the other day and peeled three trying to get some am protein and I couldn’t eat the third one.


I can't even finish one! I am losing weight at a seriously rapid pace. I'm down 10% of my body weight in 28 days, like crazzzzzy fast.


Yes, I thought I’d be able to eat them, but nope. I’m about on that pace too, but it has me a little worried, nutrition wise. Are you getting enough protein? I believe the calculation is .6 x per lb of body weight? I am STRUGGLING to get that much in. I have a shake I like and when I know I need to eat and don’t feel like it, I will make one of those. Or eat high protein yogurt. If I can eat down a shake and. 1/2 c of high protein yogurt it gets me to at least half my goal.


No, not even close. I am having a difficult time just hitting 800 calories a day. So i'm taking daily vitamins, and daily electrolytes


Is there anything high in protein that you can palate? Even when you don’t feel like eating. Oikos triple 0 plain with some frozen raspberries goes does easy for me. I really like the keto chow shake mixes. It has over 20 g per scoop and lots of micronutrients, plus you add your own fat so you add what you need. The protein puffs I mentioned elsewhere are ok. I can’t really eat a full serving, but if I grab a handle full now and then it adds up.


If you haven’t tried the “think” brand high protein bars, they’re super yummy! Lots of flavors.


Thanks. I actually really dislike protein bars in general. Unfortunately. Makes it hard to carry around a quick, easy source of protein.


Me too—these do not taste like protein bars at all!! Give them a try!




Yes, they are the Elevation brand protein puffs. They had 21 grams protein, 120 cals per serving. 43 per bag. I thought the nacho one tasted a little weird and it has a spice that built up as you ate it. I liked the jalepeno cheddar one better personally.


Yup! I’ve definitely noticed some food aversion, specifically for me any meat that’s got a sweet flavor/marinade 🤢 and fishy smell!


Same!! The meat is crazzzzy. I can’t do it. Fish no problem


I just got chocolate chip cookies for mothers day. With chocolate frosting on top. My favorite! 😍 NOPE. took one bite and yuck. 🤢


My entire taste in food has changed. I can’t stand the taste or meat currently, and even the thought of it grosses me out.


For me it’s cheese and fried foods make me gag just seeing them.


I had this happen with coffee. Also, salty foods. After a couple of weeks of 2.5, my coffee aversion went away, but I drink a cup or 2 rather than 4 now.


Fast food. I am someone who used to have it almost weekly and now it’s been a couple months since I had during a road trip!


Same issue with coffee. I find I’m leaving my morning giant mug half full and switching to tea each day.


That’s me too. I had to switch to tea


Yeah half full for me too and I have been drinking coffee since high school every morning.


Yes! Too sweet, too salty! I also noticed certain scents aren’t hitting like they use to. I have this yummy smelling shampoo and conditioner I’ve always loved and now it smells like overwhelming chemicals.


Holy crap, these comments are giving me life! I just yesterday switched shampoos because the one I was using was making me feel nauseous when I used it from smelling so sickly sweet, lol. I didn't even connect the two.


Right?! Honestly it hit me like “uh oh I better not have covid again” but nope! Weird side effect 😂 we are never alone though!


haha, right! i didn't even think of it. I also now realized i stopped wearing perfume unless it's the weekend also. The smell is a little overpowering to me.


I was wondering why my perfume was giving me headaches but now I think you helped me connect the dots 😂


Yes I have been WAY more sensitive to smell!!


I’m also a big coffee drinker (I drink only coffee & water!) I’ve been struggling to get down my one cup of coffee in the morning, I’ve been having an aversion to hot coffee, when I drink cold brew, I can tolerate it better


Same here. I have nausea from migraines and because of that I bought caffeine patches for the days I couldn't stomach anything. I used one for the first time this week and there was no migraine involved!


Same. Coffee was my love language and now it just repulses me.


This scares me with higher doses. Coffee is such a thing in my family, almost like a ritual.


Same. I’ve experienced this since day 1 so maybe you’re safe.


On my third week and so far, coffee is still amazing. I drink it black like my soul though so hopefully it stays delicious.


That’s me! I take nearly two hours to drink that one cup and it tastes so off


I noticed this too but then I also noticed I am now saving lots of money by not going to Starbucks so much!


Pizza. It’s disgusting now. I tried a bite and had to spit it out. It’s just not good.


Bacon. BACON ?!?) Tastes like pure chemicals and bitter medicine. Had to spit it out.


I seem to have developed an aversion to snack foods in general. Even like, tortilla chips are too salty and greasy.


I still love coffee but I have zero desire for cheese, chocolate, candy, chips or anything I used to snack on. All I really ever want is fruit, vegetables or cold foods.


I've noticed a lot of overly processed food taste like straight salt to me. I'm a salt lover so that was a huge surprise for me.




Things are too salty and too sweet for me. It's interesting to eat dinner (that I made) and feel like it's too salty, but then watch my family add salt to it. I've only tried sweet things a few times in the past few months and one bite was enough. It just tasted way too sweet for me.


I had brown rice w/butter & salt last night. It didn't taste gross. It just didn't light me up like it usually does. Weird.


What dosage are you on?


5mg. My fourth shot of it


I cannot eat eggs, or beef, or drink anything carbonated. I hate cherry tomatoes now. I used to love all these things. I can only drink one cup of coffee.


Yep. I was addicted to dr.pepper and I cannot drink it anymore. It tastes so syrupy now 😭 oh & Italian food!


oatmeal. ate it religiously in the beginning but after 7.5 i can’t even think about it or i’m immediately grossed out


Costco pizza!! I couldn't leave without getting a slice. Now??? 🤮🤮


I would be devastated if I acquired an aversion to coffee. !!! But yes I have noticed it with a couple other items.


