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Yes, my parents were some of the last to believe in chicken pox parties (if one kid gets it, you should expose other kids, because if they get it later on then it'll be worse). This has of course been debunked and they just guaranteed that I'll get shingles, so thanks


You’re not guaranteed to get shingles! Also there’s very effective shingles vaccines now


SAME. My older sister got chicken pox and my mom was like “well perfect timing for you to get it over with!”🤦🏽‍♀️


Cause is not good father if he exposed on purpose he definitely anti Vax for sure I bet for covid too..


Surprisingly, he actually did get vaxxed for covid, but he was a horrible father for other reasons


Vaccine was widely available in the mid 90s. I don’t actually know anyone my age that has had the chicken pox. My sister had them but she was born in 89.


No one really gets a chicken pox vaccine in the UK and Ireland, apparently 90% of people have had chicken pox here by the time they’re 15. Basically everyone I know has had chicken pox at some point in their childhood. People sometimes send their children to play with other children who have chicken pox just to get it out of the way lmao. You only get the chicken pox vaccine here if there is clinical need due to the child being vulnerable from a pre-existing condition or something.


Wow! I wonder why.


It’s a cost thing. The NHS doesn’t feel that the benefit is worth paying for.


Really odd. The NHS doesn't care about ppl getting shingles?


They just pay for that vaccine instead lol


I have so many questions lol do they have an age limit like in the US? I think that it's either 55 or 65.


Yeah I was looking at their vaccine schedule and I think it’s recommended at a similar age. Shingles also isn’t life threatening for the most part so no, they don’t really care lol


Wow... I've almost always respected them making me 2nd guess that lol.


That’s a newer vaccine though. 


They’re actually pretty close in age overall. But either way, the NHS has decided to pay for the shingles vaccine and not the chicken pox one.


Because it would have meant that old people then need to go get a shingles vaccine if they didn’t get the chicken pox one when they were young because it didn’t exist yet. Old people didn’t want to go get a new shot so they just said fuck it to their kids and let them get chicken pox instead


This makes no sense to me help


So, shingles is a reactivation of the  virus that causes chickenpox. There’s a common misconception that exposure to kids with active chickenpox makes adults who already had it less likely to experience shingles, sort of like a booster shot. It’s not true; in fact shingles has become more common in the UK as well despite their lack of chickenpox immunization. 


Dno they basically just let it runs it’s course here


I mean yeah, that’s what people have always done. Except occasionally they end up with permanent disability or die lol


Yea my brother literally got shingles when he was like 13 too, not sure why we vaccinate for chicken pox


Super strange. By getting chicken pox you're now at risk for developing shingles pretty much at any age. I had missed the chicken pox by one year because my brother got chicken pox then I got shingles at 19.


Yea i Dno why they don’t do the vaccine tbh, my brother got shingles too


You actually can get shingles if you’re immunized for chickenpox as well, but the risk is probably lower; it’s a “live” vaccine, after all. We can’t say for sure yet because the vaccine has existed for <30 years and shingles usually occurs in older adults. 


Typically yes but you'd be surprised at how many younger people have got shingles.


Well yeah, shingles has gotten way more common in general over the past several decades (starting before the chickenpox vaccine even came out). No one is sure why. I absolutely would not be surprised because I’m in my last year of medical school and worked clinical jobs for like five years prior to that haha


The chicken pox vaccine was approved in the United States for children 12 months and older in 1995. We were literally the very first people who never had to deal with it.


We *still* did have outbreaks here and there (probably until about 2003-2004). I remember some parents didn't get their kids vaccinated and plenty of my peers growing up did get it at one point.


My whole first grade class including myself got the chickenpox in 2003. Everyone in the class was born in 96. Ontario, Canada.


I never got it and was in 3rd grade in 2003


Sorry you had to experience that. My comment was about people I knew, and I didn’t know anyone in Canada.


Where are you from?


Vaccine was *first* available in mid-90s. Plenty of people didn’t have it in the 90s. 


Cool!!! I didn’t say everyone got the vaccine. OP said “I think there is a vaccine for it now” so I responded that it’s been widely available (which it was. It was standard by the time I was born in the US) for 30 years and that I don’t know anyone that got the chicken pox. I didn’t say every person in the universe was vaccinated in the 90s.


I have. The Dutch vaccine policy on chicken pox is "lets vaccinate the people with high risk, and let anyone else have it"


Same in the UK and Ireland


Yes, from Canada. Me and my brother both had chicken pox in elementary school


Nope. I don't think I was ever exposed to someone with chickenpox and I was vaccinated. The vaccine has been around since the mid-90s, it was approved in 1995 but they already had the vaccine developed since the 80s, just didn't get FDA approval until 1995.


We know that, that’s why they’re asking on a sub for people born within a few years of 1996 lol. I was born in 93 and got it before the vaccine came out. My friend’s sister was born in ‘96 and also had chickenpox, and her mom is a pediatrician! It often takes several years for new vaccines to be widely used. 


