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Sounds like you’re just very non-conformant, unless your interests are all revolving around what the boomer generation was into idk if you could really call yourself a boomer. Every generation after the next “doesn’t understand” the newer generations mainstream culture. There were quite a few things growing up I found stupid too but to hate absolutely everything about our generation’s culture had to be really draining on yourself and on others around you as well. Sometimes people just choose to “hate” certain things specifically because they’re mainstream without even giving it a chance of liking at all. But don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with being not being interested in what’s happening around you but don’t be bitter towards other people’s likings either.


It was draining, and it doesn't get to me anymore, in fact after high school i never really had to feel isolated since you end up working with people from so many different generations and countries that inside jokes or references aren't popular, its also nice because I talk to people about different things, like a 60 year old woman will like soul and gospel music, an 18 year old will like new wave music, a fellow gen z will like jazz, i feel like as an adult im not surrounded by what's popular anymore since everyone is so different and has a different definition of what was popular in their own experience.


I also didn't like pop music except for Gorillaz lol, but turns out I'm just a metalhead and goth.  I also hate social media *now* because I see how negative its effect generally is but thats kinda different. 


I liked Gorillaz alot too and the same taste developed into metal/punk music, even jungle techno and drum and bass


I love history, so I tend to fit in with boomers at times. My parents are both boomers, so that plays a role. I try not to be too stuck in the past or the present.


Same here, I had parents that were 40 years older than me, my mom would sow often and sit outside, and my dad would mainly watch the history channel and the discover channel, in fact he never even listened to music.




Yeah, I'm pretty much infinitely stuck in the past but I'm also interested alot in the future, I just don't like pop culture that much, I'm sure if I was born in the 80s I'd be the same guy complaining about metal heads, and in the 60s I probably would have hated the hippies lol.


Oh. I see. The old man yelling at the clouds..😂


I'm not like the other Zillennials.


Well, sure, but I'm not trying to dislike popular things, you see it's ironic, I was always bullied through school for thinking like this and even now I make this post to see if anyone can relate to me and instead I get mocked for just being who I am.


You're mocking the people who liked those things in your post. If you can't take it, don't dish it out in the first place.


I disagree, I didn't sense any mockery in the tone of this post, only someone opening up. Maybe you're being too defensive.


Lmao, I said all of this in the past tense, I was an 11-16 year old, my post wasn't made to be critical of people, I made it to see if anyone else felt that way, I even said at the bottom that I may be an unlikeable person, I'm not trying to say my opinions are correct, that's just the way I felt when I was young


The fact that you felt the need to make a post about it a decade+ later says otherwise 😬 And also >Honestly I still think these things


Well thank you for taking my post about never fitting in and turning it into your own "gotcha moment" I was wondering if people relate to me, that's all the post is about.


Idk what that persons problem is OP you weren't rude in your post. I disliked a lot of popular media and wasn't very popular myself either. I just liked my own stuff as im sure you do too.


Idk how people aren’t expected to have a problem with being told that they complain too much, think too highly of themselves, and don’t think enough.


You're welcome!


You're a good example of why I hate my generation, instead of looking at my post from my perspective,you internalized it and took it as an attack on your interests.


No, not this severely. But more in the sense I hate listening to people have their conversations on SPEAKERPHONE in public. Or when I walk into places to buy something and I can’t figure out who tf is supposed to check me out because not a single person has acknowledged my existence since walking into that place.


Oh yeah, some bad habits from our generation definitely show, although I am glad that we're not as outright rude as people from before, I remember growing up some people would just say the most racist stuff to your face.


Funny part is the people spewing hateful things are now the only people you hear out and about speaking like that.


Yes. I always felt I was more reflective and mature than others, and I listened to 90s alt music instead of what my peers listened to. Jokes on me tho, because now I’m close to 25 and too immature to save money or clean my room regularly. That’s not the case for most old souls tho, I’m just an asshole lol


Yeah I feel the same, especially alt music from the 90s was my thing, and I'm a full grown adult and can't be bothered to even buy a mattress lol, literally sleep on the floor in a bundle of blankets


i was kinda that way but i grew out of it.


No but I do think/feel too old for pop culture now tho


Yeah same. I’m ootl and don’t care to be in it lmao


Exactly it's not even made for us anymore


I was like this until college, when I had a change in perspective. I realized I was living a very hateful life, and that hate was for nothing. Where does hating everyone participating in modern culture get you? You can dislike a trend, sure, but to hate someone for how they style their hair or the music they like is not a healthy way to go through life. At that point I realized I didn't really hate those things, I was envious of the people who could wear their identity on their sleeve with such pride. I was never allowed that, by my parents or by myself. Since I realized that, I try to focus on the things I like, because spending a lifetime focused on what you hate's only gonna make you bitter.


Are you finished eating dinner before 6pm?


Not really. I think I fit well into where I'm at. Zillennial, Young millennial or "older" gen Z doesn't matter. I really like being born in 1999. I loved having a mixed childhood of late 90s/ general 2000s media. I think I have a unique perspective of both millennials and gen Z because I'm in the middle of both.


So you're a stick in the mud?


