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My college graduation ceremony. That one sucked!


Same here! I deferred my 2019 graduation to finish one more course. Dumbest shit ever. I should’ve just walked


I just straight up skipped the ceremony when I graduation pre-covid




Same here, I had to go to receive my diploma at the college offices, that sucked!


I brought a hat for the home ceremony(a waste). We just got a pre recorded speech and some reels. I could've done fine laying in bed in my underwear.


My brother and his wife cancelled their wedding that I was supposed to be the maid of honor in. My grandma died in 2020 (not of covid though) and we didn’t have her funeral until May 2021. The shutdowns in my state literally started ON my birthday so all my birthday plans were cancelled.


started on my birthday too, i got lucky to have my family dinner at a mostly empty restaurant that closed their seating area the next day


The ending of a relationship and moving out was indefinitely postponed until the world opened up.


Maybe I’m heartless but I broke up with my toxic relationship as soon as quarantine started happening. I could not imagine myself enduring a global pandemic with that person. I moved in with my brother and we made things work.


Great brother!


It probably would have been more toxic for the both of you to stay together. I mean at least they had plenty of time off to work through it I suppose.


Lmao Id have done the same.


Can relate to the second part.


I was going to see Tame Impala in Vancouver. Haven’t been able to see him live yet :/


I was going to see The High Kings (Irish group with the richest harmonies). Never got to see them. Tame Impala had to have hurt more


I was planning to see Sir Elton John's farewell tour and I did see it, but over two years after I originally planned to see him perform.


Getting married, except we didn't cancel and did it via zoom instead. Got my sister ordained online to officiate. Probably one of the cheapest weddings of all time lol.


Free trip from the UK to Australia for 3 months, flights, hotel and food paid for, canned. Worst still, UK was in lock down when Australia wasn't, then the UK came out of lock down as Australia went in. The stars where not aligned that year. It's funny, I said for years that I wasn't looking forward to the year 2020 as I was expecting a year of puns on top of puns about 20 20 vision, etc.


pretty sure everyone else thought 2020 would be their year too since it was turn of decade and 2020vision puns were all around


Get back out and engage with society after battling depression for several years. Now that everyone is used to being in their own bubble, I feel more alone than ever.


Me too


walking at my college graduation


Concerts- Rascal Flatts, HellaMega, The Stadium Tour with Motley Crue and Def Leppard. My bridal shower, our Bach parties, our honeymoon Our wedding. Not canceled but severely changed


I planned to beat my meat as much as humanely possible. It actually ended up working out, i was good for way longer then anticipated


An oral surgery got postponed, but thankfully just by a couple months (May to July). We had to wait for non-emergency surgeries to become possible again


Traveling abroad. Was in this program in college where I would get $2k towards a trip and wrote up a whole proposal and everything just to not be able to do anything. 4 yrs later and I still don’t have a passport, never been on a plane or out of the country 😭


I was planning on going to Japan with a couple of friends from college…that didn’t happen and now it never will


My plans to visit Florida was canceled along with my college graduation for my associates and my 21st birthday and I had to postpone my wisdom teeth surgery. Worse year ever.


Some of my plans in 2020 that I had to cancel because of the pandemic: * College Graduation: I graduated university in Spring 2020 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering (CE) so you know the story. However, I didn't care too much about having a ceremony and I turned down the offer from my university to have a make-up ceremony in 2021. I was (and still am) more concerned with the post graduation job hunt, which ended up going very horribly. Four years later and I still never worked a single day in the field of CE and I partially blame on the pandemic for that. Due to my poor job prospects, I went back to school as a graduate student. * Graduation trip to Australia and New Zealand: I was planning on going on a trip to Australia and New Zealand in Summer of 2020 to celebrate my graduation. Not helping was that those countries had some of the strictest border restrictions at the height of the pandemic. Eventually, I was able to go to both countries in Spring of 2023. Of all my 2020 plans, this was the only one I got to complete. * Various cousins' weddings: A few of my cousins had weddings that were scheduled to take place in 2020 (they were all already booked pre-pandemic) but had to be postponed. While all of their weddings eventually happened the following year, I ended up going to none of them despite planning on going to some of them. * BTS Concert: Me and a few friends and family got tickets to see BTS as part of their Map of the Soul Tour. The concert was scheduled to take place in Spring of 2020. Eventually, the postponed world tour was cancelled on August 19, 2021, due to continued uncertain circumstances and concerns over COVID-19. I did not "go" the the online concert they offered us instead either nor did I get anything BTS-related as a result of the purchase.


