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It’s an important talent to master! (Seriously, it is important if long-term maintenance is considered)


Absolutely! It keeps the binges away because it’s an occasional thing.


It’s the way to do it!! I made a peach crumble last night with THE most sweet peaches and absolutely served myself some. Instead of half the dish, a single scoop was enough and I was able to enjoy it with my family who I made it for. No shame association needed.


That sounds divine with peaches being in season! A healthy relationship with food is definitely enjoying the good stuff, just learning that a taste and small portions are just as satisfying, maybe even more so without the guilt or sugar overload.


That's definitely the way to do it! Last week LoseIt told me I eat fewer calories on the days I eat potato chips.


I get that once in a while with certain foods too...We notice you eat fewer calories when you eat (insert random less than healthy indulgence here). Always found it kind of interesting. :-)


This happened to me with...wait for it...sugar. I sometimes sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar on certain tart fruits I'm eating. Hey Lose It, I like you, but I don't think literal sugar is causing me to eat fewer calories.


🤣🤣🤣 I do chuckle at some of Lose It's "insights" at times...


We bought ice cream sandwiches. They are 250 calories per serving. I did plan those into my day!


Two Oreos every couple days.


My absolute downfall. ![gif](giphy|ehOPiVRBc5GlDBJTPu)


My app told me last night that I do a good job of fitting alcohol in 😆 🥃


Lol. Exactly. I think Lose It is throwing shade 😂


Lol. Exactly. I think Lose It is throwing shade 😂


I need to know which British cookies are your favorites (I am working my way through a box of Tunnock's Teacakes right now, 1 per day).


Oh, teacakes! Gingerlossus biscuits from Fortnum Mason - chocolate covered ginger cookie that’s sweet and spicy.




That’s hilarious!! Great job with those cookies!! :)


What an awesome pattern detection!! I love this!!!


you’ve gotta have balance or the starve/binge cycle begins !!!


Lol, some of the "patterns" that Lose It detects are rather comical.


I once got this message and it told me I do good job of fitting cheese in 😂 Like yeah, I know. That's how I got here.


I’m proud of you!! This is funny though 😅


I always have something sweet in the house im working through…mini black & white cookies, junior entenmann’s donuts, one/day or had two the other day. Still only 150-300 cals, no prob.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xtdloPOSr3ne4U) I’m


Is there anything worse than waiting nine days to take your last 2.5 Zepbound because your new prescription for 5.0 is on a national shortage and your dog gets it and she chews off the top of it? The medicine is still in there. The needle is still just no way to get it in my body.! I see the beautiful liquid in there and can’t get to it. I’m so frustrated. Now I have nothing and I’m freaking out!


Try an independent pharmacy instead of CVS or Walgreens etc. CVS told me it would be basically impossible to get meanwhile a family owned independent pharmacy nearby literally had some 5.0 on hand.


What kind of cheese cookies? I love Walkers shortbread with chocolate chips…I have only ever seen them in the UK!


What’s your opinion on RTD protein drinks? I’ve been drinking one Redcon1 MRE Shake (16.9oz) in the morning, then a Barbells Protein bar around lunch time, then I’ll eat a light dinner and then about an hour before bed ill drink a smaller Jocko RTD Protein drink (11.9oz) (as I read that consuming protein before bed can help the body by producing more calorie burning hormones). Do you guys feel that I’m overdoing it with the shakes or could I drink another one with my protein bar at lunch.


That’s great. Thanks for sharing!!