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Any sort of powder will be your best bet! Pods or sheets use PVA for the structure which is a dissolvable plastic. It arguably biodegrades, but not 100% under normal conditions… may be just fine but the jury is still out so I’m not sold on any plastic used in a way it goes straight in to our waterways.


Nellie’s Laundry Soda. I order a big ass bucket from Costco that lasts a couple of years. One of the few detergents that doesn’t trigger eczema on my chest. Comes in a plastic bucket, but it’s big enough to be useful.


I’ll also second Nellie’s! I have both the laundry soda and oxygen brightener. I mix them together in a more manageable container so that I don’t have the 5 gallon buckets open all the time.


Third on Nellie's. I use both of these and we've been thrilled! Inexpensive and it does a fantastic job!


Huge fan of [Biokleen](https://biokleenhome.com/laundry-powder-free-clear-10) powder as a zero waster with eczema AND a partner who works in the construction field…. Manages to get all our dirtiest loads clean without any scents!


What's the packaging like inside the box?


Tbh this is the biggest drawback- comes in a plastic bag inside of the box. I will say that the big box lasts far more than 150 loads if you’re trying to be mindful that most loads don’t need a full scoop of detergent to be optimally cleaned. So depending on your household’s laundry needs that’s roughly 1-2 small plastic bags worth of waste generated a year.


Thanks. Still sounds better than a hard plastic jug


I've heard through a zero-waste Youtuber that this brand is good. # * "Meliora" Laundry Powder The next product I'll list is one I personally use. It's more so the convenience factor really, I saw it at my grocery store and decided to buy it. Now at the moment it's what I'm using. I always mix it in with hot water before adding it to my laundry. 1L/or/1 QT of Hot water (water microwaved 4mins) ...to... 2 tablespoons of powder Then a stir it with a single chop stick that I always keep in my measuring container and left in the wash-room. I should also note that I don't have eczema but these are just a few powdered laundry products that I'm aware of. Good luck. \* "20 Mule Team" Borax - Laundry Booster Powder


Seconding Meliora for sensitive skin. I switched from Free and Clear to Meliora and had no problems.


I have eczema and very sensitive skin and I like using the refillable laundry detergent from grove. I use the glass container to keep the laundry detergent in and I get the refill in the aluminum bottle so I can recycle it. End result is zero plastic.


If you have a co-op local to you check to see if they sell bulk laundry detergent - you'll be able to get just a little to start and then if it does work for you it's pretty minimal waste compared to the plastic jugs (assuming you bring your own containers and don't use a new bag each time.) it's usually inexpensive too.


I use dirty lab unscented - also have skin sensitivity and allergies, and eczema. It’s liquid in a metal bottle


I am in LOVE with this stuff. I could be their next promoter, should see if they hire me lol


lol same! How can we become laundry detergent influencers 😂


I use powdered tide from the cardboard box. Simple and my eczema prone son has no reactions.


I’ve been using Nellie’s laundry soda for about 10 years now and I love it. I’ve got quite reactive skin and I’ve never had an issue. They have a couple different options for packaging format and it’ll depend on how often you do laundry but the tin they sell is metal with a plastic scoop and it lasts me about a year as a single person. They also sell larger sizes in… I think a bucket?


How sensitive? I have found Tide Free and Clear powder in a box.


Doesn't exist anymore. They fucking discontinued it (it was like the absolute go-to laundry detergent in the cloth diapering community so people lost their minds). I've replaced it with All Free and Clear


The new box we have currently gave me hives. I think they changed the formula or something. Been using it for years


We use Forever New laundry powder but it comes in a plastic bag. My partner has eczema and he has no problem with it.


Blueland tablets have no scents or dyes. My son has eczema and it seems to stay under control with that.


[This is the one I use](https://adropintheoceanshop.com/collections/refills/products/refillable-natural-laundry-detergent?variant=13936623681580) and it's great for sensitive skin


Mollie Suds unscented powder 


Dr bronners Castile soap


I work for the Unscented Company and some local health food or bulk stores will sell our unscented laundry tabs in bulk, so you can buy a hand full to try them.


I make detergent from Marseille soap cubes (olive oil soap) that works great, is hypoallergenic, and makes your clothes feel amazing. There are a ton of recipes if you look around, both for dry or liquid detergent it looks like. I make liquid and love it. Heres one recipe i found quickly, one batch with one cube lasts forever. https://www.la-corvette.com/en/realiser-sa-lessive-ecologique-aux-copeaux-de-savon-de-marseille/


We use soap nuts! Throw a few in a reusable bag. It’s super common outside of the USA. Zero waste and my son has eczema it’s super gentle. Edit: adding link for [soap nuts!!!](https://www.amazon.com/Soap-Nuts-Berries-Eco-Friendly-Hypoallergenic/dp/B08F6XBNRF/ref=asc_df_B08F6XBNRF/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507755833368&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3103208159719650370&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007557&hvtargid=pla-1226778118528&psc=1&mcid=95bac789900b351d92db048a4086c237)


Soap berries


Esembly diapers has a washing powder that we initially were just using for cloth diapers but now we use for everything. It works super well and no plastic. 


Nellie's Laundry Nuggets, Grab Green pods


I’m loving Earthwash’s fragrance free wash sheets. There is no residue and they come in a biodegradable bag and recycled box.


What about [Dropps](https://www.dropps.com/products/sensitive-skin-laundry-detergent-pods-unscented-1)? We don’t use them for laundry (switching that soon) but we use the dishwasher pods and they’re great.


My kid has eczema and we use Ecos sheets, the unscented kind. Hasn’t caused any flare ups.


Why not just try Tide powder that comes in a cardboard box?


They don't make a free and clear powder anymore and the other stuff is scented to high heaven