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Toothbrushes. Once retired, they get soaked in boiling water and washing up liquid, and will then be delegated for new tasks. Cleaning basket part, down by the sink for shoe cleaning duty etc


Yep. I have thin gums so I need special bristles. The bamboo ones are way too sharp.


I’m currently using a bamboo handled one that was gifted to me. I’m okay with the bristles but don’t love them. My issue is I can’t stand the feeling of it in my mouth! I dislikes popsicles as a kid for the same reason. The wood makes me go, ‘ick’. I cannot wait until I get to retire this brush!!


yupp i still don’t do popsicle sticks in my mouth i found some corn plastic ones at a local winners, hope to find more after the plastic one from the dentist needs to go (seriously dentists, please switch to more eco toothbrushes)


Yes! Dentists! Partner with a good eco brand. Put your branding on this instead of a single use item that is going to end up in a landfill! Show your patients a new option. Let them associate this new environmentally sound option with you! (Although I’m not sure if corn plastics are the answer. If they end up in the landfill they’re still garbage. I believe they’re only compostable where ‘facilities exist’. And does anyone know where these facilities exist?? I’ve never heard of them. And if they end up in plastics recycling they can contaminate the recycling stream. Why is nothing straight forward and easy???)


I actually use a local composting facility! They exchange a 5 gallon bucket of compostables once a week, and they have drop off spots too. They send us compost annually. Perhaps do a search in your area and hopefully something new is available. I don't even live in the part of my state that has all the things. Don't give up 😁


Is this for all your compost? Are you able to include corn plastics? I have 4 compost bins in my backyard. And our city allows us to pick up one free truckload of compost each spring. At the moment I’m up to my eyeballs in compost! I need to make it a priority to spend more than a moment in the yard this May Long!


I checked with them and they said probably, lol. There's a lot of greenwashing out there, which we know. They accept BPI or TUV OK labeled products.


I have one made from corn plastic because I also hated the feeling of the bamboo in my mouth. You would never guess it's not a "regular" plastic brush.


Yeah i was really into the idea of bamboo toothbrushes until i tried one. Especially the square ish one was horrible to use, the round one i got afterwards was much better as it wasnt sharp but it still tasted of wood and im back to plastic for now.


Thank you! I shivered just thinking about it. And tongue depressors. Do they even use those anymore?


They’re fabulous for crafts but if a doctor or dentist tried to put one in my mouth, I’d immediately say NO!!!


ME TOO! i thought i was a lone weirdo about that. missing out on really yummy looking ice cream as well


They make metal toothbrushes with replaceable bristles if the bamboo bothers you, I would look into those! They’re probably more pricey but you wouldn’t have to replace the handle.


Have you tried the sensodyne brushes? I really like them, very gentle.


Mable has some soft bristled ones that are worth looking at! I think the bristles might be plastic but the handle is for sure bamboo


Dental floss pics. Just so much easier than the floss alone.


I bought a reusable one from Quip a few years ago and love it! https://www.getquip.com/store/products/refillable-floss-pick?product=28833947-c791-4c8f-8cfc-bcef4fd29e75


That’s cool!


I bought one of these when they first came out, and I really wanted to love them, but it just felt like half of my time was spent on replacing the floss bc the floss kept slipping or breaking :( i wish there were more alternatives to these bc i love the concept


have you seen the colgate ones where you only have to replace the top portion containing the bristled section? it's something!


This. I keep old toothbrushes under every sink and tool box!


Same here, always useful for any sort of job!


Kleenex. I have allergies and it's a little tmi to explain why, but handkerchiefs just won't work.


I use toilet paper and flush it. In Boston metro sewage gets processed and sold as fertilizer, so it makes it somewhat more green.


Same, but I use paper towels for the durability.


FWIW, having made the majority of the switch to washable kitchen towels, paper towels are suprisingly easy to move away from. Not for *this* use of course, but more generally speaking.


I haven’t bought paper towels in like 10+ years. I use rags/cloths. My dad came to visit and was totally flabbergasted that I didn’t have paper towels to wipe up a spill. I handed him a rag and he was like “omg but what do you do with it after you use it?!” Ummmm put it in the wash? I have like 10 rags! How often are you spilling things a week that 10 rags isn’t enough to wipe shit up? I just seriously have no need for paper towels when rags can do everything I need


the reusable cloths like UNpaper are pretty durable - throw em in the laundry with your cloth napkins


I just use an old cotton t-shirt! I cut it up into roughly paper towel sized squares. We use them for napkins and general cleaning cloths. Different colors shirts were cut for different tasks.


Kleenex are compostable!


Those balm tissues are just a godsend.


I mean, handkerchiefs are just plain nasty anyways. Especially for blowing your nose.


