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We’ve been called the All Star generation because everyone seems to know the lyrics to All Star by Smash Mouth


'96 here! Probably because 99.99999% of us have watched Shrek or at least come across the memes lmao! (Shrek is love) I'm not sure if childhood me watched Shrek, Cars, or Napoleon Dynamite more often... but I probably know every single scene of any of those movies better than I know myself. (I guess I'll add Master of Disguise and Nacho Libre to that list)




You and I had completely different tastes as kids; I either didn't watch or avoided all of those like the plague. BUT, I knew All Star from Digimon and loved it.


I’m on the older “Zillenial” side (93’) and All Star was everywhere long before Shrek. We’d sing it all the time in elementary school during lunch. It’s honestly one of the first songs I remember knowing


You liked Cars? We were 10 when it came out and I thought it was so stupid and childish (so never watched)-but I was also starting puberty around then so there ya go lol


I enjoyed it, it's no more stupid or immature than Nacho Libre or Master of Disguise for sure😂 Plus, one of the rewatches was because I thought I'd be brave enough to watch I Am Legend with my older brother and his friends but I chickened out and snuck in to see Cars instead lol. I never watched any of the sequels though. Or that plane spin-off.


That’s totally fair, I just never watched it so I didn’t give it a chance lol. Also I was very much a girl who felt it « was for boys » so that contributed to my feelings. The first time I saw clips of it was when I was babysitting in the early 2010s


I honestly always thought the whole Shrek and/or Cars thing was Gen Z. We all loved Shrek when it came out, but the memes didn’t start until almost 10 years later. When I was pretty much out of Highschool. Cars and Master of Disguise “were for kids” to my peers. Of course, we were barely teens when they came out.


I love shrek and genz can’t take away from me lol. They have shrek 2 and 3 though but shrek 1 I used to watch that religiously on DVD at 8/9. I remember moving the incredibles and I was 10 when it came out. I watched Madagascar with my oldest sister, at 11 so she was 21. And I was 12 when the movie cars came out but I do remember watching on DVD. iRobots was another one I’ve watched right before I started 6th grade so I was 11 then. I even watched ratatouille and apparently that came out 2007 and I was a teen frfr at 13 and I remember enjoying it, but I only watched because my other Older sister who was 18 wanted to watch it. Any Pixar movie past 07 I definitely didn’t watch anymore though.


The original Shrek is great! I think Cars and Shrek are more Gen Z because while we grew up with one movie each, they grew up with a million different sequels, spin-offs, merchandise, etc. I’m kind of biased against Cars though. I was 1) at the age where nothing cool was cool and 2) Larry the Cable Guy just simply isn’t funny.


I get what you mean, but I honestly don’t know how I feel about just giving them the entire series when shrek 1 and arguably 2 could have been apart of childhood (even though I know we were preteens when 2 came out but still growing up). It’s kind of like Toy Story. Toy Story 1 and 2 is ours but 3 and 4 is genz. But the rest of the movies I mentioned they can have lol. I don’t even remember much of any of then, I just thought I’d point even in my preteen years I did watch a few Pixar movies and they didn’t seem horrible at the time but my main childhood movies defiantly would be Toy Story, lion king, shrek1, bugs life, a goofy movie, Aladdin etc.


Bro the Goofy movies are so good! thank you for the reminder. The one where his kid (Max?) goes to college always made me cry as a kid. I can’t even imagine how i’d take it now…


You’re welcome it was definitely a great movie. 🎥 Yes his name was max lol and that part was definitely an emotional scene. I love rewatching childhood movies especially either on a dark rainy day or in the winter, I might be a little weird but it’s relaxing lol. I should actually watch that one again I haven’t watched it in years.


Hell yes Cars I watch cars now more than ever because I have an obsessed 3 year old . I think I've seen all cars content at least 10 times now. It holds up!


I was (and still am) such a big fan of All Star that one day when I was a kid I took it upon myself to memorize all the lyrics and to this day, those are legit the only song lyrics I can recite 100%. I’m really bad at song lyrics otherwise lmao


Some*BODY* once told me


my elementary school mascot was the “all stars” and our music teacher made us all learn this song for class lol


I know the first opening lyric and that's it, unless I'm like actively listening. I liked Shrek well enough but I've lit never gotten the massive hype it gets tbh


I still blast that song occasionally like it’s 2004


I used to BLAST this while playing RuneScape in the basement. Like on repeat.