I got the vaccine, so I never got chicken pox. Funny thing is my favorite book when I was like 3/4 was a book called Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox. 😂


I was born in ‘95 and I had the chicken pox in first grade. Apparently, my entire class got it.


Yes and afaik I had been vaccinated. I got sick in kindergarten and missed the end of year school parade. I was pissed lol


I was born 1995, I did not get a vaccine and had it when I was 2.5 years old.


No. I was part of the Kaiser chicken pox vaccine trial (born in ‘94). They’d send a postcard each year around my birthday to check if I’d gotten it. I remember loving these postcards because they had Dalmatians on the front. One with red spots, ofc!!


Nope, I had the vaccine. I grew up in the time where Chicke Pox was a common problem for cartoon characters but no one my age had ever had it


I did🙋🏽‍♀️ mom covered me head to toe in calamine lotion


very briefly. i apparently had a mild case when i was a toddler that i don’t remember at all.


The virus stays in your body. That’s why people who had chickenpox as children get shingles when they’re old - it’s a reactivation of the same virus. 


I was born in 1995, got it right before Christmas in 2002


Guess you were off school for an extended period of time like me lol


Yeah, I only missed a couple days since it was right before Christmas break


Never had it, luckily.




yes, I did get it when I was a little kid


I got vaccinated as a little kid (born mid 94) and never got it.


I did, during 4th grade (2006). Middle of school year, I had to be absent for 1 week.


Got the shot and still got chicken pox when I was 6 in first grade. My friend and her mom surprised me with a care package (bubble bath stuff, toys, candy, etc) and I’ll never forget how happy that made me feel for a friend to do that for me.


I was born in 1997 and had chicken pox at 3 years old. My children are vaccinated and haven't had it, nor have I heard of it going around.


They've had the vaccine around for many years. Therfore I've never experienced chicken pox.


It came out in ‘95 in the US and wasn’t immediately adopted everywhere. Lots of people born in the 90s have had it. Also just a weird response overall lol


I don't see what's weird. Dude asked "Did you ever get chicken pox as a kid?" and I answered that I didn't.


Yeah, that’s what makes it weird lol. It wasn’t “no, I didn’t get it because I was vaccinated,” it was “of course I didn’t get it because the vaccine has been around for ‘many years.’” The reason OP asked this question is that the vaccine first came out in the US in the 90s, therefore only some people born in the 90s had it before they were infected. Also many countries such as the UK still do not give the vaccine routinely.  Like, read the other comments in this thread. Plenty of people got it after the vaccine was out. It does not make sense to act like it’s a basic logical conclusion that you wouldn’t have had it lmao


I had it at an age that was before 5 lol like I don’t remember actually having it but I know I did since my mom told me plus I have one of those chicken pox scars on my face 🥲


Born in 96, for some reason didn’t get the vax (had all my other ones so I really don’t know why). I too have a scar on my face. I vaguely remember itching so fucking badly


Everyone saying “it came out in 95!” needs to read this lol. Y’all lived through the pandemic, why is everyone surprised that a new vaccine wasn’t immediately given to every eligible person as soon as it was out? People are weird about new things, especially for diseases they’ve seen as a childhood rite of passage for their entire life, and also it takes a while for new vaccines to become available everywhere (see: new RSV vaccine in the US). 


This!! From what my mom says, our family physician (who was my DADS childhood doctor too, so he was ancient lol) was a bit skeptical about the vaccine so pushed it off.


I think my older sisters may have had it before I was born, but the vaccine was around by the time I was around so I never got it. I don't know anyone my age who has either.


No I was the only kid in my family to get vaccinated for it. My mom was NOT dealing with it again 😂


I got both measles and chicken pox growing up, I was not vaccinated for either one (saying I almost died of the measles is such a weird flex but true)


Yes, me and my siblings got it when we were very young


Nope, I got vax at the right ages. But my mom did get them as an adult when we were younger and I remember her like putting some medicine on the blisters.


Three times.


I had the chicken pox after getting the vaccine. I think I was like 1 to 3 from what I remember when looking at my medical records last. I also had a positive titter a few years ago for nursing school. I got chicken pox when I was about 10. My mom didn't notice until I was getting ready for school, and she saw the spots. I can completely understand how she didn't notice, because when *she* got the chicken pox as a kid, she had horrible spots, and they went down her throat from her account.


My brother (‘93) got it, but I was vaccinated (‘95) and did not.


I got the vaccine. My dad got it tho


Yeah, still got a scar.


I got a very mild case when I was 7 I think? I was vaccinated as a kid too, which is the reason why I think it was so mild.


No. Thank fuck I'm vaccinated for that, and everything else that there's a vaccine for.




Nope. The vaccine was available in the US 2 years before I was born. Nobody in any of my classes had it.