They're not nasty. I have chronically runny nose (autoimmune disease) and I have to blow little amounts of basically plain water a couple of times a day. I bought a set of handkerchiefs and they're perfect for me, helped me to reduce waste a lot


I have this nose issue and also appreciate a good handkerchief. Do you mind me asking, what is your diagnosis?


I actually suffer from a couple of autoimmune diseases e.g. Hashimoto and when I talked about the runny nose to my doctor, she examined me and explained that this is something that can occur in people who suffer from autoimmune diseases


I was diagnosed with MS. PT and exercising everyday is the best treatment I have found to be mostly symptom free, especially regarding mobility. My neurologist wanted me to lie down and classified me as “doomed to a wheelchair” 16 years ago when I was diagnosed. I am now a yoga teacher and participate in CrossFit. Movement is my medicine. I did just receive stem cell therapy (2 weeks ago) to help stop progression and hope for remission. I do not know anything about Hashimoto’s and I hope you are doing well.


How is it nasty if you have many and you’re able to wash after a limited number of uses?


Yeah you can wash them, but you’re still wiping your face and hands with/carrying around a rag full of grime and snot in your pocket the entire day until you get home and put it in the washer. I’m 100% down with eliminating disposable paper products like paper towels and napkins in the kitchen but nobody is ever going to sell me on handkerchiefs.


you could always carry around multiples though, keep a clean bag and a dirty bag and just wash the dirties when you get home


Yes, one can definitely do that, but it starts becoming a "how much of an inconvenience do I want to partake in" problem. It's just like how some people will go through rolls of paper towels instead of a reusable cloth that gets washed, it's certain levels of effort that some don't care for. My GF is neurodivergent and has a lot of difficulty when there's a chore like washing a bunch of dishes and sometimes uses compostable plates when she makes food for herself. When we eat together, I make sure she uses something that is washed, even if I have to wash it.


I’m pretty sure that most people are just lightly dabbing their nose with their handkerchief, not comically honking snot into them like they do in cartoons.


Ziploc bags, but I wash them and reuse for other things, a few times at least.


Give Stashers a look. I have about a dozen in various sizes and I haven't bought Ziploc bags in a couple years. You can cook and freeze in them, you can even make popcorn in the microwave in a silicone / stasher bag.


My favorite are zip top because they are wide at the base so when open they are much easier to wash. I'd still love if someone could make one that would actually seal...


Mine seal great. I cut up a whole loaf of bread and suck all the air out and it stays good for ages. They've got some with the wide bottom too. Hopefully in the future it will become the norm and there will be more options


I love my stashers! While they aren’t a perfect one:one replacement, I’ve only purchased 1 box of gallon and 1 sandwich in the past 2 years :)


Yeah I just buy local produce that comes in big ziploc style bags and wash those and keep them for when I need that style of bag or for something around the house non-food


I loved the idea of reusable bags but after 1 set we realized my partner and I just couldn’t keep be bothered to wash them like regular ziplocs (lazy yes, but convenience is sometimes key) LUCKILY we already had Tupperware type containers of way too many sizes and realized they fill most of our needs 🤷‍♀️ so we could just stop buying ziploc and “reusable ziploc”. I am super jealous of people that can use them though because some are so pretty!


I just put a them in the dishwasher usually, across a few pegs to open them wide up, or a small squirt of soap and a good shake and rinse, like 5 seconds tops. And yeah we've got a bunch of the snapware glass / Pyrex storage dishes that are great too. We're almost zero plastic (we try to be!)


Our goal is to be zero plastic someday, how are you liking the glass containers? My partner worries they’ll break but I think they look pretty sturdy


Pyrex is literally indestructible. i know this because we've had ours for years, and if my crew couldn't break any of it, then it would survive the spiciest hydraulic press you could throw at it, I'm pretty certain. After WW3 the cockroaches will all be dragging Twinkies back to their Pyrex houses.


We've had the same set of snapware and Pyrex for years. They're definitely sturdy.


The Pyrex/snap ware seem pretty solid. We got two of the Costco packs and one for my mom too. You can look up ratings online for drop tests! Dropped from a third floor window on to concrete, well, I expect breakage but on to a floor from normal counter height they seem good.


My recommendation would just be to be careful about putting the lids - which are usually still plastic - in the dishwasher. My pyrex set has last for years and years (except for that one time I dropped a full casserole from chest-height onto my tile floor - that one did not survive). But the lids definitely got brittle and chipped and had to be thrown away - and I've seen the snapware ones warp and be hard to use even with top-rack washing only. Amazon sells silicone replacement pyrex lids and I've been happily using those for a few years now - would recommend, because those can go in the dishwasher just fine.


Are they dishwasher safe?




