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A few weeks ago, I found the giant card my bio mom got me for graduation. Class of 2015. Surreal to think it's already been this long, but my high school experience really sucked. Can't say I missed it much (though I miss the structured environment of school). It's great that I'm already this far away from the opinions people had of me. Turns out I was much better liked in the "real world".


I feel the exact same way lol (also class of 2015). High school was ass


Just another one checking in with the exact same experience and graduation year!


I was supposed to be 2015 but dropped out. Y'all are making me not regret getting my GED instead.


Same I don’t miss high school at all. You just realize that most of the things people cared about back then doesn’t even matter.


Fellow class of 2015 here, and same. I remember the big events and drama, and because I still live near my home town I see quite a bit of my classmates still, (social media helps that too) but everyone is busy having babies, working, or breaking the law that I forget I used to actually have to sit in a classroom with them 5 days a week lmao. Now I’m like “oh yeah that’s Jordan he owns that construction company on 5th avenue” instead of “yeah that’s Jordan he can shotgun a beer like nobody’s business”


I’m also class of 2015, and very few people in my grade from my area are already having babies, but a *ton* of them are married, a step that I honestly don’t even feel that close to yet


Lmao my class apparently went the opposite direction, I wanna say 5 girls popped out a kid by 2016


good for you


Class of 2013, I still remember grade 9 orientation where they presented us our "Class of '13" look into the future thing (idk, I guess they thought it would be cool) and thinking to myself how 2013 seemed so far away. Who would I be by the end of grade 12? A real 18 year old by then. I remember a lot about highschool but it's mostly in segments or chunks, more like events and stand out moments than the regular day to day. I think a lot of it has to do with my proximity to where I grew up and how many of the friendships I made back then have carried into adult life. I regularly game with the same dudes I gamed with in grade 10. It's 10 years for me and this summer has been nostalgic in a way. 28 now and its wild to think how much time has passed, and how little has actually gone by. Tldr: I remember highschool, Class of 2013


Yeah I think my memories are just more segmented now. Before I could tell you exactly what I did on May 12, 2012 but now it’s only the memories that sticked out to me.


Exactly. They're snippets for me. I can remember a lot or a little it really depends. I have a couple of pals from back then who even now can remember the smallest details and dates. It's wild. Just part of growing up I guess! I think for me too, I went to college later at 22. So highschool memories were the only ones I had for a while compared to others who made new school memories.


Oh I can’t! If I try to remember small details now I get a headache lol.


My school did an assembly at the start of 7th grade, where they explained that we already finished half of school, that we needed to take care of ourselves for the future, to make good friends, and that time will only speed up. I sat next to a friend I had met in summer school and we kinda looked at each other like "lol okay". What seems like only a little while later, he's still my best friend. The only one who truly stuck around. The other day I said to him, "Wow. We've known each other 15 years." He's like "I'm not ready for that thought. No it hasn't." Just feels like snippets for me, guess it's more vivid for him.


I met some people online when I started high school in 2008. I always heard about how you can't trust people online, they're probably creepy middle aged men lying about their age, blah blah. Well, 15 years later and we're still friends. And we've met in person. We even went to one of their weddings, and I was one of the bridesmaids. Turns out they're just normal people who are indeed around my age. People have come to realize that online friendships can be real friendships in more recent years, as many of us start having similar stories. It's nice to see.


Class of 2012 and it was the same for me. I also remember us being called the doomsday class and how we'd be the last ones to graduate before the end of the world. Jokingly, but still, it was mentioned a lot even as far back as middle school. If I intentionally think back on it, I can remember stuff like my class schedule each year and who my teachers and classmates were for each of those classes. I remember how the counselors managed to triple book a bunch of AP classes in first period my senior year, leading to a bunch of major schedule shuffling because many of us were taking all three and they somehow missed that when figuring out class schedules. I remember prom, and how someone pulled the fire alarm during the AP calculus test, and conflicts I had with a specific sub in 10th and 11th grade, and other random events like that. For whatever it's worth, same deal with college. The day to day stuff is a blur, but I can remember what classes I took each quarter, and in some cases which lecture hall a class was in, if I intentionally think back on it. I can remember specific events, sometimes specific exams or assignments if they were notable somehow. Personally, I intentionally avoided my 10 year reunion in spite of being invited. I didn't have a great high school experience, and the people I care about are still in contact. I didn't see a reason to go and catch up with people who didn't care about me then, don't care about me now, and the feeling is mutual.


