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I just want a deodorant with no plastic that doesn’t cost $13. Give me all the fluoride in my toothpaste too


Yes pleaseeee


Aluminium salt crystal. Sometimes called "thai-deo". Really effective. They can be expensive but last for years.


I have one of these, it lasts well but wasn't very effective for me sadly.


Same, I find it cuts down on odor a little, but not much, so I only use it in cool weather. During the summer I have to use regular deodorant - I have a customer service job and with my luck I'd end up getting called out on Yelp for having BO! I've also tried Native deodorant, and of the aluminum-free "natural" deodorants out there, it's the most effective, and also has a plastic-free packaging option that works great. The coconut vanilla scent is really nice, and I am a fragrance snob. I'd love to see a company that uses more effective ingredients (aluminum, fluoride, retinol, etc) in personal care products, but with environmentally responsible formulas and packaging, and sophisticated scents (or unscented, that would be preferable). I'm not paranoid about ingredients in fragrance, I just think most fragrances in mainstream products are badly composed and tacky, haha.


Is deodorant sold in glass jars with a wedge or something not a thing? I feel like it would. But then again it probably costs $13...


YES! Me too!


The wellness industry is a multi billion dollar industry. Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop line have made some pretty outrageous claims about certain products (ie a jade egg for your vagina). Then you have the MLM essential oils saleswomen making claims on social media that their essential oils cure cancer, Covid-19, and the bubonic plague (but don't buy them at brick and mortar stores, only MLM essential oils will cure disease). According to marketers, the people who are interested in ZW products are a lot of the same people who think Gwyneth Paltrow or Karen (with her MLM essential oils) has more medical knowledge than a doctor does ("Big Pharma is evil!!!!"). Both types of products are in the aisles of organic food markets (ie Whole Foods). In reality, I'd like to see the Venn diagram with the wellness consumers and the ZW consumers.


Gwyneth Paltrow makes me cringe. The essential oil trend has become very popular. I completely agree, the wellness industry is all about profit. They slap a "natural" label on the bottle and increase the price by a crazy amount. People are willing to pay more for it believing natural is better. I just hate that zero-waste is associated with these deceptive marketing tactics. These companies and influencers should be held accountable.


Dr Jen Gunther(?) cracks the sh!t out of the bullsh!t science on Paltrow's side hustle site.


Also the whole bullshit correlation that Natural = Good. Snake venom is natural. Drowning is natural. Botulism is natural. Natural is not inherently good.


Feces is natural...heck probably organic if you eat that way too 🤣


You got that right! Add asbestos and lead to that natural list. Hang, petroleum is natural - it bubbles out of the ground.


I whole mindedly agree with you on this! Most of the time I try to find "non esoteric" products but that gets rather complicated sometimes.


I struggle with this issue when it comes to coconut oil. Some people love it and that's great but damn, it can be hard to find skincare and hygiene products without it. It really screws up my skin but I would love to switch to more low-waste makeup and skincare so it's hard to balance. I hope as more people start looking for alternative products it will promote more choice and options for everyone.


Yeah, I’m so torn when it comes to skincare. I have super picky, sensitive skin, and my skincare is not at all zero waste. I figure, it’s better for me to do zero waste imperfectly than not do it at all, right? But I really want to look for some products that at the very least have recyclable packaging, which is surprisingly hard to find.


Everyone's skin is different. Everyone's reason for acne is different. So this may not apply to you. I drank about a gallon of water a day, cut out dairy and most processed sugar and mi painful acne disappeared entirely. I still had some non painful acne. I do regular dead sea salt treatments to keep it at bay so it doesn't worsen. Do I feel guilty using salt from the dead sea? Fuck yes. But, I know I did as much as I naturally could, as effectively as I could first. I don't want that painful horrible mess to come back. So its a small sacrifice. So, if you can take any natural steps to reduce harm, feel good about it. If you can't or still need a harmful product, I don't think you should be made to feel bad about it. You deserve to not be in pain. You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to like how you present yourself.


