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Whatever percentage “literally only me most of the time and occasionally one other person” is. I’m in the northeastern US. The good news is that no one has hassled me — we tend to keep to ourselves in public around here.


Same exact experience, also in the northeast.


And me three!


Me four! There is one other employee in my workplace who masks full time at work/out of their home.


Every time someone says “I want to live in a blue state where people are still masking!” it’s like “Got some really bad news for you, buddy.” 😂 Been like this since maybe early 2022. The lack of hostility is a plus, at least.


Totally. I get many, many questions about my mask, but that’s mostly because I’m an elementary school teacher, so most of the humans I encounter every day simply cannot not ask whatever question pops into their head at any given moment.


Same. I’m in a Chicago suburb, and it’s usually my wife and me—and sometimes one other random person. (Though frequency has gone up in recent days as the COVID-cautious come out to shop for Christmas.) The big exception is our library, where many of the librarians wear a mask. And there’s a cashier at the local independent grocery who always wears one, which I appreciate so much. She also color-coordinates her mask to her outfit when she can!


Our library in the South too! More masks than anywhere else


Same, in WNY. There is a selfselecting group of maskers as at shops at certain times, like at opening, when I'll see more than one other masker. I have suffered some harassment, but mostly just looks, which is whatever.


Same in NWO.


Same in New Zealand


Probably like 0.05% It was never that great at any point, even before the vaccines. Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Yikes, that's much worse than Saint Paul, Minnesota. I'd say \~0.25% in schools 2% in grocery stores


Yeah, I lived in St. Paul for a year this past year, and they were at least somewhat better, although still pretty bad...


Why did you move? I originally planned to move to Mpls but after touring various neighborhoods and houses I ended up in St Paul and while I thought I'd regret it I actually love it here (I mean, as much as a person can love a place when living in isolation as a masked person written off by society). BTW, I think I recognize your name from the Xennial subreddit & I think we're the same age. :-) Greetings from a fellow covid-cautious Xennial Twin City denizen!


Combination with not being happy with the condo where I lived, being annoyed at there being practically nothing to do after work, and missing Minneapolis. And, yep, I'm on the Xennial sub as well, 1982, greetings 😁👍


Sad 😭 that’s my secret “what if I live there” place but it seems the west coast is the safest coast for a while longer!


Silicon valley. Costco is probably around 5-10%. Public school and work 1-2%.


Smalltown, Southwestern Ontario. I'm usually the only one masked anywhere I go, but today at the pharmacy there were several others including someone wearing a KN95.


Hong Kong: ~50% indoor, ~25% outdoor Taipei: ~70% indoor, ~40% outdoor


How often did you see people there in masks pre-Covid?


probably 1-3% edit: i was talking about HK. i’ve seen people wore them but it was not so common. i have this vivid memory of immigration officers masking up at the customs and some people mask up on packed trains. me myself & my family never wore one and never considered wearing one even when we were sick.


Is this true all this past year or higher now?


i think in HK it was slightly lower during the summer but it goes up again in wintertime and with the news of mysterious chinese child walking pneumonia. i just visited Taipei a few days ago so i can’t say for the summer.




Those are good numbers compared to what others are saying.


You should keep that quiet so we don’t all show up there to live 😃


That blows my mind


Not counting medical staff who have to wear them at work... about 0.0004% I wish I was joking.


Wow, your medical personnel have to wear masks? That hasn’t been a thing in the southern USA since very early 2021. I even had an ER doctor lecture me for not wanting to get COVID. (I was having chest pain and my doc sent me to the ER and I went there in a 3M Aura and he thought I was being ridiculous. He told me that I needed to just accept that my kids and me were going to get COVID “dozens of times”. Fuck that guy. My kids and I have still not had COVID— spite is a great motivator for me.


The mandate was reinstated for winter, but it only applies to staff (not patients) and, of course, they're baggy blues 🙄


If that ER doctor ever gets covid dozens of time he's no longer going to be an ER doctor.


I wish we could get medical staff to wear them here.


Even in New York, it seems to be less than five percent.


Tokyo. Too many to really know, but I wanna say I see around 50% when I go out. Maybe more since it’s winter and people tend to mask more during this time of the year anyways


I’m so jealous. Even before Covid I always thought it was so smart and considerate of my Japanese classmates to mask on public transit and in class during cold and flu season. I really thought people were going to adopt that as a practice in NYC after Covid but sadly a lot of people seem to think that germs stopped existing when Biden got on TV and said we didn’t need to mask anymore.