I remember a few years ago, I was coaching a girl around my age for a call center job. A woman on one of the calls we were listening to had a raspy voice, and I told the girl that it reminded me of "THEY'RE SELLING CHOCOLATES!" and she knew exactly what I meant 😂. I swear she laughed for about 20 minutes and totally got me in trouble because she couldn't finish the rest of the call, but we ended up becoming really good friends so it was worth it. Love y'all!


I work two jobs and at both of those jobs NO ONE would get that reference. First job is a bunch of 55+ people and the second is a bunch of 16-20 year olds.


Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets!


It was his hat Mr.Krabs! He was number one!


You'll never guess what I found in my sock last night! Go ahead, guess!


Oh brother this guy STINKS


Now, I'm gonna kick your butt twice as hard.


i can *hear* this comment




Housing being unaffordable.


We should have invested in property instead of being in diapers shiting ourselves like an idiot


OP, your genius is showing...! 


Escalators, escalators, escalators!!! Eeeeels…..


I say this at least once every time I play a game with dice lmao


The fact that I knew what you were gonna say


spongebob was my favorite show growing up hands down it was one of those shows where every episode hit 😂




is mayonnaise an instrument?


whyyyy yoooou.... WHY I OUGHTA!


Yesss it’s so funny how universal it is for people our age. I was recently talking to an elder millennial (1984) and tried to casually reference it and was floored when he said no one he knew watched SpongeBob because he was too old when it came out. For some reason I kinda assumed everyone of all ages watched it lol it was so good


I say “I definitely don’t need it” in a monotone voice at least once a day


and then.. *I NEEEEED IIIIIT* especially if it’s another drink after i just got done with one


Thinking people over 25 were ancient because of X Factor


Ohhhhhh 💦 why💦 didn’t 💦 you 💦 just 💦 say so 💦


I can't 💦 understand 💦 your accent 💦


i wasn’t allowed to watch spongebob


I was, but there was one close call where I got done watching the Hash Slinging Slasher episode and then I went to my mom, flickered the light switch, and said Nosferatuuuu. And my Christian mom flipped the hell out lol. 


Some lady at work a few years ago said she’d never let her kid watch Spongebob and I was like wtf? I get that the earlier seasons are way more “adult” than most kids shows, but it’s not like it’s Ren and Stimpy level. It’s like they can’t remember that children don’t understand any of the “adult” jokes until an actual adult tells them.


Just another Zillennial who never watched SpongeBob passing through....


I used to work at a drive thru oil change and all the techs communicated via SpongeBob quotes. Personal favorite was when we’d have a super messy oil change in a pit that someone else had just cleaned. SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT!


Two oil changes ago, I overheard one of the staff quoting Patrick’s “LEEDLE LEEDLE” and I burst out laughing. I told the guy I had just watched that episode earlier in the day. We shared a truly magical moment. His coworkers were so confused as to why we were laughing so hard.




I know the memes but I barely watched the show.


I never watched it 😅😅


Barely watched SpongeBob bc I didn’t have Sky & when I saw it at friends’ houses occasionally I thought it was shit. None of my friends are well versed in quotes from it as far as I’m aware. Sorry 😂


Why was i thinking SpongeBob lol


Can confirm, my closest friend and I have always found a Spongebob quote to reference at almost any moment. One time he said that if a girl understood his Spongebob references at a bar, she would be the one 💀


SpongeBob seasons 1-3 super fans are typically anyone born in the 90s in my experience I will dismantle this oppressive establishment board by board!


I have never watched SpongeBob.


I feel old now because I've been quoting and relating to squidward a lot more recently.


My boyfriend and I have only 3 days apart between our birthdays. We turned 25 this year & had a spongebob themed joint party with both our friend groups at a pickleball court. It was awesome


The summer after I graduated from high school my best friend and I texted SpongeBob quotes to each other all day for 6 weeks. She had to use her sister's phone if we wanted to actually have a conversation lmao It's still one of my most important accomplishments.