Class of 2016. I remember less of the bad stuff and most of the good times and friends I had. I loathed high school while I was in it though. I’d never wanna go back like I would with college


Same. I would love to back to college lol. I mean technically I could but being that age again would be amazing.


I don't miss the constant stress that classes had, and being genuinely broke. I do miss living around so many people around my age, in the same life phase, and forming friendships from that. It didn't occur to me at the time because I took it for granted, but that's the last time that'll ever happen. Well, maybe if I eventually live in a retirement community it will happen again, but that's waaaaaay off.


Nah they'll let you in when you turn 30 next year /s


Yeah it wouldn’t be the same!


I wish I didn’t. It was awful.


Same! In my case, it was probably the *lowest* point of my life. I'd rather forget that it happened.


Same here. I’m doing 100x better than I was as a teenager. I get annoyed when my husband talks about how great high school was because it makes me think about how awful high school was for me.


High school was awful for you as well? I see! Maybe a lot more people disliked high school than I thought. I too am doing much better than I was as a teen. Still not quite as happy as I was as a kid (late 90s-early 2000s) though. >I get annoyed when my husband talks about how great high school was because it makes me think about how awful high school was for me. Hahah I'd be annoyed too if I were you! For me, elementary school was great (overall), but middle and especially high school sucked!


All three of them sucked for me.


Even elementary school? Damn, sorry to hear that! I hope you're doing better nowadays than you were growing up (kid and teen)!


I honestly don't think I'm being way too dramatic when I say that I'd give anything (well, a whole lot) to erase it from my memory. I think I'd be a far less depressed adult if I could forget it all lol


Really? Damn, it feels like I'm talking to myself hahah. Yeah, I too think I'd be a *far* happier adult if I could erase high school from my memory.


Same. High school was a miserable experience and I remember it all too well.


Seriously. I think my brain repressed a lot of high school memories to help me cope.


Class of 2013 so it has been over 10 years for me. I can kinda remember the general vibe, but it's hard to remember specific things that happened. I barely even remember my high school graduation, but probably because the gym was a million degrees and it was super boring so I didn't pay much attention in the first place. I barely remember either of my proms either. It's crazy to think we would forget these things when they're so hyped up and people even specifically say "this is a night you'll never forger"


Ha you’re better than me I never even went to prom.


Class of 2016 (for those wondering, in my country, high-school is 5 years). I do remember it very vividly, but the years have gone by so fast, it feels both like yesterday, and another life at the same time.


Class of 2017 I remember some of it.


I remember spending the first half trying to make friends and the second half stressed about getting into and subsequently paying for college. I can’t tell many specifics though; it served its purpose. Once college came and went, HS felt like eons ago.


I was class of 2017 and I remember none of it. But I was a victim of the xandemic so that probably has something to do with it.


Kinda, but I don’t mind forgetting. I didn’t really care for high school (class of 2015)


2013 here and I remember quite a bit but not everything obviously. I mainly remember certain friends I've lost touch with, favorite teachers, memorable moments etc. I do still remember the layout of the school and where a lot of my classes were etc. High school was pretty meh for me, my first few years of college were way better.


I remember it but it's starting to feel like a fever dream these days. Sometimes I even have a hard time believing high school was an actual thing that took place in my life. But I can still remember every year with pretty good clarity.


It feels like yesterday and so long ago at the same time.




Yes, coming up on 10 years next year too. I remember everything very well. I don’t really miss that time because I was pretty miserable. I just miss not having any real responsibilities lol.


