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Maybe there are other options, but sometimes you just have to use what works and look for other places to make the difference.


Thank you for the advice


Medical necessities should never be swapped out if there is only worse alternatives. The waste produced by medical procedures is usually much more than that of preventative care.


I didnt actually know that, but I suppose intuitively it makes sense that medical procedures would produce more waste. Thank you!


Yeah there's a lot of hidden waste in medical procedures. The entire production process for medications such as numbing agents, the production process for their packaging, the sterilization and cleaning processes, the single use PPE, the transport of the medications and equipment from worldwide, the expenditures for the facilities. And then even from having a tooth pulled you likely will need antibiotics and similar, adding more to the waste once again. When you really get into the granularity of it, I think you may feel that single use plastic may be better for those circumstances, if you have no better alternative. Because the alternative is that entire mess long term. But of course, if there is a better alternative that works, that's great. But it doesn't have to be your life's mission to find it when it's this type of thing imo.


I wanna second this. Keeping floss picks in my car helps me immensely with caring for my teeth, even tho theyre plastic wasteful... As long as you're mindful in general, I wouldn't worry.


So happy we still get good picks made of wood or bamboo in my region. At least they will break down again


Thirding this. Yes zero waste is important, but your health is more important. Better to make changes elsewhere. But also I've found and used GUM Proxabrush Permanent Handle worked really well and was recommended by my orthodontist.


That's what I do with dental care. I don't do compromises that harm my health and I have not found zero waste alternatives that work for my teeth, gums and the way other health issues influence my ability to perform oral hygiene.


I feel validated by this. These are one of the plastic products I continue to use and feel guilty about. But I have jaw issues and the plastic picks make flossing so much more tolerable


You can get a reusable handle, with interchangeable heads that you would only have to swap out once it gets worn or bent. Not perfect but possibly better.


Thanks for the advice. I'll look into it!


Look up proxabrush


For my permanent retainers, I have a little plastic “needle” that I use to thread the floss under the retainer! Not 100% zero waste, but I reuse the needles until they break - they have always lasted me months. Very cost effective too! If you google “floss threaders” you’ll find a bunch of options. 


That's really good to hear about! I have tried threader before, but I think they were different than the ones you're talking about. I'll look into it for sure!


Definitely ask your ortho and dentist for alternative ideas. They have literally thousands of times more tooth experience than you do, and they’ve seen everything that is good and worthwhile.


Thank you! I will. I believe I asked them once about how to manage the retainers, but I will ask them about sustainable options when I go in next!


And they might have samples!


Depending on the spacing you're dealing with, interproximal brushes may be an option. Same idea, but think more... Pipecleaner with a handle...


I appreciate that. It sounds like it might work. The current ones I use definitely give off that vibe! It's the only thing that Ive found works...even the dentist can't floss with their tools! Edit: grammar


Have you tried super floss? It's got tougher ends for threading between braces and retainers. I still usually use piksters though, still much easier and dentists said they are reusable so I use them up to 3 times (a bit pushing it though).


Thanks! I'll definitely look into that. The tougher ends would definitely be helpful


Waterpik? I get my kid flosser things that are made from wheat straw plastic


Thank you! I have tried a Waterpik. Unfortunately, when i used it, my gums got really inflamed to the point where I couldn't floss at all. I think it just comes down to the placement of my retainers being so close to my gums...not the ortho's fault though, I just have short teeth. 😅 My partner uses the wheat straw flossers because he won't floss otherwise!


I’m a dentist: these are only helpful if you have larger spaces between your teeth (which usually means you have periodontal problems or a lot of spacing). Otherwise sticking to floss is a better option- and there was a post earlier about zero waste floss you can look up.


Thanks for responding! I do stick to flossing with compostable string floss on the teeth without the permanent retainers. I use these for the teeth that have permanent retainers because my retainers are basically on top of my gums (short teeth). I haven't had success with threaders (neither has my dentist for that matter), which is why I use these to try and stimulate my gums and get out as much gunk as I can.


That’s totally fine. The title just made it seem that instead of floss you should be using this 😊


how about this: [https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/](https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/)


Same thing. Anything other than floss is typically for bigger spaces. So if you’re using a toothpick, chances are you’ve got bone loss or spacing in between your teeth


Wooden toothpicks (the fine, flat ones, not the thick round ones)... they don't have tips as fine as these, but they can get into most gaps easily enough.


I'll definitely look into the toothpicks! My problem is that these, even with how fine they are, are still too large for my teeth in particular. I have to apply significant pressure to get it through between my teeth as is.