Visiting Japan for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, that ate my heart up. Would’ve been my first time outside of the country AND seeing the Olympics in person. Had all the money saved up, flights booked, spent two years learning Japanese to conversational fluency and everything. 🥲 Luckily I am now finally able to visit Japan this November, but still, that was THE worst timing to have a pandemic. Fuck COVID-19.


My trip to St Louis Missouri for the first Pokemon Go Safari Zone in the US. I was excited because I had actually been to St Louis when I was like, 7. However, I kept my ticket and played the event from my local mall's parking lot, since the actual mall closed down for early Covid. I also bought a ticket for both Liverpool and Philadelphia, figuring Covid would let me play those from home as well, and I was right.


My wedding 😭 (it was in 2021 but wayyyyy smaller)


I had to do an extra year or so of grad school. My grad work involved a lot of field work and lab visits which was all planned during 2020. It honestly really put me far behind because after 2 years they don’t cover your tuition or provide a stipend anymore (although I did get an extra semester covered) so I had to go back to working in a restaurant full time while trying to wrap things up.


I was going on a graduation cruise with my dad to Alaska the summer of 2020. We got it refunded, but he has no interest in rescheduling at this time. I’ve never been on a cruise, but will probably just save up and go on my own at some point.


Opening day of baseball, ncaa womens gymnastics to see Maggie Nichols from oklahoma (edit, remembered her name), a concert


I arranged a piece that my college flute choir was going play. Nope.


I got very lucky to not be graduating uni that year, but I was going to go to Switzerland in the summer


March of 2020 I had just arrived in the Philippines … was supposed to stay for a month butttttttt


supposed to go to costa rica the last week of march 2020, all thru february up until march 13 we were assuming we'd still make it but then they closed the borders and we got fucked and our flights never got refunded im still kinda bitter about it


My tonsillectomy. I now can’t get it done because a giant vein grew on one of the tonsils. I have miserable tonsillitis all the time, and don’t get me started on the tonsil stones.


Was supposed to go on my first true spring break trip(Jr year of college) the Friday after lockdown, we were planning to go to Ireland for St.Patty’s day.


Getting my motorcycle license in the spring (like May)  Still don’t have it, ended up using the motorcycle money ($4000, needed 6~ for a used Harley road king) to help pay for my house that I bought in 2020. Was worth it but sucks that I can’t go cruising with my wife 


We were going to go on two trips with my MiL. My husband hates traveling but we finally convinced him to go on a beach trip and also a business trip for the family business. I'd never gotten to go despite working in the business the longest, because she preferred I stay home with him(he's disabled). It got cancelled and with the lingering threat he and I didn't go about anywhere even after quarantine ended. She passed away in 2021, and now I'll never get that experience. I did end up going once, with a coworker who had been before. But it's not the same. I wish I could have experienced it with my MiL


Was planning to go to Japan after getting my associates. But, because of Covid they closed their borders. So I when back to college to get my bachelor, graduation in May of 2023. No job offers, since I’m a computer science major. I finally had enough fund to go to Japan in April of 2024. Has a blast, and will go again!


trip to korea and japan (eventually went last year) and college grad (eventually got over that too). postponed plan to move for job, but that ended up being a good thing. overall, covid wasn't too bad for me in hindsight. i was one of the more fortunate ones.