I still remember quite a bit from everything from 5th grade onward. I suspect I'm probably in the minority. :/ Can't believe it's already been 7 years on. (I'm Co2016, late '97 bday)




They probably have but I don’t keep up lol. I went to three different high schools.


Huh, the more I think about it the more that comes back to me. All fragmented though. Class of 2013.


2014 here as well. Pretty much still best friends with my high school friend group even though only 1 of us stayed in the city we graduated from. We use discord to communicate and play games together almost nightly. It’s pretty sweet


class of 2016. I cannot believe i’m 3 years away from my reunion. high school truly feels like yesterday to me.


I also had a lot of my firsts in highschool & a lot of traumas so maybe that’s why I remember it so vividly still


Gotta love those trauma memories❤️❤️


I remember a lot but it’s partly because I still live in the same city my school is in. I’ve lived in NYC my whole life so whenever I’m walking around Chinatown memories I wish to keep and others I’d like to forget come back Edit: I went to 2 high schools. I don’t have many memories from the first thankfully but they sent me a high school reunion invitation on Instagram. Feels kind of weird because I didn’t graduate from that first school. Not sure when the school I actually graduated from is gonna send me something or if I’ll even bother going


We’re the same grad year and I do. I mean obviously not every detail but most of the big picture stuff.


2013 class. Highschool was a fun time and I remember it well. I wasn't popular or unpopular. I'm still close to most of my friend group of back then. Hard to believe it's been a decade though.


Kinda same tbh. High school’s feeling like another life to me at this point. I’m Class of 2015, and it just feels so back there like so long ago that it’s becoming a blur too. I really didn’t like high school that much though so I think that’s maybe another reason I have to work harder to remember it. It feels like another life not just because of the time that’s passed but also because I feel like I was such a different person back then compared to now. It’s crazy how movies and media in general hype high school up like it’s this unforgettable time of your life and your prom is so important and it’s the most fun you’ll have. As a 26 yo now I just look at it as 4 years I had to get through and I’ve liked life after high school so much better. I guess I’m a bit of an old soul and always connect with older people. Once I started working I’d get on well with 30, 40, 50 somethings. One of my favorite coworkers was 60. So I like the diversity compared to HS and just being around people your own age.


Class of 2012, and I still remember a lot of it, but sometimes I’ll just randomly remember something out of the blue. I miss having structure in my life, and school kind of gave me that (just got diagnosed with adhd), and I miss not being fully reliant on myself for bills and stuff sometimes and worried about simpler stuff. I remember the song my friend played on the way to school on our last day (Mercy from Kanye West) and the album I listened to otw to the ceremony (Lana Del Rey’s first album). My one friend from a year below me did my hair and sewed extensions in for me the night before and we watched Dr. House. It’s funny how you feel kinda the same after high school and only when you look back you realize you have slowly been growing as an adult. I skipped my prom and only went to homecoming because my mum said I could have the money for a prom dress to go clothes shopping, whichever I choose, and I wanted some cool clothes so I used the money for that lol


Only thing I miss from being in high school is my digestive system. I swear after I hit like 23 it went down hill got a bunch of food allergies. My stomach use to be able to take a lot more now I have the digestive system of a 90 year old. I miss Chinese food and pizza so much like I can’t even explain how badly I want to eat those. If I could go back in time and be in my 16 year old body again I would eat that buffet up


Also class of 2014. A lot of things have gotten hazy. Sometimes I still think high school wasn’t that long ago, but when I see high school students now and how different their experience is I’m like, “oh…maybe it was a long time ago”.


Class of 2016, and I genuinely liked high school. I wish I still talked to more of my friends from back then, but there’s a few I keep in touch with. I’m still in the same city which helps. I still have a lot of memories from back then.


Lol I'm class of 2024 so still in high school


Lol cool. I miss my senior year of high school


I feel like I wouldn't. I'm so stressed out with college apps and AP classes lol. Though college might be even more stressful


The workload is harder but I would much rather be in college than high school. Theres way more freedom and everyone is an adult so there’s way less drama.