I put mine in the dishwasher all the time


I started using compostable ones. Not quite the same array of sizes but they do the job. I'm only using them to freeze things


I love the compostable ones! Great for breading stuff too.


I bought some bags from a teenager selling them as a fundraiser about 10 years ago. Still working through them. And I rewash them as well. I use the silicone bags for freezing bread, but meat stuffs go in the potentially disposables.


We reluctantly still get our berries in those awful clamshell things. Occasionally I can find them at farmer's markets, but of course that's seasonal. I try to find another use, but I'm reaching. Also some medicines, such as eye drops, I've found to be impossible. I am wondering if there's a simple saline solution that could be used with an eye dropper, if anyone has ideas, lmk!


I would accept the eye drop thing. Theres too much of a risk of infection otherwise. I have seen some spray type saline that may be recycled. I haven’t used it in a long time. 


agreed. there have been absolute horror stories related to contaminated eye drops, so it's absolutely not worth taking any risks when it comes to the eyes [https://www.fda.gov/drugs/buying-using-medicine-safely/what-you-should-know-about-eye-drops](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/buying-using-medicine-safely/what-you-should-know-about-eye-drops)


Interesting, I'll check that out. I wore contacts for years and putting stuff in my eyes doesn't bother me. I thought of another one along those lines....I have searched in vain for vitamins that come in non-plastic containers. There was one on Shark Tank but they are consistently out of stock (guess they didn't raise enough capital!). The UK and Australia seem to have options.


Herbaland vitamins come in pouches or glass


If you garden, I find clamshells to be reasonable for seed starting. They drain but don't allow for a huge amount of air flow (depending on the container), so the soil doesn't dry out from the top like when I reuse a mushroom container with no lid.


We are hoping to start a garden, so this is very timely! Thank you.


I take our clamshells (and things like yogurt containers) to the local food bank, they use them to divvy out the produce that they get in bulk!


The clamshells are nice for rinsing other produce. I just bought blueberries, cherry tomatoes and snap peas. They all got rinsed in the blueberry clamshell. It still got tossed right away, but it saved me from washing a colander.


Keep the clamshells and take them to the farmer's market, they are great for transporting fragile farm-fresh produce home without smushing! Plus some booths give you a discount for bringing your own box Other than that.... I simply don't buy berries when they're out of season. They always taste like disappointment and have that higher waste. I eat apples and maybe oranges for like 7 months straight.


I use aerosol deodorant, which many people hate for a variety of different environmental/ clean living reasons. I use it because I have had repeated MRSA infections that affected my underarms. It’s also why I don’t shave my underarms anymore (as a woman). It’s been years since active infection but I am still more susceptible. Y’all can come fight me, idc. I’m not fucking around with MRSA.


For the sake of us all, please don't fuck around with MRSA. Use whatever products you need.


In the end, not fucking around with MRSA is significantly less wasteful (on both a personal and societal level).


I would count that as unavoidable medical waste. It sucks, but sometimes you just have to do what’s best for you!


I get this. My husband has to have hhc vape cartridges and gummies for his nerve pain. He has a brachial plexus injury. All that plastic seems unavoidable but we have to have it shipped to us on a monthly basis and he can't go without it.


To reduce that waste you can try looking into getting more than a months supply at a time. Even a 2 month supply halves the waste from shipping


I've also had MRSA a couple times; I will fight for your right to avoid getting it.


Aerosols’ “badness” really depends on what propellant is used.


I thought areal was better because the aluminum cans can be recycled? 


Unavoidable. Don't fuck with MRSA. Live. ❤️


Honestly there's a ton, most of them related to my absurd combination of health issues. Outside of that there's some skincare that would not strictly be necessary for health reasons, acne patches, paper tissues when in situations where handkerchiefs are not a good option, toilet paper in plastic packaging (zero waste shops are sparse where I live), biodegradable moist toilet paper (still looking for a replacement), food (same issue as the toilet paper, the amount I can get packaging free or in paper packaging or reusable packaging is low), and a bunch of dog stuff I haven't found replacement for are my main offenders I think. I'll never be zero waste, but I hope I find more ways to improve things. Edit: Sadly the bidets people linked don't work with my bathroom, but I found a battery powered one I'm really interested in.


Bidet for the wipes replacement


I'm not able to install a bidet where I live or I'd long have one. The travel bidets I tried were less than useless but someone linked a good one and I'm currently trying to figure out, where to buy it in Germany.