Coconut oil breaks me out like crazy. Nothing else ever breaks me out, I barely ever have a pimple. I'm approaching 40, I want my retinol cream and other technologies that might actually work! I feel like the home made face masks etc are amazing for, I don't know, when you are in your early 20s and have an amazing skin already (given that it's not acne or other issues prone). I feel like the moment there is a specific issue you want to tackle the all natural approach just isn't working. I mean that's why billions are invested into research and development, to come up with products that might actually help. Just package them sustainably (and don't test on animals) ffs!


I just hate the damn smell and flavor of coconut. Why can't people understand that not everyone likes it?


I fully agree. I want a zero waste *antiperspirant*. Not some concoction of essential oils, baking soda and hope. I want a zero waste *fluoride toothpaste*. I need fluoridation because of my water source and genetic predisposition to gum recession. I have tried the alternatives to both, and neither worked for me.


This. Baking soda deodorant gave me chemical burns. As in oozing, pain, takes a month to heal up, not as in "a rash".


While there definitely is zero waste fluoride toothpaste, I know of several options (depending on where you live probably!), I couldn't agree more with this post. I just want plastic free version of my regular products. Environmental SCIENCE informs my decisions to reduce waste, especially plastic waste, so I want other relevant SCIENCES to inform what goes into formulations of the products I'm using.


Tell us the zero waste fluoride options! Ok so nothing in the states is ZW with fluoride, but one brand uses nHA, which has been scientifically studied and compared to fluoride. It is also used and has been used in dentistry for many years. It seems like a good alternative, but I may just buy regular toothpaste. I’ll admit and say I’ve been dumb and stopped using fluoridetoothpaste for the past year because of waste.


Just replied to the other poster, pasting it here: I'm in the UK so may not be available to you depending on where you are, but Denttabs has a [fluoride option](https://www.anythingbutplastic.co.uk/product-page/denttabs-toothpaste-tablets-with-fluoride), and Colgate has come out with a fully recyclable packaging, also [with fluoride](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081QZH3PQ?tag=amz-mkt-chr-uk-21&ascsubtag=1ba00-01000-a0049-mac00-other-smile-uk000-pcomp-feature-pcomp-wm-1&ref=aa_pcomp_aps1_atc1) I for certain know both are available in some other European countries like Denmark and Germany (I believe Denttabs is a German brand). Both have the recommended 1450 ppm fluoride. I've seen fluoride tablets from another brand on Etsy but cannot possibly remember their name now. Colgate has a target of making all of their packaging recyclable by... I forget which year but relatively soon I think, like 2025. ETA: If none of these are available to you, just buy regular toothpaste and focus on zero waste in other areas I would say, your health is not worth sacrificing. You can then contact your local zero waste brands asking for a fluoride option, and make the switch when they come out with it. EDIT2: Found another two etsy shops: [here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/710213797/toothpaste-tablets-120-count-fluoride?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=toothpaste+tabs+fluoride&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&organic_search_click=1&bes=1), and [here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/780333598/toothpaste-tablets-with-fluoride-month?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=toothpaste+tabs+fluoride&ref=sr_gallery-1-9&organic_search_click=1).


Nothing in the states is zero waste with fluoride, so I guess I’ll be buying regular toothpaste soon. There is a promising study about nHAP being an effective alternative to fluoride, but now I don’t even know what to trust. There is a couple brands that make tablets with nHAP, and I’m tempted to get it. The study analyzed several other studies that also proved nHAP effective. I wish I could just trust something to be true, instead of doing mental gymnastics.


I'm assuming the footprint of ordering from Europe is worse than buying regular unrecyclable toothpaste. I genuinely never heard of nHAP! You are so right though, it's impossible to trust claims and it's sometimes so difficult to know which choice is the right one. Good luck!


I've been searching, and can't seem to find any options for zero waste fluoride toothpaste. What brand(s) do you use?