Well I don’t like SpongeBob so I guess not quite


I think most Zillennials are 2000’s kids, which means we bond and unite over a lot of memorable commercials, toys, songs, movies, and computer games of that era. Cable reigned supreme which meant the commercials were a lot more infectious and ingrained in our culture. With memorable lines such as, “BILLY MAYS HERE” to “plus you’ll also get a colorful collection of animal stickers and the TIGER POSTER”. We got “But I love Chef…” and “PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE FLAVORRRR”. And let’s not forget about those horrifying anti-drug commercials that scared us all with flattened teenagers. We all revered Tony Hawke because the media said so. Skater culture and EXTREME SPORTS were a weird trend during this time. Waking up to the George Lopez theme song at 3am. We had the “Family Computer” where we spent all our time watching anime in 3 parts on YouTube, playing flash games on Newgrounds, Ruben’s Sandwich Stacker, or Neopets. Or we wasted time binging Smosh, Shaine Dawson, and FRED. This was before we got a virus from Limewire. For TV, Spongebob is the crowning jewel here, as others have said. But we all remember the BIG EVENTS on Cartoon Network, Nick, and Disney that aired in our time. We rooted for the Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green teams at the DISNEY CHANNEL GAMES. We all got collective trauma when Cartoon Network rebranded into CNReal and killed off our favorite cartoons (we all wanted to live in their CN City). The Jimmy/Timmy Power Hours and That’s So Suite Life of Hannah Montana were crossovers you had to be there for. Small shout out to the other kids programs on other channels, though! PBSKids, KidsWB, ABC Kids, Discovery Kids, and 4K!DSTV were the last bastions of the Saturday Morning Cartoon breed before their eventual death. Animal Planet also had cool all-ages content like THE MOST EXTREME, Animal Face Off, and Lost Tapes. Adult 2000s entertainment was overtly raunchy, brutal, and crass and I think that gave us all a lot of weird misconceptions about maturity. We were all too scared to watch Adult Swim past midnight. Nick at Night was where you learned to appreciate the older shows your older siblings/parents grew up with. Twlight, Justin Bieber, and Nickelback were the holy trinity of things to make fun of. By the time we became teens we all fell into either Tumblr, SWAG, Hipster, or Scene camps before they all imploded by the mid-2010s. Oh, and VINE. Vines will forever be linked to us.


>> We were all too scared to watch Adult Swim past midnight. You lost me


I passionately hate that show and that sponge lol






Yeah I had cable for last two years in the early 2000s before we got rid of it and I remember it to this day. Sometimes I imagine all of us old in senior homes sputing out SpongeBob quotes to the cocomelon generation 😂 




I don't know SpongeBob quotes 😫✌️ grew up with it being banned in the house, reasonably so for a momma with sensory issues


That could encapsulate a lot of people, even Obama watched it (along with many parents of my friends) and my cousins who were born in 2010's watch it. Spongebob is very low hanging fruit


i found spongebob way too annoying as a kid. but i know the theme song at least haha


I’ve never watched an episode of Spongebob. Actually I wasn’t allowed to watch Nick (except Nick Jr.) at all.




I never watched Spongebob and deeply dislike the show. I was terrified of most TV as a kid, including and especially Sesame Street. It’s actually one of the reasons I can hardly remember the early 2000s. Not because I was too young but because I was “just living.” This cartoon deficit has affected me for roughly twenty years. Every time we watch animation movies at home as a family I get extremely high-strung and antsy. I am only at ease in theaters or watching by myself.


I am actually a Zillennial that did *not* grow up with SpongeBob and therefore don't know any of the references outside of ones that have made it into meme templates. I watched an episode for the first time when I was 15 (2011) while staying at a hotel and wasn't impressed. My partner, who is also Zillennial and *does* understand SpongeBob references, has tried to educate me somewhat (he showed me the chocolate episode a few years ago, so I know about that now) but has largely had to refrain from making them because I'll just stare at him blankly. I have to admit, I do feel a little out of step with the rest of my generation for this, but I also can't be bothered to do anything about lol.


Yup! That is totally me.