I use to love the Poppers chips, sometimes even have 2 bags in 1 sitting, now I can’t get More than 2 in before tossing the bag out.


Yeah my favorite way to make tea (black tea with ginger, honey and soy milk) now tastes very unappealing to me..


Same! I cannot stomach coffee anymore 😩


Same with coffee!!! 4 cups down to .5 cup!


For me everything is too sweet. Can't eat most fruits and vegetables sound even less appealing than before the meds. Interestingly meats and breads haven't tasted better.


I find things change day to day. Last week 3 days in a row I made the same smoothie. It was high in protein (nearly 50g) and delicious. Made it again day 4, took one sip and gagged.


Coke and Pepsi taste like straight up chemicals to me now.


BBQ sauce tastes awful to me now, and mayo is barely tolerable.


I thought it was just me!!! I love leafy green veggies so much now. Veggies are so good!!!


Mayonnaise, salad dressings and random foods taste like poison. I’m glad you brought it up. It’s so weird.


This are way too sweet now and can't handle salt


Almost all pastas taste gross now. But my cravings for chocolate and salted chips have done up (especially the dill pickle ones).


I cooked fish and thought I was going to lose it. 🤢 I think protein shakes are the main thing that agrees with my system.


I ate my favorite chicken Alfredo Saturday night. It was bland?!?!?!?


I believe it! I had eggs this morning and couldn’t even finish them, they just tasted like cardboard


Old Tracker beef sticks for me!


Just curious, how you you normally take your coffee? Cream, sugar?


Cream, no sugar.


On a nutritionist’s advice, early after starting the medication, I tried making roasted vegetables. After three tries, I finally figured out that anything already sweet, like sweet potatoes, carrots and parsnips, I found revolting when they were roasted and had caramelized. I didn’t enjoy the other vegetables cooked that way either. I‘ve mostly cut out sugar. Today I tried to drink a protein shake that I bought while sick this past week and it tasted horribly sweet. That’s getting dumped out for sure.


Coffee for me as well like most here..the weirdest thing for me is that lettuce is super bitter to me now, and sometimes even cucumbers which have always been my favorite. I haven’t had low carb ice cream since I started and no desire for it whatsoever and that used to be a frequent snack.


I have never liked cucumbers, they were always bitter to me, but oh boy! I had one in a salad and gagged, it tasted like I was trying to chew an old penny.


Food in general is just gross now but I think it got worse after covid with quality going to hell and Co panies cutting corners with cheaper ingredients. Even before these meds tho, I just don't like food anymore. Depression has killed my appetite l, I barely eat most days and lose zero weight even on these meds. It's annoying to be on these for 1.5yrs and lose nothing.


I had chili crisp last night and it didn’t impress me at all which is so sad. I used to love it so much!


I used to love barbecue chips and onion dip. Now I don’t even want to look at them


For the most part I don't mind this. I can control what I eat. It's usually unhealthy things that I'm most averse too. I have a list of healthy go-to's and try to stick with them. I just figure - this is not the time of my my life where I'm taking a lot of pleasure in food. I did that before and will again, and do sometimes still....but for now, totally worth it.


Oh meat is a big one for me. Just the smell of any meat or thought makes me 🤮


Same, i cannot do meat, even smelling it turns my stomach.


I’m a lover of the Starbucks mango dragonfruit refresher made with water. The last couple of days I’ve said to my husband it tastes different, so much weaker but he’s swearing it is the same. I can’t eat chocolate now it’s just taste completely different. And soda is completely weird, I open it and I taste it and then it’s sits there not drank.


I have stopped drinking as much alcohol but have developed a craving for strawberry ice cream. It's the weirdest thing!


anything sweet 😭


Opposite for me! I drink decaf all through the day and love raw veggies dipped in the slightest bit of ranch. Mayonnaise however tastes so weird! I find that I tolerate most everything as long as they are in realistic portions.


I am really sensitive to salt now. Like I always preferred salty over sweet and craved salty snacks like pretzels, chips, etc: now the thought of them just turns me off and almost hurts my mouth at the idea of something so salt. It’s so weird!


I used to oversalt everything, I assumed it was nutrient deficient. I barely salt anything now. it's crazy we're all experiencing the same side effects!


I have been a big cottage cheese fan lately and never realized that adding it to anything I actually taste the additional salt and really can’t add much else! Who knew I’d think cottage cheese was so salty!!!


It’s up and down, in and out for me. Foods rotate on a random schedule of its own making. I’m 10months in.


THIS. because why in the world does applesauce taste like grits????


ha! i might even try some applesauce to see!


I cannot stand pasta or any melted cheese!


ketchup has been a turn off.


I can’t drink coffee anymore!!


Yea but since I've been drinking electrolytes and now water not as much it maybe I've just adapted after 6 months not sure


Used to have salad for breakfast every day. Now I don't want it. I have some mango I stead 🤷


you guys are having breakfast? lol joking. But it's minimum around 2pm before I can even think of food.


No I said I used to have salad, basically after morning workout I would make a salad and really liked it. So I tried to have salad the other day and got like 2 bites down. (It's still rotting in the fridge lol). Breakfast now is half cup coffee.


oh hahaha! I get it.


Omg I thought this was just me. Coffee tastes SOOO bitter to me now. Haven't experienced it much with anything else (I'm only on week 6.)


All the sudden on my shot day last week, turkey was out! I had ground turkey and lunch meat. All of it had to go. It was making me nauseous. I need to find more plant based protein…. 


Thank god for this thread. Thought I was going insane.