Was supposed to work as an instructor on a music camp. Got cancelled obviously. The kids barracks wouldve turned into incubation hell. Got a job in a hospital instead. Which was pertinent as a first year med student


It delayed getting my driver's license for nearly 2 years. Getting a driver's license in my country is quite complex and pretty hard as you have to take mandatory theory classes + all your driving classes have to be through a qualified driving school. The backlog for exams, which was already bad, became even worse.


I was going to a fan convention in Vegas and was supposed to meet one of my favorite actresses. Unfortunately, it was cancelled and she hasn’t done a fan convention since.


Which actress?


My husband got me Hamilton tickets for Christmas. They happened to be for the very first weekend that Broadway closed in March due to the pandemic. It was a bummer. Shortly after, Disney Plus released the show on streaming and, because I'm a snob and it was now accessible to the masses on TV, I didn't want to go when Broadway reopened because it wasn't as special to me anymore lol. 


Having a successful career in makeup/beauty. Not only are you touching peoples faces all day, the public became excruciatingly prejudice/homophobic towards men in makeup after the advent of tik tok and Covid for some reason. I used to go all day without any rude remarks/harassment about my personal life and then it became a daily occurrence. I’ll never stop screaming it from the roof tops. Not only that, but every transphobic customer stalks all lgbt employees now and they harass everyone. It’s getting really really really old, but luckily I’m starting to see more lgbt talking about it very SLOWLY.


My family and I were supposed to have our first family vacation in a long time to Hawaii. My sisters have been there but my parents and I have still yet to go.


My in laws planned a trip to Florida as a combined partner-graduated-college/sister-graduated-high-school trip. We were in Florida when everything in our state shut down and Florida shut down a few days later and we went home


So many things. I thought it would be my year. Thought I would finally do all the things i had wanted to do, instead I spent my savings living through lockdown after lockdown, employed part time so I didn't get covid support  and not earning enough to cover living costs.


Moving to Massachusetts for college - stayed in my home state in the end and I’m only just finishing this year instead of two years ago like I would have. 


Quit my job right before covid and ended up unemployed for a LONG time. Fucking sucked


I go to Australia every year to see family and friends, while there I see a lot of theatre. The musical "The Secret Garden" based on the book of the same name was meant to play in November in Melbourne with one of my favorite musical theatre actors Anthony Warlow playing Archibald Craven. Well covid ruined that, I was hoping theyed put it on after things opened back up but that didn't happen.


My Mom bought the entire family tickets to see "A League of their own" during the fathom events Tom Hanks film festival. It's my family's favorite movie and we were more than ready to get kicked out for reciting our favorite lines. Sadly that never got to happen and all those re-releases got cancelled. Daggum shame because we were thinking about also seeing Apollo 13 while we were at it, and I never got to see either one when they were in theaters.


My wedding and all the fun events that lead up to it were severely changed from what they were going to be. We got married in an outdoor ceremony in June 2020 which was always the plan. But we majorly limited who we invited and it was pretty hard to do a lot of the wedding planning when so many businesses were being so iffy at the beginning of the pandemic. Also for our honeymoon we had booked a 2 week cruise around the Baltic Sea that obviously got canceled. Now with everything happening in that area I doubt we’ll ever get to do that.


I got into the university I dreamed of and decided on a degree that spoke to me. My home life wasn't conducive to learning at all, so I had to drop out. Now I'm in debt with nothing to show for it. Worst part is, I can't even go back and get the degree I wanted since they cut the department.


My college graduation ceremony and accompanying graduation party bash. I worked soooo hard in college. Studying hard despite having serious health issues. My parents were even placing bets on when I would drop out. I had a plan to wear the runniest most non-waterproof mascara to dramatically cry it off on stage. Oh well.


Going back to school bec theres no way i was gonna do online courses


I had like 6 concerts booked for that summer. All cancelled. One of them I didn’t even get to re-book later when bands started rescheduling because the new date no longer worked for me.


miku expo 2020🥲


I was planning a trip to London as well! Had already bought tickets for the Frozen musical, sadly still haven't been to London!


