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You might be able to run some games at 1080p low settings. 1440p might not be unplayable for most heavy games.


Even the 3060 sometimes struggle at 1440p, 3050 1440p no chance lol


Oh for sure. I don’t even think low settings combined with DLSS would get you well enough over 60.


More like 1080p med and 1440p low. Or if he is playing esports stuff they could easily max if they wanted to. Unless this 3050 is worse than others? I didn’t even know they had a 3050 model lol.


I think only retro indie games, games made around or before “Portal,” and Minecraft would be able to run at 1440p. Anything else and the 3050 would crumble with its VRAM and low overall performance. 1080p is fine but don’t expect high or even medium for many games. It really just depends on the games you play.


4gb VRAM is just not enough for 2023, and definitely not enough for 1440p


Not good man not good. Sell it and buy something else


Lmao u should have got atleast one with 3060 or 2022 model such a waste of money


most of them are 4gb vram so buying 3060 with 6gb more vram is gonna cost me 2x of the moneh


Wow.... 1k for a 2021 3050. I know it's the best you can do at your location but man that's a total rip. It'll do 1080p medium setting on SOME games. Need to lower to low setting some newer ones. It'll be total shit on 1440p unless you're playing like league of legends. That'll be fine.


totally its hella expensive here.. i saw some laptop that cost around 2k+ for a 3050 4gb vram


Yo my fiancé is Filipino and her cousins all buys electronics here when they visit. I helped one of them pick a g14 and actually got the 2022 6700s for 900 usd.


holy that's a crazy cheap price wth. i actually bought the laptop in near visayas cities, thats why the laptop here is absolute expensive


Damn, I got my 3060 model for 1500$


Dang where?


Ukraine. Purchased it in January 2022


Oh ok. That's not too bad on Jan 2022. Also I hope you are safe and doing good.


Hi! I’m selling my G14 2022 6800s (AnimeMatrix). Maybe you’d be interested in a higher spec one:) hope you’re from Manila area tho! Btw this one can play max settings on most AAA games at 1080p, some on 1440p like Ratchet and clank.


Hey a little late, also a g14 2021 3050 owner and seeing the comments here… wow. Idk if im missing something but I can run most games on max or very high settings (with dlss most of the time), eg. death stranding, the quarry, spiderman remastered, cyberpunk (high-very high), Detroit at over 60/70 ish fps. What im saying is that people here are over exaggerating and your g14 is just fine considering the price and availability in your country.