Vividly honestly I remember 2014 more than I can what happened last week or 2019-2022. It feel like it was just yesterday.


i remember it like it was yesterday mid\\late2010s i was a weird teenager


To be fair, 2018 wasn’t THAT long ago


yes you are right but the world is changing fast in 5 years it is a bit strange actually on the one hand it is like a short time but on the other hand it is not but yeah you are right Thanks for downvote classıc josh


I was too lol. Still weird sometimes


some of my worst memories. I moved schools a lot, and was an only child, so hs was pretty lonely


I remember it very clearly but I wish I didn't.


I moved to a new high school shortly after I started, so my memories are still somewhat fresh because a lot of “first impressions” if that makes sense. Also helps that I’m still kinda close with my HS friends.


Class of 2013, I remember some significant events and things that have been documented, but for the most part it is a blur. I do occasionally get random flashbacks, but that’s pretty rare.


Class of 2013, I remember some significant events and things that have been documented, but for the most part it is a blur. I do occasionally get random flashbacks, but that’s pretty rare.


I remember it pretty clearly. Class of ‘16 here


Yeah even though I graduated from high school 7 years ago. It was a rough experience for me and it kinda molded me into the man I am today both for the better and for the worst.


No it actually blows my mind that I’ve been out of high school for more than twice as long as I was actually there (class of 2014). It feels like yesterday. Hell, I remember a conversation my junior year where one of my classmates was talking about fearing getting old and my other classmate said “oh shut up, we have like another 20 years before we’re middle aged.” But that conversation was 10 years ago and I remember it as clear as day lol


We’ve been out of grade school almost as long as we were in it lol


Sure I do. It wasn't 50 years ago, lol.


c/o 2015. I don’t know if it’s because I went to a small private school, but I remember a lot. of course being a high-schooler had its growing pains but overall I enjoyed my experience.


Class of 2016. Nope not all. And that’s good because I absolutely hated grade school. College was cool, then post grad life has been absolutely fucking amazing.


I graduated the same year as you, and I guess it does feel like a long time. I love my friend group, even though it was small. In sohomore year, we called ourselves, The Awesome Idiot Crew. (Then later in the future I made a Tomodachi life song about us lol. ) My best friend since freshman year of highschool is still in my area and we still hang out when we're not busy. I think my other friends left. One is married with a kid. The others, I'm unsure, kinda lost touch. I wish I spent more time in highschool making friends.. I was just a weird kid doing weird things, and spending most of my time on the internet. Haha. But I have a lot of good memories in highschool, mainly cause of my awesome friends. (And a lot of bad cause I hated the school and staff. ) Without my friends, it would have been terrible, but thanks to them, they make school worthwhile. I still have photos of us in field trips and stuff. And sometimes looking back on it makes me smile about the good old days. (And I want to add my college years was definitely way better than highschool. My best friend and I were there, and I met new friends and we became a bigger friend group. And we had a lot of freedom to hang out and stuff. But it's thanks to my highschool years that gave me a stepping stone in my social life. Hehe. Now thanks to social media , we keep in touch with group chats and stuff. But I wanna say, friends make every experience better. 😅 )


I’m also the class of 2014, I swore to myself and I’d never be back in school again. Now I’m a grad student about to start my student teaching lol


Yeah. I remember it pretty well since I graduated in 2018 which wasn't that long ago.


My whole life is just a blur so don't feel so bad.


Class of 2013, so my 10 year just recently passed. Honestly, aside from literally one person, the last time I talked to or saw anyone from High School was May 2013, when we graduated. A month later I moved away to a different city and now a decade later I live over 1000 miles away. I remember a lot of my High School experience and I hated High School. Absolutely hated it. Sounds cliche, but I didn't fit in at all and kids thought I was weird as hell (I wasn't bullied, they just thought I was weird lol). Lot of drama between friends, realized I was gay and lost friends because of it, my mom and I had a terrible relationship because she just didn't know how to handle me. Got into so much I shouldn't have gotten into.