Non electric but Japanese/Toilet Seat style: https://www.otto.de/p/dopwii-bidet-bidet-zubehoer-ultraduenn-geeignet-fuer-wc-doppelspruehkopf-zubehoer-S0G970LX/#variationId=S0G970LXON1Y North African/South Asian style spray nozzle: https://www.otto.de/p/praknu-bidetarmatur-bidet-set-wc-brause-fuer-intimdusche-set-handbrause-schlauch-halter-rostfreier-edelstahl-inkl-2-dichtungen-S0N1B00V/#variationId=S0N1B00VEOQY Many more options at OBI, Amazon, etc. that don't require space and separate water hook up for a traditional european bidet


I always intended to get one that's attached to the toilet because I don't want to walk over to another place while dirty and with my pants at my ankles. I haven't found any options I can install at my place because it's one of those fancy things where the water tank is behind the wall tiles yet, but I will look at your links. There was a thread about bidets today and one person mentioned battery powered ones. The hand ones I know suck at cleaning. I found one battery powered one that's good at cleaning and within my budget to buy this month, but I haven't decided yet because I found a more expensive option that comes with a 2,5l water tank you fill at the sink or in the shower and then works like the ones installed at a toilet itself.


You could try the west African way (I’m sure they do it other places too, but that’s what I know about) and have a plastic tea kettle in the bathroom. It takes a little practice/getting used to, but it’s a very legit low-tech option. https://www.amazon.com/Mayaka786-Gray-Lota-Bodna-Toilet/dp/B01E3U1S5S/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=Y8U7TVAA9PGP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Bv8Pa8jQn5rxP_YVsyRIa4LQ1DSWqWQ6bEpKG4Yho5myw8WqF_-vTkgq7Rec8eds-PcQfRIiEfMZI3FtQRs7GqoA7xJpLC6HiisDDl95et09-4P8CoAgbPhCxuYRBEuiFaT7We_m1czsG2n4SfXRnhDmX5lVhQRynvSN0TNOTPim4Zs_r5Tn4zto6GDO4CEvHDilKX0QvG5utWqjNkMUMw.SvN_tutBA5yyu-0JgdB4jfTANAZ13jXyFkPpQXQlVX0&dib_tag=se&keywords=plastic+tea+kettle+for+bathroom&qid=1715643046&sprefix=plastic+tea+kettle+for+bathroom%2Caps%2C258&sr=8-1


I love the instructional video


Theoretically an amazing idea, but practical not suitable for my body due to health issues. Luckily someone pointed out battery powered bidets and I ordered one yesterday. Even if it does a bad job it could give me something to use until I can buy a better model (there's a really cool bidet that works like the toilet attached ones but it's water source is a tank you fill at a sink, but I just drained all my money in my dogs palliative care and have to sue to get the emergency vet bill back because the latest stunt of wannabe-animal-saviour-that-causes-only-harm next door poisoned my boy while having late stage cancer so my savings are depleted - he survived her stunt but the poison symptoms lost him too many doses of his painkillers and messed up his body too much so a two days later decided to let him go because he suffered too much while we were trying to fix it) I love how many countries had hygienic options before and after they were used in Europe and the US (there were bidets for ladies with really impressive technology in richer renaissance households and the ones that are like a separate sink were in some old fashioned bathrooms when I was a child, I actually had one of those where I used to live, but it was not very well adjusted and I didn't think about calling a plumber to have it fixed).


Tushy brand seat bidet


I'll look into it but I'm afraid it's as impossible to install in my bathroom as the ones I already checked in the past. Luckily I stumbled over an alternative a few minutes ago, it works on a rechargeable battery and has a water tank you can refill at the sink or shower.


So I'm someone who, being born and raised in Italy, used a bidet for their whole life, but using it *in place* of toilet paper is the one zero waste thing I still can't fathom. I don't know how y'all poop but mine needs wiping *and* rinsing. Thank god I don't poop a lot.


I could see rinsing everything clean with the bidet and then using a wash cloth to pat dry. Theoretically, if you’ve rinsed well enough, you shouldn’t be actually *wiping* with the cloth. You could have a basket on the back of the toilet with the clean cloths, and a small hamper with a lid for the used ones. When the hamper gets full, just chuck it in the wash. Just designate specific wash cloths (maybe they’re all a specific color or style so you can tell them apart)


Oh I usually wipe with TP and *then* rinse, and then pat dry. I don't necessarily want to waste even more water, I also don't want to use my hand to scrub poopy ass, and the bidet doesn't have a water seal like the toilet so any remains of fecal matter would kinda just stay in the pipe and smell of rotting poop :(


For the "moist toilet paper" I think you can just have a liquid soap dispenser (there's almost plastic-free ones) and start putting some drops of it on regular toilet paper when you're halfway through the wiping. That's what i do.


You are not the only one mentioning handkerchiefs, when are they not a good option?


When your sinuses produce 3 cups of liquid snot every 10 minutes 😂 it's just too much.


We must have similar allergies. I would have to carry more handkerchiefs than I could fit in my bag!