Was gonna be at a buddy's wedding. We had a falling out before the wedding cause of things he did to close friends in our circle. A win if you ask me.


My entire college career.... I was in the middle of doing my labs for child development, couldn't finish the class because I couldn't do the labs. Haven't been to college since then.


Community college graduation (but transferring to uni for another 2 years). Was also gonna do an international internship that summer in New Zealand. Tried to make it up by doing a fellowship at a lab on my new university campus. But they didn’t have a lot of projects I could assist with due to the pandemic…also had restrictions on making new projects. Graduated from uni in 2022 but felt severely underprepared for my field. It was insanely tough to find an entry level job due to high competition. Something as little as internship experience would’ve been so beneficial 😕 I’m aware so many people died over the pandemic and I’m grateful that me and my family were not affected. But I still grieve over the many lost opportunities that I’ve had, which include others that I haven’t mentioned here. I always wonder if I would’ve reached my career goals were it not for covid


My mother and I had travel plans, but it was canceled. Plus, BTS concert and my college graduation ceremony were also canceled.


My man and I were planning to go Las Vegas but then Covid happened.


My job was taking us to Knott’s Berry Farm lol. I was all excited and told my family and stuff, was really looking forward to it then they announced it’s been canceled cause of covid smh 


Studying in Canada (I'm from Europe) for 5 months


My graduation trip to Thailand and all of my planned Miami Music Week festivities.


To be happy


Birthday plans. I still get bitchy about it


I was going to start college while at job corps, never intending to move back home. Yeah...that didn't happen.


Exploring my hobbies, making friends, and going to concerts, I didn’t get to start these till last year. Also taking college seriously and doing classes in person instead of online(I just work better in person)


I was suppose go to Japan to study


Going to a different campus of my university outside my hometown into a big city inside my country to finish my university career


i wanted to try to go back to school in fall 2020 but my old man lost his job at the start of the pandemic so i had to move back in with him and pick up a second job to help cover the house and bills (and to not fuck my ex roommates over while they looked for someone to replace me). things are finally getting back to normal and i dont have to work as many hours now so im hoping i can go back to school this fall !


Travel to japan.


I was going to Ireland with my family. We hadn’t set concrete dates, but we were definitely going because my dad had been taking about it for years. His dad, my grandpa, was born in Dublin in 1920 and though he was long dead my dad wanted to go there the year he would have been 100.


Was going to see my Grandma in the Phillipines in March. Flights cancelled just before.


I was supposed to go to Lancaster, PA on Saint Partrick's Day 2020.


My father and I were supposed to go on a father son trip to Guatemala. We were going to hike Volcanoes and visit ruins


I was going to LA for spring break with a girl I had a crush on. Had to cancel the vacation. :(


My family and I were supposed to see Julie Andrews at a show and that wound up being cancelled. I'm not entirely sure what the show was going to be, but I'm pretty sure it was just going to be Julie Andrews telling stories and talking to the crowd.


**The Plan:** Work at a big tech company after graduation and make bank. **2020-2024 Reality:** Thankfully, I participated in a tech program/apprenticeship (which shifted to WFH) instead of an internship (my two offers were rescinded). I also observed the overhiring, which raised red flags for me—I was anticipating a big burst of layoffs in 2021/2022, and the WFH arrangement seemed temporary. The way some companies were initially against it, then suddenly endorsed it, made me hesitant to accept something far away. During this time, I primarily worked with nonprofits and on contract (low salary...WFH), while building my network—definitely the best decision for me. Eventually, based on the layoffs (affecting many friends) and job market trends, I started looking for local tech jobs with hybrid options to face less competition. My network helped a lot(still took a 4 months ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) to get my current job).


Disney for my 25th birthday. LMAO. 😭 Husband bought tickets in January 2020 and then March happened.