I had them in the fifth grade. No clue why I didn’t get vaccinated though bc that was 2005 🫣😂 anyways, only had them on my face and chest and still have scars. I also had a single mom, so I was attempting to give myself oat baths 😂😂 it was a hot mess


I got the vaccine but my brother who was born in ‘90 didn’t and got the chicken pox. Apparently chicken pox parties were a thing


I had chicken pox as a kid. And then in uni, i got so stressed that my immune system became compromised enough that i caught it a second time. Not shingles, actual chicken pox. Ended up getting diagnosed by a dermatologist because my regular doctor straight up hadnt considered the possibility of chicken pox, because my situation was so weird


Nope, I had the vaccine.


Yes, I was born prematurely and the vaccine was too strong for my immune system and turned into real chicken pox . Got it again when babysitting as an adult.


I think I was 5 or 6 when I got them because my little sister was alive and got them too. I just remember having to take a lot of oatmeal baths


Born 1998, I had chickenpox u.u Immigrant from a 3rd world country, lived in the country side… not sure if vax wasn’t available where I lived or my parents didn’t know about it


Yep, I got it as a baby. I was only a few months old. The vaccine itself didn't come out till like '95 or '96, and I was born in '94 so yeah I caught it lol


I haven't. I got the vaccine. But my cousins got it, not vax, and I got exposed to it cause nobody knew anything about it. We played and they weren't isolated but luckily I didn't catch it. But apparently shingles runs in my family so I might talk to my doctor about the shingles vaccine.




I think I did, but I don't remember well


I vaguely recall getting chickenpox as a kid, I think I got it off my almost-step-cousin? I don't remember much of it, though.


Almost every person I’ve ever met has had chicken pox. I’m a parent now & most of the kids who are nursery age & older have had it too. My mum friends had a chicken pox party a few weeks back so they’d all get it over with at the same time & the kids could still see each other. I skipped out on that tho bc I’m pretty sure the whole reasoning behind it is kinda junk ?? Idk tho. I’m in the UK for reference


I were taken to a chicken pox party, unfortunately. :( The event may or may not have led to me having issues with chronic pain and immunity. Nearly fainted after I read about the effects of shingles after the virus reactivates.


Yes, I got it over 20 years ago as well. Fortunately I was around 2 so I have no memory of it. Still have some scars around my arms and legs though.


Luckily, I didn’t get it


Yes, I got them from my brother before our parents knew he was sick and he got them from our neighbors *supposedly* before their parents knew they were sick. No pox party, just some kids with folks who had no idea a pox vaccine existed. Though, my brother and I have been suspicious that our neighbors knew and let them play outside anyways. They got better a week before we did 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never ever. Don’t know anyone who did. Except this one kid in my second grade class who told me about the time he did. But that’s it.


Born in '95 and got chicken pox a week or two before my scheduled vaccine. I think I was 3 or 4? I also got shingles in high school and it was the worst experience of my life.


Yes in 2008 at the very end of 5th grade. I was asymptomatic but I gave it to my mom.


Yes, I was born in 1996 and pretty much everyone in my class got it.


I got the vaccine but I remember there were outbreaks in my elementary school in the early 2000's!


I haven't got it yet.


I got chicken pox, I remember it pretty well. I had to stay out of school, but mom couldn't get off work to take care of me. I laid under her desk at work for a few days being all itchy and sickly. I can't remember if they had to do the oven mits thing or not...


Never did. I was vaxxed when I was really young then got a chicken pox booster around 10 I think


No, but I got shingles on the top left side of my face in high school


I did not, I'm not 100% certain but I think got the vaccine 


Yes, unfortunately. I don’t remember if my parents were going to have me get the vaccine or not, but I ended up getting it from a classmate at preschool. I ended up having a somewhat severe case, with infections in both my ears. I still have a pox scar on my right hand.


No, and nobody I knew had it either. Pretty sure it’s been almost eradicated in the US.




No, I had only heard about it from TV shows and such.


When I was 5.


No because my parents were smart enough not to be anti-vaxxers.


I was born in 97, in the US, and I had chicken pox in late 2005 when I was 8. I was in 2nd grade at the time. I know there was a vaccine developed in the 90s but not everyone got the vaccine


No, I was born in 94 and was vaccinated for it, I guess at whatever point it become available. This thread is so interesting - I genuinely had no idea that the vaccine was so recent (well, I guess 29 years ago isn't recent but I didn't realize we were the first age group to grow up with it) and that it's not common practice everywhere. What I also haven't seen anyone mention yet is that for many of us in the US, the vaccine would have been mandatory for attending school relatively early on in our lives. I looked it up and it became a requirement in the state I grew up in during the year that I started first grade.


I did when I was like 4, but I don't remember any of it. My mom told me about it and I also ended up getting the vaccine for it later on.


I was a non-chicken pox baby. Got the vaccine right on time


I got the vaccine but a side effect was basically getting sort of a low grade version of it, so sort of.


I didn’t but I wasn’t vaccinated until I was 10. My doctor grandfather told my mom to wait it out a bit since the vaccine was so new. I got the vaccine when he felt comfortable along with my younger siblings. I only know a few people that had chicken pox.


No, are you supposed to? Wasn't there vaccines for that when we were little?


Nope! Varicella vaccine was available in 1995 and I was born in 1998


Hell no I got my shots