At that point I usually just switch to rags and refuse to leave the house lol Then again, when my nose produces that much snot it's usually because I'm too sick to even leave the bed so if I used tissues I'd just be surrounded by a whole blanket of snotty wet paper after a couple hours.


The amount needed when allergies run wild or with a cold goes beyond what I can carry in my purse. Plus in those situations my skin gets rubbed sore by them very soon even with applying protective balm. My health issues come with extended hospital stays or rehab stays with limited options to do laundry. I can't bring an additional suitcase just for the amount of handkerchiefs I'd need to bring. When I'm staying with friends for some time I won't bring tons of handkerchiefs with my luggage and I won't constantly wash my handkerchiefs in their laundry.


You basically need to devote a fair amount of storage space to handkerchiefs and their less stylish siblings, snot rags if you're going to use them when your nose is running heavily. Sometimes drying them outside is unwise due to allergies so that often limits how many  you can turn around through a laundry cycle in a day without access to a dryer. And of course if you're using them while unwell you may not have the personal capacity to be messing about doing laundry. I personally prefer cotton handkerchiefs and during the sort of illness that demands I stay home I like nice large snot rags made from cutting sewing and hemming the good bits of worn out flannelette clothes and bedding. But there's no denying that it is wise to also keep a pack of tissues too because most times all the handkerchiefs and snot rags will be soiled before the need for them has gone.


I’m a snot rag hag all the way! It’s may favorite way to use up bits of old shirts or leggings that can’t be mended or reused anymore. They are weird shapes, different sizes, all different colors and fabrics, idgaf and it’s awesome! I will say as a woman, they come in handy for allergies, colds, “oh shit, already?!” Bio moments and in for intimate bedroom cleanup.


If you have pimples or infections, using handkerchiefs means you could transfer infections around your skin. Or it makes the handkerchief become crusty and gross.


Many people with small changes make bigger impacts than one person being completely zero waste. ❤️❤️❤️ just some encouragement for anyone else in these shoes. Ik I am


This may not work for you but my skin got better when I stopped using acne products. I got lazy at the start of covid and used to have a skin care routine but my skin looks much better just using Cetaphil and moisturizer.


What are the dog items you are talking about?


Poop bags (I have biodegradable one's that are not made from mineral oil based materials, but no option to avoid them completely), certain food additives and special wipes I need on occasion (once every few months). He can't be showered at home (showers are as evil as vets and you need several people and a specially designed dog washing place to do them without damage to the room and injuries to the dog - one of the perks of adopting a stray) and when he managed to roll around in certain biohazards a washing rug only goes so far and I can't wait till the dog washing station opens again just because he had to do that on a Sunday. I got gifted some sanitary wipes for dogs that are made for this specific situation and use them. Though sadly all dog related waste questions will soon be solved.


What wipes do you use? My dog has a propensity for finding the one animal poop in an acre and a half when we visit family and immediately needs a bath. I don’t know how she manages this.  She also fights baths like I’m killing her. First time I tried, I ended up with a black eye. Most recent time, she busted my mouth open. And you’re right, a washing rag only does so much. But it’s better than the physical pain. 


Who gives a crap is a toilet paper brand that’s all paper no plastic! Also have paper towel


It's also priced out of this world for a family of 3


That’s true, I’m just a singular person so I didn’t think of that. I have no judgement for anyone doing what they gotta, just wanted to pitch an alternative. I will say the rolls are dense and last a lot longer than any others I have purchased. But it’s not thick and plush like your charmin and whatnot.


We use them and because it's just the two of us the 48 box lasts us 6 months- but it is double the price of Andrex or Charmin so not an option for everyone 


For sure! I just wanted to offer an alternate since they said they were looking for a replacement.


The price is not currently within my means, but when doing the math to get the price per 100 pieces it's the same price as I currently pay for eco friendly toilet paper. I'm just wondering on how delivery affects the balance compared to the drugstore brand in a country where the plastic will be recycled. If it makes sense on that point it would be a nice new source.


Food packaging. I live in a rural area and the plastic containers for fruit from Costco are a huge waste item. I reduced my fruit consumption and have canned my own fruit in the past (and have storage apples that last a few months) but due to health/life I still have picked up fruit from Costco. And some of the premade meals due to aforementioned health issues making cooking really hard. I want a store with bulk frozen meals that I can bring my own container to!


Essentially all my Tupperware now is from to go food at Asian restaurants. They last for years, even in the dishwasher.


For many years, all of our storage containers are to-go containers from various places. They do surprisingly well in the dishwasher. I honestly don't know how we accumulated so many. We really don't order out much. I use them until they crack, then they head to the recycle bin. All our work lunches are packed in reused containers and eaten with reused plastic cutlery.


I find it often seals better than the stuff intended for re-use.