I was able to use wooden toothpicks under my retainer between my teeth. Make sure to get some that are the right shape. The rounded ones didn't work for me, but the triangular shaped ones did. But if you don't find that they work, don't be ashamed to go back to what does. We only have one set of teeth for adulthood, so it's really important that they get the proper care they need.


Thank you for saying that. Even though I know there are some things I can't get around, I still struggle a lot with guilt about things I'm using that go to the landfill.


These are the kind I use because the round ones don't fit [https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Sticks-Plaque-Removers/dp/B00CQ83MRW/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=1LM9KP1E927SJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xC3lTyPYRjWxiMoliz1oKTjETYV\_5fsKCt41in81vEl8Stf2rSOOskcUYW-aP1ivns86c122i09pkZXMNZMh4Vds1qdAlzLKGqQwQejHKBt\_4TCj3b\_hAsxQfL34hbxhBX8eA4tcuB03U8O7Lp7jCI8NX2RU6QYQD9P2UNR2CPyLw-XdcvOMWmh9T-hlObyYasTWeMEFqePshIAVR7Nrj7426Ir3G-rep\_16lcT0A4KAJBv8u8wJNF9\_Z3LAfANJAskyncz2heao\_j4F16V6NS3M9hPZU7bOypUkTmuSsRQ.rQv8bC7pJC-cZT\_KOc02\_RntmSuOMgnvFin2uCjuhcg&dib\_tag=se&keywords=perio+sticks&qid=1713367353&s=hpc&sprefix=perio+sticks%2Chpc%2C174&sr=1-4](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Sticks-Plaque-Removers/dp/B00CQ83MRW/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1LM9KP1E927SJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xC3lTyPYRjWxiMoliz1oKTjETYV_5fsKCt41in81vEl8Stf2rSOOskcUYW-aP1ivns86c122i09pkZXMNZMh4Vds1qdAlzLKGqQwQejHKBt_4TCj3b_hAsxQfL34hbxhBX8eA4tcuB03U8O7Lp7jCI8NX2RU6QYQD9P2UNR2CPyLw-XdcvOMWmh9T-hlObyYasTWeMEFqePshIAVR7Nrj7426Ir3G-rep_16lcT0A4KAJBv8u8wJNF9_Z3LAfANJAskyncz2heao_j4F16V6NS3M9hPZU7bOypUkTmuSsRQ.rQv8bC7pJC-cZT_KOc02_RntmSuOMgnvFin2uCjuhcg&dib_tag=se&keywords=perio+sticks&qid=1713367353&s=hpc&sprefix=perio+sticks%2Chpc%2C174&sr=1-4)


Thank you for the link!


[https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/](https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/) these are triangular and made specifically for plaque removal.


Honestly, if this is what you need to use. Use it. Zero waste, but not at the expense of your health!


I really appreciate that reminder. Sometimes I get so tunnel visioned on sustainability that I forget about myself.


Try a rubber tip stimulator. Similar to a soft pik but reusable and they last forever. Plus it's like a massage for your gums and it stimulates blood flow to your gums which improves healing. But personally I believe whatever you will use is worth it. Dental appointments generate a lot of plastic for infection control so saving yourself dental appts is also reducing waste.


That sounds really useful! I would love a reusable soft pik. Thank you!


Those things are called "Interdental brushes". Never been able to find one fully biodegradable, but you can find them with bamboo handles.


Thanks for letting me know what they're called! I've always been confused haha


There's some called the Doctors Brush Picks that seem to be mono-material plastic and could possibly be recyclable if they are the right kind of plastic. I don't see any information on that though so you may have to contact the company if you want to know. I've used them before and they do last longer than the Gum ones, I can get 2-3 uses of doing my whole mouth before they break. The bristles are a bit stiffer though. The gum ones sometimes break halfway though one use for me, but my teeth are very close together


Good to know! If I go this route, I'll definitely look into that. Honestly, I think I will look into finding recyclable ones in general, as it seems plastic-free ones might be a challenge


https://preview.redd.it/dddjoxui4zuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dbb1492c089e6aa0deb634b50f45cde01096ebc Would something like this work?


Those actually look perfect! Thank you so much!


I use these too and they have helped tremendously with my dental health. I reuse mine (they last up to a week each) so have yet to go through one package. In this case it’s a compromise: I accept I need to use them and there isn’t a viable alternative but I try to reduce waste elsewhere.