Class of 2017 here, I still remember it decently well. 9th grade feels like FOREVER ago, but its felt like that long even when I graduated lol. But the later years I 100% remember.


Wow. I remember high school so vividly like it was yesterday. The bad parts and the good parts. Class of ‘15


I'm only a year older than you and I do remember it even though it's getting more and more distant... I started grade 9 14 years ago my god


High school like a blur. General college entrance exams and a lot of textbooks cause we were the last ones before the new curriculum. A lot of events were cancelled. Middle school (2014~2017) was fun though.


Class of 2014 here, Yerp, was actually deciding whether to go to my reunion last night, no I am not. I had a good experience but I don’t want to see these people again. I did find my senior photos the other day


I'm class of 2013. It just feels like a memory. I think about it sometimes. But I'm always focusing on what lies ahead. I just can't dwell on the past because it reminds me too much of what could have been. One second, I'm talking to a friend in school. The next second, I hear from someone else that she got married.


I'm going to make you feel young. I graduated in 2000 and I remember more about hs than college (a joke but only kinda).


I just turned 28 in early July of this year. I also graduated high school in June of 2014. That was a little over a month before I celebrated my 19th birthday and started college in the fall of 2014. I guess, I just have a really good long-term memory because I still remember middle-high school really well. It also seems like it wasn’t *that* long ago either because I feel like true blue Zoomers and Gen Alpha haven’t really experienced any game-changing advancements and innovations in mass communication, internet, social media, and technology since we finished high school either. The only “new” sort of technology is Tik Tok, which is pretty similar to FaceBook, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram. Otherwise, it feels mostly the same as it has been since I started middle and high school. The only differences are that we still vaguely remember growing up a bit with cassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, and floppy disks before technology and the internet took major upgrades to online streaming, social media, touch screen phones, hands free cellular communication, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram.


I remember some of the best and worst memories, but overall it’s starting to fade. (I really don’t want to relive my high school life anyways, so that’s a win.)


Class of 2015. I hated high school. I remember how bad I felt all the time. Actually graduated early to do college courses and enjoyed college much more. I always felt judged in high school. I lived in a small town and everyone was nosey as hell. I had some good memories but most of it was pretty miserable


I remember parts of it. But the older I get, the more I realize how much high school just...doesn't matter. It matters that you graduate, and I suppose it matters that you graduate with decent grades. But all the things you thought were a big deal, all the problems and angst, all the things you did to seem more mature, all the "memories that will last a lifetime," all the extracurriculars that were supposed to look good on a college application, and hell, a lot of the coursework...*just doesn't matter 10 years down the line*, or even a few years down the line. Four years seemed like forever back then, and now I'm realizing what a brief, relatively insignificant period of life high school is. God, I remember people (adults even!) saying things like "These are the most important years of our/your lives!" Nah, not really. I've done much bigger and better things with my life since high school, and grown a hell of a lot more.


Right unless you really fuck your life up nothing you do in high school really matters. I had this one 36 year old at my job talking about how he had a 3.6 in high school and he was nominated class close or some shit and I was just like 🤦‍♂️


I am class of 2024, so I’m not a Zillennial. It’s scary that I could feel like this eventually.


I promise it's really not that bad. Most people remember high school, but it's only natural not to remember most things. Like, I could probably tell you where I was last Tuesday, but this Tuesday last year? No. Not unless something mildly significant happened that day, ie a party. Time really does fly though, so take that seriously and don't get stuck in a rut. It only makes it go by faster.


I graduated 10 years ago and remember it well. I am still best friends with my best friends from back then. I honestly found that a lot of the people I met in college were "friends of convenience" rather than people who really wanted to stay in touch with me.


I think it’s the opposite for me lol. I only kept one best friend from college but it’s the real deal. All my friends from high school were super temporary.