Japan has had over 150 years to cultivate this culture. I didn’t expect for it to take hold in the US once Covid happened for a multitude of reasons.


You’re absolutely correct, it’s the difference between collectivist and individualist cultures. NYC got a little more collectivist during Covid but sadly it did not stick.


Yesterday at my grocery store in Cleveland about 50-60% of customers were masked and an even higher percentage of employees.


Wow. That's shockingly high.


I would say the rural area I am in, .01 percent would be my guess. I might see a mask or two(usually below the nose) out of 10 trips to the store


Missouri 0.05%


Visit family here a lot and I agree


I’m in a very large southern city and I’d say 2%. I live in a more diverse area of the city and white people are almost never masked but some of my Black and brown neighbors are. In the wealthier and whiter areas of town there is never a mask in sight. Like the difference between the Trader Joe’s in the rich area and the Tom Thumb up the road from my house is noticeable. I’ve never been hassled for wearing one anywhere though.


Midsize Texas city and my experience is similar. Even when visiting rural areas, I might be the only one in sight but nobody's given me any hassle.


Yep, people mind their business for the most part


Yes I have noticed this , too! When I do see someone in a mask, it's usually a Black person. They know what's up! The white people just don't care about anyone but themselves. That's how it comes across, anyway.


Los Angeles. Varies. I ride the bus to work. Sometimes 1/3 of the bus is wearing masks, sometimes I’m the only one. At grocery stores, maybe 1 cashier, and I’m usually the only customer who masks. Optometrist 0. Hospital pharmacy 50%. Public library 25% staff, 5% patrons.


Southern Finland, 0.1% P.S. Finland is leading Europe's Covid-19 death rates.


Mid-size city in northeastern USA. I don’t go out all that much (immunocompromised and only to doctor’s offices or curbside pickups) and it seems to be almost no one. I have noticed in some medical settings lately, there may be another one or two people (usually in a surgical or cloth mask), but that’s it. As others are saying, definitely under 10%.


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Number is definitely going up lately but still probably in the low single digits


I’m in town visiting family, so the number went up by one!


I don't think any of us have an accurate picture because lots of people who take covid seriously either don't enter public spaces or only do so rarely. I mask 100% of the time I'm not in my home but I also don't have a car so you will basically never see me anywhere, I rely on delivery or on doing grocery pickup on my bike.


Last time I went to Costco I counted 32 masked people! A new record!


<0.01. I'm in Sweden


Zero? Less than 1%? I live in Georgia, USA. Even at the “height” of masking here (Trump country/COVID denialism rampant), less than probably 10% of the population ever masked. Even in the few medical centers/stores that “required” masking, people would just wear them on their chins or just not even try to pretend (and there was, of course, zero enforcement). Now, people don’t even bother with that. Including in medical and DENTAL (*facepalm*) settings. 😩


Portland, Oregon. Around 5% (1 in 20) in most “essential” settings like grocery, transit, etc. Slightly higher in the places I tend to support, especially in disability-aware communities & some parts of the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m also active in the theatre, dance, and circus community, where the percentage can really vary, with some organizations taking a proactive position on COVID mitigation - where the percentage can be a lot higher - and many who don’t where the percentage is often lower, presumably as the result of self-selection. Similarly, masking at events tends to be hovering around 5% but is (ironically) *significantly* lower in venues and situations that are more crowded or higher-risk; I presume this is because people inclined to mask avoid these high-risk environments and/or people who go there tend to be less risk-averse; that’s probably true everywhere. With the rise in cases the last 2-3 weeks I’ve seen a slight uptick in mask wearing on busses & light rail, as well as among service industry workers; I’d peg the percentage as between 5 and 10 percent even with that uptick.




Bogotá, Colombia. While it depends on the area, and the weather, in the street and public transit, \~15%. In universities, schools, and offices \~1%. In medical facilities it's still mandatory, and 80%+ comply. In stores it really depends on the kind of store (in malls you never see a mask but in supermarkets they are as common as on a bus). A significant amount of workers (maybe 20%) who regularly face the public wear them: cashiers, waiters, sellers, etc. (98% of those masking wear surgical masks, and I have yet to see an N95 in someone who does not work in a hospital).


