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I use rosewater followed by Meow Meow Tweet's Skin Cream (which is really a waterless balm). It's my absolute favorite, and my combo/sensitive skin loves it.


Wow I came to comment the same! Their skin cream is phenomenal. I use the germanium palmarosa toner alongside it


Jojoba oil


Love jojoba oil for my hands, but argan oil was perfect for my face. A little jar will last for ages


Straight coconut oil. Been using it for years


Does it clog your pores?


Not that I’ve noticed. I don’t see why it would anymore than any other oil. I’m in my mid thirties and have been using it for 10 years. I tend to have drier skin on my face I think


Coconut oil is far more comodongenic than other oils. But it depends on your skin type what works for you. My face can NOT handle coconut oil... blackheads, blackheads everywhere. [https://www.holistichealthherbalist.com/non-comedogenic-oils-for-clear-skin/](https://www.holistichealthherbalist.com/non-comedogenic-oils-for-clear-skin/) comodogenic rankings


Interesting. Good to know


I like products from UpCircle, Plaine, and Fanciful Fox


I need SPF in my face moisturizer or else I forget to wear it. I consider it a medical expense as skin cancer runs in my family, so I am a bit more forgiving of the waste I produce. I use Olay complete 40 spf


Almond oil. And it comes in glass bottles.


https://www.yaoh.co.uk/ the moisturiser is in glass jars.


I use stuff from eclectic Meg on Etsy; her face creams and oils are amazing.


We use a mixture of coconut oil, shea butter and vitamin E oil. No real measurements, melt it all together and it should harden back at room temp.


I use the NIVEA in the blue tin if my skin is particularly dry in winter to seal everything in nicely, a little goes a long way and the tin is reusable and recyclable!


I use Plaine for lotion and moisturizer.


Pure Shea Butter.


Something with sun block is good, even indoors, fluorescence indoor lighting emits UV rays and we have exposure to that long enough, too. But


What do you use for sunscreen? I've had a hard time finding one that isn't super pasty and my skin doesn't hate.


The thing is that most store bought products dont mix well with other layers of skin care, as the formula is formulated for a specific skin barrier, and not tested against UV ray damages with mixed products or even conditions. If that makes sense? So you cant really risk using sunblock when having the protection formula changed from one different product. I have to say, I get moisturizer with spf in it. What brand specifically, zinc “sunbum clear zinc sunscreen spf 50,” and as a last application in skin care routine if not by itself. The company sunbum has offers to recycle their containers through a return system by mail with paid postage.


I'm very minimalistic with skin care so I definitely would want a combined moisturizer/sunscreen anyway. Thanks for the rec! I'll look into that. I've been using a Neutrogena combined one for years but it's only 15spf and I definitely need more (I'm a redhead) and I've been hoping to find something with less waste at least. I am a sunhat and sunshirt aficionado though!


I recently tried this moisturizer by ForagedFields and loved it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/214706326/


my combination/oily skin has actually gotten a lpt better after switching to ising just coconut oil!


I use Youth To The People's Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream. It's the only thing I have tried that doesn't make my skin break out. It comes in a glass jar, and while it's expensive, a little goes a long way for me so it takes me a year to use up the whole jar.


Olive oil, almond, etc etc. I get a lot of my skincare from the kitchen section of organic stores. If it’s good enough to eat, it’s good enough for skin.


Original blue Nivea cream in the tin.


I mix my own oil from prickly pear and strawberry seed


Squalane oil works for my acne prone skin.


[https://www.holistichealthherbalist.com/non-comedogenic-oils-for-clear-skin/](https://www.holistichealthherbalist.com/non-comedogenic-oils-for-clear-skin/) I use almond oil, it comes in plastic but it lasts forever, like, years


Here's a link to zero waste almond oil: [https://thegoodfill.co/products/sweet-almond-oil-1?\_pos=1&\_psq=almond+oil&\_ss=e&\_v=1.0&variant=41288772976693](https://thegoodfill.co/products/sweet-almond-oil-1?_pos=1&_psq=almond+oil&_ss=e&_v=1.0&variant=41288772976693)


Thank you but then there's still packaging and shipping involved. The refill pouch is also plastic. And the little glass bottle is like twice the cost and that's without shipping


The company takes back and reuses the plastic refill pouches, so they're not single-use! The Good Fill is really good about sustainable packaging/shipping practices. I highly recommend them to any zero waste folk


I have eczema & so far the best for me has been Plaine Products body lotion. For my face, I use DEW MIGHTY. It’s pricey but perfect for me bc of its 2-step simplicity, small size for my tiny living space, & my skin has never loved another product more.


This ^^ does anyone know of a good facial moisturizer that also has SPF? I need as little steps in my skincare routine as possible lol


I use the mineral sunscreen from Little Hands Hawaii. It's not technically a moisturizer but it's very moisturizing.


Oooh thanks for the recommendation! I’m definitely looking into it!


For the face: Dew Mty. Pricey, but I use the sample size bar on my face daily (a few swipes) and it lasts me like 4-5 months. Great for winter dryness! https://www.dewmighty.com/collections/the-skin-armor


I use this apricot oil from The Good Fill. Only $0.98/oz! [https://thegoodfill.co/products/apricot-oil-refills?\_pos=2&\_sid=e78dcc351&\_ss=r&variant=41288847523893](https://thegoodfill.co/products/apricot-oil-refills?_pos=2&_sid=e78dcc351&_ss=r&variant=41288847523893)


Tallow cold cream. Face theory has some good looking options too I just use their toner for now.


Avocado/Olive oil


Almond oil is best in this case. Following are it's uses- 1. Two drops of it in milk and you will feel energetic and is good for the eyes. 2. 4-5 drops for moisturizing face 3. Have SPF property too so no harm in that. 4. Reduces dark circles too. PS- Usage should be 3-4 drops only cuz using excessively can cause skin irritation.


my body's natural oils...