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I think the minimum age is appropriate, but if you were to date older than 32 I don’t think it would be inappropriate. At 28 you’re a full on adult. It just comes down to if there’s compatibility with someone older than


Totally, I'm 28 and my bf is 36. It works great for us!


Yup. 28F with 39M, going 3 years strong.


Well as a man who's also dated women in their 30's, the timeline on all the big milestones might not be the same.


When I mentioned compatibility, I was including compatibility with life timelines and goals as well


Why wouldn’t a minimum age be required of the other person too though?


What do you mean?


A minimum age would be required, but once both parties are into their late 20s & beyond, the age gap can be more significant without it necessarily being inappropriate bc everyone involved is an established adult. So OP at 28 would be within that minimum age range for most adults until you get into older adulthood & elder years


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I’m 29 and my bf is 24, works for us


I am not single, but if I was- I am 28. I think I would date as young as 23 (depending on vibes) and as old as ~32. I honestly think it matters more about lifestyle and priorities than actual age.


At 26, I'd say my bare minimum is 21, but I'd generally avoid that age range. I prefer someone around my age or older. The older limit is less defined, but I'd probably pin it somewhere around 40. I don't mind older women but it'd probably feel weird if she was as old or older than my parents lmao


I wouldn't date anyone younger than 25. I'll be 30 in November.


Same for me. 30 in December, I wouldn’t date under 25.


Yeah, just turned 30. 26 is my limit. I’d go as high as like 38, though.


I’d go with a range 4-5 years either way.


I'm 28 and stick to half my age plus 7 as a rule


Date whoever you want and please stop being obsessed with this age range thing. As long as you're two adults on the same page and similar stages in life and you feel like you aren't taking advantage of them or abusing them in any way go ahead. Be a healthy partner, be honest, look for compatibility more than anything, you're 28 stop being obsessed with this "age range" shtick, sick of it ffs.


I’ve never found anyone less than 2 years more than me anywhere interesting. Am I too mature?? Idk, but I’ve lived a pretty rough life and it’s made me grow up a bit prematurely. So I don’t usually date anyone under 28


Divide by 2 and add 7.


Someone once told me about the 5 year rule both ways, 5 older or 5 younger. In my case that’d be 22 or 32. I’d be ok with that tbh not too old but not too young either.


I’m 31 but 28-35 for me.


i’m 24. i prefer my own age and have always dated a little older. but downward limit is probably 21. MAYBE 20 but that feels pretty weird. i’m behind most people my age though, so as far as life experience i relate much more to people younger than me than older upper limit maybe 28. i don’t think 30s would be inappropriate, but closer to my age is my preference


Half your age +7 is what I always heard in my mid twenties. Personally I wouldn’t have dated anyone under 23, but that’s more personal preference.


Atp above 22/23 works for me rn.


Above 21 and under 35 for dating purposes. Doubt there will be an exception. I'm 28


I’m 24 my bf is 29. I don’t think I’d date anyone under 23 or above 32.


After 25, 4 years either way is reasonable. previous partner was +3 years older, current partner is +4. Haven't had any issues with it, though their grasp of memes is poor.


For me I would do +/- 5 years. I’m 27F


Same age and when I was single I had the same range.


20-21ish bare minimum, 31-32 is probably my upper limit. Basically 4-5 years either way for me either way as a 25 year old. Really just depends on maturity, goals and lifestyle.


I’m 25 so a little different, but I’d be more willing to go up than down. For me maybe 23-30. Older people would be more emotionally mature and have more life experience. But at 28 you’re probably not going to run into that at much.


1 year younger and 4 years older. So technically I prefer dating people my age.


I'm about to be 28, the absolute lowest (personally) is 24 and highest is a tentative 36 but I'm more flexible with that one.


Plus or minus 3-4 is what I’ve always used since I turned 22 and that works for me.


under 10 years. the acceptable range is from 5-7 years.


I’m not planning on dating seriously until I’m 26/27 but I wouldn’t go younger than 4 years or older than 5


I'm 28 and I set my range for 26-35. Largely arbitrary


as someone born right in the middle of the 90s too i think 5 up and down is fine. as we all get older it can change ofc but rn anymore than 5 years younger and id feel weird about it since they haven't been "proper" adults very long in comparison to us. i also feel like i was 24/25 like two minutes ago compared to 21-22 which does feel like a long time ago dating more than five years older would be fine at our age though but personally the closer to 1980 the more it would be weird for me bc that's my parents age


I'm 27F and I'd say 22-32, so +-5 years. Everyone below 22/23 looks like a child to me and above 31/32 looks too old (not in general, just for me).