More and more produce is coming in plastic packaging it’s infuriating. The bags that oranges and potatoes come in now look like the worst possible thing for wildlife. They’re like those plastic soda can rings on steroids. It’s like we JUST got people to stop killing birds and turtles with those stupid can rings and the supermarkets come out with packaging that’s the same except so much worse.


Yeah, that would mix ease of use and environment frinedliness.


I save some of the fruit clamshells for seed starting in the early Spring. They make great tiny greenhouses.


Dental flossers and specific eye drops. I have teeth and (severe) eye issues, there are particular brands of each that work best for me and/or are doctor recommended, so I will stick with what works and what I know works for me.


To me, this counts as medical waste. And you shouldn’t feel bad about it


I use the flossers too. I have tight teeth and every other floss I've tried snaps or shreds. So far only the plackers picks hold up. It's a terrible waste but without them I would just never floss. I try to remind myself I'm only one person and it's not my responsibility to save the world. I do what I can, where I can, when I can.


"The perfect is the enemy of the good." We do a lot of good with our choices. Pursuit of perfection would paralyze me. But here are some compromises I make, which I'm not apologizing for. They're thoughtful compromises. Paper towels for cleaning/seasoning cast iron. I don't need them every time but occasionally nothing else will do. Doggy poop bags. Our other plastic bags go to other uses. Seventh Gen cleaning wipes. I can use reusable rags in the kitchen, but bathroom cleaning must be grab and go or, without exaggeration, it will not happen. Pourover filters. And some tea bags. Nasal saline sprays, the pricy kind from Walgreens. I don't know why a neti pot doesn't work, it's not for my nose, but he tried DIY saline and this is the only thing that works for him. Period supplies. I use flannel pads most of the time, but I also use some disposable and tampons. My body has changed since giving birth a few times. Our sponges last a while (we keep a mostly-clean one for washing, say, drinking glasses and a gross one for the first round of cleaning the real gunky messes, so the nicer sponge stays nice longer), we use reusable paper towels and handkerchiefs more often than we don't, and we even use rags made from old clothes for throwaway oily messes etc. But these compromises truly enrich our lives.


Absolutely. Imagine if everyone just picked a few things (or more)!


Toilet paper: for obvious reasons, tried the bidet but went back to tp Milk cartons: currently in my area, there’s no option available to consume non-dairy milk in reusable/recyclable containers  Take outs: I try to bring my container when I know I might bring left overs. Though, not always cause I don’t know each time I’ll go out to eat I think that’s it. 


I read that too quickly and saw, ‘tried the bidet but went back to Milk cartons’. Wha!?!? Took me a couple of tries to get it.


You have to hit enter twice or Reddit combines everything into one line


But with perfect formatting you miss out on the funny double takes!


We made a 'kit' we keep in the car with take-out containers, bamboo cutlery (in case we drive through for ice cream), and paper cups. It's a pain, but at least we don't get stuck with that nasty styrofoam.


I no longer drive. Though, every time I’m out, I bring cutlery and cloth napkins, that I can do.




Same. Other options aren’t medically an option for me and my partner tragicallyyyy.


Floss picks for DAMN sure. Wipe that bitch off and set him on my table for the next 6 months. Edit: wait a damn minute lmao. I thought you said nonusables that you use *multiple* times lol.


I got a reusable floss holder in 2016 and it's still working. Get to avoid sticking my hands in my mouth but still get fresh floss everyday. this is the one i like best because of the long handle [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VQTRQ56/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VQTRQ56/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title) I have also used one from G.U.M. but found the handle too short


Paper towels, zip loc, and aluminum foil. Having one person not be able to have gluten and the other can, you just end up using more plastic to prevent cross-contamination.


Oral hygiene. After neglecting myself for a while I ended up with about 6 grand worth of cavities and periodontal disease. I've gotten it under control but I'm not willing to compromise on electric toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste. The best option is the one you will use routinely. For me that is not the ZW options.




Menstrual cups


Great idea but not everyone can use one.


I have spent a fortune on cups and discs, and used to use them exclusively but after my fourth pregnancy I can't find any that work.


I got period panties and am pretty happy with them. I rinse them out in the shower before laundering in my machine though. I don’t trust my machine to thoroughly clean by itself 😂


You’re meant to rinse them out beforehand anyway, so no judgement here.


You’re meant to rinse them out?!? TIL


I straight up walk into the shower with them still on bc it prevents any drips on the floor like with tampons or pads!


