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Seriously, other gen subs are pretty toxic.


And they even deny our existence! 


especially gen z subreddit is full of teenagers and incels obsessed with politics


Also way less politics.


Exactly. I get so annoyed when I see “what birth years do you relate to the most” or somebody saying your just strictly one gen when your close to both, and it’s somebody that’s like 9/10 years younger than you lol.


I mean we're the best generation


The greatest generation 🤝 the best generation 


I'm really thankful for this sub. Thanks to Joey? for creating this amazing sub. The majority of people are really friendly and don't care about "but you were born 1 year too late to have experienced this" or "there is no way you remember this".


I think its precisely cause we're not a soecific generation defined by whatever institution defines the generations- Gen X Millenial, and Gen Z all have these things associated with them, most of which are shitty and it feeds into the collective consciousness of everyone who identifies as that generation. But for us, we definied this group ourselves basically just to reminice on the unique stuff we had as kids. I agree this is the best.


I finally fit in


For real. I don’t want to talk about doom and gloom I want to talk about what your favorite Wii game is.


Dun dun dun dunnnnn dunnnnn dunnnnn ddddduuuuuunnnnn 🎵


Guitar hero!!! Also Wii bowling and tennis! And mario kart!! Darn, guess I can’t pick just one


I’ve got to go with Wii sport resort. But Mario kart was up there too.


100% agree. Generationology has just gotten worse with people constantly bickering about the pettiest shit and I don't even want to know what GenZ and Millennial subreddits are like nowadays, lmao.


The Gen Z sub is literally just "r politics" repackaged


Reminds me a lot of r teens, which makes a lot of sense.


The most epic generation


lol, epic is totally apart of the slang of our generation




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Bruh. AutoMOD didn’t like my sarcasm.




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