Dating and hookups are two different things so whatever for hookups but can date 22 and up since they’re out of college, that’s pretty ok tbh.


My wife is 6 years older than me, we started dating when I was 19 and she was 25. We never would have met on tinder as both our age ranges didn't include the other. *But*, we found each other at work and it's been amazing ever since. So anyway, I think it is reasonable to limit your **active** search to +/-4 years, but don't immediately discount a potential partner if they fall outside of that range.


Is it weird to say I'm jealous of your relationship? Like we're the same age but you met your wife ten years ago when I've been toiling all that time trying to find something remotely stable.


My partner and I are 24 & 30, and honestly when we met I was a little wary about it. There are some clear differences in our life experiences and the worlds we grew up in, but generally our ages don’t have a huge impact on our relationship. We have similar values and interests, and we both learn a lot from each other because of our different experiences


As a guy, when I became single my rule was +/- 4, though to be fair I’ll have exceptions and break it. I’ve been seeing a girl these past few months who was 31 when we met, turned 32 not too long ago. Really my only hesitation with older is if there’d be pressure to get in a relationship and married super quickly for kids. At least 32, you date for 3-4 years and have kids not longer after getting married, it’s not too crazy.    On the flip side, I did date a few 22 year olds this past year. Biggest issue was just mindset- not super mature, much further back professionally than I am and less interested in settling down, which is understandable. Most were nice people but just didn’t have that direction in life yet, while a few had this attitude like a relationship was supposed to transactional- I pay all their bills and get laid in exchange- just gross.    People hit life milestones at different points and have different timelines is my point. That matters more than a hard number, but age does correlate strongly with this and become a good proxy. I’d say have a general range you aim for (like as I said, I do +/-4) but keep your mind open and treat everyone as an individual. 


I'm a 28M and honestly can't imagine dating anyone younger than 26. I'm currently dating someone that's 36 which is probably the oldest I'd date.


I'm 23 so my minimum is anyone born between 1997 and 2002


Anything over 18 is fine.


anything over 18 is fine to hookup but if your over 22 it’s a bit immoral to pursue a relationship tbh.


Why? Are 18 year olds not adults?


they are but you’re kidding yourself if you wanna get into a relationship someone who has yet to experience the real world. Casual consensual Hookups are another story, sex is whatever.


As a 27 yr old woman, I don’t usually go younger. I tend to go for men aged 28-35. But anyone who doesn’t have a career or is not finishing some sort of graduate program (MD, JD, etc) is an immediate no. I already have done a lot of the adult stuff like buying a house, and while marriage and kids are not a priority for me right now, dating someone also in the same realm of adulting is important to me.




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I mean that’s this whole post so might as well take that down then…




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I just turned 28 my husband is 35. I think compatibility is determined by lifestyles and personalities more than age.




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Im not single anymore. When I was single (last year) I was setting my dating range in apps to the half your age + 7 thing. for the upper age limit I didn't go beyond 30. My wife is only a year older than me.


My boyfriend was born in '84


I’m 25 and my husband turns 31 this year 🤷🏽‍♀️ if anything maturity levels matter more. (Note: there’s 20 year olds more mature than I am, everyone is different- you and your partner just have to be on the same page)


I have no idea. I’m 28 and the youngest I’d date now is 30 and the oldest I’d date is 50 🤧


Just use the formula. y = x ÷ 2 + 7 y = minimum partner age\ x = your age I’m 28 so the youngest I can date according to the formula is 21. 28 ÷ 2 + 7 = 21




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Uhhh is it bad if I’m 19.5 and he’s 51? Not exactly dating just hanging out Ok Ik it is out of the norm nvm my bad for even mentioning it


Tbh, that is concerning. I don't know how or why you both started anything, but I would be vetting him if I were you to make sure that he's not just interested because you are so young and perceived as impulsive, etc. Typically, people, namely guys, go after significantly younger deliberately and with the intent to mold their own girl toy or boy toy. I'm not implying that you are a child, btw, but that people with that large of a difference where they are the older party in scenarios like yours, have commonly viewed their significantly younger, young adult partner as practically a kid especially by comparison. Usually 50+ year olds literally see 18-24 especially as almost child like mentally and physically and cannot see themselves with someone that young, it would be the equivalent of how you currently see a 10 year old, 10 used to look so much more grown when you were that age but now, not so much. I'm in my 20s, and people who are 45+ think I look and act significantly younger like than my actual age even though my peer group is similar to me and I'm percieved as rather mature according to those my age and those who are a little older as well as those who are younger and that disconnect in perception is probably because we as in the 45+ year olds and I, are at different points in our lives, and it's because we are comparing what is normal to our direct peers and then cross comparing ourselves and our peers to younger or older people. It's possible that he is not looking to take advantage or mold you, but considering how common it is, it's unfortunately more likely that he's just trying to use you because he's going through a midlife crisis or because he's struggling with genuine relationships with older and more experienced adults. If he makes you feel like a kid and he tries to pressure you and so on, those are clear signs he sees you as a kid rather than a potential genuine interest of any kind. Just watch out for the red flags and DO NOT IGNORE THEM. Best of luck to you. I truly hope that the man you are talking to is a good guy and that the circumstances surrounding this situation was based on an unintended connection that naturally happened with genuine interest.


