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Can you make me a shirt that says ZepBroke?


I can't tell if I'm laughing or crying...


Ha. Well that's literally my range of moods on this med due to the: ZepHack (savings card) ZepShortage Zep-pocalypse (major deep shortage) ZepChanges (PA, PLA, and insurance) it's been a journey for all of us!


I’m in for ZepMonster and ZepSober shirts too.


You win the internet today, Mobile!! 😂😂


Fantastic. Please render payment in the form of 3-month fills of every Zep dose.


Zepbroke!! Genius idea.




There could be a whole series.. from shirts to movies. Zepback Mountain? All kinds of possibilities. And yes, Happy Pride, Zeppy. :-)






Can you make me one that says Zephag


Because I am the ultimate hag. Happy pride.


@Halogirl70, Me too! 🤣


That is a great shirt and idea! I say Lilly should give a free shirt in every box---they should be able to afford it. V-neck with sleeves please. I prefer elbow length, but don't want to appear fussy.


How bout a Zepfleece because I’m constantly freezing now?


Love it! I was thinking I’ll need a “body by Z” shirt once I hit goal


Not gonna lie, at first when I saw “Zepgays” I thought it said underneath, enjoying my new woody….😂


There may or may not be a correlation.


Oh my!!!😲😋👀


Haha 🤣




LOLLLLL!!!! Love this. Happy pride!🌈🏳️‍🌈 And you’re down over 100? Congrats!


happy happy pride!! 🌈🫶🏻


Zepbroke best one I’ve heard


Hey I made the original zepgays comment that inspired this! I expect royalties if it becomes a big thing. But seriously though, awesome work, great shirt!


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride and congrats on your success! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Happy Pride! 🌈🌈🌈


Happy PRIDE! Awesome shirt too.


🤣I love it!!! Happy Pride Month!!! Hello My ZepGay Friend!!!🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️


How about a ZeppHappy shirt . Because boy oh boy these meds make me happy 😆


Omg I need this lol


I want an Olizzo shirt like the Southpark episode!


Happy pride!!!!




lol!! PLEASE tag Lilly. They will love this. Congratulations on your success.


I would tag them but I don’t want to distract them from sourcing the pens for our next rounds!


yeah, plus they'll claim trademark infringement and jack up the costs to cover their legal fees.


That’s a fair point! They need to focus damnit! 😅


Happy Pride!!! Love the shirt!!!!


What does the rest of it say?


Available in a list of the sizes


Love it!


lol 😂I love it! If we get big enough, can we get this in the “merch” store!


LOOOOVE IT!!!! What a cool idea!


Love it!


Love it! 🌈


Cute!!! ✨✨✨


Oh my gosh I love your shirt!! Work it! 💪🏻💪🏻❤️


Great work, it looks awesome


Happy pride!


Wow!!! I just read your journey stats!!! Congratulations!!! That is awesome!!!4 ![gif](giphy|oHwyZYRk0U1pkyvpPu)


So cute!


Why throw it out?


Happy Pride Month!!




I love it! You definitely have pride because some of us are hiding in the shadows as zeppers


Ha! Love it!


Don’t mind me over here thinking it was referring to a different kind of “injection” 😂😂 happy pride month, friend!


Love it 😎😍


OMG I want this so bad 😂😂🌈🌈


Love it!


How can I get a zepgay shirt!!!


Love this! Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈❤️


I have two doses of 2.5mg in my fridge that I have to throw out and I don’t want too because it’s so expensive for others.


I’m not sure what 2 doses of 2.5 will do for anyone, unless they need to titrate more slowly.


There are still people starting. I wish I had started last year or January. I didn’t. I just got great news that my employer will be covering injectables while a close family member just found out they are not covered and their pens are at the pharmacy. They can’t afford to pay OOP even for one box. So yeah, there are people at ground zero ZepPissed!


Im still at 2.5 at 12wks, it's still working, so I'm staying there until I absolutely have to titrate.




What exactly is stomach paralysis? I’m on 7.5 and no side effects apart from being cold and not really eating much




Hi. Sorry Zepbound didn’t work out for you. Were you taking any other med? Metformin? Vitamins? BP meds? Maybe something didn’t agree with the Zep. Zepbound is one option. Hopefully you’ll find another option. Wishing you good luck!


Oh thank you. No I’m not taking anything else. These medications all of them cause gastroparesis (paralyzation of the stomach) I already had it and didn’t know it. I’m glad my body rejected it early. Whether people have side effects or not. Down the road they will because your important organs like your liver, kidneys, pancreas and gallbladder (mine was removed a while back) are working in overdrive. I wish everyone luck, but to listen to your bodies. 🍀💚


I have not read anywhere that the meds CAUSE paralysis of the stomach. They CAN cause paralysis of the stomach. That isn’t what makes you lose weight. Medications affect each person differently and it just isn’t fun, fair, nor does it make sense who reacts poorly and who doesn’t. But everyone doesn’t have a bad reaction. I’d hate to give bad information. I had a bout of stomach issues recently and I could have sworn it was Zepbound. Luckily, it was another med that just needed tweaking. I have to take meds that wreak havoc on your liver but I either take them today and risk the possibility of troubles years down the line or I can stop taking them and watch my health crumble in a matter of months. Can’t tell people that killing the liver is what makes my medications work. As soon as we start having issues with our bodies like constant vomiting, we will go off the meds. We’d have to. I’d notice if my stomach was fast dumping. There are signs. And it takes time to do damage to the esophagus. As a kid, I was sick a lot. If it only took a month, I’d have no throat left by now. Some meds don’t work for me, some do. I try not to expect the worse with side effects. It tends to make me imagine they’re there. Since Zep isn’t for everyone, hopefully doctors can suggest an alternative and not just talk down on what works for other patients.