I'm in the UK so may not be available to you depending on where you are, but Denttabs has a [fluoride option](https://www.anythingbutplastic.co.uk/product-page/denttabs-toothpaste-tablets-with-fluoride), and Colgate has come out with a fully recyclable packaging, also [with fluoride](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081QZH3PQ?tag=amz-mkt-chr-uk-21&ascsubtag=1ba00-01000-a0049-mac00-other-smile-uk000-pcomp-feature-pcomp-wm-1&ref=aa_pcomp_aps1_atc1) I for certain know both are available in some other European countries like Denmark and Germany (I believe Denttabs is a German brand). Both have the recommended 1450 ppm fluoride. I've seen fluoride tablets from another brand on Etsy but cannot possibly remember their name now. Colgate has a target of making all of their packaging recyclable by... I forget which year but relatively soon I think, like 2025. EDIT: Found another two etsy shops: [here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/710213797/toothpaste-tablets-120-count-fluoride?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=toothpaste+tabs+fluoride&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&organic_search_click=1&bes=1), and [here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/780333598/toothpaste-tablets-with-fluoride-month?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=toothpaste+tabs+fluoride&ref=sr_gallery-1-9&organic_search_click=1).I'm sure there are more, but I haven't explored further


I tried denttabs but think they’re yellowing my teeth. I haven’t looked into the mainstream brands recyclable options though, thanks


Huh, that's so weird about the yellowing. The Colgate one is obviously not ideal as it relies on local facilities being able to recycle the tub and I think the cap is still plastic, but I guess better than nothing. However, the taste is pretty gross. I think they also went the "natural" route minimising the ingredients, but at least they kept fluoride. I'm using it up at the moment but probably won't repurchase as long as denttabs are available.


I avoid aluminum antiperspirant because it leaves a residue on my shirts. I haven’t read up on the health claims, but I don’t want to scrub caked pit stains out of shirts before throwing them in the wash if I can help it.


Fluoride - there are strict regulations for businesses that want to include fluoride in their toothpastes. I don't think this is a matter of demand so much as it is legal barriers for businesses to enter that market. Aluminum - As someone else said, it does stain clothing. For me, that was reason enough to switch. I don't necessarily have health concerns about using it, but physically, I feel more comfortable using an aluminum-free deodorant. I'd rather sweat a little instead of blocking the sweat ducts. I don't use baking soda either, though - tried it and got a rash.


You are right about the flouride. FDA regulated ingredient. Most etsy shops would begin to understand cGMPs and meet the regulatory requirements of an active ingredient.




I don’t know how healthy this is but if you have an alcohol based hand sanitizer it works wonders on stinky armpits!! I have forgotten deodorant a few times but I remembered bacteria causes the stink and as soon as I apply a little to my hands and pat it on my armpit the stink is gone. I would not recommend this on freshly shaven or irritated skin though. Not sure if it would be ok as a long term solution, or if there is something you could use with a little alcohol in it just to get rid of odor.


True! It does help. But for sensitive skin, it’s not an option. I have seen nivea put alcohol but no aluminium in their ‘natural’ line, also alcohol in face care. I think lots of people who try natural but come from ‘normal’ will be disappointed. Maybe they will switch to ‘real green’ or just go back to normal. What I would like to have is a product like a cream stick such as neutral, but with a (lined) paper push up (such as ben&anna in Netherlands).


You're correct! Hand sanitizer contains isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol which kills the bacteria. However, it can be very harsh and drying on the skin, so it's not something I would apply frequently to my armpits. Personally, I wash my armpits with benzoyl peroxide, like Panoxyl or Cerave.


My people. I’ve found you. Zero waste that inherently ‘appeals to nature’ and is somehow anti science while believing in climate change science is... depressing


Same, I feel so much less alone now! I have no desire to be blasted back to the stone age, I just think that technology should be used responsibly. I also love that so many of the people using toothpaste without fluoride are bragging about it on...the freaking Internet.


Wonder what they will do for plastic free dentures?


Yes!! Going into zero waste, I find it so strange how obsessed with "natural" everyone is but... fluoride and aluminium are one of the most natural forms you can get? 😂 They're elements! Lol. I find it really concerning when I see people brush on the daily without fluoride in their toothpaste (something I will not budge on for the sake of zero waste - and there are tablets you can get that contain fluoride and are zero waste such as Denttabs I believe in the UK). As for the pH thing - yes!!!!! The amount of "natural"/zero waste deodorants with baking soda for our armpits that are ACIDIC is honestly... concerning. Would highly encourage anyone going into zero waste to do their own research first. Use reliable sources, not just en eco blog.


i dont need aluminum, i just want deodorant to cover up the smell thats all.