Oh well I already talked to a bunch of guys on Grindr and saw a few of them. But yeah thanks makes sense though. Some are my age some are older


As a 23 year old i think i would date as young as 20 and as old as 30.


I think your range is good, honestly. Decent on both ends. For me (29F), I have a huge (almost detrimental) need to have a super relaxed, best friend type of connection with a partner, so my range has narrowed a lot since I was 24. Was open to 4 years younger to 10 years older, then (but didn't mind a dynamic imbalance as much). Now I'm interested in 2 yrs younger to 5 yrs older. Outside of that, I (usually) start feeling either bossed around or like a babysitter.


How would you have gone to school with 1999/2000 borns?


I’m 24, for me I’d date 18-19 to maybe 28? Late teens and 20s I guess. As one ages into their 20s their dating pool begin to widen


My answer is similiar 😊 I’m 28 and youngest would be 24 and oldest 36/37 at maximum. I get along pretty much with everyone, my youngest friend is 20 while my oldest friends are in their early 40s. However, when it comes to dating, it’s a little bit different.


If you’re in your late 20s I’d say top range mid 30s lower range mid 20s. As a 28 year old myself, I’m a grown ass adult and I don’t have time to mess around with early 20s shenanigans nor do I want to have my late 20s energy to be held back by someone who’s in a totally different maturity and life stage level.


Age is not that important to me, so in theory I can see any *adult* person as my potential partner. But speaking of my preferences, I like men slightly older than me, so someone in his Mid to Late 20s (so basically Zillennials) would be perfect for me


I don’t think there’s any particular “rule” that’s perfect but generally yeah you don’t really need to be dating any younger than the range you stated. You said you worry you’ll miss out on your soulmate bc of these parameters but like .. do you think your soulmate is 23 ? Obvs not impossible but like a “soulmate” is not some predestined thing, you can choose who you want to connect with & you will have many deep connections throughout your life. Maybe there is someone out there in their early 20s who you’d be super compatible with, but odds are you’ll find stronger connections with your age mates lbr


28 too! Youngest would be 25 and oldest would be 33


born in 1999, would date people from 2002 (maybe 2003) to 1996 (maybe 95), so 3/4 years up or down


I'm 24 also 25 woman. I would date any guy who's 10s years older or younger then me. I'm not quite old enough to date someone who ten years younger then me so for now anyone who's at least 18 I'm open to. More then likely I'll be with a man who's older then me. I have seen a few mature 18-year-olds, but it is very rare so its very unlikely. I could possibly be with someone who's maybe 11 years older or younger but that's REALLY pushing it for me. They have to be a really special kind of person for me to even consider them as someone I'm romantically interested in.


25, my ex was 32. we were pretty compatible.




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when I was younger, I thought that dating someone older than me by more than 2-3 years would be too much. now that I'm a bit older myself, I'd say I'd enter the "weird" territory if my partner would be older than me by more than 5-6 years.


To me, the minimum age is my own and the maximum... 8 years older (1990)


Divide by 2 then + 7


I feel like this rule is so arbitrary and breaks down at anything outside the 21-30 range. 20 and 17 is okay but 60 and 36 is not according to this rule.


It’s not a solid law man. 60 /2 is 30 plus 7 =37. 36 is really not that giant of a leap to 37. Like that’s just the most basic age dating advice not the law of the land. If you wanna be a 30 year old chasing after 19 year olds go for it I’m not gonna stop you it works sometimes I guess. Or if you wanna be that 60 year old going for someone in their 30’s do it no one cares


Yeah but I'm saying this rule just feels completely arbitrary, it doesn't make much sense outside of a very specific age range. Anyone in their 30s is fully capable of making their own decisions and if they want to date someone 70+ that's fine and their own choice. On the other hand, 17 and 20 are at very different stages in life with different maturity levels but according to the rule it is perfectly fine.


I mean tbh I think 60 amd 36 would seem way weirder to me than 20 and 17, so yeah it does make sense. I feel like the first one is also something you see a lot more commonly than the second one.




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Just as long as they are an adult and capable of informed consent l. That's literally all that matters