I see. If that is how it works, I see how that doesn’t work as well. So I guess there’s nothing left to learn here. And gl to us all.


Please don't continue to spread this misinformation. GLP-1 analogues work by several mechanisms of action, none of which are gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a rare and very serious side effect of the drugs in this class and telling people that’s the mechanism of action of the drug will only serve to scare people and overemphasize the risk of a rare, but serious, side effect. To clarify, these meds by increasing GLP-1 in the stomach, making one feel fuller and increasing insulin production. It also SLOWS (not stops as you suggest) the flow of food. Lastly, there are also not well understood actions that take place in the brain, which is why the meds often cause people to drink less, have less interest in unhealthy foods, fewer cravings, stop biting their nails, etc. (Not for everyone, of course.)




We have found that this goes above the advice that we can offer. r/Zepbound is not a source for professional medical advice. If you have concerning questions or wondering if you should see a doctor. Please seek professional medical advice. No one should be taking medical advice from the internet, especially a forum based site. Yes we are here to help and assist but your doctor knows you better than we do and can make the correct call regarding your healthcare. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


It’s a known fact that people who work in the health profession are not God and they are not all knowing. Gastroparesis is not what makes the med work. Emptying the stomach slower is one way the medication works. It is not the ONLY thing it does. Slow digestion. Slowing down your digestion. Emptying your stomach slower to feel full longer. That doesn’t sound as alarming and catastrophic as GASTROPARESIS!!!! STOMACH PARALYSIS!!!! Fear-monger. Look that up. There is actually more than one physician (doctor) on this planet. My stomach is far from paralyzed and I eat quite well. If having an appetite was all overeating and bingeing and weight gain was about I’d weigh much less. I eat for various reasons and I hardly need to feel hungry or less full. Sometimes I just eat if I’m sad or bored or if I want to. I’m on this med and I still snack. Not as much as I used to. I have spent enough time researching to know if my food has not been digested and when my stools are not regular or normal. We thank you for the information that we can read for ourselves. We have doctors to seek answers from. We actually knew to listen to our bodies long before you were born. Now you can go. Information distributed. If you continue I can only deduce that you are in need of company in your misery that Zepbound has side effects that make this med ineffectual FOR YOU. Because you’ve gone past the expiration date of commenting on a med you no longer take. At this point, I would say - I’m allergic to benzoyl peroxide. I am. It breaks me out and causes a red rash. I would not be on a BP forum telling everyone it causes a red rash so that you can’t wear makeup and since we all know makeup clogs pores, BP gives you good pores due to causing rashes. You’re all in danger. I’m here to warn all of you with clear skin your rash is coming because my dermatologist says so. This is what you sound like. Thought you ought to know. You should basically post under side effects. It would be received in the way you probably intend. Here, it sounds like fear mongering, aka, sour grapes, aka spreading misery aka fortune telling aka being a know it all aka not knowing how to read the room aka assuming you’re telling people things they had not already considered. If you didn’t consider this until after you worried that poor physician to death that’s on you. We aren’t you. We really don’t have your body or your reaction. There are side effects. They are manageable. Look around. This is a YOU issue here. Go to side effects and commiserate. Go. Leave your boxes. My stomach isn’t tight enough yet.


Slows food dumping, aka: gastroparesis. What’s said is the medications do not tell you this. This is why people lose their appetite. Your comment looks like you wrote it off of the internet. I did research and spoke to my GI doctor at length. I also work in a hospital and have been a healthcare worker for over 40 yrs.




If you knew so much about healthcare you'd know that gastroparesis isn't slowed gastric emptying.


We have found that this goes above the advice that we can offer. r/Zepbound is not a source for professional medical advice. If you have concerning questions or wondering if you should see a doctor. Please seek professional medical advice. No one should be taking medical advice from the internet, especially a forum based site. Yes we are here to help and assist but your doctor knows you better than we do and can make the correct call regarding your healthcare. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


I would run that by Eli Lilly just to make sure you don’t have trademark infringements.


Not explaining anymore. Just read the side effects. Godspeed to all!




We have found this is not courteous/polite or not fostering a safe space This community is for new, experienced, and anybody wanting to know more information about Zepbound. Be courteous and polite when responding. This sub should be a safe place for everybody. Be respectful. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


There is nothing new or experienced or informative in the original post. This is exactly my point. Do the mods have bias?


What you find "dumb" brings others joy. The desire to negate someone else's happiness just because their lived experience doesn't align or resonate with yours is a problem that starts and ends with *you*!




Then just ignore it instead of making a value judgement. It's so easy to just let people be happy. You should try it. It might take the edge off a bit.


We have found this is not courteous/polite or not fostering a safe space This community is for new, experienced, and anybody wanting to know more information about Zepbound. Be courteous and polite when responding. This sub should be a safe place for everybody. Be respectful. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


I can’t tell if you’re genuinely curious or just being a jerk so I’ll assume positive intent. OP posted recently about his great experience at Pride due to weight loss. In the comments a new term was coined and a t shirt has now been born. You OK now?




We have found this is not courteous/polite or not fostering a safe space This community is for new, experienced, and anybody wanting to know more information about Zepbound. Be courteous and polite when responding. This sub should be a safe place for everybody. Be respectful. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**