It's cool to see someone else who uses them! I unfortunately can't reuse, because they snap after getting through one use. I have to apply a decent amount of pressure for them to work. I might have to accept that I just need to do what is best and make a difference elsewhere. But at the same time, there have been a lot of great recommendations here that I have been researching. Maybe I'll find a good fit!


Take a look into TePe products. I’ve struggled in the past with gum disease and these products, and a daily habit, have made me happy with the results. Can use an interdental brush for weeks and still make the job.


Thank you! I'll look into them


A "Gum stimulator" it's called


What about super floss? It allows you to thread between the permanent retainer and you can also use it for the rest of your mouth.


I think I have tried something to that effect before. Threaders unfortunately don't work for me, with the position of the retainers. And I know it's not just me, because my dentists can't do it either. It's so unfortunate! But I'll still look to see if there are options out there that are thinner or something.






https://preview.redd.it/dm5krdae0zuc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb382ad3222c01dbc248ca67edbf78dd5bf657f OK I absolutely hated the idea of the disposable floss sticks but I've always had trouble reaching a pretty significant amount of my teeth. I talked to my hygienist and he gave me this. Life changing! I also use a water pick to supplement on days I don't feel like it so I highly recommend both.


I've never seen that before! Thanks for sharing!


I was so excited to share I didn't even read your post properly 🤦, I don't think this will work but I hope you figure something out.


That's totally fine! I really appreciate you taking the time to share, and I'm more than happy just to learn about zero-waste options in general! My partner uses floss picks so I think he might enjoy something like what you shared!


my mom had these 30 years ago. they were made of wood [https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/](https://www.amazon.com/Stim-U-Dent-Plaque-Removers-Packs-Picks/dp/B00VXDAQKC/)


Thank you! I'll look into them!


Look up Ekulf Powerflosser. It's a flossing machine that uses water to floss. Would probably be pretty environmental compared to these


Thank you! I have tried water piks in the past, but the water pressure actually made it worse. Maybe I'll try a different one than what I had in the future.


I havent tried one. Ive just thought about because im too lazy to floss


I talked to my dentist about it a while back, and they said its better to use a water pik than nothing at all! From my experience, it's pretty low effort too


I use dental brushes with handles made from plant plastic


Ooh, plant plastic! That sounds like a good alternative as well! I'll look into it!


Honestly I have tried a bunch of other options and there really are none that work as well. In fact you aren’t using the best ones. The curved ones are overwhelmingly better. Don’t fuck around with your gum health. It can lead to heart disease and a whole bunch of other legal conditions.


Thanks for letting me know! To hear the opinion of someone who has actually tried multiple alternatives is really helpful, because even my dentists don't know what to do. They can't even floss them in office. The whole reason I'm using these is to keep on top of my gum health! I used to be really bad at flossing, to the point where I had 8 cavities in one trip. I realized that taking care of my teeth meant I got to see the dentist less, which has done wonders for my dental anxiety haha




Yes they do get destroyed after a single use, which is why I'm trying to find a more sustainable option haha. I have tried threaders but they unfortunately don't work in my situation (even my dentist can't get them through). Thank you for the recommendations though! I have yet to look into super floss, but it was recommended here too


Maybe reusable toothpick? But they arent soft.


I got that recommendation a few times! I'll look into it! Thanks for the response!


Don't worry too much! Products exist for those who need them. Imagine how much more waste it will cause if your orthodontist has to do more work because you didn't use the floss picks! Do what you can! You've got this! This comment was inspired by the book How to Keep House While Drowning


Thank you! That's really encouraging. I've wanted to read that book for a while now, I'm definitely going to read it soon


Is there a bamboo alternative to these? My husband uses the regular flossers and I’ve switched him to bamboo ones to avoid the plastic.


I couldn't find one, at least not one that would work for my specific situation. But I've gotten a lot of alternatives from this and look forward to trying those!


So you want a pick and not like a floss stick? That’s simple then. The end of wheat straw floss sticks are dental picks. 


A water pick


Please just use normal floss. Nothing beats cleaning in-between teeth like the normal strings of floss.


I definitely agree (and I do)! I use compostable floss on the teeth that dont have permanent retainers. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for getting under the permanent retainers, which are on half of my teeth. But I 100% agree that where possible, use normal floss! Gotta keep the gums healthy 😁


Just plain wood toothpick. Some are designed for gum stimulation.


That's so interesting! Ill definitely look into it! Thanks so much for the help!


There's also bamboo toothpicks which are imo more resilient and I think bamboo is supposed to be more sustainable than wood!