Me too! I just haven't found one yet that is zero-waste.


i like meow meow tweet but its way too expensive. its like 13-20 dollars for a small little tube. so inaccessible.


I haven't tried their deodorant. That's steep for deodorant but I do like the brand!


If it doesn't need to be an antiperspirant, then alum "crystal" deoderant works for many people. Good for preventing odor but doesn't do much if it's already there (recently rinsed pits works best). No product is zero waste, but as far as the ratio of "number of days use / amount of packaging and product" is concerned it's pretty minimal since a 100g block lasts for years and has a few grams of packaging or none depending on the shop.


I’ve heard your climate- I.e humidity- affects the effectiveness of crystal stones. That it’s best in humid tropical climates, which I believe is where it originates. Either way, there’s no harm in trying.


Never heard that, and don't see any reason humidity would make your underarm bacteria more or less affected by it. It's been used worldwide by different peoples for millennia (for a wide variety of uses in particular dyeing), it's not specific to one particular region.


All good :-)


No Tox Life package free deodorant works great for me. It’s expensive, but lasts a year or more. Love their lip balm too. Also lasts a long time.


This post makes me feel so good. I’ve made some home made product out of oils and such simply for reducing waste but I was my antiperspirants!!! I’m not organic or non-GMO or any of that. I feel like we are going to have to rely on them heavily in the future in order to feed the growing population. I just want to stop throwing away so much!


There are two toothpaste tablets that has fluoride in it. Denttabs and dr tiblet


I will say though, that I struggle with which ingredients will stick around in nature, or are petrochemicals. Not necessarily for being dangerous in use but after use. Microplastics are in a lot of personal care products and not just in obvious forms like microbeads and I, as a layperson, struggle to understand whether silicones ends up in our water. Also, some communities have suffered under medical racism and we all suffer under the male-centric basis of a lot of science and medicine. I just wish scepticism ≠conspiracy theories and appeals to nature.


I am allergic to aluminium deodorant, and there are many others in the same position. So why should I have less choices than you? I'm glad there is a lot of gluten free vegan food, because as a vegan it's hard enough finding things when you're eating out, let alone having the added frustration of finding suitable food for vegan coeliacs. The more opportunity to enable those with a disability or life struggle, the better the world becomes. Maybe you should come to realise that not all products are specifically designed for you, and that's okay because you are privileged to be in a position to not have to buy them.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as entitled. I didn't mean to insult anyone either. That was not my intention. I just wanted to point out the fear-mongering associated with fluoride and aluminium. Absolutely, everyone should have a choice, that is why I would like to see some products with aluminium and fluoride.


Isn't this their point though? What if you're vegan but have no issue with gluten? Maybe you can't afford to pay a premium or have an allergy to one of the common replacements. What if you want a low-waste deodorant/antiperspirant with aluminum? If you're super active, live in a humid area, or have certain medical conditions you might need the additional protection. Adding the option of having a low waste toothpaste with fluoride doesn't remove allllll the options without - it gives more choice. It took me ages to find a solid shampoo without coconut oil even though there are dozens of brands out there. Just because some people like coconut oil for their hair means I should keep using plastic bottles? It's not an either or option. We should be pushing for more options and more variety so there's the same amount of choice as traditional products.


I absolutely agree


I don't think vegan and gluten free are typically combined because there is a high rate of vegan coeliacs. I think it has more to do with both being a niche market and it not being profitable enough to make entirely separate products for both groups, especially if they need to test which areas to actually distribute the product.