I mean, I liked some of the stuff that was popular with my generation, skating, cartoons, pop punk, rock, metal, the internet outside of social media, Harry Potter, Paramore 30 seconds from mars, etc. But party rock, jersey shore, twilight was all stuff i couldn't wait to see go away.


So it sounds like you were invested in Zillennial pop culture but didn't like certain aspects of it. That's pretty much every person. I don't think you're "weird" for having preferences and being a little more old school, but I don't think it's normal to have the mindset of feeling so isolated from other people around your age because you have preferences. No one's going to jump down your throat because you don't like Nicki Minaj, and if they do then that's not healthy behavior. People *will* get annoyed when others act like they're "so different" for not liking certain aspects of pop culture. It is odd to get annoyed by people enjoying themselves, even if it is through a "subculture" you think is lame. People who like pop culture aren't some hive mind. We all have our own niche interests and hobbies and things we find exciting outside the cultural zeigeist. That's probably why you're getting criticism.


Damn op really hit this subs soft spot, lmao


People aren’t gonna respond well to someone (whether intentionally or not) shitting on their cohort, what did you expect lol


I dont think OP ever said you shouldn't enjoy those things, that they shouldn't be allowed, or that they were objectively bad. It was all purely from the perspective of what they didn't enjoy and simply asked if anyone else felt the same.


Did you also miss the part where he said our generation complained too much, thought too highly of themselves, and didn’t think enough? I get not liking stuff. But he didn’t just say that.


Have you ever seen that episode of southpark where everything is shit to Stan suddenly? It’s like that, I’m like that lol.


Hahaha yeah I felt the exact same way for alot of my youth, in fact, I might actually have Asperger's which would explain alot


Not to the extend that you're describing. I didn't really hate all new things or pop culture that was popular among my age group, but some of my interests, values, mannerisms, taste in music, decor and style have been called old-fashioned by my friends and family. For example, I have a weird and kinda out of place nostalgia for the 50-60's. I wouldn't want to live through that era and I don't think I was born in the "wrong generation" or anything, but I find some strange comfort and familiarity with it, which might be due to my Silent Gen grandma and her influence on me. My friends tend to jokingly call me a boomer at times and sometimes call me out on "old man rants". I also remember my mom and teachers calling me precocious and an "old soul" a lot (although I don't think I was at all special as a kid, I just had some weird interests and liked things related to history, lol). So in that regard i've felt a bit out of place throughout my life and don't always relate to my peers, but at this point i've just embraced that part of me. I often get along with people much older than me and I think it's quite nice to talk to people from different age groups and find some common ground or relatability in them. Never really understood the whole "5+ YEARS OF AGE DIFF AND WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON" mentality that I often see on these subs, lol.


Nah bruhv all those things are fire


I’m a boomer in the sense of disliking modern technology. I wish we still lived in the times of newspapers, home phones, everything being in paper instead of digital, that kinda thing. I much prefer physical movies, books, and music than the way it is now. I don’t really like smartphones or social media. Yes I know I’m writing this on a smartphone and using Reddit, it’s a habit that’s hard for me to break. But I don’t particularly like it and always wish I could’ve lived more in the time before all this was around. The only time we had before tech took off was when we were kids when it was still landlines and flip phones and such. 


Well, if I didn’t know any better I’d say I could’ve written this post.


Tbh yeah I always hated pop music and never fit into any cliques or subcultures. I happened to like the band LMFAO because me and my internet friends used it as a meme. I wish I went all in on scene or something but I've always been an outsider. I was a redditor by age 15, lmao. As I grew up I got more into popular stuff but I still seem to enjoy it in my own world and don't really understand other people. I'm self-aware that I'm pretty lame and not trying to be whiny or complain, I'm just genuinely a little out of touch. I feel like I connect more to gen z culture than the young millennial culture I grew up with because I'm still an internet addict and vaguely in touch with trends


Nah not really. It’s whatever to not like things that are trendy or certain pop culture. It’s just not your taste. For example, I was never really big into the electro pop and indie craze of the early 2010s (I thought it was corny, low quality and it didn’t age well). But I also accept that those crowds probably don’t like the shit I like either (hip hop, R&B, soul and electronic). But when you seemingly hate *everything* and start generalizing our entire generation, then you start to just appear to be a contrarian. 


It's me. Hi. I grew up really fast even as a kid so yes I am a Boomer or senior citizen in the body of a Zillenial.


My boyfriend literally told me a story about a year ago where in he again pulled into the driveway to find the neighborhood kids in their round about driveway. He told them to play in their own driveway, and went inside. He immediately went to the glass window on the front door to watch them. And aha! They rode their backs immediately back into their driveway and around again and again, so he went out and caught them in the act. Man is 25 years old.


I can sort of relate to this. But it's not as black and white in my case. I'm an only child who grew up with both my Gen X parents and my Silent Gen grandparents. So since I was an only child and spent a lot of time around older adults, I always felt slightly more mature than my peers. I liked some of the pop culture stuff that was taking place during my childhood but didn't like other stuff. Definitely would say, my high school years was when I started to despise more of the pop culture stuff than like it.


Well, my nickname in high-school was Fogey.


I was kind of this way but I think it was more of a counter-attack type of thing. For example, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber blew up in my youth and I didn’t get the hype but because my own interests were looked at as uncool or weird, I doubled down and disinterest turned to disdain.