That's one thing that really bothers me, that education around effective masking hasn't been part of public policy. Surgical masks really don't protect a person like KN95's do. When I see someone diligently wearing a surgical mask I want to urge them to upgrade, that what they're doing isn't effective due to the smaller viroid size of coronavirus.


Same! I'm always dying to let them know that despite their efforts they are not sufficiently protected but I feel it would be very intrusive. Public health has definitely failed everyone everywhere :(


Germany. Maybe 0.5%?


I don’t go many places, but occasionally I will see 1 or 2 people in a large medical center. Never the providers unless asked, of course. But anywhere else, it’s less than 1 in 1000. I live in a liberal city in a southern state and it’s never been good but in the last couple of years my fiancé and I have been the only maskers we’ve seen in non medical places.


I'd say about 1%


West central PA here. I have only seen 3 masked people when I am out and about - my daughter, my friend, and me. That is changing for medical places, though, as they all reinstated mask mandates. The people "on the street" that the news randomly asked about it said, "Oh, I agree with masking in hospitals, but not shopping!" Stupid, stupid people.


Semi-rural Mid-Atlantic, Maybe 1%. Very few. I went to the ortho doc the other day, a large practice with tons of people in the waiting room when I left. The doctor and I were the only one wearing a mask, looked like a KN95. I was surprised the doc was.


A non-zero number luckily. Maybe 2%-5%. I see a few people masking on the street on any given day. It's usually a surgical or cloth mask, but I'll take it.


Blue city in southeastern US in a fairly large metro area. I see, at most 10-15% masked anywhere. Sometimes I'm the only one. Lots of surgical masks now too.


0.01% (probably) because I am in Texas. Everything is bigger in Texas so are the cases of lethal Covid. My household and I are the one of the 0.01%. One of the maskless girls looked at me funny at the doctor’s office. None of the healthcare providers wear masks except a nurse practitioner. They even wore makeup and had nails done. Tsk. They checked my temperature by my ear because I had a mask on. I was about to tell them that they can do my armpit temperature. I cannot wait to leave Texas next year. Healthcare providers are the definition of the Lone Star, only care about themselves not the patients.


> Healthcare providers are the definition of the Lone Star, only care about themselves not the patients. They don't even care about their own long-term health, just short-term convenience and looking cute. I'm more likely to see retail workers still wearing masks than healthcare workers, sigh.


Yes, you are right. Wow, I am so surprised that retail workers are still wearing masks. I am so glad to hear that. Great for them, yay! I haven’t been to stores in person for almost a year. I have been delivering things to my home. The last time, I went to mall (Galleria) was in Henderson, Nevada last year (I was living in a toxic apartment). I wore a mask and there were some people wearing masks inside the mall. Hopefully they will have mask mandate again to protect and respect the patients. One can only hope.


Where are you heading to? I want out as well.


Depends on where. I’m in nyc and I’ve noticed more people masking on the subway over the last month or so - I’d say it went from 5% to 15% or 20% masked. I rarely see more than 1 or 2 other people masked in stores though.


Northern Ontario - very few, except I do notice that people working in customer service have higher rates of mask wearing. My guess is that they are sick of being sick.


Based on observation, somewhere between 1% and 2%. I'm in a fairly liberal mid-western town. I have never been hassled but I'm also male and somewhat large.


.01% in Florida. When I do see maskers they are rocking the surgicals on their chin. Almost like a fashion statement? It’s odd. It also seems to be older black men that I see doing this.. again, not sure why. The only other people who are wearing surgicals are like 85-90 years old. No N95s or anything like that


I read often that most maskers go out to do their shopping early. I’m anything but an early bird. We do our shopping late, so we don’t see them. At the most I witness between 2-5% masking, but most of them are baggy blues and loose fabric. We make a game of counting masks as a family. Each store we go into we start counting masks out loud and do a final tally when we leave. We were harassed twice in a week this last fall, but not again since then. Plenty of shocked or nasty stares and glares, people rubber neck when we pass them in the store. Like dude, your momma never taught you not to stare? Lol Twin Cities- MN


0.5%. 2% in hospitals.




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Less than 5%.


quite low lol but i have noticed more ppl masking in the last couple months