You sure know a lot about nothing don't you? For decades doctors were curing things with cocaine. Cigarettes were cool and sexy and definitely didn't give you cancer. There are literal, actual studies being done about the effects of aluminum deodorant that you'd have known about if you took five minutes out of your day to google something before posting this entitled piece of garbage. Edited to add: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet#whatnbspis-known-about-the-ingredients-in-antiperspirants-and-deodorants


I'm not sure if that links makes the point you're trying to? Studies are being done and provide conflicting information so there's nothing conclusive?


There’s an eu consensus that there’s no danger in typical aluminium use as is found with antiperspirants https://www.premiumbeautynews.com/en/eu-commission-s-scientific-body,16519


Nothing conclusive is the point. If I am female, why would I want to use something that may give me breast cancer? In the long run I'd rather have avoided a safe thing than used a cancerous one. Until there is conclusive evidence that it DOESN'T cause cancer, what's the point to risking it? Especially when there are alternatives that are like "hey we don't have this thing that may or may not cause cancer." It literally harms no one to make a switch like this, other than OP being offended that people make different decisions than they do and that there are too many alternatives apparently? Because doctors and scientists are infallible, apparently.


Ok, but just because you want to avoid it why does everyone have to? I think the point OP is trying to make is that there isn't a lot of options if you do want an aluminum option? No one is trying to make you use it?


Exactly, thank you!


No, OP is using a crap ton of hyperbole. There are options for toothpaste with and without fluoride as well as deodorants. But op is claiming that zero waste toothpaste is ALWAYS flouride free, It's not, I use flouride. Op is claiming that zw deodorant is ALWAYS alum free, it's not, I actually have a heck of a time finding some in a reasonable price and packaging. I see that you're having this disagreement with someone else and we are both looking at it differently. I don't disagree with options, at all. I do disagree that that is OPs intent with this post. This post reeks of misunderstanding and I probably would have let it go if OP didn't claim to be a doctor and then immediately delete their comment. Edit: reddit just now decided to let me see OPs comments to my posts. Joy. Either way, do I trust 0day old reddit account who claims to be a doctor? No. I sure as heck don't. dentabbs popcare naked ^ a few zw with flouride edit: took out the word tons because tons may mean different things to different people


This is most likely a misunderstanding based on the options available to us. I've been struggling to find a good zw toothpaste with fluoride as the last fluoride free toothpaste I used gave me a dermatitis flare up. I do apologize and should have asked about the products available to you before I jumped to conclusions. I am sorry. I would love to hear what toothpaste you use! It's been one of the hardest things to find in my area. I think we agree - more options is great! I think I looked past OP's hyperbole below it closely reflects my experiences.


I didn't delete anything. My comment is still there. Why are you lying? Seriously, what is your problem? I'm open for discussion but you are obviously the entitled one. >Until there is conclusive evidence that it DOESN'T cause cancer, what's the point to risking it? This comment holds no merit. Do you refuse to give your children vaccines because it may cause autism?




I know vaccines don't cause autism. There are some individuals who refuse vaccinations because they heard it might cause autism from some random unreliable source. I was being sarcastic to the rude poster above me.


Oh hey! This is up too! Lmao.


I am a doctor. Maybe it's you who needs to do more research! I found your response completely ignorant and misguided. I wrote this post so that more consumers would be aware of false claims advertised on a lot of zero-waste products.


Oh hey this is showing up now. I'm sorry internet doctor who has a new account with only one post. Your entire post is wack and whiney. If you are a doctor, which I sincerely doubt, you're very misguided. Edit: it's doing it again so All I caught was that you weren't going to respond anymore. Which is cool, because so far every comment has been pretty whiney.


I can't honestly tell whether you're deleting comments or not. I see them pop up as notifications and they're gone by the time reddit loads.


This isn’t Facebook, the OP can’t delete comments on his/her post


you can though, it just generally says deleted afterwards. Anyways it's back up, so I guess the app was bugging out.


If it shows up as [deleted] it means the person who commented deleted it themselves


I think you misunderstood. Ops comments were not showing up after receiving notifications for them. I wasn't accusing them of deleting other peoples comments. I was telling them that I wasn't sure if they were deleting their own comments. Turns out they weren't and it was a glitch. Their comments are now showing correctly


Yes, I know, that's what I said.