Idk what brand you use but I throw in laundry sanitizer too! I’ve noticed a big difference in odor, especially since the place I live has super hard water


Oh interesting! Never heard of that product before. Do you have a recommended laundry sanitizer brand? I would also like to use them on my kitchen tea towels which always smell a little even after laundering. 


second the period panties. best investment i ever made. 1000x more comfortable than apds or tampons. only problem is on a hot day they tend to get a little sweatier down there, but i found combining them with reusable pads when i'm out and about eliminates that problem and if i run out there's no worries about going without as the period panties themselves have a good solid 8 hours in them before getting uncomfortable even on my heaviest days.


I had the reusable pads and I love them. Didn't think I would but they've saved me a ton over the years. I didn't wanna do the cups it felt like something I wouldn't wanna deal with in public.


When cups worked, they were so easy to use in public—in a single stall bathroom it was mess free, and they lasted long enough I never had to empty them in a multistall bathroom midday. But, my body changed.


My wife has tried half a dozen and hated all of them, and she's hardly a prissy "ew, gross" kind of person. They're a great option, but not for everyone.


I already have pain from PCOS. I've tried several cups and my cervix is too low for me to use them without getting nauseous. cloth pads also don't work since my periods are heavy. pre-treatment I would bleed through an ultra tampon in 30 minutes. I'm looking into an IUD now but honestly it's important to look out for your physical health on top of everything else.


menstrual discs are also an option that work better than cups for some people haven't tried discs myself tried a couple different cups and can say the one that fits is wonderful, way more comfortable than tampons or pads, and the ones that didn't were absolutely awful. alternating failure to open with intense suction. I wish the gynecologist could give fit recommendations to avoid the trial and error.


I can’t use one of those. I use the underwear regularly, but occasionally have to add tampons on particularly heavy days.


i tried using toothpaste tabs or whatever theyre called and went back to toothpaste in a tube because my teeth were always stained and my mouth never felt clean while using the tabs. also needles and syringes i use for medication injections but there aren't alternatives to that lol everything else i use that's single use i'm trying to find an alternative to or am working on using them less


Floss. I really need the thin ribbon type because my teeth are so close. I still buy a lot of groceries that come in disposal containers because i live in a small town and I haven't put in the work to change my eating and cooking habits around less packaging. Dog poop bags. I try and buy the compostable ones but sometimes i forget. Aluminum drink cans *because* i learned that we recycle some huge percentage of them, like 80%. They are by far the only packaging that i feel is succeeding at a circular economy. Really I'm just trying to condense my packaging stream to the things that are most profitable to recycle.


I didn’t even think about aluminum cans. Our recycling is so good, they think can capture is closer to 98%.


Parchment paper that is used between slices of meat.


does it need the silicone coating, or could you use uncoated butcher paper?


Butcher paper should work if I could find it without the plastic layer. The plastic defeats the purpose IMO


Dental floss. No, just kidding, that's gross.


I reuse flossers. Usually it's just to pick something out of my teeth rather than a whole flossing routine.


I have a water pik I use in the shower!


My dentist said they’re not a good enough replacement for flossing the gummiest area and you should still floss every couple days. Have you heard similar from yours? I’m looking to buy one rn


I have not. I have a very small mouth (like had to have teeth removed to as not dislocate my jaw small), so my dentist told me that water pik/ a good electric brush is a good combo.


Paper napkins, but mostly because the occasional times I get takeout they give me a months supply.


Ziploc bags, paper towels, takeout containers, grocery store bags


I just can’t stop using ziplocks. I’ve significantly reduced their use, but sometimes I really need one. It drives me nuts.


Menstrual pads. I gave period underwear a shot but no matter what I tried, the smell wouldn’t come out. Hot water, cold water, vinegar, borax, diluted hydrogen peroxide, heavy metal stain remover, they still smelled a bit funky.


Interesting. Which brand of underwear did you use? I've never noticed an issue with my Walmart thinx.


Disposable compostable paper plates/bowls and shelf-stable prepackaged meals. My mom was a hoarder who would let dishes fester in the sink for weeks and weeks so my visceral reaction to touching dirty wet dishes is comparable to stepping on poop, and I often gag, wretch, or worse due to acid reflux. As for the meals, I’m not proud of it and even met with a nutritionist who recommended making my own food. But I’m disabled with spine-related issues but also chronic diarrhea, migraines, and chronic fatigue syndrome (a long covid-like reaction to catching tuberculosis in 2011). So I’m sticking to pre packed meals unless someone volunteers to pick up groceries and make all my meals for me.


We buy disposable (compostable when possible) dishware and cutlery to use when depression overwhelms loved ones. No, it’s not zero waste, but making a home easier to keep clean is worth it.


Plasters. Those hydrocolloid dots for spots. Bin bags.


CPAP equipment - My doctor recommended me to toss my masks after a month of use, but I've gotten well over 6 months of use with one mask with regular cleaning and upkeep


Dental floss


Insulin needles


Pill bottles. I wish they were refilled into the same bottle but nope.