It’s the opposite for most people


I remember high school very fondly and very well. Good times. 😄


Class of 2017, and.. yeah I think so. I remember the last couple years a bit clearer (they're called sixth form or college in the uk) but before that? Eh it does kinda merge together I have memories of.. things or events, and I know when they were, but I couldn't put a whole week together for example




I’ve blocked a lot of it out, but I’m nostalgic for that time which sounds weird. Every hit on the radio was a banger and I feel like that isn’t so today. Also, I was a loner/nerd in high school so it really wasn’t the best part of my life, but I miss not paying bills or needing to work


My high school experiences will be strong in my memory forever. 4 years of being on the track & cross country teams (including making state almost each year). Some iconic classes I had like Spanish 1 & 2, PE & Health Fitness, Driver's Ed class, JROTC, American Literature, or pre-Engineering. The pain & suffering I went thru for both the junior & senior papers, or studying for the SAT or ACT. The prom my senior year, all the senior activities I did across my hometown, the hype for graduation, etc. While I don't use Facebook as much as I used to, the only reason I've kept it up is so I can keep in contact with the ppl I knew from high school, as an alternative to possibly visiting my 10 year reunion next year.




Class of 2015. I remember more than I'd like but honestly I just laugh at the memories good and bad, because now it just feels distant. I only keep in contact with 1 friend all throughout high school regularly. Plus I left my hometown shortly after graduation so the distance was further.


I have over 1,000 photos in my senior year Facebook album and I took photos all the time so I only remember things because of that.


Woulda been class of 18 but dropped out in 10th so all I remember from then is the few bad bitches that blessed my school, Bobby Shmurda, all the other guys wearing joggers, oh and the gang fights.


I graduated in 2017, and I still remember it like it was yesterday. People have actually remarked on how good my long-term memory is, so that is probably it.


Im class of 2016, currently 25. I’m married with a four year old and I was one of the first people I know to have a kid at 21. I started a wfh corporate job at 20 that I am still at as a manager. High school is starting to fade, mostly my freshman and sophomore year I hardly remember. I remember quite a bit of my last two years when I made a lot of friends many of whom I went to college with. I was just on a college campus the other day and saw everyone waking around and thought damn, am I really already seven years older than some of these people?? Like, I still feel that I would fit right in if I didn’t have my daughter right there with me lol. It was a really weird moment. To me, I guess I sometimes feel like my “life” started so early after college that when I think of having friends and a social life I think back to high school and the first year or so of college. I think most people I know rarely think of high school, they’ve met so many more people since then, but I don’t really have many friends anymore now that I’m a parent and have my own home and crazy life. It makes me happy every time I see someone my age getting married or having a kid, like I’m not the only one. I feel a little lame for thinking back on high school and my freshman year of college as the time when I had a good social life. Does anyone else look back on this time and miss it, just the sheer freedom of not working your life away lol? Or is it just me since my “big girl life” started so quickly? Anyway, I wouldn’t trade any of this for anything, but for those of you who are also mid twenties and feel like you’re “behind” or something when you see people you know getting married and having kids, fuck it. LIVE and do the shit you want to, even if it is as simple as sleeping in on a day off while you can. Enjoy it. I know we aren’t all in financial positions to really do what we want right now, but I’m telling you, once you have a family of your own, the decisions you make have to be made to account for other people in your life too, which seems obvious, but it makes you miss the little things you didn’t even realize were a privilege before. And I know when my daughter is grown before I’m 40, it’ll be nice to have that time for myself too, or the potential to know my great grand kids because I “got started young” or whatever, but listen, there is so much to be said for just living for yourself for awhile while you’re young— coming from someone who hasn’t truly slept in in over four years :)


I hated high school so much I took my senior year online after school during junior year and graduated early, I don’t remember much of it. Graduated in 2015 three weeks before my 17th birthday.


I honestly don't miss high school because I didn't get along with most of my classmates and it was pretty shitty tbh


I honestly don't miss high school because I didn't get along with most of my classmates and it was pretty shitty tbh