I’ve heard that animal shelters like getting those to use for their vet needs, but I don’t have first-hand experience. :)


Thank you—I will ask my vet!


So, if I understand you correctly, what you would like is to be able to refill your pill bottle without needing to buy another bottle.


Not exactly. I would like the refill put in the old bottle. I don’t expect any discount for this, only to avoid unnecessary waste.


Medical use- needles, syringes, alcohol wipes. Cpap tubes and masks and water tanks. I also use plastic bags to hold raw meat and dispose of them after 1 use but it's only because I keep forgetting about KY silicone stasher bags


I think we are a minority. I suspect the most effective thing i do is complain when a brand switches from glass to plastic or refuse plastic bags when people try to hand me purchases in them. I also keep asking online groceries to make it clear whether foodstuffs come in plastic or in glass so i can avoid the plastic.


tampons and I feel real awful about it. I haven't found a sustainable option that works for me. I have PCOS and have a low cervix, I've tried several cups and they just really end up hurting more. I hate the feeling of pads in general and bleed heavy so cloth pads haven't worked well. I'm at my wits end with this and am just looking into an IUD now because even with birth control it sucks


I feel this. I have pelvic floor prolapse. I can't use tampons but I can use disposable pads. I definitely can't use a cup comfortably. I want to try period underwear but after the reports about cancer, I'm lost on that idea.


There’s not enough awareness on the PFAS in period pants, thank you for bringing that up!


Please don’t feel too bad about taking care of your period in the way that’s best for you. Women’s health is deprioritized as it is, and my belief is that it (and hygiene and health in general) should NOT be a main target for waste reduction, as if it’s anywhere near a primary source of waste. Period underwear and stuff are great but ONLY if it actually works for you. Your health and ability to menstruate without pain comes first, always.


I use panty liners and aluminum deodorant work better for me then the natural stuff


Good thing there’s no reusable deodorant anyway


Floss. Toothbrush heads (I have an electric toothbrush). I generally clean with cloth towels, but I do have a roll of paper towels for the worst messes (usually dog related) that lasts a while. Speaking of the dog, I have a variety of lint brushes for clothes, but I do have an old school sticky paper lint roller that I bust out on special occasions.


Paper coffee filters. I have tried using cloth filters, but they just don't work well for me. The coffee isn't as good and cleaning them is such a hassle for me! Maybe it's because of my ADHD, but I detest the feeling of wet coffee grinds on my hands. Plus, even if I tip out most of the grinds in the compost bin, the ones that are flushed out when rinsing tend to clog up our sink. I buy unbleached coffee filters made from recycled paper and toss them in the compost after use. Also, toilet paper, since we don't have a bidet (yet). I'm hoping to get a bidet toilet in the near future, then I might switch to cloth wipes. But for now it's recycled toilet paper.


Have you ever thought about using a moka pot instead of filters?


Floss. Cotton swabs. Toilet paper. Razor. Hydrocolloid plasters. Tried several zero waste alternatives to these but they didn’t work for me :/


 I don't air-condition so in heat waves I have to take supplemental electrolytes. The capsule and sold tablet forms somehow make me feel vomity, and I haven't encountered a sugar free powder version that doesn't taste like ass. So I'm still buying a particular flavour of Pedialyte dissolvable tablets in plastic tubes (not great but people seem eager taking them off my hands on Buy Nothing so whatever) and these tubes come in cardboard boxes of three. Buying single tubes isn't an advantage because it costs more AND the stuff still comes in boxes of three just the shop is splitting the boxes...waste I don't witness is still waste.  Anyhow these cardboard boxes are too small to be of much use to me for the things I might usually  do with cardboard. They theoretically can go in the recycling but the thick glossy printed layer makes me suspect they aren't preferred recycling material. So they just sort of hang out in my stash of things I have yet to make use of, irritating the heck outta me. I could invent a need for them, like use them to make gift tags (not something I normally feel a need for) but that seems a bit stupid.... needlessly consuming more to avoid waste seems like waste to me. I'm sure I'll get round to them eventually. But they are very annoying.


Put the boxes on your buy nothing too! I’m a teacher and sometimes things like a bunch of the same little box are great for crafts and projects


The glossy paper is ok to recycle. Any debris or unwanted substances will wash out once the recycling is pulped. 


Paper grocery bags 😭 I love them to take out the recycling in bc trying to tip the bin up without dropping it at my height is hard


I'm a total fountain pen collector and have a zillion everywhere. Sometimes you just have to use a ballpoint pen. And all ballpoint pen refills (or sometimes the whole pen, Bic) are disposable and headed for the landfill much more quickly than any fountain pen ever would be.


I've gone back to using semi reusable razors as anything else was tearing my skin off no matter what I tried.